[The Thunderbolts Project, Japan Division]公式ブログ Takaaki Fukatsu’s blog

[The Thunderbolts Project,Japan Division] エレクトリックユニバース  電気的宇宙論、プラズマ宇宙物理学、 電気的観察物理学、解説、翻訳、 深津 孝明


Whatever happened to real science? 本当の科学に何が起こったのでしょうか? by Wal Thornhill

Whatever happened to real science?本当の科学に何が起こったのでしょうか? by Wal Thornhill | May 13, 2008 11:12 am Just as much of modern science has become self-serving in striving for status and funding, the theory of how science should b…

Matt Finn  Enigma of the Grand Canyon   Thunderbolts  マット・フィン グランドキャニオンの謎

Matt Finn Enigma of the Grand Canyon Thunderbolts マット・フィン グランドキャニオンの謎 ―――――――― グランドキャニオンの起源の物語が今でも専門家を困惑させているとしたら、あなたは驚くでしょうか? 標準理論の問題点は、コロラド川は、グレンキャニオ…

Stephen Crothers: The Parallax Effect on Short Hair | EU2014  スティーブン・クローザーズ:ショートヘアの視差効果

Stephen Crothers: The Parallax Effect on Short Hair | EU2014 スティーブン・クローザーズ:ショートヘアの視差効果 「私はアストロ数学-魔法の支持者ではありません。 今日の私の目的は、この極秘工作の方法の一部を皆さんに明らかにすることです。」 ス…

Mel Acheson  Charge Separation in the Mind   Thunderbolts  メル・アチソン 心に電荷分離を

Mel Acheson Charge Separation in the Mind Thunderbolts メル・アチソン 心に電荷分離を ―――――――― 電気的恒星は分子雲から始まるわけではありません。 それは電荷分離から始まります。 惑星や反射星雲のいくつかの点を除いて、私たちが宇宙で目にするもの…

Enceladus’ Cometary Plumes エンケラドゥスの彗星の噴煙 by Wal Thornhill

Enceladus’ Cometary Plumes エンケラドゥスの彗星の噴煙 by Wal Thornhill | March 12, 2008 8:16 am 377* [Saturn’s enigmatic moon, Enceladus, is a mere 500 km across.][土星の謎の衛星エンケラドゥスの直径はわずか 500 km です。] Today the…

More on Mercury’s Mysteries さらに詳しく水星の謎について by Wal Thornhill

More on Mercury’s Mysteries さらに詳しく水星の謎について by Wal Thornhill | March 5, 2008 7:29 am “[Those] who have an excessive faith in their theories or in their ideas are not only poorly disposed to make discoveries, but they also make…

Io and the ELECTRIC UNIVERSE®  イオとエレクトリック・ユニバース® by Wal Thornhill

Io and the ELECTRIC UNIVERSE® イオとエレクトリック・ユニバース® by Wal Thornhill | May 30, 2007 12:15 pm 365* [The book is now available from Mikamar Publishing][1]. “Compelling, highly readable, and superbly illustrated, this book p…

The Astrophysical Crisis at Red Square レッド・スクエア星雲での天体物理学的危機 by Wal Thornhill

The Astrophysical Crisis at Red Squareレッド・スクエア星雲での天体物理学的危機 by Wal Thornhill | April 17, 2007 10:21 am “The history of science shows that the progress of science has constantly been hampered by the tyrannical influence o…

Global Warming in a Climate of Ignorance気候の無知における地球温暖化 by Wal Thornhill

Global Warming in a Climate of Ignorance気候の無知における地球温暖化 by Wal Thornhill | February 15, 2007 10:42 am “As for the promised control of nature, it is in rout before nature unleashed.” -Jacques Barzun, Science: the glorious enter…

The Electric Sky – Interview with the author 『エレクトリック・スカイ』 – 著者インタビュー by Wal Thornhill

The Electric Sky – Interview with the author 『エレクトリック・スカイ』 – 著者インタビュー by Wal Thornhill | December 24, 2006 6:26 am―――――――― 〈「ただ懐疑的であるだけでは、新しいアイデアは伝わりません。 あなたはナンセンスが世界を支配して…

The ‘Spiral Galaxy’ at Saturn’s Pole土星の極にある「渦巻銀河」 by Wal Thornhill

The ‘Spiral Galaxy’ at Saturn’s Pole土星の極にある「渦巻銀河」 by Wal Thornhill | November 20, 2006 10:55 am Poincaré, at the conclusion of the preface to his book, ‘Hypothéses Cosmogoniques‘, states:ポアンカレは、著書『コスモゴニークの仮…

Nobel Prize for Big Bang is a Fizzer ビッグバンのノーベル賞はフィザー(失敗)だ by Wal Thornhill

Nobel Prize for Big Bang is a Fizzer ビッグバンのノーベル賞はフィザー(失敗)だ by Wal Thornhill | October 29, 2006 2:26 pm “There are some ideas so wrong that only a very intelligent person could believe them.” 「いくつかの考えは非常に間…

The Real Impact of Victoria Crater ビクトリア・クレーターに本当に衝突したもの by Wal Thornhill

The Real Impact of Victoria Crater ビクトリア・クレーターに本当に衝突したもの by Wal Thornhill | October 16, 2006 11:22 am “I don’t like the ‘terrorist geology of impact’, which is not the same thing as saying that no impacts have ever occ…

Voyager Probes the Sun’s Electrical Environment ボイジャーが太陽の電気環境を調査 by Wal Thornhill

Voyager Probes the Sun’s Electrical Environment ボイジャーが太陽の電気環境を調査 by Wal Thornhill | September 30, 2006 10:23 am “…with his [Birkeland’s] extraordinary intuition he had a feeling for the huge electrical importance of the uni…

