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[The Thunderbolts Project,Japan Division] エレクトリックユニバース  電気的宇宙論、プラズマ宇宙物理学、 電気的観察物理学、解説、翻訳、 深津 孝明

The Astrophysical Crisis at Red Square レッド・スクエア星雲での天体物理学的危機 by Wal Thornhill

The Astrophysical Crisis at Red Square

by Wal Thornhill | April 17, 2007 10:21 am

“The history of science shows that the progress of science has constantly been hampered by the tyrannical influence of certain conceptions that finally come to be considered as dogma. For this reason, it is proper to submit periodically to a very searching examination, principles that we have come to assume without discussion.”
—Louis de Broglie, Revolution in Physics, 1953. 
「科学の歴史は、科学の進が、最終的に教義とみなされるようになった特定の概念の横暴な影響によって常に妨げられてきたことを示しています。 このため、私たちが議論することなく仮定するようになった原則を、厳しく精査する検査に定期的に提出することが適切です。」
―ルイ・ド・ブロイ、『物理学の革命』、1953 年。


In 1970, Hannes Alfvén, the ‘father of plasma physics,’ warned that cosmology was headed into crisis. 
1970 年、「プラズマ物理学の父」ハンネス・アルヴェーンは、宇宙論が危機に直面していると警告しました。

He was referring to the treatment of plasma
—which makes up about 99.9% of the visible universe
as a magnetizable gas. 
― 目に見える宇宙の約99.9%を占める―

Alfvén was responsible for the theory, known as ‘magnetohydrodynamics’ or MHD. 
アルヴェーンは、「磁気流体力学」または MHD として知られる理論の担い手でした。

But he publicly repudiated its use for space plasma in his 1970 Nobel Prize acceptance speech:

“The cosmical plasma physics of today is far less advanced than the thermonuclear research physics. 
It is to some extent the playground of theoreticians who have never seen a plasma in a laboratory. 
Many of them still believe in formulae which we know from laboratory experiments to be wrong. 
The astrophysical correspondence to the thermonuclear crisis has not yet come.”
—H. Alfvén, Plasma physics, space research and the origin of the solar system, Nobel Lecture, December 11, 1970
—H. アルヴェーン、プラズマ物理学、宇宙研究、そして太陽系の起源、ノーベル講演会、1970 年 12 月 11 日
But astrophysicists didn’t want to know. 

MHD made their theoretical work easy compared with the intricate behavior of plasma discovered in attempts to harness fusion power
—the so-called ‘power source of the Sun.’ 
MHD(磁気流体力学) は、核融合発電

Their ignorance of the real behavior of plasma was certain to lead to divergence between theory and reality, just as it did for fusion power.

In fact each specialist group fuelled the mistakes of the other. 

It is a common situation in institutionalized science today. 

The astrophysicists misled the nuclear physicists into thinking the Sun is powered internally, which led nuclear physicists to try unsuccessfully to mimic the Sun’s hypothetical thermonuclear ‘engine.’ 

The nuclear physicists have nevertheless misled the astrophysicists into thinking that a stable thermonuclear reaction is possible inside the Sun even though it results in a weird body that transfers internal heat unlike any other
—by radiation instead of conduction and convection. 

And the Sun is a cosmic body that is assumed to have much the same composition at its center as at the top of its atmosphere!
Clearly, it has been a theoretical ‘deadly embrace.’

Alfvén was considered a brilliant maverick

He railed against the consensus of big bang cosmology and insisted that we live in an ELECTRIC UNIVERSE®. 
彼はビッグバン宇宙論のコンセンサスを激しく非難し、私たちは電気的宇宙® に住んでいると主張しました。

He argued that it was not enough to treat magnetism in space without considering the electric circuits in space necessary to generate and sustain magnetic fields. 

Yet no book on astronomy mentions electricity or circuits. 

Future historians of science will find this beyond rational understanding, like the belief in a flat Earth. 

