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[The Thunderbolts Project,Japan Division] エレクトリックユニバース  電気的宇宙論、プラズマ宇宙物理学、 電気的観察物理学、解説、翻訳、 深津 孝明

Deep Impact 2  ディープインパクト2 by Wal Thornhill

Deep Impact 2  ディープインパクト2

by Wal Thornhill | October 27, 2010 10:23 am

What can be said about the Deep Impact spacecraft’s imminent second rendezvous with a comet? 

From NASA websites comes the following information:
NASA の Web サイトから次の情報が得られます:


 [1] [Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech.]
NASA's EPOXI mission will fly by comet Hartley 2 on Nov. 4, 2010.
NASA の EPOXI ミッションは、2010 年 11 月 4 日にハートレー 2 彗星のそばを飛行します。
The Deep Impact spacecraft is about to rendezvous with another comet. 

It will be the fifth comet to be observed in a close flyby by a spacecraft. 

The mission is called by the peculiar acronym, EPOXI. 
このミッションは、EPOXI(エポキシ) という独特の頭字語で呼ばれています。

EPOXI is a combination of the names for the two extended mission components:
EPOXI は、2 つの拡張ミッション コンポーネントの名前を組み合わせたものです:
the extrasolar planet observations, called Extrasolar Planet Observations and Characterization (EPOCh), and the flyby of comet Hartley 2, called the Deep Impact Extended Investigation (DIXI).
太陽系外惑星観測と特性評価 (EPOCh) と呼ばれる太陽系外惑星の観測と、ディープインパクト拡張調査 (DIXI) と呼ばれるハートレー 2 彗星へのフライバイです。
The spacecraft continues to be referred to as “Deep Impact.”

The DIXI component (Deep Impact Extended Investigation) of the EPOXI mission will observe comet 103P/Hartley 2 to compare it with comets observed by other spacecraft missions. 
EPOXI ミッションの DIXI コンポーネント (ディープインパクト拡張調査) は、103P/ハートレー 2 彗星を観測し、他の探査機ミッションで観測された彗星と比較します。

Comparisons with data from Tempel 1, taken with the exact same instruments, will be particularly useful for determining which cometary features represent primordial differences and which result from subsequent evolutionary processes.
まったく同じ機器で採取されたテンペル 1 号のデータとの比較は、どの彗星の特徴が原始的な差異を表し、どの彗星の特徴がその後の進化の過程から生じたものであるかを判断するのに特に役立ちます。


The Deep Impact mission to comet Tempel 1 was perhaps the most successful space mission for confirming ELECTRIC UNIVERSE® predictions[2] and confounding the consensus view of comets as inert, primordial icy bodies. 
テンペル 1 彗星へのディープ インパクト ミッションは、おそらく エレクトリック・ユニバースの予測 [2] を裏付け、彗星を不活性な原始的な氷の天体とするというコンセンサスのある見解を混乱させる最も成功した宇宙ミッションでした。

If the scientific method were truly applied, the puzzles from Deep Impact 1 should have been cause for a review, not just of the current paradigm but also of every choice that led up to it.
“Of all the forces we know, there is none stronger than a paradigm.”
—Robert Stirniman

My predictions were based upon a distinctly different hypothesis of the origin and nature of comets. 

It assumes nothing about their inaccessible primordial origin. 

It is based on the broadest human observations of the heavens.
My colleagues have amassed a powerful forensic case, based on the earliest recorded human memories and prehistoric petroglyphs, for electrical exchanges between solar system bodies during a period of recent planetary chaos. 

It is significant that global traditions associate the thunderbolt with stones from heaven, or meteorites. 

More compelling is the discovery on Earth of recent meteorites from Mars. 

The message is clear. 

Comets, asteroids and meteorites[3] all originate from rocky planets and moons, lofted into space by overwhelmingly powerful electrical discharges.

This website carried the only prediction of the unexpected initial flash before impact: 

“before physical impact occurs, we may expect a sudden discharge between the comet nucleus and the copper projectile. It will have the characteristic light-curve of lightning, with rapid onset and exponential decay. The question is, will it be a mere spark or a powerful arc?” 
「物理的衝突が起こる前に、彗星の核と銅の飛翔体の間で突然の放電が起こることが予想されるかもしれません。 それは、急速な始まりと指数関数的な減衰を伴う、稲妻の特徴的な光曲線を持ちます。 問題は、それが単なる火花なのか、それとも強力なアークなのかということです。」 

Also, I predicted that instead of seeing very little impact effect:

 “the energetic effects of the encounter should exceed that of a simple physical impact, in the same way that was seen with comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 at Jupiter.” 

With these successful predictions, what might we expect from Deep Impact 2? 
これらの予測が成功したことで、ディープインパクト 2 には何が期待できるでしょうか?

[DIXI Science Objectives]

At the heart of NASA’s Solar System Exploration endeavor is the need to understand the origins of planets, asteroids, comets and objects in the Kuiper belt.
NASA の太陽系探査の取り組みの中心は、カイパーベルトにある惑星、小惑星、彗星、天体の起源を理解する必要性です。 

In the EPOXI mission, the interest is in both how the Solar System originated and how it is evolving. 
EPOXI ミッションでは、太陽系がどのように誕生したのか、またどのように進化しているのかの両方に関心が集まっています。

In either case we are interested in comets because it is thought that they tell of conditions that prevailed in the early stages of Solar System formation. 

