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[The Thunderbolts Project,Japan Division] エレクトリックユニバース  電気的宇宙論、プラズマ宇宙物理学、 電気的観察物理学、解説、翻訳、 深津 孝明

The Real Impact of Victoria Crater ビクトリア・クレーターに本当に衝突したもの by Wal Thornhill

The Real Impact of Victoria Crater ビクトリア・クレーターに本当に衝突したもの

by Wal Thornhill | October 16, 2006 11:22 am

“I don’t like the ‘terrorist geology of impact’, which is not the same thing as saying that no impacts have ever occurred.”
—V. Axel Firsoff. 
―V. アクセル・フィサーソフ。



[Credit: NASA

Photo from Apollo 16 on the flight back to Earth centered on the eastern-most part of the Moon visible from Earth.
アポロ 16 号が地球に帰還する飛行中に撮影した、地球から見える月の最東端を中心とした写真。 

The right half shows the heavily cratered far side of the Moon.
One of the key arguments used to support the impact origin of craters in the solar system is that they seem similar to terrestrial explosion craters. 
太陽系のクレーターの衝突起源を支持するために使用される重要な議論の 1 つは、それらが地球の爆発クレーターに似ているということです。

However, superficial appearances can be deceptive. There are many unresolved problems with the impact-cratering model, which led the Irish astronomer, Firsoff, to express his dislike of the theory. 
ただし、表面的な外観は欺瞞的である可能性があります。 衝突クレーターモデルには多くの未解決の問題があり、アイルランド天文学者ファーソフはこの理論への嫌悪感を表明しました。

However, no one has considered a better theory, electrical cratering, because of the current dogma in astrophysics that yes, “there is electricity in space, but it doesn’t do anything.”

Joseph Priestley, in 1766, was the first to observe cathode cratering and to compare the craters to those on the Moon. 
ジョセフ・プリーストリーは 1766 年に初めてカソード クレーターを観察し、そのクレーターを月のクレーターと比較しました。

He noted their circular, ringed patterns. 

Robert Dietz, in 1963, suggested that the explosion from a lightning bolt might create shocked minerals near craters in a manner similar to that thought to occur from meteorite impacts. 
ロバート・ディーツは 1963 年に、稲妻による爆発が、隕石の衝突で起こると考えられているのと同様の方法で、クレーター付近に衝撃を受けた鉱物を生成する可能性があると示唆しました。

However, he was unwilling to flout convention and contemplate lightning bolts in space. 

The Englishman, Brian Ford, proposed in 1965 to the British Interplanetary Society that plasma discharge effects early in the Moon’s history formed its many craters. 

He suggested that the Moon may have been more closely coupled electrically to the Earth’s magnetosphere in that early epoch. 

Like Priestley, he used a spark-machining apparatus and demonstrated parallels between the laboratory craters and lunar craters. 

He reproduced the crater circularity
—some, but not all, with central peaks—
and the tendency for small craters to impinge on the rims of larger craters, but not the reverse.

Plasma physicists have endorsed the wide scalability of electrical phenomena. 

It offers simple laboratory tests of the theory of electrical cratering of celestial bodies. 

Electrical cratering has an explosive aspect but unlike an explosion it has precursor surface effects such as an electric wind that causes surface cleaning, and cold-cathode disruption to produce extensive crater chains, rilles and rays. 

Also, an electric arc, once established, may last long enough to produce many peculiar effects that are diagnostic.

Meanwhile, no one has found the source of the impactors that are supposed to have sculpted the surfaces of solid bodies in the solar system billions of years ago. 

No one has witnessed such an impact (Comet Shoemaker Levy 9 didn’t hit a solid surface). 

And no one has come up with convincing experimental tests of the impact theory.

