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[The Thunderbolts Project,Japan Division] エレクトリックユニバース  電気的宇宙論、プラズマ宇宙物理学、 電気的観察物理学、解説、翻訳、 深津 孝明

Science Needs Natural Philosophers  科学には自然哲学者が必要です Wal Thornhill

Science Needs Natural Philosophers  科学には自然哲学者が必要です

Wal Thornhill

29 August, 2011
“Those who regard philosophy as a ‘soft’ and unscientific discipline, in contrast to the ‘hard’ and scientific fields of mathematics and physics, have accepted a Big Lie. The ideas of mathematicians and physicists can be no more objective or certain than the philosophic ideas on which they depend. Philosophy is the discipline that tells us how to be objective and how to achieve certainty. Without a theory of knowledge, how would mathematicians or physicists know the relationship of their concepts and generalizations to reality? It is the inductive science of philosophy that teaches the ‘hard’ scientist how to be scientific.”
「数学や物理学の「ハード」で科学的な分野とは対照的に、哲学を「ソフト」で非科学的な学問だと考える人たちは、大きな嘘を受け入れたことになります。数学者や物理学者の考えは、彼らが依存している哲学的な考えと同様に客観的でも確実でもありません。哲学は、客観性を保つ方法と確実性を達成する方法を教えてくれる学問です。 知識理論がなければ、数学者や物理学者は、自分たちの概念や一般化と現実との関係をどのようにして知ることができるでしょうか?  「堅い」科学者に科学的になる方法を教えるのは帰納的な哲学です。」

– Leonard Peikoff in The Logical Leap by David Harriman
– レナード・ペイコフ『The Logical Leap』(デビッド・ハリマン著)


Regrettably, the inductive principle of natural philosophy has been dismissed in the ‘mob rule’ culture of science today. And modern philosophy may be the culprit. The corruption in philosophy seems to have spread from Immanuel Kant’s 18th century philosophy that led to ‘positivism,’ which limited the goal of science to merely describing regularities in the behaviour of appearances. 
そして、現代哲学が、その犯人かもしれません。 哲学の腐敗は、科学の目標を単に外観の挙動の規則性を説明することに限定する「実証主義」につながった18世紀のイマヌエル・カントの哲学から広がったようです。

Peikoff writes:

“When, thanks to Kant, the most advanced science departs from the proper method
—for example, when physicists renounce causality in the subatomic realm and revert to the menial job of ‘saving appearances,’ or when they entirely detach theory from reality and wander around in an eleven-dimensional geometry of spacetime—
the cultural consequences are devastating. 
People hear about such views and conclude: If this is rationality, who need it? 
There must be something better.”

Stephen Hawking (correctly for once) declares in his latest book, “Philosophy is dead.” 

But so is modern physics, and for the same reason, although the corpse refuses to lie down. 

Kant’s influence has morphed into the oxymoronic “thought experiment.” 
Science has become surreal and illogical with the sainted Einstein as its exemplar and holy relic. A return to classical natural philosophy is urgently needed to restore sanity.


Photo: Michael Steinbacher
Last month I had the honour of delivering my paper, Stars in an Electric Universe, as the 2011 John Chappell Memorial lecture at the Natural Philosophy Alliance (NPA)* 18th Annual Conference at the University of Maryland. 
先月、私は光栄なことに、メリーランド大学で開催された自然哲学同盟 (NPA)* 第 18 回年次会議で、2011 年のジョン・チャペル記念講演として私の論文「電気的宇宙の恒星達」を発表することができました。

The same evening, several scientists I hold in high regard, including Dr. Halton Arp and Dr. Harold Aspden, were presented (in absentia) with the Sagnac Award** for “a lifetime commitment to excellence in scientific pursuit.” 

Arp has been called “a modern Galileo” for his observations that reveal the accepted ‘big bang’ cosmology to be false:

 “After all, to get the whole universe totally wrong in the face of clear evidence for over 75 years merits monumental embarrassment and should induce a modicum of humility.” 