Astronomy labors in the space age under the yoke of gaslight era science. 

Our model of stars is little better than the ancient one of a ‘campfire’ in the sky. 

Only the fuel is different.

Thirty-seven years after Alfvén’s speech, the astrophysical crisis is becoming more obvious. 
アルヴェーンの演説から 37 年が経ち、天体物理学の危機はより明らかになってきています。

Adaptive optics and space telescopes give us much clearer views of stars, nebulae and galaxies, which theorists are floundering to explain. 

Some express mild concern that their models aren’t working. 

No one recognizes that there is a deep crisis. 

Denial, minimization and obfuscation can be expected before a paradigm shift begins. 

Two reports in the April 13 issue of Science highlight the situation.
『サイエンス』誌 4 月 13 日号に掲載された 2 つのレポートが状況を明らかにしています。

The first report, “Surveys of Exploding Stars Show One Size Does Not Fit All,” says:

“Type Ia supernovae are regular enough that astronomers can use them to measure the universe. But some of the “standard candles” are breaking the theoretical mold. When astronomers wish upon a star, they wish they knew more about how stars explode. In particular, experts on the stellar explosions known as supernovae wonder whether textbook accounts tell the true story.”
「Ia 型超新星は十分に規則的であるため、天文学者はそれを使用して宇宙を測定できます。 しかし、「標準的なろうそく」の中には、理論上の型を打ち破るものもあります。 天文学者が星に願いを込めるとき、恒星がどのように爆発するのかをもっと知りたいと願うものです。 特に、超新星として知られる恒星の爆発の専門家は、教科書の記述が真実を語っているかどうか疑問に思っています。」


 [1]A fanciful computer generated cartoon (above) of a supernova type Ia explosion is presented. 
超新星 Ia 型爆発の空想的なコンピューター生成漫画 (上) が示されています。

The description raises more questions than answers: 
"a bubble of fusion beginning inside the star can burst out through its surface and then, confined by the star's gravity, wrap around the star in all directions, until encountering itself on the other side. 
When the fusing material collides with itself, a jet of material fires back down into the star, detonating the full fusion explosion." 

Heath Robinson would be proud of this! 

The pictures bear no relationship to observations of supernova remnants.

Various other comments in the same report are revealing:

“We put the theory in the textbooks because it sounds right. 
But we don’t really know it’s right, and I think people are beginning to worry,” says Robert Kirshner, a supernova researcher at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA) in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
“We keep saying the same thing, but the evidence for it doesn’t get better, and that’s a bad sign.” 

Kirshner was among more than 100 experts on stars and their explosions who gathered to discuss their worries last month at the Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics at the University of California, Santa Barbara. 

General agreement emerged that the textbook story “is a little bit of ‘the emperor has no clothes,’ ” as Lars Bildsten, an astrophysicist at the Kavli Institute, put it.

“There’s a lot of holes in the story.” “I wouldn’t say it’s a crisis,” [Kirschner] said. “But if you ask, ‘Are the pieces falling into place?’ I’d say the answer is no.” 
「この話には穴がたくさんある。」  「これが危機だとは言えません」とカーシュナー氏は語った。  「しかし、『ピースは所定の位置に収まっているでしょうか?』と問われれば、答えはノーだと思います。」

Understanding type Ia supernovae has become an urgent issue in cosmology, as they provide the most compelling evidence that the universe is expanding at an accelerating rate.
Ia 型超新星は、宇宙が加速膨張しているという最も説得力のある証拠を提供するため、Ia 型超新星を理解することは宇宙論の緊急の課題となっています。
How can any deductions based on evidence from type Ia supernovae be “compelling” when supernovae are not understood? 
超新星が理解されていない場合、Ia 型超新星からの証拠に基づく推論はどのようにして「説得力」を持つことができるのでしょうか?

