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[The Thunderbolts Project,Japan Division] エレクトリックユニバース  電気的宇宙論、プラズマ宇宙物理学、 電気的観察物理学、解説、翻訳、 深津 孝明

Voyager 1 at the Edge – of what? ボイジャー 1 号の最果て – 何の? by Wal Thornhill

Voyager 1 at the Edge – of what?
ボイジャー 1 号の最果て – 何の?

by Wal Thornhill | November 13, 2005 3:39 am

“The observations that are not explainable by current scientific theories are the most valuable, for they may propel the field forward in the next cycle of innovation, possibly to a paradigm shift.”
– Don L. Jewett, 
– ドン・L・ジュエット

What’s Wrong With Single Hypotheses? –It’s time to eschew enthrallment in science, 
The Scientist, Volume 19, Issue 21
単一仮説の何が問題なのでしょうか?  –科学への熱中を避ける時が来ました。
『サイエンティスト』第 19 巻、第 21 号

It’s official
In Science magazine of September 23 are reports that Voyager 1 has passed an important milestone. 

The spacecraft, at more than 94 times the distance of the Earth from the Sun, has “crossed the termination shock,” where the solar wind is supposed to slow down before merging with the local interstellar medium.


This diagram shows the present position of the two Voyager spacecraft in relation to the solar system. 
この図は、太陽系に対する 2 つのボイジャー宇宙船の現在位置を示しています。

The termination shock is where the solar wind speed drops from supersonic to subsonic

The heliosheath is the more dense region between the shock and the heliopause. 

It is deformed because of the ambient flow of the interstellar gas, forming a comet-like tail behind the Sun. 

The heliopause is where the solar wind is stopped by interstellar particles. 

And the bow shock is where the interstellar wind runs into the solar atmosphere. 

To complicate matters, the magnetic field of the Sun is wound up in the solar wind like a clock spring.

As usual, all is not well with this picture. 

In a commentary, Len Fisk of the University of Michigan summarized the reports in Science: 
“Once again the mantra of space exploration is fulfilled: 
When we go somewhere that is new, we find the unexpected” 

Is this because astrophysicists work with a single hypothesis
 – of an electrically dead universe?
– 電気的に死んだ宇宙の、

The terminology used when describing the diagram above sounds more relevant to supersonic aircraft in our electrically neutral atmosphere than it does to the ionized and magnetized solar environment. 

There is no acknowledgement that only electric currents generate magnetic fields. 

It is a false doctrine in astrophysics that magnetic fields can be “frozen in” to plasma. 

Hannes Alfvén, the father of plasma physics, pointed this out in his Nobel Prize acceptance speech in 1970! 
プラズマ物理学の父であるハンネス・アルヴェーンは、1970 年のノーベル賞受賞スピーチでこのことを指摘しました。

It should, at least, have formed the basis of a second working hypothesis that acknowledged an electrical dimension to the problem. 
それは、少なくとも、この問題の電気的側面を認める 2 番目の作業仮説の基礎を形成するはずでした。

But scientists often don’t follow their own rules of “best practice.”

The problem of sticking with a single hypothesis was noted as long ago as 1897 by T. C. Chamberlin in the Journal of Geology, “Studies for students: the method of multiple working hypotheses.” 
単一の仮説に固執することの問題は、1897 年に T. C. チェンバリンによって 地質学ジャーナルの「学生のための研究: 

He wrote:
“The moment one has offered an original explanation for a phenomenon which seems satisfactory, that moment affection for [one’s] intellectual child springs into existence, and as the explanation grows into a definite theory [one’s] parental affections cluster about [the] offspring and it grows more and more dear … There springs up also unwittingly a pressing of the theory to make it fit the facts and a pressing of the facts to make them fit the theory…”
 「満足できると思われる現象に対して独自の説明をした瞬間、[自分の]知的な子供に対する愛情が芽生え、その説明が明確な理論に成長するにつれて、[自分の]親の愛情は[その]子孫と[その]子供に関するものに集まります」 それはますます愛おしくなります…また、知らず知らずのうちに、理論を事実に適合させるために理論を押し付けたり、理論に適合させるために事実を押し付けたりする気持ちも湧き出てきます…」

This is the pattern of astrophysics.

Once established, the belief in and affection for one’s intellectual child seems to override considerations of commonsense and sometimes the principles of physics. 
Not surprisingly, there is a marked lack of interest in “killing” one’s “intellectual child.” 