Aspden uses simple observations to show the Sun is not powered internally: 

“we can be sure that energy is finding its way into heavy ions in a plasma contrary to accepted scientific principles and those in authority having concern for our energy future should heed the message.”

From the NPA website:

*”Natural Philosophy” is the name by which “physics” was known in the time of Isaac Newton, and well into the 19th century. We return to it mainly in order to emphasize that the more profound and circumspect approach to nature during those years is needed once again. We seek renewed respect for philosophy, especially for logic; and also for the everyday application of reason and of respect for evidence known as common sense — which should be considered a foundation for, rather than a contrast to, genuine science.”
*「自然哲学」は、アイザック・ニュートンの時代から 19 世紀にかけて「物理学」として知られていた名前です。 私たちがそのことに戻るのは、主に、当時の自然に対するより深く慎重なアプローチが再び必要とされていることを強調するためです。 私たちは哲学、特に論理に対する新たな敬意を求めます。 そしてまた、理性を日常的に適用し、常識として知られる証拠を尊重することも、真の科学との対比ではなく、基礎であると考えるべきである。」

** The award namesake, French physicist Georges Sagnac (1869-1926), was an associate of Nobelists Pierre and Marie Curie, Jean Perrin and Paul Langevin at the Sorbonne in Paris. Sagnac conducted experiments in 1913 demonstrating a net difference between light paths moving in opposite directions on a rotating platform. Many alternative scientists believe his ‘Sagnac Effect’ challenges the theories of Sagnac’s contemporary, Albert Einstein. Yet in spite of its challenge and repeatability, Sagnac’s experiment receives only passing mention, if any, in physics textbooks, and little is known about Sagnac himself. So just as Sagnac was not recognized for his major contributions, the Sagnac Award is intended to honor those unsung heroes making largely unrecognized, but significant contributions to science today.
** 賞の名となったフランスの物理学者ジョルジュ・サニャック(1869-1926)は、パリのソルボンヌ大学ノーベル賞受賞者ピエール・キュリー夫妻、ジャン・ペラン、ポール・ランジュヴァンらの同僚であった。 サニャックは 1913 年に、回転プラットフォーム上で反対方向に移動する光路間の正味の違いを実証する実験を実施しました。 多くの代替科学者は、彼の「サニャック効果」はサニャックと同時代のアルバート・アインシュタインの理論に疑問を投げかけていると信じています。 しかし、その挑戦と再現性にもかかわらず、サニャックの実験は物理学の教科書では、たとえあっても通過する程度の言及しか受けておらず、サニャック自身についてはほとんど知られていません。 そのため、サニャックの主要な貢献が認められなかったのと同様に、サニャック賞は、ほとんど認められていないものの、今日の科学に重要な貢献をした隠れた英雄を讃えることを目的としています。

The NPA has more than two thousand members and a record number of more than 200 registered for the 18th conference. This is excellent for a self-funded organization. Many papers were submitted in absentia with the result that this year’s Proceedings has 123 authors, runs to 731 pages, and weighs 1.7 kg (3.75 lb)! Amazingly, the massive volume was available at the conference as a valuable reference.
NPA には 2,000 人以上の会員がおり、第 18 回会議には記録的な数の 200 人以上が登録しています。 これは自己資金で運営されている組織にとっては素晴らしいことです。 多くの論文が欠席で提出され、その結果、今年の論文集には著者が 123 人、ページ数が 731、重さが 1.7 kg (3.75 ポンド) になりました。 驚くべきことに、カンファレンスでは貴重な参考資料として膨大な量の資料が入手できました。

Time for relaxed discussion with Thunderbolts team members Jim Johnson and Michael Gmirkin who both spoke at the conference. Photo: Michael Steinbacher.
カンファレンスで講演したサンダーボルツのチームメンバー、ジム・ジョンソンとマイケル・グマーキンとリラックスしたディスカッションの時間です。 写真:マイケル・スタインバッハー。

