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Electric Earthquakes 電気的地震 by Wal Thornhill

Electric Earthquakes 電気的地震

by Wal Thornhill | December 21, 2005 3:56 am

Civilization’s interest in predicting the location and time of damaging earthquakes is clear. The potential for devastation of property that otherwise could be secured, and the loss of life that otherwise could be prevented, are powerful reasons to find predictive factors.〉
〈被害をもたらす地震の位置と時刻の予測に対する文明の関心は明らかです。 そうでなければ安全にできるはずの財産の破壊や、そうでなければ防ぐことができた人命の損失の可能性は、予測要素を見つける強力な理由です。〉


 [1][Picture Credit: history.library.ucsf.edu/imagelib/ Chart: New Scientist]

Some scientists have become aware of a correlation between sunspots and Earthquakes and want to use the sunspot data to help predict earthquakes. 

The theory is that an intensification of the magnetic field can cause changes in the geosphere. 

The NASA and the European Geosciences Union have already put their stamp of approval on the sunspot hypothesis, which suggests that certain changes in the sun-earth environment affects the magnetic field of the earth that can trigger earthquakes in areas prone to it. 

It is not clear how such a trigger might work.

In the Journal of Scientific Exploration, Vol. 17, No. 1, pp. 37–71, 2003, there is an excellent report that addresses the more down-to-earth problems facing geophysicists trying to understand earthquakes. 
科学探査ジャーナル、Vol.  17, No. 1, pp. 37–71, 2003 には、地震を理解しようとする地球物理学者が直面する、より現実的な問題に対処する優れた報告書があります。

The paper is titled, Rocks That Crackle and Sparkle and Glow: Strange Pre-Earthquake Phenomena, by Dr. Friedemann T. 
奇妙な地震前の現象」、フリーデマン T. 博士著です。

Freund, a professor in the Department of Physics, San Jose State University, and a senior researcher at NASA Ames Research Center. 
フロイント氏は、サンノゼ州立大学物理学科の教授であり、NASA エイムズ研究センターの上級研究員でもあります。

Dr. Freund writes:
“Many strange phenomena precede large earthquakes. Some of them have been reported for centuries, even millennia. 
The list is long and diverse: bulging of the Earth’s surface, changing well water levels, ground-hugging fog, low frequency electromagnetic emission, earthquake lights from ridges and mountain tops, magnetic field anomalies up to 0.5% of the Earth’s dipole field, temperature anomalies by several degrees over wide areas as seen in satellite images, changes in the plasma density of the ionosphere, and strange animal behavior. 
Because it seems nearly impossible to imagine that such diverse phenomena could have a common physical cause, there is great confusion and even greater controversy.”
「大地震の前には、多くの奇妙な現象が起こります。 それらの中には、何世紀にもわたって、あるいは何千年にもわたって報告されているものもあります。
リストは長く多様です:地表の隆起、井戸の水位の変化、地面を覆う霧、低周波電磁放射、尾根や山頂からの地震光、地球の双極子場の最大0.5%の磁場の異常、温度 衛星画像で見られるような広範囲にわたる数度の異常、電離層のプラズマ密度の変化、そして奇妙な動物の行動。

Freund outlines the basic problem:

“Based on the reported laboratory results of electrical measurements, no mechanism seemed to exist that could account for the generation of those large currents in the Earth’s crust, which are needed to explain the strong EM signals and magnetic anomalies that have been documented before some earthquakes. Unfortunately, when a set of observations cannot be explained within the framework of existing knowledge, the tendency is not to believe the observation. Therefore, a general malaise has taken root in the geophysical community when it comes to the many reported non-seismic and non-geodesic pre-earthquake phenomena. There seems to be no bona fide physical process by which electric currents of sufficient magnitude could be generated in crustal rocks.”
「報告された実験室の電気測定結果に基づくと、いくつかの地震の前に記録されている強い電磁信号と磁気異常を説明するのに必要な、地殻内での大電流の発生を説明できるメカニズムは存在していないようだ。」  残念ながら、一連の観察が既存の知識の枠組み内で説明できない場合、その観察を信じない傾向があります。 したがって、多くの報告されている非地震的および非測地的な地震前の現象に関して、地球物理学界には一般的な不快感が根付いています。 十分な大きさの電流を地殻の岩石に発生させることができる正真正銘の物理的プロセスは存在しないようです。」

Freund makes an excellent attempt to explain all of the phenomena in terms of rock acting like a p-type semi-conducting material when placed under stress. 
フロイントは、応力下に置かれたときに岩石が p 型半導体材料のように作用するという観点からすべての現象を説明しようとする優れた試みを行っています。

Normally rock is a good insulator. 

