[The Thunderbolts Project, Japan Division]公式ブログ Takaaki Fukatsu’s blog

[The Thunderbolts Project,Japan Division] エレクトリックユニバース  電気的宇宙論、プラズマ宇宙物理学、 電気的観察物理学、解説、翻訳、 深津 孝明


David Drew  Einstein and the Cult of Celebrity   Thunderbolts  デビッド・ドリュー  アインシュタインとセレブリティのカルト

David Drew Einstein and the Cult of Celebrity Thunderbolts デビッド・ドリュー アインシュタインとセレブリティのカルト ――――――――― ――――――――― 1 ―――――――――2 ―――――――― Einstein and the Cult of Celebrityアインシュタインとセレブの信者 1 by David D…

Coulomb, a Pioneer for the Theory of the Electric Universe クーロン、電気的宇宙理論の先駆者Reviewed by Mathias Huefner

Coulomb, a Pioneer for the Theory of the Electric Universeクーロン、電気的宇宙理論の先駆者 Scott Douglass November 18, 2023 - 12:01 amThunderblogs 1 Two forces and an included angle result in a torque perpendicular to the plane of these f…

Gravitational Waves 重力波(2) by Wal Thornhill

Gravitational Waves 重力波(2) by Wal Thornhill | February 26, 2016 10:40 pm 1 The science media circus is in full swing. 科学メディアのサーカスが大盛況だ。 The headlines shriek, “Gravitational waves have been discovered; Einstein prove…

Congratulations Rosetta, Shame About The Science… おめでとうロゼッタ、科学は恥ずかしい… by Wal Thornhill

Congratulations Rosetta, Shame About The Science… おめでとうロゼッタ、科学は恥ずかしい… by Wal Thornhill | December 15, 2014 11:24 am Congratulations to the team responsible for the success of the Rosetta mission to comet 67 P Churyumov-Ge…

Science’s Looming ‘Tipping Point’ 迫りくる科学の「転換点」 by Wal Thornhill

Science’s Looming ‘Tipping Point’迫りくる科学の「転換点」 by Wal Thornhill | November 18, 2012 5:14 pm It is essential in these exuberant times to pay critical attention to both the observational constraints and to the basic mathematical l…

Gravity Probe B and Related Matters  重力探査機Bとその関連事項 by Wal Thornhill

Gravity Probe B and Related Matters 重力探査機Bとその関連事項 by Wal Thornhill | September 5, 2011 12:41 am The following article is by Jeremy Dunning-Davies, Senior Lecturer in Physics at the University of Hull and member of the Royal Ast…

Science Needs Natural Philosophers  科学には自然哲学者が必要です Wal Thornhill

Science Needs Natural Philosophers 科学には自然哲学者が必要です Wal Thornhill 29 August, 2011“Those who regard philosophy as a ‘soft’ and unscientific discipline, in contrast to the ‘hard’ and scientific fields of mathematics and physics, …

Alfvén Triumphs Again (& Again) アルヴェーン(アルフェーン)、再び勝利 (そして再び) by Wal Thornhill

Alfvén Triumphs Again (& Again)アルヴェーン(アルフェーン)、再び勝利 (そして再び) by Wal Thornhill | May 9, 2011 9:39 am The lack of news reports in recent months has been due to a very heavy workload in preparing papers, a course and pre…

Deep Impact 2  ディープインパクト2 by Wal Thornhill

Deep Impact 2 ディープインパクト2 by Wal Thornhill | October 27, 2010 10:23 am What can be said about the Deep Impact spacecraft’s imminent second rendezvous with a comet? ディープ・インパクト探査機の差し迫った彗星との二度目のランデブーに…

Our Misunderstood Sun 僕らの誤解された太陽 by Wal Thornhill

Our Misunderstood Sun 僕らの誤解された太陽 by Wal Thornhill | March 1, 2010 12:00 pm “We stand on the verge of a vast cosmical discovery such as nothing hitherto imagined can compare with.” 「私たちは今、これまで想像したものとは比べものに…

Andrew Hall  Lightning and its Fractal Domain   Thunderbolts  アンドリュー・ホール 稲妻とそのフラクタル領域

Andrew Hall Lightning and its Fractal Domain Thunderbolts アンドリュー・ホール 稲妻とそのフラクタル領域――――――――――――――――――――― ―――――――― Lightning is an electrical discharge observed as vertical cloud-to-ground lightning strikes—but electrica…

Buddy James  The Sounds of Light   Thunderbolts   バディ・ジェームズ 光の音

Buddy James The Sounds of Light Thunderbolts バディ・ジェームズ 光の音――――――――――――――――――――― Light makes different sounds which are dynamic, gorgeous, and mimic living creatures and other sounds of nature.光は、ダイナミックでゴージャスで、…

Science, Politics and Global Warming 科学、政治、地球温暖化 by Wal Thornhill

Science, Politics and Global Warming科学、政治、地球温暖化 by Wal Thornhill | December 23, 2009 2:05 pm “In the end, science offers us the only way out of politics. 「結局のところ、科学は私たちに政治から抜け出す唯一の道を提供してくれるので…

Electric Sun Verified  認証済みのエレクトリック・サン  by Wal Thornhill

Electric Sun Verified 認証済みのエレクトリック・サン by Wal Thornhill | October 20, 2009 10:16 am “Is it likely that any astonishing new developments are lying in wait for us? Is it possible that the cosmology of 500 years hence will exten…