The paper above demonstrates the classic signs of minimization of the problem and obfuscation with complex and improbable computer models.
[The textbook accounts of stellar explosions are fiction]

The second report is titled obscurely “A Symmetric Bipolar Nebula Around MWC 922.” 
2 番目の報告書は、「MWC 922 の周りの対称双極星雲」というあいまいなタイトルが付けられています。

The nebula is known by the term ‘The Red Square’ (see below). Click here[2] for a more readable account.
この星雲は「レッド・スクエア」という言葉で知られています(下記参照)。 より読みやすい説明については、ここをクリックしてください[2]。

 [3] [Credit: Peter Tuthill (Sydney U.) and James Lloyd (Cornell)]
[MWC 922: The Red Square Nebula. ][MWC 922: レッド・スクエア星雲。  ]

The image above combines data from the Mt Palomar Hale telescope and the Keck-2 telescope. 
上の画像は、パロマー・ヘイル山望遠鏡と Keck-2 望遠鏡からのデータを組み合わせたものです。

It was taken in near-infrared light (1.6 microns) and shows a region 30.8 arcseconds on a side around MWC 922. 
これは近赤外光 (1.6 ミクロン) で撮影され、MWC 922 付近の一辺が 30.8 秒角の領域を示しています。

As the outer periphery of the nebula is very faint compared to the core, the image has been processed and sharpened to display the detail and structure.



  [4] [Credit: Peter Tuthill (Sydney U.)]

If we imagine moving away from the precise (and fortuitous) edge-on viewing angle onto this object that we find from Earth, we might get a view like that depicted above. 

The left-hand panel shows the skeleton of the twin opposed cones as we see them from earth, edge but if we rotate away from our view at 90 degrees to the axis (middle panel) we can visualize that the bright bars seen -on become elliptical rings encircling the polar axis of the system (right panel). 

左側のパネルは、地球から見た双子の対向錐体の骨格を示していますが、軸に対して 90 度回転して視点から離れると (中央のパネル)、真正面から見た明るいバーが次のように見えることがわかります。 系の極軸を取り囲む楕円形のリング (右パネル)。


[Credit: Peter Tuthill (Sydney U.) and James Lloyd (Cornell)]

Model skeleton structural elements fitted to the filtered image. 

This model also depicts spurious linear features from imperfect mosaicing and charge persistence (blue) and bright neighboring stars (green), whereas real Red Square nebula structures are plotted in red. 
このモデルは、不完全なモザイクと電荷の持続性からの偽の線形特徴 (青) と明るい隣接恒星 (緑) も描写しますが、実際の赤の広場星雲構造は赤でプロットされています。

The system's principal symmetry axis is given as a dot-dashed line, together with a compass rose and annotations labeling key features in black. 
The Red Square image is very important because it is only 5,000 light years away. 
レッド・スクエア星雲の画像は、わずか 5,000 光年離れたところにあるため、非常に重要です。

It is compared in the report with the structures seen around supernova 1987A, which is 169,000 light years away in the Large Magellanic Cloud.

 [5][Credit: NASA/STScI/CfA/P.Challis.]

The enigmatic and beautiful structure of SN1987A with its three axial rings. The two bright stars are just in the field of view and are not associated with the supernova. 
3つの軸リングを備えた謎めいた美しい構造のSN1987A。  2 つの明るい恒星は視野内にあるだけで、超新星とは関係ありません。

In August 2005, I wrote a news report titled Supernova 1987A Decoded[6]. 
2005 年 8 月に、私は「超新星 1987A の解読」というタイトルのニュース レポートを書きました[6]。

I argued that all of the detailed features of that spectacular supernova remnant could be explained in terms of a cosmic ‘Z-pinch’ plasma discharge, focused on a star.
私は、その壮大な超新星残骸の詳細な特徴はすべて、その1つの恒星に焦点を当てた宇宙の「Z ピンチ」プラズマ放電の観点から説明できると主張しました。


 [7]Experimental and simulation derived geometries for extreme plasma currents in a plasma column. 