Yet searching for alternative hypotheses and devising crucial tests is supposed to be the cornerstone of good science. 

Instead, when confronted with discordant data, the existing model is usually bent to fit or we are told that the problem will be fixed real soon. 

There are myriad problems in astrophysics waiting for a solution. 

We rarely hear about them. 

We see instead science-fiction headlines like today’s: 
〈 “Phantom energy may fuel universe-eating wormhole.”〉 
[New Scientist 11/11/2005].
代わりに、今日のような SF の見出しを目にします:
〈 「ファントム・エネルギーが宇宙を蝕むワームホールの燃料となる可能性がある。」〉

There is an alternative hypothesis about what we will find at the outer limit of the Sun’s domain. 

It has had plenty of time to percolate its way into the consciousness of astrophysicists, if they cared to look up from their mathematical computer models.

In a paper, supported in part by NASA, Alfvén writes:

“Since the time of Langmuir, we know that a double layer is a plasma formation by which a plasma
–in the physical meaning of the word–
protects itself from the environment. 
It is analogous to a cell wall by which a plasma (in the biological meaning of the word) protects itself from the environment.
“If a plasma is inhomogeneous so that the chemical composition, density, and/or electron temperature differs in different parts of the plasma, the plasma may set up double layers which split the plasma into two or more regions, each of which becomes more homogeneous.”
[IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, Vol. PS-14, No. 6, Dec 1986.]

In the above paper, Alfvén did a study of the most used textbooks on astrophysics and how they treated important concepts such as double layers, critical velocity, pinch effect and circuits. 

He found that:
“students using these textbooks remain essentially ignorant of even the existence of these concepts, despite the fact that some of them have been known for half a century (e.g., double layers, Langmuir, 1929; pinch effect, Bennet, 1934). [Make that three quarters of a century now.] The conclusion is that astrophysics is too important to be left in the hands of astrophysicists who have gotten their main knowledge from these textbooks. Earthbound and space telescope data must be treated by scientists who are familiar with laboratory and magnetospheric physics and circuit theory, and of course with modern plasma theory.彼は次のことを発見しました:
 [それから 4 分の 3 世紀が経ちました。] 結論としては、天体物理学はこれらの教科書から主な知識を得た天体物理学者の手に委ねるにはあまりにも重要であるということです。 

The solar plasma and that of interstellar space are two different plasmas, which must therefore have a “double layer” or Langmuir plasma sheath between them. 
太陽プラズマと恒星間空間のプラズマは 2 つの異なるプラズマであるため、それらの間には「(電気)二重層」つまりラングミュア プラズマ シースがなければなりません。

So to treat the heliospheric boundary simply as a magnetohydrodynamic shock problem is naïve. 

〈A second hypothesis to be considered when looking at the data from Voyager 1 is that the spacecraft is entering the Sun’s plasma sheath, which is protecting it and the planets from the interstellar environment. There is a very important reason for submitting this second hypothesis to rigorous tests. It is crucial to the electric Sun model.〉
ボイジャー 1 号のデータを見るときに考慮すべき 2 番目の仮説は、探査機が太陽のプラズマ シース(さや)に入りつつあり、太陽と惑星を恒星間環境から保護しているというものです。 この 2 番目の仮説を厳密なテストにかけるのには非常に重要な理由があります。 それは電気的太陽モデルにとって極めて重要です。〉

If the Sun is the local focus of a galactic discharge then the heliospheric double layer forms the “virtual cathode” to the Sun’s corona discharge current. 

Almost the entire voltage drop between the Sun and the interstellar plasma will occur across this distant plasma sheath.
太陽と恒星間プラズマの間のほぼすべての電圧降下は、この遠く離れたプラズマ シース(さや)全体で発生します。

Already we have strong evidence that the solar plasma conforms to the expectations of this model. 

It is the only model that can explain the strange constant deceleration of Pioneer 10 as it moved away from the Sun. 
これは、パイオニア 10 号が太陽から遠ざかるにつれて、奇妙な一定の減速を続けることを説明できる唯一のモデルです。
See Mystery Solved[2]. 
「謎は解決されました」 [2]を参照してください。

It is the only model that can explain the continued acceleration of the solar wind out among the planets. It is the only model that naturally requires a hot corona above a cool surface of the Sun. 
これは、惑星間で太陽風が加速し続けていることを説明できる唯一のモデルです。 これは、太陽の冷たい表面上に高温のコロナを自然に必要とする唯一のモデルです。

And there is much more.
What things should we be looking for from Voyager 1? 
ボイジャー 1 号から何を求めるべきでしょうか?