They are original members of the Solar System and are little changed because they have spent most of their lives in frigid regions of the Solar System.

The story of the formation of planets from the ‘leftovers’ of the gravitational formation of the Sun is purely hypothetical because a body less than 1000 km diameter will fragment in a collision. 
太陽の重力形成の「残り物」から惑星が形成されるという話は、直径 1000 km 未満の天体は衝突で粉々になるため、まったくの仮説です。

The hypothesis falters trying to achieve bodies 1 km in size! 
この仮説は、1 km の大きさの天体を実現しようとして挫折します!

As if that weren’t enough, in the words of one expert, “it needs a different story for every planet.” 

Referring to the Stardust mission analysis of dust from the tail of comet Wild 2, Dr. Phil Bland, Reader in Meteorics and Planetary Science, Imperial College, London, wrote in the Times:
ワイルド 2 彗星の尾からの塵のスターダスト ミッション分析に言及して、ロンドンのインペリアル カレッジの流星惑星科学の読者であるフィル ブランド博士はタイムズに次のように書いています:


“The composition of [comet] minerals is all over the place, which tells us that the components that built this comet weren’t formed in one place at one time by one event. Fundamentally we still don’t know how you make planets from a cloud of dust and gas.” 
「[彗星の]鉱物の組成はいたるところにあり、このことから、この彗星を構成する成分は、1つの出来事によって一度に1つの場所で形成されたわけではないことがわかります。 基本的に、塵とガスの雲からどうやって惑星を作るのか、私たちはまだ知りません。」
However, the story goes that comets enter the inner solar system when disturbed from an invisible cloud of icy objects located about 1000 times the distance of Pluto, a good fraction of the way to the nearest star. 

The disturbance is thought to be due to a passing star or the movement of the Sun above and below the galactic plane. 

But many astronomers have pointed to the lack of evidence for sporadic comet showers that such disturbances should unleash and concluded that such events could only account for about one-fifth of the comets we see.

The astronomer, the late Tom Van Flandern, devised a scale model that demonstrates the implausibility of this theory.
“If the Earth’s orbit were represented by the period at the end of this sentence and Pluto’s orbit by a circle of one centimetre diameter, then the nearest star is 41 metres away.
「地球の軌道を、この文章の最後のピリオドで表し、冥王星の軌道を直径 1 センチメートルの円で表すと、最も近い恒星は 41 メートル離れています。
The Oort cloud of comets would orbit near a sphere 6 metres in diameter containing one comet per cubic millimetre.
オールト彗星の雲は、1立方ミリメートルあたり 1 個の彗星を含む直径 6 メートルの球体の近くを周回します。
The comets would move at about 3 millimetres per 1000 years.
They are effectively motionless. 

Passing stars on rare occasions ‘whiz’ past at a metre per 1000 years and stir up the nearby comets.
まれに、通過する恒星が 1000 年に 1 メートルの速度で通過し、近くの彗星をかき混ぜます。 

Less than 1 in 10,000 disturbed comets will be knocked onto a path that will target the 1 millimetre or so sphere surrounding the Sun where a comet might be seen from the Earth.”

Having visualized this, Van Flandern makes the point that the volume of a sphere encompassing Pluto’s orbit is so vast that all the 200 billion stars in our galaxy would fit inside with room to spare. 

He writes:

“But the volume enclosed by the comet cloud is a billion times greater yet. It truly is unimaginably large, surviving as a plausible idea in large part because our intuitions fail so miserably to comprehend the vastness of this volume.”
「しかし、彗星雲に囲まれた体積はさらに10億倍も大きくなります。 それは本当に想像を絶するほど大きく、もっともらしいアイデアとして生き残っているのは主に、私たちの直観がこのボリュームの膨大さを無惨にも理解できないためです。」
This is another example from astronomy of an improbable model based on invisible matter. 
これは、目に見えない物質に基づいたありそうもないモデルの天文学からのもう 1 つの例です。

One serious observational difficulty with the idea is the total lack of comets on hyperbolic orbits. 
このアイデアの観測上の重大な困難の 1 つは、双曲軌道上に彗星がまったく存在しないことです。

Yet the model persists unquestioned!

The recent discovery that stars form like a string of pearls conforms to the laboratory tested electromagnetic pinch theory of plasma cosmology. 

The ELECTRIC UNIVERSE® model goes further in proposing both electrically mediated stellar capture, and expulsion of planetary bodies, satellites and rings of debris from stars and gas giants in that process and while achieving order in the new planetary system.
In other words, the history of the solar system is complex and episodic[5]. 

Our weird assortment of planets and moons supports this view.
Each body has its own unique origin and history.

Comets and asteroids are, in this picture, the debris from these interplanetary electrical events and are not “primordial.” 

This hypothesis was recently buttressed by the ‘surprising’ discovery of high-temperature minerals captured from a comet tail by the Stardust spacecraft. 

Like the planets, each comet has a complex history

Comets may have different planetary parents or be torn from different surface materials on the same planet. 

They may be more or less electrically burnt and scarred in their ‘birth’ process. 

Researchers noted, “the fact that the shapes and topographies of three comets in Jupiter’s family (Borrelly, Wild 2, and Tempel 1) are so different from one another raises the question of whether any comet is typical when looked at closely.” 