The atmosphere of the three days NPA conference was invigorating because there was a general recognition that science lost its way early in the 20th century so the future is bright for iconoclasts. Not that there was consensus about the way forward, apart from the long overdue burial of relativity theory. 
Controversial ideas were respectfully received and discussed. It reminded me of the freewheeling dialogue to be found in science journals at the end of the 19th century. 
The contrast with modern mainstream conferences, where it is foolhardy to speak against the majority view, could not have been greater. 
And the attendances did not decline each day as they often do at conventional scientific meetings where the tacit agenda is to have a holiday on public funds at some exotic location. 
International conferences were a rare event in the first half of the 20th century. 
In the age of the Internet they have become a poorly justified junket.
それは、19 世紀末の科学雑誌で見られた自由奔放な対話を思い出させました。
20 世紀前半には、国際会議はまれなイベントでした。

The Electric Universe paradigm was well represented at the NPA conference, with eleven speakers and a special ‘Evening with the Electric Universe.’ 
From the EU perspective it was refreshing to find an accord with other scholars that our current beliefs in science need root and branch revision. Chief amongst the casualties is Einstein and his illusory theories of relativity. 
エレクトリック・ユニバース・パラダイムは、NPA 会議で 11 人の講演者と特別な「エレクトリック・ユニバースの夕べ」でよく表現されました。
 EUの観点からすると、科学に対する私たちの現在の信念は根幹から枝分かれまで修正する必要があるという点で他の学者との一致を見つけられたのは新鮮だった。 犠牲者の中で最も多いのはアインシュタインと彼の幻想的な相対性理論だ。

This result was clearly predicted in 1933 by the Australian, Arthur Lynch, who wrote in The Case Against Einstein:
この結果は 1933 年にオーストラリア人のアーサー ・リンチによって明確に予測されており、彼は『アインシュタインに対する訴訟』で次のように書いています:

“I have no doubt that there will arise a new generation who will look with a wonder and amazement, deeper than now accompany Einstein, at our galaxy of thinkers, men of science, popular critics, authoritative professors, and witty dramatists, who have been satisfied to waive their common sense in view of Einstein’s absurdities. Then to these will succeed another generation, whose interest will be that of a detached and half-amused contemplation; and in the limbo of forgotten philosophies they may search for the cenotaph of Relativity.”
「私たちの銀河系の思想家、科学者、人気評論家、権威ある教授、機知に富んだ劇作家たちを、今よりもさらに深く、驚きと驚きの目で見つめる新世代が現れるだろうと私は確信している。 アインシュタインの不条理を考慮して、彼らの常識を放棄することに満足しました。 そして、これらの人々は次の世代に引き継がれ、その興味は無関心で半分面白がって熟考することになるでしょう。 そして忘れられた哲学の辺境で相対性理論の慰霊碑を探すかもしれない。」

That it has taken so long for the blinders to begin to fall away speaks volumes for how difficult it is to shake beliefs. We seem incapable of learning from history so we are repeating the Galileo story in the 21st century. This time it is the creed of scientism and the pseudo-religion of the big bang that stands in the way of progress. In truth, we have no real understanding of matter, light, magnetism, gravity, quantum behavior, subatomic particles, stars, galaxies, or… need I go on? 
目隠しが外れ始めるまでにこれほど長い時間がかかったということは、信念を揺るがすことがいかに難しいかを物語っています。 私たちは歴史から学ぶことができないようで、21世紀にもガリレオの物語を繰り返しているようです。 今度は進歩の邪魔をするのは科学主義の信条とビッグバンの疑似宗教です。
実のところ、私たちは物質、光、磁気、重力、量子の挙動、素粒子、恒星、銀河、さらに…続ける必要がありますか? などについて、本当の意味での理解はしていません。

