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[The Thunderbolts Project,Japan Division] エレクトリックユニバース  電気的宇宙論、プラズマ宇宙物理学、 電気的観察物理学、解説、翻訳、 深津 孝明

The Dragon Storm ドラゴンストーム by Wal Thornhill

The Dragon Storm ドラゴンストーム

by Wal Thornhill | March 26, 2005 10:53 am

A news item headlined “The Dragon Storm” appeared on the Cassini mission website on February 24. 
「ドラゴンの嵐」 という見出しのニュース記事が、2 月 24 日にカッシーニ ミッションの Web サイトに掲載されました。


 Saturn's atmosphere and its rings are shown here in a false color composite made from Cassini images taken in near infrared light through filters that sense different amounts of methane gas. 

Portions of the atmosphere with a large abundance of methane above the clouds are red, indicating clouds that are deep in the atmosphere. 

Grey indicates high clouds, and brown indicates clouds at intermediate altitudes. 

The complex feature with arms and secondary extensions just above and to the right of center is called the Dragon Storm. 
中央のすぐ上と右側にあるアームと二次拡張部を備えた複雑な特徴は、ドラゴン ストームと呼ばれます。

It lies in a region of the southern hemisphere referred to as "storm alley" by imaging scientists because of the high level of storm activity observed there by Cassini in the last year. 

[Image Preparation: John Barbara. Figure Caption: Andrew Ingersoll, Carolyn Porco.]
[画像作成:ジョン・バーバラ。 図キャプション: アンドリュー・インガソール、キャロリン・ポルコ。]

The imagery of the celestial dragon in this context is an unconscious nod to an electrified universe

The new science of plasma behavior emphasizes the dominant role of the electric force and its powerful effects in the electrically charged matter that makes up 99 percent of the universe
プラズマの挙動に関する新しい科学は、宇宙の 99 パーセントを構成する帯電した物質における電気力の支配的な役割とその強力な影響を強調しています。

Plasma science is re-writing the textbooks on galactic, stellar, and planetary evolution. 

And it throws new interdisciplinary light on the ancient “doomsday” dramas involving a celestial dragon and the “thunderbolt of the gods.”

This dragon storm on Saturn connects the modern science with the ancient dramas.

A few thousand years ago, ancient artists around the world carved similar complex images on stone. 

The meticulous research of plasma scientist Anthony Peratt, a leading authority on the forms taken by high-energy electrical discharges in plasma, has confirmed that these images pictured heaven-spanning forms seen in the ancient sky. 

Stories and rituals in all ancient cultures, memorializing a catastrophe that involved heaven-shattering battles of planetary “gods” and monsters, parallel these images. Most common is the story of the fiery serpent or dragon attacking the world.

Such archetypal images seem to be burned into our collective subconscious. 

For example, ringed planets often feature in a young child’s primitive drawings about space. 

Yet they have no experience of them. 

In the same way, scientists seem unconsciously to draw on archetypes. 

And the results are often equally surprising.

The ELECTRIC UNIVERSE® model may explain the connection between the dragon of legend and the storm seen in this image. 
エレクトリック・ユニバース® モデルは、この画像に見られる伝説のドラゴンと嵐との関係を説明するかもしれません。
But first we should hear what Cassini mission scientists had to say:

A large, bright and complex convective storm that appeared in Saturn’s southern hemisphere in mid-September 2004 was the key in solving a long-standing mystery about the ringed planet. 
2004 年 9 月中旬に土星の南半球に現れた、大きく明るく複雑な対流嵐は、この環状惑星に関する長年の謎を解く鍵となった。

The Dragon Storm was a powerful source of radio emissions during July and September of 2004. 
ドラゴン ストームは、2004 年 7 月から 9 月にかけて強力な電波(=ラジオ波)放射源でした。

The radio waves from the storm resemble the short bursts of static generated by lightning on Earth. 

Cassini detected the bursts only when the storm was rising over the horizon on the night side of the planet as seen from the spacecraft; 
the bursts stopped when the storm moved into sunlight. 

This on/off pattern repeated for many Saturn rotations over a period of several weeks, and it was the clock-like repeatability that indicated the storm and the radio bursts are related. 

Scientists have concluded that the Dragon Storm is a giant thunderstorm whose precipitation generates electricity as it does on Earth. 
科学者たちは、ドラゴン ストームは巨大な雷雨嵐であり、その降水によって地球上で発生するのと同じように電気が発生すると結論付けています。

The storm may be deriving its energy from Saturn’s deep atmosphere.

One mystery is why the radio bursts start while the Dragon Storm is below the horizon on the night side and end when the storm is on the day side, still in full view of the Cassini spacecraft. 

A possible explanation is that the lightning source lies to the east of the visible cloud, perhaps because it is deeper where the currents are eastward relative to those at cloud top levels. 