Such a question should not arise if all comets were formed in a distant, homogeneous Oort cloud.
NASA again:

Observations to be made during the comet portion of the EPOXI mission are motivated largely by unexpected discoveries made during the Deep Impact mission.
EPOXI ミッションの彗星部分で行われる観測は、主にディープ インパクト ミッション中に行われた予期せぬ発見によって動機付けられています。
They are: 

frequent outbursts originating on the surface that radiate outward in a fanlike fashion; 

surface features not seen before, such as exposed edges of surface layers and relatively large flow-like features; 

spatial asymmetry of gases in the inner coma; 

evidence for shallow penetration of solar radiation; 

and small patches of water ice on the surface.

A history of unexpected discoveries is the hallmark of a failed hypothesis. 

The electrical model of comets was able to predict or simply explain all of the discoveries made during the Deep Impact mission. 
彗星の電気的モデルは、ディープ インパクトのミッション中に行われたすべての発見を予測、または簡単に説明することができました。

The “outbursts” from the comet are in the form of ‘cathode jets,’ which are bursty in nature and tend to jump around from one high point or sharp edge to another. 

The so-called ‘volcanoes’ on Io are also intermittent cathode jets, which show the “fanlike” ejecta and, unlike terrestrial volcanoes, move about the surface of the moon.

 [6] [Credit: NASA/JPL
This Voyager 1 image of Io shows the active ‘volcanic’ plume of Loki on the limb. 
このボイジャー 1 号のイオの画像には、ロキの手足の活発な「火山」の噴煙が示されています。

The surface features of Tempel 1 are characteristic of electric discharge machining. 

The asymmetry of gases in the inner coma is discussed later. 

The shallow penetration of solar heat, shown by the rapid cooling of the unlit surface, and small patches of surface ice are not a problem because the jets are not heat related.

In order to better understand how comets formed and evolved we will compare EPOXI observations with previous flyby observations of comets Halley, Borrelly and Wild 2 
– Giotto and Vega at Halley, DS1 at Borrelly, Stardust at Wild 2, Deep Impact at Tempel 1 – 
looking for both similarities and differences.
彗星がどのように形成され、進化したのかをよりよく理解するために、EPOXI の観測をハレー彗星、ボレリー彗星、ワイルド 2 彗星の以前のフライバイ観測と比較します
– ハレーでジョットとベガ、ボレリーで DS1、ワイルド 2 でスターダスト、テンペル 1 でディープインパクト

The discoveries made by Deep Impact at Tempel 1 raised several new questions:
テンペル 1 でディープ インパクトが行った発見により、いくつかの新たな疑問が生じました。:

• Can the heterogeneity of gases in the inner coma be related to the formation of the comet by the accretion of different kinds of cometesimals from different parts of the solar system?


No. The cometesimal hypothesis is conjectural and unsupported by attempts to model accretion of impacting objects. 

Also the orbits of comets do not conform to their supposed origin in a hypothetical ‘Oort cloud’ at great distance from the solar system. 

Van Flandern proposed that the observed ‘families’ of comets could be traced to an inner solar system origin, which he attributed to perhaps four distinct (but unexplained) planetary explosions.

• Do other comets show the frequent, short outbursts seen by Deep Impact at Tempel 1 and why do they happen?

The EU model predicts that all active comets will exhibit frequent, short outbursts in different spots on their surface
EU モデルは、すべての活動的な彗星が表面のさまざまな場所で頻繁に短い爆発を示すと予測しています。 

The outbursts happen because they are electrical discharge phenomena, known technically as (cold) cathode jets. 

Their onset will be as sudden as an electric spark (described in one report as “nearly instantaneous”) and their duration extended only because space plasma has a limited current carrying capacity. 

The jets will focus on an extremely small bright area generally situated on a raised point or edge of the comet surface

In July 2004[7], I wrote in relation to Comet Wild 2:
2004 年 7 月 [7]、私はワイルド 2 彗星に関連して次のように書きました:

“In the electric theory, unresolved bright spots are to be expected where the cathode arcs impinge on the nucleus and give rise to the cathode jets. 

What do we find?
“The most significant albedo, or at least brightness, features are rare small bright spots that occur in multiple images at different phase angles …ruling out the possibility that it is a phase effect or image artifact. 

In stereo images, it [a <50-m bright spot at the edge of a flat-floored depression] has no height.
ステレオ画像では、[平坦な床のくぼみの端にある 50 m 未満の明るい点] には高さがありません。
There is an adjacent shadow-like dark spot that could be the shadow of an optically thick jet… 

The bright spots are small and rare, suggesting that they may be short-lived.”

Some of the jet sources are reported as tending “to coincide with the locations that are brighter than average.” 

The jets will form on the comet nucleus closest to its plasma sheath and where the electric field is strongest. 

Since the plasma sheath is generally closest in the solar direction, it has given rise to the notion that solar heating is responsible for comet jets. 

However, the solar wind strongly influences the comet’s plasma sheath, which may give rise to jets occurring on unlit areas of the comet.

In comparison, jets due to heating can be expected to have a slow onset and persistence in the same location only while receiving maximum sunlight.

NASA again:

• Do other comets have exposed layers and large scale flow-like features bounded by scarps? What causes them?