The Birkeland current filaments will only be visible where the plasma density is high. 

The diagram above shows the essential features of a plasma Z-pinch (left), the detailed filamentary current structure (center), and the 'witness plate' result of the Birkeland current filaments interacting with the equatorial expulsion disk of supernova 1987A. 
上の図は、バークランド電流フィラメントが超新星 1987A の赤道放出円盤と相互作用した結果の、プラズマ Z ピンチ (左)、詳細なフィラメント電流構造 (中央)、および「目撃したプレート」の基本的な特徴を示しています。

The number of filaments forming a cylinder follows a regular pattern. 

Plasma physicist Anthony Peratt writes, "Because the electrical current-carrying filaments are parallel, they attract via the Biot-Savart force law, in pairs but sometimes three. 

This reduces the 56 filaments over time to 28 filaments; 
hence the 56 and 28 fold symmetry patterns. 
これにより、時間の経過とともに 56 束のフィラメントが 28 束のフィラメントに減少します;
したがって、56 束および 28 束の対称パターンになります。

In actuality, during the pairing, any number of filaments less than 56 may be recorded as pairing is not synchronized to occur uniformly. 
実際には、ペアリングは均一に行われるように同期されていないため、ペアリング中に 56束 未満のフィラメント数が記録される可能性があります。

However, there are 'temporarily stable' (longer state durations) at 42, 35, 28, 14, 7, and 4 filaments. 
ただし、42、35、28、14、7、および 4 束のフィラメントでは「一時的に安定」(より長い状態持続) があります。

Each pair formation is a vortex that becomes increasingly complex."
I wrote in the August 2005 report:
私は 2005 年 8 月のレポートで次のように書きました:

“If the equatorial ring shows the Birkeland currents in the outer sheath of an axial plasma current column, then the supernova outburst is the result of a cosmic z-pinch in the central column, focused on the central star. It is important to note that the z-pinch naturally takes the ubiquitous hourglass shape of planetary nebulae. No special conditions and mysteriously conjured magnetic fields are required.”
「赤道リングが軸方向のプラズマ流柱の外側のシースにあるバークランド電流を示している場合、超新星爆発は、中心恒星に焦点を合わせた中心柱の宇宙のZピンチの結果です。  Z ピンチは、惑星状星雲の普遍的な砂時計の形を自然に取ることに注意することが重要です。 特別な条件や不思議な磁場は必要ありません。」

The Red Square shows the stellar Z-pinch in close-up and we can see the Birkeland filaments for the first time, called ‘combs’ in the Science paper. 

They match the electrical model. 

Supernova 1987A was successfully decoded. 

The hallmark of a successful theory is its ability to predict or explain new discoveries with no additional assumptions.

For comparison, the report in Physorg.com concludes:
比較のために、物理学org.com のレポートは次のように結論付けています:

“Structures such as this are rarely seen in nebulae, and the high degree of regularity in this case may point to the intriguing possibility that these bands are shadows cast by periodic ripples or waves on the surface of an inner disk close to the star at the heart of the system,” said Lloyd. 
But the most compelling and important implication for astronomy comes from the three-dimensional structure implied by the Red Square images.
しかし、天文学にとって最も説得力があり重要な意味は、レッド・スクエア星雲の画像が暗示する 3 次元構造から来ています。

If you can really get a mental grasp of the three-dimensional geometry implied by the Red Square images,” said Tuthill, “then it is fascinating to take a second look at one of the most famous astronomical images of them all: 
「レッドスクエア星雲の画像が暗示する 3 次元幾何学構造を頭の中で本当に理解できるのであれば、その中で最も有名な天文画像の 1 つ:SN1987A