Grey Matter vs Dark Matter 灰色物質 vs ダークマター by Wal Thornhill

Grey Matter vs Dark Matter 灰色物質 vs ダークマター by Wal Thornhill | August 28, 2006 12:19 am “And pray that there’s intelligent life somewhere up in space, ’cause there’s bugger-all down here on Earth!” 「そして、宇宙のどこかに知的生命…

The Madness of Black Holes ブラックホールの狂気 by Wal Thornhill

The Madness of Black Holes ブラックホールの狂気 by Wal Thornhill | July 30, 2006 1:42 pm “We find that whole communities suddenly fix their minds upon one object, and go mad in its pursuit; that millions of people become simultaneously imp…

The IEEE, Plasma Cosmology and Extreme Ball Lightning IEEE、プラズマ宇宙論、エクストリーム ボール ライトニング by Wal Thornhill

The IEEE, Plasma Cosmology and Extreme Ball Lightning IEEE、プラズマ宇宙論、エクストリーム ボール ライトニング by Wal Thornhill | June 30, 2006 12:19 pm This is a report on a few aspects of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engin…

Venus isn’t our twin! 金星は私たちの双子ではありません! by Wal Thornhill

Venus isn’t our twin! 金星は私たちの双子ではありません! by Wal Thornhill | April 22, 2006 11:45 pm “You are not looking at a twin [Venus] to the Earth at all. There are very many substantial differences, ..the differences are so great it …

Electric Earthquakes 電気的地震 by Wal Thornhill

Electric Earthquakes 電気的地震 by Wal Thornhill | December 21, 2005 3:56 am 〈Civilization’s interest in predicting the location and time of damaging earthquakes is clear. The potential for devastation of property that otherwise could be …

Voyager 1 at the Edge – of what? ボイジャー 1 号の最果て – 何の? by Wal Thornhill

Voyager 1 at the Edge – of what?ボイジャー 1 号の最果て – 何の? by Wal Thornhill | November 13, 2005 3:39 am “The observations that are not explainable by current scientific theories are the most valuable, for they may propel the field for…

Hyperion’s History ハイペリオンの歴史 by Wal Thornhill

Hyperion’s History ハイペリオンの歴史 by Wal Thornhill | October 7, 2005 3:27 am 〈On September 26th, Cassini successfully performed its closest flybys of Saturn’s moons Tethys and Hyperion. Hyperion (seen below in false color) is a strang…

Comet Tails of the Expected 予想される彗星の尾    Wal Thornhill

227* Comet Tails of the Expected 予想される彗星の尾 September 13th, 2005 Wal Thornhill EU Views Specific predictions were made almost four years ago on this website about the possible effects to be observed in the Deep Impact experimen…

Supernova 1987A Decoded 超新星 1987A を解読 by Wal Thornhill

Supernova 1987A Decoded 超新星 1987A を解読 by Wal Thornhill | August 24, 2005 5:37 pm Supernova 1987A is the closest supernova event since the invention of the telescope. 超新星 1987A は、望遠鏡の発明以来最も近い超新星現象です。 It was fi…

Comet Tempel 1’s Electrifying Impact  テンペル第 1 彗星の電撃的な衝突 by Wal Thornhill

Comet Tempel 1’s Electrifying Impact テンペル第 1 彗星の電撃的な衝突 by Wal Thornhill | July 13, 2005 9:39 pm 215* [1]This spectacular image of comet Tempel 1 was taken 67 seconds after it obliterated Deep Impact's impactor spacecraft.…

The Deep Impact of Comet Theory 彗星理論のディープインパクト by Wal Thornhill

The Deep Impact of Comet Theory 彗星理論のディープインパクト by Wal Thornhill | July 3, 2005 9:16 pm (I hope my readers will forgive the absence of news items for the past few months while I took a break and gave some presentations in Euro…

The Dragon Storm ドラゴンストーム by Wal Thornhill

The Dragon Storm ドラゴンストーム by Wal Thornhill | March 26, 2005 10:53 am A news item headlined “The Dragon Storm” appeared on the Cassini mission website on February 24. 「ドラゴンの嵐」 という見出しのニュース記事が、2 月 24 日にカッシ…

Columbia downed by Megalightning  メガライトニングでコロンビアが撃墜される by Wal Thornhill

Columbia downed by Megalightning メガライトニングでコロンビアが撃墜される by Wal Thornhill | February 8, 2005 11:00 am The second anniversary of the Columbia disaster passed almost unnoticed on February 1. コロンビア号災害から 2 周年は、2 …

Saturn’s Strange Hot Spot Explained  土星の奇妙なホットスポットの説明 by Wal Thornhill

Saturn’s Strange Hot Spot Explained 土星の奇妙なホットスポットの説明 by Wal Thornhill | February 5, 2005 10:48 am 204* [Mosaic false-color image of thermal heat emission from Saturn and its rings taken on February 4, 2004, with the Ke…

Megalightning at Saturn  土星のメガライトニング by Wal Thornhill

Megalightning at Saturn 土星のメガライトニング by Wal Thornhill | December 25, 2004 9:17 am As NASA’s Cassini spacecraft approached Saturn last July it found evidence that lightning on Saturn is roughly one million times stronger than ligh…

Titan puzzles scientists タイタンは、難問で科学者を困らせる by Wal Thornhill

Titan puzzles scientists タイタンは、難問で科学者を困らせる by Wal Thornhill | November 29, 2004 8:36 am On October 26, NASA’s Cassini-Huygens spacecraft swung by Titan at a distance of less than 1200 kilometers, the first of many fly-bys …