A double layer forms part of an electric circuit. 

It carries current and has regions of positive and negative charge density between which is a strong electric field. 
Alfvén notes some important properties of a double layer:

1.    it very often, perhaps always, produces noise and fluctuations. The noise production is often associated with strong currents through plasmas. 
非常に頻繁に、おそらく常に、ノイズや変動が発生します。 ノイズの発生は、多くの場合、プラズマを通る強い電流に関連しています。

2. it broadens the energy spectrum of electrons.

3. the noise is often incorrectly called ‘turbulence.’ It is such an important property of plasmas that theories which do not take it into consideration run some risk of being irrelevant.
Item 3 is important because astrophysicists believe they are dealing with mechanical shock turbulence at the termination shock boundary. 
天体物理学者達は、衝撃終了境界における機械的衝撃乱流を扱っていると信じているため、項目 3 は重要です。

Indeed, outside the termination shock, Voyager 1 saw that cosmic rays were coming from all over rather than from specific directions. Inevitably it was attributed to shock turbulence.
実際、ターミネーション(終端)ショック以外では、ボイジャー 1 号は宇宙線が特定の方向からではなく、あらゆる方向から来ているのを観測しました。 必然的に衝撃乱気流によるものと考えられます。
[What has Voyager 1 found in its new environment?]

From the report in Science:

1.    〈 “All the observations support a shock crossing. The magnetic field strength increased as a result of the compression at the shock, and there was a change in the properties of the turbulence; there were plasma waves characteristic of shock crossings; and the intensity of low-energy particles increased abruptly.〉
〈 「すべての観察はショックの通過を裏付けています。 衝撃時の圧縮の結果として磁場の強さが増加し、乱流の特性に変化が生じました。 衝撃交差に特徴的なプラズマ波があった。 低エネルギー粒子の強度が急激に増加した。〉

2.    It was the finding that anomalous cosmic rays (ACR’s) were unaffected by the termination shock that was the biggest surprise.
最大の驚きは、異常宇宙線 (ACR) がターミネーション(終端)ショックの影響を受けないという発見でした。

ACR’s are thought to be produced by neutral atoms in interstellar space that:
異常宇宙線 (ACR)は、恒星間空間の中性原子によって生成されると考えられています:
— leak into the heliosphere;
— 太陽圏の中に漏れる;

— get ionized by solar UV radiation or charge exchange with the solar wind;
— 太陽の紫外線放射または太陽風との電荷交換によってイオン化されます;

— are picked up by the solar wind and convected back to the outer heliosphere;
- それらは、太陽風によって拾われ、対流して太陽圏の外側に戻ります;

— are accelerated by the solar wind termination shock; 

— diffuse and drift into the inner heliosphere as cosmic rays.
The Science report states:

“This acceleration is the issue. 

Immediately upon ionization, the interstellar particles are picked up by the solar wind and acquire energies on the order of 1 keV/nucleon. 
恒星間粒子はイオン化するとすぐに太陽風に拾われ、核子あたり 1 keV 程度のエネルギーを獲得します。

They must be accelerated by four orders of magnitude to the observed energies of greater than 10 MeV/nucleon. 
それらは、10 MeV/核子を超える観測エネルギーまで 4 桁加速する必要があります。

The termination shock has long been considered the likely location for the acceleration. 

Indeed, the termination shock should be an accessible example of shock acceleration at work, just like the acceleration at supernovae shocks that is postulated to produce galactic cosmic rays. 

However, at the location of the termination shock seen by Voyager 1, there is no evidence of acceleration of the traditional ACR’s. 
しかし、ボイジャー 1 号が観測した終端衝撃の場所では、従来の異常宇宙線 (ACR)が加速した証拠はありません。

Low-energy ions, below 3 MeV/nucleon, are clearly and indeed abruptly accelerated, but the higher energy ACR’s, which we have been observing for decades, are unaffected by the termination shock.
核子あたり 3 MeV 未満の低エネルギーイオンは明らかに、実際に急激に加速されますが、私たちが数十年にわたって観察してきた高エネルギーの異常宇宙線 (ACR)は終端ショックの影響を受けません。

“The termination shock doesn’t perform as we expected; 
it is clear it is a shock, but not the prodigious accelerator we expected. 