We are not saying that the star MWC 922 at the heart of the Red Square is about to explode as a supernova,” said Lloyd, “but we’re not ruling it out either, and if it did it would certainly put on quite a show as it kindles the outer reaches of its nebula.”
私たちは、レッド・スクエア星雲の中心にある恒星 MWC 922 が超新星として爆発しようとしていると言っているわけではありません」とロイド氏は語った、そして、「しかし、私たちもその可能性を排除しているわけではありません。もしそうなったなら、星雲の外側を燃え上がらせて、かなりのショーを披露することになるでしょう。」と言います。

Whatever the fate of the central star, the remarkable series of bars seen in the Red Square make it the best astrophysical laboratory yet discovered for studying the physics of generating the mysterious sharp polar-ring systems like that around SN1987A.
この中心恒星の運命が何であれ、レッドスクエア星雲で見られる驚くべき一連のバーは、SN1987A 付近のような神秘的な鋭い極リング系の生成の物理学を研究するために、これまでに発見された最高の天体物理学実験室となっています。

According to Tuthill, “This is just the beginning
—a system as complex and fascinating as this is bound to keep us guessing for years to come.”

Meanwhile, plasma cosmologists don’t have to guess. 

They know what the three-dimensional geometry implies. 

The bipolar hourglass shape is a stellar circuit made visible. 

The ‘combs’ are Birkeland current filaments in a Z-pinch configuration, so it can be confidently predicted that their number will match the sequence found experimentally.
「櫛」は Z ピンチ構成のバークランド電流フィラメントであるため、その数が実験で見つかった配列と一致すると確信を持って予測できます。

[The most important plasma circuit element—the ‘Double Layer.’] 

Alfvén writes, 

“Since the time of Langmuir, we know that a double layer is a plasma formation by which a plasma
—in the physical meaning of this word—
protects itself from the environment. 
It is analogous to a cell wall by which a plasma
—in the biological meaning of this word—
protects itself from the environment.” 

This concept of a star “protecting itself” from the environment throws an entirely different light upon the real nature of stars. 

They are powered from without, electrically, not from within! 

This is impossible in the language of MHD, the lingua franca of astrophysicists. 

Neither double layers nor circuits can be derived from MHD models. 

Yet Alfvén was moved to suggest, 

“…double layers in space should be classified as a new type of celestial object.” 

He proposed, 

“…X-ray and gamma-ray bursts may be due to exploding double layers.” 

〈Exploding double layers are very important in stellar outbursts. 〉
〈恒星の爆発では、(電気)二重層の爆発が非常に重要です。  〉

It is the only stellar explosion mechanism that naturally produces bipolar remnants and equatorial ejection disks (as distinct from hypothetical ‘accretion’ disks) and lends itself to empirical testing in the lab. 

Alfvén gives a practical example:

“In Sweden the waterpower is located in the north, and the industry in the south. 

The transfer of power between these regions over a distance of about 1000 km was first done with a.c. 
これらの地域間の約 1000 km の距離にわたる電力伝送は、最初は交流電力で行われました。

When it was realized that d.c. transmission would be cheaper, mercury rectifiers were developed. 

It turned out that such a system normally worked well, but it happened now and then that the rectifiers produced enormous over-voltages so that fat electrical sparks filled the rectifying station and did considerable harm. 

In order to get rid of this, a collaboration started between the rectifier constructors and some plasma physicists at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm.


 [8][Mercury arc rectifier.]

An arc rectifier must have a very low pressure of mercury vapor in order to stand the high back voltages during half of the a.c. cycle. 

On the other hand, it must be able to carry large currents during the other half-cycle. 

It turned out that these two requirements were conflicting, because at a very low pressure the plasma could not carry enough current. 
非常に低い圧力ではプラズマが十分な電流を流すことができないため、これら 2 つの要件は矛盾していることが判明しました。

If the current density is too high, an exploding double layer may be formed. 

This means that in the plasma a region of high vacuum is produced: 
the plasma refuses to carry any current at all. 

The sudden interruption of the 1000 km inductance produces enormous over-voltages, which may be destructive.”
1000 km のインダクタンス(誘導起電力)が突然遮断されると、巨大な過電圧が発生し、破壊的な影響を与える可能性があります。」

In 1964 Jacobsen and Carlqvist suggested that exploding double layers produced violent solar flares. 