If this were the case, the lightning source would come up over the night side horizon and would sink down below the day side horizon before the visible cloud. 

This would explain the timing of the visible storm relative to the radio bursts.

The Dragon Storm is of great interest for another reason. 
ドラゴン ストームは別の理由で非常に興味深いものです。

In examining images taken of Saturn’s atmosphere over many months, imaging scientists found that the Dragon Storm arose in the same part of Saturn’s atmosphere that had earlier produced large bright convective storms. 

In other words, the Dragon Storm appears to be a long-lived storm deep in the atmosphere that periodically flares up to produce dramatic bright white plumes which subside over time. 
言い換えれば、ドラゴン ストームは、大気深部で長く続く嵐であり、定期的に燃え上がり、劇的な明るい白い噴煙を生成し、時間の経過とともに静まるように見えます。

One earlier sighting, in July 2004, was also associated with strong radio bursts. 
2004 年 7 月の以前の目撃例でも、強力な電波(=ラジオ波)バーストが発生していました。

And another, observed in March 2004 and captured in a movie created from images of the atmosphere (PIA06082 and PIA06083) spawned three little dark oval storms that broke off from the arms of the main storm. 
そして、2004 年 3 月に観測され、大気の画像から作成された映画に撮影されたもう 1 つの嵐 (PIA06082 と PIA06083) は、主嵐の腕から分かれた 3 つの小さな暗い楕円形の嵐を発生させました。

Two of these subsequently merged with each other; 
the current to the north carried the third one off to the west, and Cassini lost track of it. 
これらのうちの 2 つはその後互いに合併しました:

Small dark storms like these generally get stretched out until they merge with the opposing currents to the north and south.

These little storms are the food that sustains the larger atmospheric features, including the larger ovals and the eastward and westward currents. 

If the little storms come from the giant thunderstorms, then together they form a food chain that harvests the energy of the deep atmosphere and helps maintain the powerful currents.

Cassini has many more chances to observe future flare-ups of the Dragon Storm, and others like it over the course of the mission. 

It is likely that scientists will come to solve the mystery of the radio bursts and observe storm creation and merging in the next 2 or 3 years.
今後 2 ~ 3 年以内に、科学者たちが電波バーストの謎を解明し、嵐の発生と合体を観察するようになる可能性があります。
[Credit: NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute]
Calling the dragon storm “a giant thunderstorm whose precipitation generates electricity as it does on Earth” explains nothing. 

The generation of lightning on Earth remains a mystery to meteorologists. 

It is thought to derive from vertical movement of droplets in a thundercloud “in a way or ways not yet fully understood”
 [Lightning, Martin A. Uman, Dover Publications]. 

Hence the notion that “the storm may be deriving its energy from Saturn’s deep atmosphere.” 

As discussed elsewhere[1] on this website, thunderstorms are electric discharge phenomena driven by the circuits that link planets to stars and stars to the galaxy. 

The electrical effects at Saturn have already been outlined in an earlier ELECTRIC UNIVERSE® news item[2].
土星の電気的影響については、以前のエレクトリック・ユニバース® ニュース項目ですでに概説されています[2]。

The report does not discuss the complex shape of the dragon storm. 

But that shape indicates an external origin of electrical power. 

Similar forms occur in plasma instabilities when an intense beam of electrons strikes a ‘witness plate.’


 [Credits: LH image H. Davis, RH image H. F. Webster. From Physics of the Plasma Universe by Anthony Peratt, Springer-Verlag 1992.]
These two images show in cross-section what happens to a beam of electrons that is following an axial magnetic field. 
これら 2 つの画像は、軸方向の磁場に従う電子ビームに何が起こるかを断面で示しています。

The image on the left is due to a 90 kiloamp current striking a carbon witness plate. 
左側の画像は、90 キロアンペアの電流がカーボン監視プレートに当たったものです。

The other image is due to a 58 microamp current striking a fluorescent screen. 
もう 1 つの画像は、蛍光スクリーンに流れる 58 マイクロアンペアの電流によるものです。

So in the laboratory the effect is scaleable over 12 orders of magnitude of beam current!
したがって、実験室では、その効果はビーム電流の 12 桁にわたって拡張可能です!

The same effect occurs in the Birkeland currents that drive the aurora on Earth and is responsible for the undulating auroral curtains. 

Scaling up from the size of Earth’s auroras to the storm on Saturn is no problem. 

The two prominent “spiral galaxy” formations in the dragon storm are likely the effects of the interaction of Birkeland current pairs. 
ドラゴンストーム内の 2 つの顕著な「渦巻銀河」の形成は、バークランド電流ペアの相互作用の影響である可能性があります。

In other words, plasma phenomena may be scaled up from the laboratory to planetary, and even to galactic, dimensions.