All comets should exhibit electrostatic cleaning of their surfaces and spark machining, which produces flat surfaces surrounded by terraces or scarps. 

An example is the so-called ‘calderas’ on Io, which are larger in scale and have been imaged in the process of spark machining of the ‘caldera’ wall.


 [8] [Image credit: NASA/JPL/University of Arizona]

The "volcano" Pele glows in the night in this close-up image of Jupiter's moon Io, obtained by NASA's Galileo spacecraft in the closest-ever Io flyby on October 10, 1999. 
1999 年 10 月 10 日に史上最接近したイオのフライバイで NASAガリレオ宇宙船によって取得された、木星の衛星イオのこのクローズアップ画像では、「火山」ペレが夜に光ります。

Only surfaces hotter than 600 degrees Celsius (1,100 degrees Fahrenheit) are visible in this image. 
この画像には、摂氏 600 度 (華氏 1,100 度) を超える表面のみが表示されています。

The hot spots are due to cathode arcs that form a thin, curving line more than 10 kilometers (6 miles) long and up to 50 meters (150 feet) wide. 
ホットスポットは、長さ 10 キロメートル (6 マイル) 以上、幅最大 50 メートル (150 フィート) の細い曲線を形成する陰極アークによるものです。

The cathode arcs follow the sharp-edged margin of Pele's caldera. 

• Is the dark side of a comet extremely cold because heat cannot penetrate very far below the surface?

Yes. The consensus view of comet jets being formed by heat conduction to volatiles beneath the surface is a desperate and unlikely hypothesis featuring unverifiable guesses about what lies hidden inside a comet. 
はい。 彗星ジェットが地表下の揮発性物質への熱伝導によって形成されるというコンセンサスのある見解は、彗星の内部に何が隠されているかについての検証不可能な推測を特徴とする絶望的で可能性の低い仮説である。

Also, it requires impossibly perfect cylindrical venturies in the surface rock to produce the observed fan-like jets.
• Does the dilapidated shape of craters tell us that comets were formed earlier than previously thought?

NO. All comets were formed recently in catastrophic planetary electrical encounters. The craters are not due to impact. They are electrical craters that are having their sharp edges eroded each time they approach the Sun.
いいえ。 すべての彗星は、惑星の壊滅的な電気的遭遇によって最近形成されました。 クレーターは衝突によるものではありません。 これらは電気クレーターであり、太陽に近づくたびに鋭いエッジが侵食されています。
• Does the distribution of volatiles, such as the ices of water or carbon dioxide, result from an evolutionary process or did it occur during the initial formation?

Most of the volatiles detected in cometary comas are formed not by solar heating but by electrical ‘cathode sputtering’ of the high-temperature minerals on the comet surface

The evidence for this comes from the ‘puzzling’ abundance (densities at least 100 times greater than expected) of negative ions near the nucleus

The negative ions combine with the positive hydrogen ions from the solar wind to give, amongst other things, the OH radical, which is then misinterpreted as signaling the presence of water ice on the comet. 

That is why all other means of detecting significant water ice on comets have generally failed.

Comets have not undergone “an evolutionary process.” 

They are the debris resulting from electrical discharge sculpting of planetary surfaces. 

They belong to ‘families,’ which characterize their parent planet. 

They were born in an intense plasma discharge environment which tends to drive off volatiles. 

However, as chondritic meteorites show, there are plasma effects which tend to produce surface layering and fragment agglomeration.
• How can we distinguish characteristics set in place during the initial formation of a comet from those that evolved later?

First, the formation mechanism of comets needs to be understood. 

And that requires that scientists accept the possibility that the Stardust mission’s detection of high-temperature minerals in comet tail dust signalled the falsification of the consensus ‘dirty snowball’ hypothesis of comet formation. 

Instead, we witnessed the dreaming up of another post hoc story to cover this fundamental challenge to comet theory; 
“somehow, the high-temperature minerals must have been blown to the outer reaches of the solar system.”

One of the significant findings made during the primary Deep Impact mission that, hopefully, will be studied during the EPOXI mission was the presence of frequent, sporadic, fan-shaped outbursts of brightness in the coma that are correlated with the comet’s rotation.
EPOXI ミッションで研究されることが期待される、主なディープ インパクト ミッション中に得られた重要な発見の 1 つは、彗星の回転と相関するコマの中に頻繁に散発的に扇形に明るさがアウトバースト(外方爆発)する現象が存在することでした。

This discovery is significant for the following reasons. 

First, outbursts of Tempel 1, unlike observations of previous comets, have been monitored continuously and at regular intervals, allowing their study as they develop. 
まず、テンペル 1 号の外方爆発は、これまでの彗星の観測とは異なり、継続的かつ一定の間隔で監視されており、彗星の発達に合わせて研究することができます。

Second, outbursts of Tempel 1 were from a relatively inactive comet. 
第二に、テンペル 1 の外方爆発は比較的活動の少ない彗星からのものでした。

Third, groups of outbursts correlate with the rotation of the comet. 

Fourth, the intensity rises very rapidly to its maximum, in a matter of minutes. 
第 4 に、強度は数分以内に非常に急速に最大値まで上昇します。

Fifth, the outbursts often appear to emanate from localized regions on the surface.
第 5 に、この爆発は表面上の局所的な領域から発生しているように見えることがよくあります。
Questions for study outbursts at Hartley 2 include the following:
ハートレー 2 での研究の外方爆発に対する質問は次のとおりです:
• Does Hartley 2 exhibit rapidly rising outbursts?
ハートレー 2 号は急速に上昇するアウトバースト(外方爆発)を示しますか?
Comment: Yes.
コメント: はい。
• What is the significance of the rapid rise time?