〈Impact explanations of crater features are weak.〉

For example, the NASA news release on October 6, ‘Victoria Crater’ at Meridiani Planum, shows a remarkable closeup of a Martian crater that is also under close scrutiny by one of the indefatigable Mars Rovers:
たとえば、10 月 6 日の NASA ニュースリリース「メリディアニ高原のビクトリア クレーター」では、不屈の火星探査機の 1 つによる厳重な監視下にある火星のクレーターの驚くべきクローズアップが示されています。


[Credit: NASA / JPL / HiRISE Team]

[1]The High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) camera on the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) returned its first images of the Martian surface last week during a test, including this image of Victoria crater. 
火星偵察周回機 (MRO) の高解像度画像科学実験 (HiRISE) カメラは、先週のテスト中に、このビクトリア クレーターの画像を含む火星表面の最初の画像を返しました。

This image from the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment on NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter shows “Victoria crater,” an impact crater at Meridiani Planum, near the equator of Mars. 
NASA の火星偵察周回機での高解像度画像科学実験からのこの画像には、火星の赤道近くにあるメリディアニ平原の衝突クレーターである「ビクトリア クレーター」が示されています。

The crater is approximately 800 meters (half a mile) in diameter. 
このクレーターの直径は約 800 メートル (0.5 マイル) です。

It has a distinctive scalloped shape to its rim, caused by erosion and downhill movement of crater wall material. 

Layered sedimentary rocks are exposed along the inner wall of the crater, and boulders that have fallen from the crater wall are visible on the crater floor. 

The floor of the crater is occupied by a striking field of sand dunes.

Since January 2004, the Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity has been operating at Meridiani Planum. 
2004 年 1 月以来、火星探査車オポチュニティがメリディアニ高原で運用されています。

Five days before this image was taken, Opportunity arrived at the rim of Victoria crater, after a drive of more than 9 kilometers (over 5 miles). 
この画像が撮影される 5 日前、オポチュニティ号は 9 キロメートル以上のドライブを経て、ビクトリア クレーターの縁に到着しました。

The rover can be seen in this image, at roughly the “ten o’clock” position along the rim of the crater.

[Credit: NASA / JPL / Cornell]

[2]This is an enhanced, false-color rendering of images that Opportunity took using its panoramic camera (PanCam). 
これは、オポチュニティがパノラマ カメラ (PanCam) を使用して撮影した画像を強化した疑似カラー レンダリングです。

This view of Victoria crater is looking north from Duck Bay toward the striking promontory called Cape Verde. 
このビクトリア・クレーターの眺めは、ダック ベイから北に向かって、カーボ ベルデと呼ばれる印象的な岬に向かって眺めています。

This cliff of layered rocks is about 50 meters (164 feet) away from the rover and is about 6 meters (19.6 feet) tall. 
この層状の岩の崖は探査車から約 50 メートル (164 フィート) 離れており、高さは約 6 メートル (19.6 フィート) です。

The taller promontory beyond that is about 100 meters (328 feet) away, and the vista beyond that extends away for more than 400 meters (1,312 feet) into the distance. 
その向こうの高い岬までは約 100 メートル (328 フィート) 離れており、その向こうの景色は 400 メートル (1,312 フィート) 以上先まで広がります。

>> This is an enhanced, false-color rendering of images that Opportunity took using its panoramic camera (PanCam). 
>> これは、オポチュニティがパノラマ カメラ (PanCam) を使用して撮影した画像の強化された疑似カラー レンダリングです。

This view of Victoria crater is looking north from Duck Bay toward the striking promontory called Cape Verde. 
このビクトリア クレーターの眺めは、ダック・ベイから北に向かって、カーボ・ベルデと呼ばれる印象的な岬に向かって眺めています。

This cliff of layered rocks is about 50 meters (164 feet) away from the rover and is about 6 meters (19.6 feet) tall. 
この層状の岩の崖は探査車から約 50 メートル (164 フィート) 離れており、高さは約 6 メートル (19.6 フィート) です。

The taller promontory beyond that is about 100 meters (328 feet) away, and the vista beyond that extends away for more than 400 meters (1,312 feet) into the distance.
その向こうの高い岬までは約 100 メートル (328 フィート) 離れており、その向こうの景色は 400 メートル (1,312 フィート) 以上先まで広がります。
[Credit: NASA / JPL / Cornell] [Click to enlarge]

The pictures of Victoria crater expose the feebleness of the official “explanation.” 

The crater “has a distinctive scalloped shape to its rim, caused by erosion and downhill movement of crater wall material.” 

The crater actually looks quite fresh, with very little debris and no sign of the large heaps of rubble to be expected at the bases of the large scallops. 