For example, the emission of positive ions from the Earth’s surface may act as nuclei for the ground-hugging fog that sometimes occur prior to earthquake activity. 

And although the surface potential may only be in the 1–2-Volt range, the associated electric field across a thin surface layer can reach hundreds of thousands of volts per centimeter, enough to cause corona discharges, or “earthquake lights.” 
また、表面電位は 1 ~ 2 ボルトの範囲にすぎませんが、薄い表面層を横切る関連する電場は 1 センチメートルあたり数十万ボルトに達する可能性があり、これはコロナ放電、つまり「地震の光」を引き起]こすのに十分です。

Thermal anomalies seen from space before an earthquake may be due to the emission of infra-red light where the semi-conductor charge recombines at the surface

Disturbed animal behavior may be due to the presence of positive ions in the air.

As Freund says, this theory places an explanation in the realm of semiconductor physics, which means that geoscientists are not the best people to judge it. 

That explains why the paper appears in a speculative journal. 

Freund laments, 
〈“the peer review system often creates near-insurmountable hurdles against the publication of data that seem contrary to long-held beliefs.”〉 

Freund has identified a source of charge in stressed rocks that was not believed possible. 

He says, 
“once fully told and understood, the ‘story’ [of p-holes] is basically so simple that many mainstream geoscientists are left to wonder why it has taken so long for them to be discovered. If they are so ubiquitous as they appear to be, why did p-holes go unnoticed for over a hundred years?” 
「一度完全に語られ、理解されてしまえば、[p ホールの]『物語』は基本的に非常に単純なので、主流の地球科学者の多くは、なぜ発見されるまでにこれほど時間がかかったのか疑問に思うことになります。  P ホールがそう見えるほど遍在しているのであれば、なぜ P ホールが 100 年以上も気づかれなかったのでしょうか?」

Confronted with this question, by a twist of logic, many ‘mainstreamers’ succumb to the impulse to reject the p-hole concept out of hand. 
この疑問に直面すると、論理のねじれによって、多くの「主流派」は、p ホールの概念を手も足もなく拒否したいという衝動に屈してしまいます。

Other geologists find it hard to believe that positive holes liberated so deep down could flow to the Earth’s surface and collect there without being reabsorbed. 

However, earthquake lights are a real phenomenon, and some kind of mechanism must be creating them. 

Whatever it is, says Chris Marone, who works on the physics of rock deformation at Pennsylvania State University in University Park, it will involve maintaining charge over surprisingly large distances. 

〈“This is a very, very hard problem.”〉

The difficulties encountered in connection with p-holes are similar to others that have punctuated the history of science. 
P ホールに関連して遭遇する困難は、科学の歴史を中断してきた他の困難と似ています。

The discovery of the p-holes as dormant yet powerful charge carriers in the Earth’s crust calls for a new paradigm in earthquake research and beyond. 
地球の地殻内で休眠しているが強力な電荷キャリアとしての p ホールの発見は、地震研究およびそれ以降の研究において新しいパラダイムを必要とします。

More often than not, any call for a new paradigm elicits opposition. Freund closes with a quote from the philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer:
“all truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.”
多くの場合、新しいパラダイムを求めると反対が起こります。 フロイントは哲学者アルトゥル・ショーペンハウアーの言葉を引用して締めくくります:
「すべての真実は 3 つの段階を経ます。 まず、嘲笑される。 第二に、激しく反対することです。 第三に、それは自明のこととして受け入れられています。」

If Freund has a problem getting such a simple idea accepted, how much more difficult is it going to be to get both astronomers and geoscientists to accept that the Earth is a charged body in an ELECTRIC UNIVERSE®?
フロイントがそのような単純な考えを受け入れてもらうのに苦労しているとしたら、天文学者と地球科学者の両方に地球が電気的宇宙® の帯電天体であることを受け入れさせるのはどれだけ難しいでしょうか?