It is an electric discharge with a sudden onset like lightning.
• Do Hartley 2’s outbursts, if any, correlate with local sunrise?

Comment: Not necessarily. 
コメント: 必ずしもそうとは限りません。

The outbursts should correlate with changes in distance of the surface from the comet’s plasma sheath. This will be principally due to the rotation of high points on the nucleus toward the Sun and changes in the proximity of the plasma sheath due to interaction with the solar wind. The evidence for this electrical correlation comes from the flaring of Halley’s comet in the deep-freeze of space beyond Saturn at the time a solar outburst passed through the region.
(彗星の)アウトバースト(外方爆発)は、彗星のプラズマシースから表面までの距離の変化と相関しているはずです。 これは主に、太陽に向かって核上の高点が回転することと、太陽風との相互作用によるプラズマ シースの近接性の変化によるものと考えられます。 この電気的相関関係の証拠は、太陽の外方爆発がこの地域を通過したときに、土星を越えた極寒の宇宙でハレー彗星のフレアが発生したことから得られます。
• Can surface features, such as the presence of ices, differences in chemical composition or topographical features, be associated with the sources of the fan-like structures?

Comment: Contrary to all expectations, the ‘fan-like structures’ (jets) will tend to emanate from sharp-edged topographical highs. Chemical composition that enhances conductivity, or cold-cathode electron emission, of surface rocks will be favored as jet sources.
コメント: すべての予想に反して、「扇状構造」(ジェット) は鋭いエッジの地形の高地から発せられる傾向があります。 表面の岩石の導電性、または冷陰極電子放出を高める化学組成は、ジェット源として好まれます。
• What processes within the comet cause the outbursts to occur?

Comment: Just as there are no causes within the Earth to cause lightning to strike, there are no processes operating within the comet to cause the outbursts. Both are simply evidence of the location of the electrical breakdown path and are therefore surface/atmospheric effects rather than processes within the body. The comet nucleus behaves like a passive electret subjected to external electrical stress.
コメント: 地球内に雷の発生を引き起こす原因がないのと同様に、彗星の内部で爆発を引き起こすプロセスは存在しません。 どちらも、電気的破壊経路の位置を示す単なる証拠であり、したがって、天体内のプロセスではなく、表面/大気の影響です。 彗星の核は、外部から電気的ストレスを受けた受動エレクトレット(電石)のように動作します。
• Does the loss of material from the outburst contribute significantly to the loss of material from the surface. If so, are there any evolutionary consequences?
バーストによる物質の損失は、地表からの物質の損失に大きく寄与しますか。 もしそうなら、進化的な影響はありますか?

Comment: The loss of material is entirely from the surface except when rising internal electrical stress from surface discharge activity may cause a comet to explode like an overstressed capacitor. The electrical disintegration of a comet is the only evolutionary consequence.
コメント: 材料の損失は、表面放電活動による内部電気ストレスの上昇を除いて、完全に表面からのものであり、過剰ストレスを受けたコンデンサーのように彗星が爆発する可能性があります。 彗星の電気的崩壊は唯一の進化的な結果です。

 [9] [CREDIT: NASA/UM/Tony Farnham]
This image is a composite of two exposures - a long one where the nucleus was overexposed (showing the coma) and a shorter exposure of the nucleus that underexposed the coma. In addition, the coma is grey-scaled logarithmically to show structure while the nucleus is inset with linear contrast levels, scaled so that it is not saturated. 
この画像は 2 つの露光を合成したものです。1 つは核が露出オーバーで (コマが表示されている)、もう 1 つは核が露出不足でコマが露出している短い露光です。 さらに、コマは構造を示すために対数的にグレースケール化されており、核には飽和しないようにスケールされた線形コントラスト レベルが挿入されています。

[Jet Activity in the Coma]

During the encounter with Tempel 1, jets of material were observed spiking out from the surface of the comet. 
テンペル 1 号との遭遇中に、彗星の表面から物質の噴流が飛び出すのが観察されました。

As the comet rotated, observations made from different angles enabled analysts to trace the jets to their origin on the comet’s surface

Indeed, other observations show jets rising directly from the surface

Although many jets have been observed, only one weak jet seems to be associated with one of the three patches of water ice on the surface.
多くのジェットが観察されていますが、地表にある 3 つの水の氷のパッチのうちの 1 つに関連付けられているのは 1 つの弱いジェットだけであると思われます。
Comment: “Jets rising directly from the surface” are characteristic of cathode jets, which are constrained by the electric field to rise perpendicularly. There is no reason to expect gas rising from beneath the comet surface, as the consensus model holds, to form a jet or to rise perpendicularly.
コメント: 「表面から直接上昇するジェット」は、電界によって垂直に上昇するように制約されるカソード ジェットの特徴です。 コンセンサスモデルが成り立つように、彗星の表面の下から上昇するガスがジェットを形成したり、垂直に上昇したりすることを期待する理由はありません。
• Interestingly enough, some jets appear to persist even though their sources are on the dark side of the comet. 