Indeed, as Voyager 1 flies downstream from the termination shock, the intensity of ACR’s continues to grow, as if its source still lies ahead.”
実際、ボイジャー 1 号が終端ショックから下流に航行するにつれて、異常宇宙線 (ACR)の強度は増大し続けており、あたかもその発生源がまだ前方にあるかのように感じられます。」
The surprise concerning ACR’s is of cosmological importance because it throws into question the model of mechanical shock acceleration of cosmic ray particles. 
異常宇宙線 (ACR)に関する驚きは、宇宙線粒子の機械的衝撃加速のモデルに疑問を投げかけるため、宇宙論的に重要です。

Commonsense suggests that electrical particle acceleration in a double layer is far more effective. 

See Supernova 1987a Decoded to find that supernovae are not what astrophysicists think they are.
超新星 1987a を参照して、超新星が天体物理学者が考えているものではないことが解読されました。


Diagram showing the important electrical features of a glow discharge aligned with the heliosphere and with the Sun as the anode. 

Note that in a spherically symmetrical corona discharge the cathode glows and extensive positive column glow are absent because the drift current is spread through a huge volume. 

The heliosphere boundary is a double layer with charge concentrations shown. 

A reverse electric field is strongest at the point of inflection between the two charge concentrations.
逆電界は、2 つの電荷濃度間の変曲点で最も強くなります。

[Discharge diagram from J. D. Cobine's Gaseous Conductors.]

It is easy to see that we have within the solar plasma sheath a weak but constant electric field that accelerates solar protons away from the Sun in the form of the solar wind and causes electrons to drift toward the Sun (and causes negatively charged spacecraft, like Pioneer 10, to accelerate anomalously backwards toward the Sun). 
太陽プラズマの鞘の中に弱いながらも一定の電場があり、それが太陽風の形で太陽から太陽から離れる太陽陽子を加速させ、電子を太陽に向かってドリフトさせる(そして宇宙船がマイナスに帯電する原因となる)ことは簡単にわかります、パイオニア 10 のように、太陽に向かって後方に異常に加速します〈=減速します〉)。

The overall result of the charge drifts in opposite directions is the current that lights the Sun. 

Throughout almost the entire volume of the heliosphere the solar plasma is quasi-neutral. 

That is, sampling will reveal equal numbers of positive ions and electrons in the solar “wind.” 

The solar plasma forms the conducting medium between the cathode region at the heliospheric boundary and the anode region near the Sun. 

When we get to the solar double layer, or plasma sheath, we see that the electric field reverses and solar wind protons are decelerated and bunch up. 

This will give the impression that we have reached the hypothetical termination shock. 

At the same time, ACR particles are accelerated from further out. 
同時に、異常宇宙線 (ACR)粒子はさらに外側から加速されます。

This seems to fit with the Voyager 1 observations. 

It does not require a mechanical shock. 

The powerful electrical force dwarfs mechanical forces.

However, the most interesting effects may be found on the outer side of the solar plasma sheath where we should see a powerful electric field that has been estimated to accelerate solar wind protons away from the Sun at cosmic ray energies of the order of 10 billion electron volts. 

All stars generate cosmic rays in this way with energies that reflect the driving voltage of the star.

At the same time, electrons accelerated inward from interstellar space toward the solar sheath should provide the energy necessary to ionize neutral interstellar gas drifting through the solar plasma sheath. 

Depending upon the charge on the spacecraft, Voyager 1 itself should experience anomalous accelerations.
宇宙船の充電(=帯電)に応じて、ボイジャー 1 号自体が異常な加速を経験するはずです。

It would seem that even at this preliminary stage of the investigation of the edge of the solar system there should be room for more than one hypothesis. 

Maybe Voyager 1 will demonstrate what’s wrong with single hypotheses? 
おそらくボイジャー 1 号は、単一の仮説の何が問題なのかを証明するのではないでしょうか?

Whatever, it’s high time to “eschew enthrallment in science!”

Wal Thornhill

1.    [Image]: /wp/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/Voyager1.jpg
2.    Mystery Solved: http://www.holoscience.com/news/mystery_solved.html
Source URL: https://www.holoscience.com/wp/voyager-1-at-the-edge-of-what/
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