Like Jupiter’s Great Red Spot, the dragon storm on Saturn seems to be a long-lived storm center that occasionally flares up. 

The clock-like regularity of the radio emissions from storms on Saturn is used to judge the great planet’s actual rotation rate beneath the clouds. 

But this behavior is enigmatic. 

Why should an electrical storm attach itself to a particular spot on a planet’s surface, particularly when that surface is thought to be liquid?

The ELECTRIC UNIVERSE® model of stars and planets provides the possibility of a solid surface on the giant planets. 
恒星と惑星の エレクトリック・ユニバース® モデルは、巨大な惑星上に固体表面の可能性を提供します。

And as we find on Earth, a solid surface allows for regional electrical differences that favor electrical storm activity in one region over another. 

A good example is “tornado alley” in the southern U.S.A.

The ELECTRIC UNIVERSE® accepts the plasma cosmology version of star formation, which postulates that a star is formed in a ‘z-pinch’ in a galactic electric discharge. 
エレクトリック・ユニバース® は、恒星形成のプラズマ宇宙論バージョンを受け入れています、これは、恒星が銀河の放電の「Z ピンチ」で形成されると仮定しています。

It is a model that can be shown experimentally to work. 

In contrast, the gravity cosmology version, which postulates that a star is formed by the collapse of a cloud of gas, cannot be demonstrated experimentally nor can a collapsing cloud be identified observationally. 

Furthermore, this ‘nebular theory’ is beset with theoretical contradictions of angular momentum and magnetic field distribution.

In the ELECTRIC UNIVERSE®, stars do not “consume themselves” to fuel their radiant output. 
エレクトリック・ユニバース® では、恒星は自らの放射出力を「消費」することはありません。

The same galactic currents that formed them remain to light them. 

This means that stars are born electron deficient with respect to their galactic environment. 

It also means that galaxies be born similarly electron deficient with respect to their environment. 

It is the slow galactic charging process that maintains the steady glow of their countless starry electric lights.

Early in the Twentieth Century astronomers dismissed the notion of an external power source for stars because they thought a star would swiftly collapse under its own weight unless there was a central source of radiation pressure to prevent it. 

But this argument fails if charge separation occurs in massive bodies. 

This possibility of charge separation was considered, but it was discarded by arguing, using the ideal gas laws, that the light electrons would not rise to the top to any significant degree in a hydrogen atmosphere.

This is a prime example of an inappropriate model rendering all further theorizing worthless. 

The physicists would have been well advised to look to the chemists for a better model
 – one in which the electric dipole force between atoms and molecules plays a dominant role. 
– 原子と分子間の電気双極子力が支配的な役割を果たす、より良いモデルについて化学者に頼った方がよいとアドバイスさせていただきます。

Because the atoms in a strong gravitational field will be distorted, the heavy positively charged nucleus will be offset from the center of the atom toward the center of the star. 

The result is that each neutral atom becomes a small radial electric dipole. 

The effect on free electrons is to cause them to drift toward the surface, leaving positively charged ions behind in the interior. 

The repulsive forces among these positively charged ions prevent the gravitational collapse of the star.

Furthermore, the visible “surface” of a star, or photosphere, is an electric discharge phenomenon and therefore not controlled by gravity. 

The standard model of stars assumes that gravity and radiation pressure determine the size of a star. 

That is not so in the electrical model. 

So conventional calculations of the density of stars and their internal composition have no real meaning.

But there is more. 

Physicists assume that Newton’s law of gravity has a “universal” gravitational constant, “G,” which is the same for all bodies in the universe

But “G” is the most elusive constant in physics. 

It seems to be different every time the same apparatus measures it on Earth. 

The ELECTRIC UNIVERSE® takes a different view. 
エレクトリック・ユニバース® は異なる視点を持っています。

“G” depends on the internal electric stress of the body and is different for every body in the universe

This effect can be seen in particle accelerators where matter apparently gains in mass in response to the amount of electrical stress that is applied to it.

So deducing the composition and structure of stars and planets by measuring their gravitational fields and assuming “G” to be a fixed value will give misleading results. 

Conventional models assume planets are accreted from a hypothetical primordial solar nebula. 

They also assume that hydrogen is compressed to a metallic state in the cores of gas giants. 

These assumptions too are invalid in an ELECTRIC UNIVERSE®.
これらの仮定も、エレクトリック・ユニバース® では無効です。

Planets are “born” fully formed from larger bodies. 

They are not accreted. 

The process of having planetary “children” is that of electrical expulsion of a part of the positively charged matter from beneath the surface of a disturbed star or gas giant. 