The Simple ELECTRIC UNIVERSE®  シンプルなエレクトリック・ユニバース by Wal Thornhill

The Simple ELECTRIC UNIVERSE® シンプルなエレクトリック・ユニバース by Wal Thornhill | September 6, 2009 8:22 am “Some people in each successive generation believe that theirs is the one that has at last seen everything clearly, that their …

The Mystery of the Shrinking Red Star 小さくなる赤い恒星の謎 by Wal Thornhill

The Mystery of the Shrinking Red Star 小さくなる赤い恒星の謎 by Wal Thornhill | June 28, 2009 1:19 pm We cannot see what is not on our mental ‘map.’ Almost the entire visible universe is in the form of highly-conductive plasma but electric…

Cosmology in Crisis—Again!  宇宙論の危機、再び! by Wal Thornhill

Cosmology in Crisis—Again! 宇宙論の危機、再び! by Wal Thornhill | May 24, 2009 9:25 am “Nothing comes from nothing. Nothing ever could.” 「無からは何も生まれない。 何もできませんでした。」—from The Sound of Music.――『サウンド・オブ・ミュ…

Newton’s Electric Clockwork Solar System  ニュートンの電気時計仕掛けの太陽系 by Wal Thornhill

Newton’s Electric Clockwork Solar System ニュートンの電気時計仕掛けの太陽系 by Wal Thornhill | April 21, 2009 8:40 am 1 [1]We are told that gravity rules the cosmos. 私たちは重力が宇宙を支配していると言われています。 The story of the big …

Matt Finn  Analysis of Valles Marineris   Thunderbolts  マット・フィン  ヴァレス・マリネリスの分析

Matt Finn Analysis of Valles Marineris Thunderbolts マット・フィン ヴァレス・マリネリスの分析 ―――――――― 火星のマリネリス渓谷の峡谷の壁に沿って、広範囲に堆積物が層状になっている証拠があります。 それはどこから来たのか? 盆地ではありません—実…

The Black Hole at the Heart of Astronomy    天文学の中心にあるブラックホール by Wal Thornhill

The Black Hole at the Heart of Astronomy 天文学の中心にあるブラックホール by Wal Thornhill | March 28, 2009 8:38 am “Astronomical fads have always involved miracle working to some degree, and their discussion in so-called workshops and in …

Electric Galaxies 電気的銀河 by Wal Thornhill

Electric Galaxies 電気的銀河 by Wal Thornhill | May 20, 2008 5:24 am “The conformist propensity of social institutions is not the only reason that erroneous theories persevere. However, once embedded within a culture, ideas exhibit an unca…

It’s Time for Change   変化の時が来た by Wal Thornhill

It’s Time for Change 変化の時が来た by Wal Thornhill | February 15, 2009 12:04 pm But scientists, who ought to know Assure us that it must be so. Oh, let us never, never doubt What nobody is sure about.しかし、科学者たちはそれを知っている…

Astronomy has little to celebrate in 2009! 2009 年、天文学は祝うべきことがほとんどありません! by Wal Thornhill

Astronomy has little to celebrate in 2009!2009 年、天文学は祝うべきことがほとんどありません! by Wal Thornhill | January 15, 2009 7:41 pm For those who haven’t noticed, this year is “The International Year of Astronomy (IYA2009)[1].” 気づ…

NASA’s Dim View of Stars  NASA による星空の薄暗い眺め by Wal Thornhill

NASA’s Dim View of Stars NASA による星空の薄暗い眺め by Wal Thornhill | December 22, 2008 2:45 pm “..astronomers can tell the temperature of the central regions of the Sun and of many other stars within a few percentage points and be quite…

Assembling the Solar System 太陽系の組み立て by Wal Thornhill

Assembling the Solar System 太陽系の組み立て by Wal Thornhill | October 23, 2008 6:33 pm “The Genesis team can take great satisfaction not just in having salvaged their mission, but in underscoring once again how little we know about how o…

The $6 billion LHC Circus  60億ドルのLHCサーカス by Wal Thornhill

The $6 billion LHC Circus 60億ドルのLHCサーカス by Wal Thornhill | September 10, 2008 8:49 am Science has become an international circus. And opening day for “The Greatest Show on Earth” has arrived. In the 27 km main circus ring we have t…

Electric Gravity in an ELECTRIC UNIVERSE® エレクトリック・ユニバース® における電気的重力 by Wal Thornhill

Electric Gravity in an ELECTRIC UNIVERSE® エレクトリック・ユニバース® における電気的重力 by Wal Thornhill | August 22, 2008 2:55 pm “..if a special geometry has to be invented in order to account for a falling apple, even Newton might be a…

Twinkle, twinkle electric star トゥインクル・トゥインクル・エレクトリック・スター by Wal Thornhill

Twinkle, twinkle electric star トゥインクル・トゥインクル・エレクトリック・スター by Wal Thornhill | July 1, 2008 8:51 am Twinkle, twinkle electric star Astronomers don’t know what you are! トゥインクル・トゥインクル・エレクトリック・スタ…

Electric Galaxies 電気的銀河 by Wal Thornhill

Electric Galaxies 電気的銀河 by Wal Thornhill | May 20, 2008 5:24 am “The conformist propensity of social institutions is not the only reason that erroneous theories persevere. However, once embedded within a culture, ideas exhibit an unca…