Stories of creation and what did and did not happen in the universe over the past 13.7 billion years are crackpot schemes by celebrities of less talent than many in the NPA but greater prestige. We have too much information and too little real understanding. 
Many of the things we are taught “just ain’t so.” 
This realization frees the mind to view everything afresh. 
It is the spark required to rekindle enthusiasm for science and drive progress. There is so much to be discovered.
過去 137 億年間に宇宙で何が起こったのか、何が起こらなかったのか、創造の物語は、NPA の多くの人々よりも才能に劣るが、より高い名声を持つ有名人による巧妙な計画です。 私たちは情報が多すぎて、本当の理解が少なすぎます。
 それは科学への熱意を再燃させ、進歩を促進するために必要な火花です。 発見すべきことがたくさんあります。

In Nature, earlier this month, is an editorial by Dr. Michael Turner titled, “The dark clouds over US astronomy.” 

He bemoans the cuts in funding for astronomy and NASA

He writes:

“It is barely 12 months since US astronomy was shown the future, with the release of New Worlds, New Horizons in Astronomy and Astrophysics, the latest decadal survey by the National Academy of Sciences. 

The survey offered a strategy
 — based on realistic budgets and leveraged by international and private partnerships — 

to realize dazzling opportunities, including searching for life on other planets, identifying dark matter and understanding dark energy. It also promised to reveal the evolution of the first stars and galaxies and to probe whether supermassive black holes are accurately described by general relativity.”
— 現実的な予算に基づき、国際的および民間のパートナーシップを活用し—
他の惑星での生命の探索、暗黒物質の特定、暗黒エネルギーの理解など、素晴らしい機会を実現するために。 また、最初の星や銀河の進化を明らかにし、超大質量ブラックホール一般相対性理論によって正確に記述されるかどうかを調査することも約束されました。」

These projects would merely add to the phenomenal waste of time, manpower and public funds by many top scientists today. 

I need only cite the Large Hadron Collider search for the mythical Higgs boson; 
the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) which is supposed to produce fusion power “like the Sun”; 
and the Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory to detect something we do not understand. 

The ITER began in 2007 and the first plasma is not expected until 2019! 
ITER は 2007 年に始まり、最初のプラズマは 2019 年まで期待されません。

Not a single one of the proposed NAS projects mentioned is based on any real physical understanding. 
言及されている提案されている NAS プロジェクトのうち、実際の物理的な理解に基づいているものは 1 つもありません。

Turner says, “NASA is going to need a steady stream of exciting science results to capture the public’s imagination.” 
ターナー氏は、「NASA は一般の人々の想像力を掻き立てるために、刺激的な科学成果を継続的に提供する必要があるだろう」と述べています。

What NASA gets is a steady stream of surprises, which proves my point. 
NASA has wasted countless billions in ill-advised space research. 
Turner exposes the importance of ‘showbiz’ to fund this misguided activity. 
But with no real understanding the “science results” become virtual-reality fiction in the media. 
If only education taught critical thinking instead of mesmerizing fiction, the meaningless language and illogicality of science programs would be obvious. 
NASA が得ているものは次々と驚きの連続であり、これが私の主張を証明しています。

For example, I endured a BBC program last evening, “Who’s Afraid of a Big Black Hole?”, where Prof. Douglas Leonard pontificates that black holes form when stars implode in less than a second “…and stars continue imploding all the way down to a point.” 

A “point” is a location in a coordinate system: 
it is not an object, much less a meaningless “black hole.” 
Such gobbledygook could not survive if inductive natural philosophy were reinstated to its primary position in science.
How can science be so far ‘off the rails’ when it is supposed to be self-correcting? 
The mistake comes from believing that science is a perfectly rational human pursuit, unlike any other. 

The polymath psychoanalyst Immanuel Velikovsky was perhaps uniquely qualified to declare in an interview, “Man is irrational in everything he does.” 