The missing link between the sunspots and earthquakes is the fact that the electric discharges to the Sun that cause sunspots can also affect the Earth’s ionosphere. 

The ionosphere forms one “plate” of a capacitor, while the Earth forms the other. 

Changes of voltage on one plate will induce movement of charge on the other. 

But unlike a capacitor, the Earth also has charge distributed in rock beneath the surface

And if the subsurface rock has become semi-conducting because of stress, there is an opportunity for sudden electrical breakdown to occur through that rock. 

We should expect similar processes to occur underground as is found in atmospheric lightning. 

There will be precursor electromagnetic effects due to the small-scale travelling of charge
 – rather like “stepped leaders” between cloud and ground. 
– むしろ、雲と地面の間の「階段状のリーダー」のようなものです。

That may be the limit of activity in small tremors. 

But in a large earthquake, the entire circuit may be involved, from below the Earth, through the atmosphere to the ionosphere. 

This would explain the massive disturbance of the ionosphere over a large area accompanying a major earthquake.

The mystery of the source of the current is solved
 – it comes from a charged Earth. 
– それは帯電した地球から来ています。

And the link with sunspots via the ionosphere is exposed.

Subterranean lightning causes earthquakes! 

Seismic waves are the rumble of underground thunder. 

The energy released may be equivalent to the detonation of many atomic bombs but only a small proportion need come from the release of strain in the rocks. 

Most of it comes from the Earth’s stored internal electrical energy.

The latest issue of the IEEE journal, SPECTRUM, features an article based on Freund’s work that looks at ways of predicting earthquakes. 
IEEE ジャーナル SPECTRUM の最新号には、地震を予測する方法を考察するフロイントの研究に基づいた記事が掲載されています。

Once again, it seems that scientific advances fare better today in the hands of electrical engineers.
[See www.spectrum.ieee.org/dec05/2367][2].
There is a corollary to this story, which concerns the mysterious fragmentation of comets. 

The observation of more than 20 cases of comet fragmentation led to the thought that comet nuclei are poorly cohesive rubble piles. 

But comet nuclei that have been imaged closely show that they are cohesive, rocky bodies with sharp relief (notwithstanding theoretical speculations about their origin from dust and erroneous densities derived from gravitational theory). 

Comet Tempel 1 was no exception yet surprising quantities of extremely fine dust were seen in the Deep Impact experiment. 
テンペル第 1 彗星も例外ではありませんでしたが、ディープ・インパクトの実験では驚くべき量の非常に細かい塵が観察されました。

The dust came from electrical sputtering of the rocky comet surface

An impact will dislodge much larger particles.


 The Hubble picture shows that the comet Linear nucleus has been reduced to a shower of glowing "mini-comets" resembling the fiery fragments from an exploding aerial firework. 
[Credit: NASA, Harold Weaver (the Johns Hopkins University), and the HST Comet LINEAR Investigation Team.]

So, being rocky bodies like the Earth and in the same electrical environment of the solar system, comets will carry significant electrical charge distributed throughout the nucleus

However, unlike the Earth, conducting plasma is in contact with the comet nucleus so that electrical discharges reach right down to the surface where they are concentrated in cathode jets, seen emanating from the nucleus.

The rocks in the comet nucleus are not under mechanical stress so they are good insulators. 

However, the increasing loss of charge from the surface of the comet nucleus, as it rushes toward the Sun, develops electrical strain within the nucleus

If a subsurface discharge results, the comet suffers a “cometquake,” which may disrupt the nucleus

The small velocities imparted to rocks by the quake are sufficient for them to escape the gravity of the nucleus.

Wal Thornhill

1.    [Image]: /wp/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/earthquake.jpg
2.    www.spectrum.ieee.org/dec05/2367: http://www.spectrum.ieee.org/dec05/2367.
Source URL: https://www.holoscience.com/wp/electric-earthquakes/
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