This phenomenon, if observed, can tell us about the thermal properties of Hartley 2’s nucleus
この現象が観察されれば、ハートレー 2 号の原子核の熱的性質について知ることができます。

Note that jets may have been observed coming from the dark side of comet Wild 2.
ジェットがワイルド 2 彗星の暗い側から来るのが観察された可能性があることに注意してください。
Comment: As explained earlier, the jets are not due to solar heating. Therefore they may appear on the dark side of the nucleus. They will tell us nothing about the thermal properties of a comet based on the solar heating model.
コメント: 前に説明したように、ジェットは太陽熱によるものではありません。 したがって、それらは核の暗い側に現れる可能性があります。 それらは、太陽加熱モデルに基づいた彗星の熱特性については何も教えてくれません。

 [CREDIT: NASA/UM/Lori Feaga]

Results from the Infrared spectrometer in work lead by Lori Feaga of University of Maryland, show asymmetric distributions of both water and carbon dioxide gases in the coma of Tempel 1. 

メリーランド大学のロリ・フィーガ氏が主導した研究による赤外分光計の結果は、テンペル 1 のコマ状態における水と二酸化炭素ガスの両方の非対称な分布を示しています。

The water is enhanced in the sunward direction, where sunlight sublimates water ice. 

The carbon dioxide (CO2) is enhanced off of the southern hemisphere of the comet. This suggests that the composition of the nucleus of the comet is not uniform, and is heterogeneous. 
彗星の南半球では二酸化炭素(CO2)が増加します。 これは、彗星の核の組成が均一ではなく、不均一であることを示唆しています。

[Relating The Coma To The Nucleus

We have already noted above the spectacular outbursts and jets observed on Tempel 1. 
テンペル 1 で観察された壮観なアウトバースト(外方爆発)とジェットについてはすでに上で述べました。

Here we describe the more delicate features of the coma that we will seek to relate to features on the surface of the nucleus.

When examined with the spectrometer in Deep Impact’s High Resolution Instrument, it was discovered that Tempel 1’s coma has an excess of water vapor on its sunward side. 

It is most pronounced along the direction toward the sun. 

Further, an excess of carbon dioxide vapor was found above Tempel 1’s southern hemisphere. 
さらに、テンペル 1 の南半球上空で過剰な二酸化炭素蒸気が発見されました。

Why these things are true is a matter for further analysis hopefully aided by observations of Hartley 2.
なぜこれらのことが真実なのかは、できればハートレー 2 号の観察を活用してさらに分析する必要があります。
Comment: The electrical model of comet behavior offers a simple answer to why an excess of water ‘vapor’ was found on Tempel 1’s sunward side. 
コメント: 彗星の挙動の電気的モデルは、テンペル 1 の太陽側で過剰な水の「蒸気」が発見された理由に対する簡単な答えを提供します。

First, it is an unwarranted use of the word ‘vapor.’
It is the OH radical that is detected. It is an assumption that it is formed by the breakdown of H2O ‘vapor’ by solar UV radiation. 
検出されるのはOHラジカルです。 それは、太陽の紫外線による H2O「蒸気」の分解によって形成されるという仮定です。

As explained earlier, electrical sputtering of rocky minerals on the comet nucleus will tear molecules apart, producing O– ions which combine with protons (H+) from the solar ‘wind’ to produce OH.
前に説明したように、彗星の核上の岩石鉱物の電気スパッタリングは分子を引き裂き、太陽の「風」からの陽子 (H+) と結合して OH を生成する O- イオンを生成します。
The sunward side of the coma is the place where the coma is most compressed and where we should expect OH to be most concentrated.
コマの太陽側はコマが最も圧縮されており、OH が最も集中していると予想される場所です。

The localized CO2 signature, usually identified by carbon monoxide (CO), most likely represents sputtering from a localized carbon-containing mineral.
局所的な CO2 の特徴は、通常は一酸化炭素 (CO) によって識別され、局所的な炭素含有鉱物からのスパッタリングを表している可能性が最も高くなります。 

It must also be considered that CO ions will have a unique trajectory under the influence of electromagnetic forces associated with the cathode jets. 
CO イオンは、カソード ジェットに関連する電磁力の影響下で独特の軌道を描くことも考慮する必要があります。

Once again, this finding doesn’t necessarily represent the sublimation of carbon dioxide ice. 

In fact, “it seems that CO is produced only in part by the cometary nucleus and in greater proportions by some extended source in the coma,” which suggests perhaps recombination of carbon and oxygen ions at some distance from the nucleus should also be considered.
実際、「CO は彗星の核によって、部分的にのみ生成され、大部分はコマ状態にある何らかの広範囲の発生源によって生成されるようです」、これはおそらく、核からある程度離れた場所での炭素イオンと酸素イオンの再結合も考慮されるべきであることを示唆しています。
We would like to trace features in Hartley 2’s coma to areas of heightened activity on the comet’s surface
私たちは、ハートレー 2 号のコマ状態の特徴を追跡し、彗星の表面で活動が活発になっている領域を追跡したいと考えています。

Having done so, we can entertain questions such as the following. 

What fraction of the dust and gas in the coma comes from active areas?
What fraction of Hartley 2’s area shows heightened activity? 
ハートレー 2 の領域のどの部分が活動の活発化を示していますか?

To what degree do the localized areas differ in composition? 