To restore rationality we must first understand ourselves. In an extraordinary multidisciplinary forensic investigation, which Velikovsky published in his 1950 best seller, Worlds in Collision, he uncovered mankind’s forgotten experience of doomsday
 — the end of the world — 
and our (understandable) irrational response to the trauma. 
合理性を回復するには、まず自分自身を理解する必要があります。 ヴェリコフスキーは 1950 年のベストセラー『衝突する世界』で発表した、異例の学際的な法医学調査で、人類が忘れていた終末体験
- 世界の終わり –

“Man is a wounded animal. His survival is astonishing. But his inability to heal his wounds is tragic,” wrote Dr. Roger Wescott.
「人間は傷ついた動物だ。 彼の生存は驚くべきものである。 しかし、彼の傷を癒すことができないのは悲劇的だ」とロジャー・ウェスコット博士は書いている。


The striking red cover of Velikovsky’s Macmillan edition of his book, which was like a red rag to a bull for astronomers. The publishers were forced to transfer the best seller to Doubleday by unprecedented threats from academics.

ヴェリコフスキーのマクミラン版著書の印象的な赤い表紙は、天文学者にとって雄牛に赤い布のようなものでした。 学者らによる前例のない脅迫により、出版社はベストセラーをダブルデイ社に譲渡することを余儀なくされた。

Since Velikovsky’s discovery was a prehistoric cosmic drama involving the Earth and other planets, some of our craziest collective behavior surrounds astronomy and its antecedent astral religions. 

He wrote, “I was greatly surprised to find that astronomy, the queen of sciences, lives still in the pre-Faraday age, not even in the time of kerosene lamps, but of candles and oil.” 

This referred to Faraday’s study of electricity and the fact that the cosmic thunderbolt was memorialized in all ancient cultures as the primary ‘weapon’ during planetary encounters. 
Therefore electricity must play a role in the cosmos, particularly at times of orbital chaos. 

But our high-priests of astronomy deny it. Meanwhile, spacecraft and radio telescopes routinely reveal magnetic fields in space, which are the signature of electric ‘dark currents’ flowing in the thin plasma. 
しかし、我が国の天文学の高僧たちはそれを否定しています。 一方、宇宙船や電波望遠鏡は、薄いプラズマ内を流れる「暗電流」の痕跡である宇宙の磁場を定期的に明らかにしています。

This was my point of departure into the Electric Universe paradigm.
The consequences of the false beliefs of the ‘blinkered’ herd are immense due to the widespread impact, not only on science, but on human culture too. 

There should be no need to list examples of mankind’s irrational behaviour. 
It is plainly evident in our wars, religions, politics, business, economics, etc. 
War is a surrogate for doomsday, which we have a dreadful impulse to repeat under the aegis of our various gods. 
When faced with cataclysm, our response can be to misinterpret or to deny it. 

Our religions misinterpret it by anthropomorphising the behaviour of the capricious astral gods and assuming the catastrophic references are metaphors. 
Our sciences deny it by clinging to a Newtonian ‘clockwork’ planetary system, undisturbed for aeons, despite the clear evidence of devastated landscapes on rocky planets and moons, the Earth included. 
Meanwhile, we behave like ‘Chicken Little’ at the appearance of a comet and subconsciously find fleeting catharsis in a glut of disaster, war, and mayhem on TV and in movies.

The Electric Universe paradigm is a natural philosophy based on forensic human evidence spanning millennia. Understanding our past is the way to the future. 
エレクトリック・ユニバース・パラダイムは、数千年にわたる法医学上の人間の証拠に基づいた自然哲学です。 過去を理解することは未来への道です。

There is no future for us if we cannot learn this lesson.
Wal Thornhill

 それは公式です!  2012 年 1 月 6 ~ 8 日、ラスベガスで開催される EU 会議。

The theme of the conference will be “Electric Universe 2012 – The Human Story.”
カンファレンスのテーマは「エレクトリック・ユニバース 2012 – 人間の物語」です。