If the rubble has been covered by wind blown sand, we have two problems. 
瓦礫が風に飛ばされた砂で覆われている場合、2 つの問題が発生します。

First, there is practically no air on Mars to shift sand grains. 

And second, there is a radial pattern on the floor of the crater that is inexplicable by wind-blown dust or sand.

So what does that make of the floor of the crater “occupied by a striking field of sand dunes?” 

They look like no field of dunes on Earth. 

Dunes have a difference of slope across their ridges. 

And to form “network dunes” requires episodes of winds blowing steadily from different directions. 

They resemble instead shallow intersecting bowl-shaped depressions.
[Victoria—The Electrical Crater][ビクトリア—電気的クレーター]

Geology was originally considered a “soft” science, being mainly descriptive. 

It was not until physicists began to provide geologists with tools like radioactive dating and astronomers developed a cosmogony (story of the formation of the solar system) that geology was accepted as a “hard” science. 

However, if geologists have been “sold a pup” by their colleagues, then geology is no more than a fictional “once upon a time, long, long ago,” story. 

And stories told at mother’s knee tend to stay with us for life. 

Mars now has such a story, complete with geological eras known, from oldest to youngest, as the Noachian, Hesperian, and Amazonian Epochs.

According to the Lunar & Planetary Institute:

“these Epochs are defined by the number of meteorite impact craters on the ground surface
older surfaces show the scars of more impact craters. 

The actual timing of the Epochs is not known. 

The Noachian extends back in time to the beginnings of the planet, and ended sometime between 3.8 and 3.5 billion years ago (according to accepted models). 
ノアキアンは地球の始まりまで遡り、38 億年から 35 億年前の間のある時点で終わりました (受け入れられているモデルによると)。

Many large impact craters scar Noachian age surfaces. 

Next in time was the Hesperian period, a time of extensive lava plains. 

The Hesperian Epoch ended sometime between 3.55 and 1.8 billion years ago; 
the range here reflects different models of the rate of meteorite falls onto Mars. 
ヘスペリアン時代は 35 億 5 億年から 18 億年前の間に終わりました;

Finally, the Amazonian Epoch extends to the present day. 

Ground surfaces of Amazonian age have few meteorite impact craters, but otherwise are quite varied. 

The Amazonian Epoch has seen the formation of the huge volcano Olympus Mons, lava flows elsewhere on Mars, formation of the landslides in Valles Marineris (like these in Gangis Chasma), and formation of the broad plains and sand dunes near Mars’ poles.”

The crucial factor missing from radioactive dating and cosmogony is the electrical nature of the universe as described by the new science of plasma cosmology. 

Stars are an electrical phenomenon and their planets are involved in the stellar electrical circuit. 

The most common manifestation on Earth of this connection is lightning. 

But the origin of lightning remains a mystery[3] due to the collective blind spot about cosmic electricity. 

If stars are an electrical phenomenon then the life story of the Sun is fictional. 

If planets have suffered powerful electrical discharges in the past then they are not closed energetic systems and radioactive dating is rendered practically worthless. 

Rather than concoct stories about the unimaginably distant past, we should reconstruct our recent past as effectively as we can to see what we might have missed.

Recent peer-reviewed papers in plasma science provide strong evidence that the Earth has suffered from sub-gigaampere auroral-type discharges in our recent prehistory. 

Such discharges, where they reach the surface, are capable of large scale scarring. 

It clearly demonstrates the failure of our current astrophysical fable to deal with a solar system that has an electrical aspect

The solar system most definitely is not simple Newtonian clockwork. 

Retro-calculations and stories based on this belief are fiction. 

Counting electrical craters, which can cover a planetary hemisphere in moments, has no dating value whatsoever.

I have written earlier on the electrical formation of the colossal gash across Mars’ face, Valles Marineris[4]. 

That surface bears the hallmark of the most powerful electrical plasma discharge phenomenon in the universe
—the characteristic form of the spiral galaxy[5]. 

The problem facing science is that neither cosmologists nor geologists are trained in plasma discharge. 

So the pattern goes unnoticed on Mars.