Can the differences be attributed to the presence of cometesimals that the nucleus accumulated in different parts of the Solar System as the then-forming comet migrated outward from the sun? 

On the other hand, differences may not be evidence of cometesimals at all, but rather they may be layered accumulations of dust and ice that solar activity has eroded at different rates because of differences in composition or because the comet’s spin axis changes.
Comment: Here we see an attempt to explain an inhomogeneous comet nucleus. As pointed out earlier, hypothetical impacting cometesimals would fragment, not coalesce. And now we see an ad hoc addition to the original theory of comet origins as “leftovers” from a primordial solar nebula. In order to explain high-temperature minerals in comets, some heavy elements must have somehow “migrated outward from the sun” against gravity! The conventional story of comets becomes more complex and bizarre with each new attempt to save it.
コメント: ここでは、不均一な彗星の核を説明する試みが見られます。 先に指摘したように、仮説上の衝突彗星群は合体するのではなく、分裂するだろう。 そして今、私たちは彗星の起源に関する元の理論に、原始太陽系星雲の「残り物」としてその場しのぎで付け加えられたものを見ています。 彗星の高温鉱物を説明するには、いくつかの重元素が何らかの形で重力に逆らって「太陽から外側に移動」したに違いありません。 彗星の従来の物語は、彗星を救おうとする新たな試みのたびに、より複雑かつ奇妙になっていきます。
The mass of a typical comet is thought to be roughly half ice. 

Not all of the ice is made of water or carbon dioxide. 
More complex carbon-based molecules are present. 

In order to learn more about these ices, the coma near Hartley 2’s surface will be compared spectroscopically with the coma farther out.
これらの氷についてさらに詳しく知るために、ハートレー 2 号の表面付近のコマ状態と、さらに外側のコマ状態とを分光学的に比較することになります。
What we hope to observe is that these complex molecules dissociate under the action of solar radiation and then, perhaps, recombine to form different molecules.

A small amount of water ice was discovered on the surface of Tempel 1 and it remains to be seen whether there is water ice on Hartley 2. 
テンペル 1 の表面で少量の水の氷が発見されましたが、ハートレー 2 に水の氷があるかどうかはまだわかっていません。

If so, can it be correlated with any features in the coma?
Comment: It is amazing that comets are still thought to be “half ice” after the non-detection of ice on so many comet flybys.
コメント: 非常に多くの彗星の接近で氷が検出されなかったにもかかわらず、彗星が依然として「半分氷」であると考えられているのは驚くべきことです。
The spectroscopic survey is very important. 
I predict that photo-dissociation will be found totally inadequate to explain the degree and nature of ionization of molecules close to the nucleus.
It has been known since the Giotto spacecraft flew through the inner coma of comet Halley that 
“negative ions occurred with densities 100 times greater than expected, and the discrepancy is still not well understood.” 

Only a week ago, NASA reported about comet Hartley 2 that, 
“recent observations of comet Hartley 2 have scientists scratching their heads, while they anticipate a flyby of the small, icy world on Nov. 4. Our observations indicate that cyanide (HCN) released by the comet increased by a factor of five over an eight-day period in September without any increase in dust emissions. We have never seen this kind of activity in a comet before…”
わずか 1 週間前、NASAハートレー第 2 彗星について次のように報告しました、
ハートレー第2彗星の最近の観測に科学者たちは頭を悩ませているが、彼らは11月4日にこの小さな氷の世界のフライバイを予想している。我々の観測では、彗星から放出されたシアン化物(HCN)の量が8倍の5倍に増加したことが示されている」  9月の-日期間は粉塵の排出量は増加しなかった。 彗星のこの種の活動はこれまで見たことがありません…」 

This is simply another piece of contrary evidence suggesting that comets are not a homogeneous aggregate of primordial ice and dust.



[10] [CREDIT: NASA/UMD/M. F. A'Hearn et al., Science 310, 258 (2005).]
Comet Tempel 1 Composite Map. Arrows a and b point to large, smooth regions. The impact site is indicated by the third large arrow. Small grouped arrows highlight a scarp (a cliff or steep slope along the edge of a plateau) that is bright due to illumination angle. They show a smooth area to be elevated above the extremely rough terrain. The white scale bar in the lower right represents 1 km across the surface of the comet nucleus. The two directional arrows (vectors) in the upper right point to the Sun and Celestial North. 
テンペル彗星 1 の合成マップ。 矢印 a と b は、大きく滑らかな領域を指します。 衝突部位は 3 番目の大きな矢印で示されています。 小さなグループ化された矢印は、照明角度により明るい崖 (高原の端に沿った崖または急な斜面) を強調表示します。 これらは、非常に荒れた地形の上に滑らかな領域があることを示しています。 右下の白いスケールバーは、彗星の核の表面を横切る1kmを表します。 右上の 2 つの方向矢印 (ベクトル) は太陽と天の北を指します。

[Talps and Layers]

The primary Deep Impact mission discovered surface features on Tempel 1 that shed light on the mechanisms by which, at least some, comets were formed. 

These features are called talps or layered piles. 

They consist of layers of material that are fairly large relative to the size of the comet. 

In high-resolution images, the lower smooth flat area shows signs of flowing from left to right. 