That is why the gas giants have satellite systems that are like miniature solar systems. 
The British physicist Peter Warlow was moved to write:

All of the existing theories of planet formation have taken material from the surface of the Sun or from a cloud of dust outside the Sun in order to form the planets, for the ‘obvious’ reason that planets are on the outside of the Sun. 
We humans, equally ‘obviously,’ are outside our mothers
 – yet we did not start there.”
– しかし、私たちはそこから始まったわけではありません。」
[The Reversing Earth, 1982]. 
Some measure of the internal composition of stars can be seen in their “children”
 – the gas giants. 
– ガス巨星の中に見ることができます。

But all we can see and measure is the upper atmospheres and clouds of the gas giants. 

To delve deeper we need to look at the “children” of gas giants
 – the rocky planets and moons. 
– 岩石惑星と衛星に注目する必要があります。

Clearly, each planet and moon may have a complex history

All were not formed at about the same time in a single event. 
すべてが 1 つのイベントでほぼ同時に形成されたわけではありません。

And the larger bodies must have evolved discontinuously with each birth. 

So it was with Saturn!

The ancients knew Saturn as “the Sun of night.” 

The archaic words we now associate with the Sun
—Ra, Helios, Shamash, etc.—
originally referred to Saturn. 

Saturn’s core is still hot (Saturn radiates more than twice the energy that it receives from the Sun) because of Saturn’s recent history as a radiant body. 

This suggests that beneath Saturn’s clouds is a large, hot, solid body practically indistinguishable in composition and physical state from Venus or Earth. 

Its positively charged core prevents hydrogen from being compressed to the metallic state. 

With a solid core and having “given birth” fairly recently
 – as evidenced by the ephemeral icy rings – 
Saturn probably still bears the birth scar, hidden beneath the clouds. 
– 儚い氷の輪が証明するように –

We might expect some preference for continued electric discharge from that scarred region.

Saturn is the most oblate planet in the solar system. 

Its equatorial winds are four times faster and the “jets” twice as wide as Jupiter’s. 
赤道付近の風は木星の 4 倍速く、「ジェット」の幅は木星の 2 倍です。

These factors suggest an atmosphere of great depth. 

This may explain why the radio noise associated with the dragon storm seems to precede the storm. 

The tornadic discharge to the surface of Saturn must be skewed over a considerable distance by the high-speed winds and great depth of the atmosphere. 

Only the powerful electromagnetic forces that control a tornadic discharge could maintain the integrity of the discharge column under the onslaught of tremendous vertical wind shear. 

(The winds in the upper atmosphere have been estimated to exceed 1000 mph.)
(上層大気圏の風速は時速 1000 マイルを超えると推定されています。)

The ELECTRIC UNIVERSE® model provides a connection between the dragon of legend and the storm seen in the Cassini image. 
エレクトリック・ユニバース® モデルは、伝説のドラゴンとカッシーニの画像に見られる嵐とのつながりを提供します。

The model was built, not from theoretical considerations alone but from an interdisciplinary inquiry into the images of planets (represented as disks) and cosmic plasma phenomena that our ancestors felt were so important to remember. 
このモデルは、理論的な考察だけからではなく、私たちの祖先が覚えておくことが非常に重要だと感じていた惑星 (円盤として表される) と宇宙のプラズマ現象の画像に対する学際的な調査から構築されました。

They chiselled millions of uniquely diagnostic patterns, known as petroglyphs, into solid rock. 

But with the context long gone, these petroglyphs have become a mere curiosity.

Meanwhile the physical clue for an intimate relationship in the past between Saturn, Mars and Earth lies in their similar axial tilts of 26˚, 24˚ and 23˚. 
一方、土星、火星、地球の間の過去の親密な関係を示す物理的な手がかりは、それらの同様の 26 度、24 度、23 度の軸の傾きにあります。

The axis of a rapidly spinning planet has a gyroscopic stability that resists change due to external forces. 

The normal result of disturbance is merely to cause the axis to slowly precess.


The first civilizations sprang up in reaction to the dramatic prehistoric events. 

The activities of those civilizations
—their organization, art, architecture and rituals—
were directed toward the memorialization of the former celestial drama. 

It is there we first meet the inexplicable, capricious planetary gods and the world-threatening, fire-breathing celestial dragon or serpent. 

So it is fitting that scientists today should unconsciously associate the dragon image with a powerful plasma discharge on Saturn. 

However, the connection will only become consciously apparent when the electrical nature of the universe is acknowledged. 

Only then may scientists solve the mysteries of Saturn’s dragon storm.

Wal Thornhill

1.    elsewhere: http://www.holoscience.com/news/balloon.html
2.    news item: http://www.holoscience.com/news.php?article=21ha5gh9
Source URL: https://www.holoscience.com/wp/the-dragon-storm/
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