Victoria crater is tiny but it demonstrates the value of simple laboratory experiments using electrical discharges to solid surfaces. 
ビクトリア クレーターは小さいですが、固体表面への放電を使用した簡単な実験室実験の価値を示しています。

There are two types of lightning strokes; 
the most common is the negative cloud to ground, where the earth is the positive electrode, or anode. 
落雷には 2 つのタイプがあります;

Less common is the more powerful positive cloud to ground stroke, where the earth is the negative electrode, or cathode. 

The scar is different in each case.

An arc struck to an anode tends to “stick” in one place, causing much melting and often raising a circular blister, called a “fulgamite.” 

Fulgamite scars on lightning arrestors are bell-shaped with a circular crater, or craters, at the summit. 

They often rise steeply from a circular depression or “borrow pit,” with many rings. 

This should sound familiar to any keen observer of Mars. 

Olympus Mons has all of these strange features, which do not fit the volcano model. 

The giant “volcanoes” on Mars are in fact massive fulgamites!


[Credit: USGS/NASA

Olympus Mons, 25 kilometres high, is NOT the highest volcano in the Solar System. 
It is a giant raised electrical blister with characteristic superimposed circular craters at the summit. 
高さ 25 キロメートルのオリンパス山は、太陽系で最も高い火山ではありません。 これは、頂上に特徴的な円形のクレーターが重なった、巨大な隆起した電気的ブリスター(水疱)です。

It is the kind of blister seen on metal lightning arrestor caps after a strike. 

Victoria crater appears to be a short-duration anode scar, or “spark” crater, where melting is insignificant. 
ビクトリア クレーターは、短期間の陽極の傷跡、または「スパーク」クレーターであるように見え、そこでの融解は重要ではありません。

In laboratory experiments it is found that the anode spark scar on a “contaminated” surface develops many arc “spots” at the center of a roughly circular scar. 

In a very short time the central arc spots move out to form a ring. 

The spots enlarge and join into a ring. 

For a time the entire arc current passes through the annular ring. 

If it were to continue, melting would occur, obliterating the fine scalloped structure of the crater wall. 
In experiments there may be a hundred or more spots.


I would suggest that the “sand dunes” are the result of the central arc spots, forming overlapping circular depressions (see diagram above). 

Certainly, the orthogonal ridges have more in common with a corona discharge pattern than they do with sand dunes. 

They may therefore be solid, glassified sand, rather like that found in dry soil following a lightning strike. 

Such glassified sand is known as a “fulgurite.” 

It is noteworthy that the Apollo astronauts found clumps of glass-crusted soil near the centers of small (1 to 5 foot) craters on the lunar surface

It raised a stir because the glass was a surprise. 

In addition, orthogonal lineaments in the lunar soil were reported. 

They cannot have been there for long.

The blast effect of the cosmic “spark” together with the electrical stripping of ionized surface matter, produced the clean crater and surrounds. 

The sudden outward movement of the arc spots may have formed the radial pattern on the crater floor. 

The scalloped crater wall is simply the erosion signature of the irregular ring of enlarged anode spots.

The dark material on the crater floor may be from an exposed strata and/or the arc may have modified the lighter material. 

It may be rich in Martian hematite “blueberries.” 

The somewhat curved dark streaks beyond the crater wall are to be expected from an electric discharge because of the rotating winds it generates.

I wish the Mars Rover, Opportunity, every success in exploring Victoria crater. 

It may at last be able to provide confirmation of the electrical model of planetary cratering. 

Of course, that does not guarantee acceptance by planetary scientists. 

That requires giving up strong beliefs imbibed with mother’s milk.

“A man receives only what he is ready to receive. . . .
The phenomenon or fact that cannot in any wise be linked with the rest of what he has observed, he does not observe.” 
「人は、自分が受け取りたいと思ったものだけを受け取ります. . .。  
—Henry D. Thoreau

Wal Thornhill

1.    [Image]: /wp/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/Victoria-crater.jpg
2.    [Image]: /wp/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/Cape-Verde.jpg
3.    origin of lightning remains a mystery: http://www.holoscience.com/news/balloon.html
4.    Valles Marineris: http://www.holoscience.com/views/view_mars.htm
5.    spiral galaxy: http://www.holoscience.com/news.php?article=rnde0zza
6.    [Image]: /wp/wp-content/uploads/2006/10/Victoria-crater-diagram.jpg
Source URL: https://www.holoscience.com/wp/the-real-impact-of-victoria-crater/
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