In an extreme situation the power from a galactic circuit is catastrophically released in an exploding double layer near the surface of a star to produce a supernova.


 [9]A 500 kilovolt circuit breaker reveals the concentration of destructive energy possible at a double layer.

A number of double layers develop in series between a star and its galactic environment.
Strong electric fields exist across them summing to the voltage difference between the star and the galactic plasma environment.
Cosmic rays allow us to estimate the voltages of stars at tens of billions of volts. 

Ions and electrons are accelerated across the thin double layers and collide. 

The ‘linear rungs or bars’ of the Red Square fit Alfvén’s circuit diagram as polar ‘double layers,’ symmetrically situated along the Z-pinch filaments, some distance from the star’s two poles. 
レッド・スクエア星雲の「直線的な横木またはバー」は、この恒星の 2 つの極からある程度離れた Z ピンチ・フィラメントに沿って対称的に位置する極性の「(電気)二重層」としてアルヴェーンの回路図に適合します。

Their thinness and electrical excitation results in the enhanced glow and sharp definition of the ‘rungs or bars.’

Alfvén pioneered the stellar circuit concept and it seems his ‘wiring diagram’ is essentially correct but incomplete because it does not show the star’s connection to the larger galactic circuit. 

Alfvén remarked, 
“The current closes at large distances, but we do not know where.” 

Plasma cosmologists have supplied the answer by mapping the currents flowing along the arms of spiral galaxies. 

It is but a small step from there to see that all stars are the focus of Z-pinches within a galactic discharge. 
すべての恒星が銀河の放電内の Z ピンチの焦点であることがわかるまでは、それは、まだほんの小さな一歩です。

Normally the current flows in ‘dark mode’ so we don’t usually see the spectacular bipolar ‘wiring harnesses’ of hyperactive stars, like that at the heart of Red Square. 

All we witness, closest to home, are the effects on the Sun’s ‘surface,’ in its superheated corona, and the solar ‘wind.’
De Broglie says:

“the progress of science has constantly been hampered by the tyrannical influence of certain conceptions that finally come to be considered as dogma.” 

The problem in astrophysics runs deep because dogma has ensured the practitioners are not trained appropriately for their task. 

They look upon structures like Red Square and supernova 1987A and cannot recognize them as plasma discharges. 
彼らはレッドスクエア星雲や超新星 1987A のような構造を観察しますが、それらをプラズマ放電として認識することはできません。

But what scientist would volunteer that they have been wasting their careers and our money and don’t know what they are talking about?

Astrophysicists will not be motivated to change anything while supine journalists allow them to ignore plasma cosmology. 

But as the evidence for an ELECTRIC UNIVERSE® stacks up ever faster, the truth can only be delayed; 
it cannot be avoided. 

The astrophysical crisis is here now at Red Square.

Wal Thornhill

1.    [Image]: /wp/wp-content/uploads/2007/04/Supernova-model.jpg
2.    here: http://www.physics.usyd.edu.au/~gekko/redsquare.html
3.    [Image]: /wp/wp-content/uploads/2007/04/redsquare.jpg
4.    [Image]: /wp/wp-content/uploads/2007/04/Red-Square-geometry.jpg
5.    [Image]: /wp/wp-content/uploads/2007/04/SN1987A.jpg
6.    Supernova 1987A Decoded: http://www.holoscience.com/news.php?article=re6qxnz1
7.    [Image]: /wp/wp-content/uploads/2007/04/supernova-diagram.jpg
8.    [Image]: /wp/wp-content/uploads/2007/04/Mercury-arc-rectifier.jpg
9.    [Image]: /wp/wp-content/uploads/2007/04/500kv-breaker.jpg
Source URL: https://www.holoscience.com/wp/the-astrophysical-crisis-at-red-square/
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