Its source at the left end is in an obscure area, its right end is marked by a scarp e.g. a steep slope or cliff, some 20 meters high.
左端の源は不明瞭な領域にあり、右端は崖などでマークされています。 高さ約20メートルの急な斜面または崖。

Recent theory has it that talps were laid down one after another during low speed collisions between a growing nucleus and smaller, readily deformable, objects. 

Further, the theory holds that there are more talps beneath the surface and that they are the “predominant building blocks” of the nucleus.

All this is thought to have happened in the earliest days of the Solar System while comets were still forming. 

Therefore, we say that the material is pristine. 

On the other hand, the scarps are thought to have formed later by the erosive effect of volatile material escaping from the nucleus after having been turned from ice to gas by the heat of the sun.

Be it noted that there is some evidence of layering and smooth flowlike areas on other comets. 

For example, layering in both Borrelly and Wild 2 and the suggestion of smooth flowlike areas on Borrelly.
たとえば、ボレリーと ワイルド2の両方でレイヤリングします、そしてボレリーの滑らかな流れのようなエリアの提案。

The flat areas are theorized to be composed of a powdery substance

Some layers are seen edge on. 

Up to seven layers have been identified in the region just above and to the right of the large flat area.
大きな平らな地域のすぐ上の右側の領域では、最大 7 つの層が確認されています。
Comment: When the wrong concept (primordial accretion) is used, it is impossible to “shed light on the mechanisms by which comets were formed.”
When the right concept is used, it is possible to confirm it by observation and experiment. 

We have not observed, in modern times, a cosmic thunderbolt capable of wrenching mountains from a planet into space.
The closest we see are coronal mass ejections of billions of tons of matter from the Sun.
And we have petroglyph evidence of the Earth having experienced a “mega-aurora” in prehistory.
Also, there was the surprising discovery of meteorites arriving from Mars that do not show the expected signs of an impact origin.
But gravity and mechanical impact are the only tools available in the poor astrophysical toolbox.

If asteroids, comets and meteorites are fragments of large, well-differentiated celestial bodies, we may expect them to exhibit any stratification due to their origin. 

There should also be evidence of blast, electrostatic and shock heating effects from a plasma discharge. 

I wrote a paper in 1987 that outlined a simple answer to 17 enigmas found in common chondritic meteorites. 
私は 1987 年に、一般的なコンドライト隕石に含まれる 17 の謎に対する簡単な答えを概説した論文を書きました。

Most of the mysteries centred around a feature that seems shared by chondritic meteorites and comets 
— the presence of Calcium-Aluminium rich inclusions (CAIs). 
— カルシウムとアルミニウムが豊富な介在物 (CAI) の存在。

CAIs formed by flash-heating at high temperatures for a few seconds, which argues for a highly localized event. 
カルシウムとアルミニウムが豊富な介在物 (CAI)は、数秒間の高温でのフラッシュ加熱によって形成され、これは高度に局所的な事象であると主張します。

I proposed, “The arc of material leaving the fissioning parent body would be composed of ionised gases, liquids and solids ranging in size from microns up to asteroid or planetoid dimensions. Electric discharges would take place between the parent planet and the highly charged departing matter.” 
「彗星核が、分裂している母天体から出る物質のアークは、ミクロンから小惑星小惑星の寸法に至るまでのサイズのイオン化した気体、液体、固体で構成されています。 放電は親惑星と高度に帯電した出発物質との間で起こるだろう。」 

I argued that chondritic meteorites have all of the features to be expected from powerful lightning in a very dusty plasma and suggested an experiment to be carried out in a plasma oven. 

In 1995 a paper was published in Icarus by a leading expert on dusty plasmas. 
1995 年に、粉塵プラズマの第一人者による論文がイカロス誌に掲載されました。

He concluded, 
“..lightning is a viable mechanism for chondrule formation worthy of more complex theoretical and also laboratory investigations.” 

Of course, the paper doesn’t discuss the origin of the lightning. 

Even on Earth that is not understood! 

And it should be remembered that all of the giant planets have ephemeral ring systems and many satellites, which are indicative of past expulsion of matter.

I have dealt earlier with the surface features of comets. 

They show the classic signatures of electric discharge machining.
The flat areas are not “composed of a powdery substance.”
They have been etched clean by electric discharge.
The unexpectedly fine powder found in all comet jets is further evidence of cathode sputtering. 

The powder does not exist in this form on the comet nucleus and could not be produced in the quantity observed at comet Tempel 1 by the impact alone.
Allowing electrical effects into astronomy, astrophysics and planetary science will be the greatest scientific revolution in history
I leave the last word to Tom Van Flandern:

“As science progresses we will eventually unravel the mystery of our origins, and the solution will come sooner if our minds are prepared to accept the truth when it is found, however fantastic it may be. If we are guided by our reason and our scientific method, if we let the Universe describe its wonder to us, rather than telling it how it ought to be, then we will soon come to the answers we seek, perhaps even within our own lifetimes.”
「科学が進歩するにつれて、私たちは最終的に私たちの起源の謎を解明するでしょう、そして、それがどれほど素晴らしいものであっても、真実が発見されたときに私たちの心にそれを受け入れる準備ができていれば、解決はより早く現れるでしょう。 私たちが理性と科学的手法に導かれ、宇宙がどうあるべきかを教えるのではなく、その驚異を宇宙に説明させれば、おそらく私たちが生きているうちにでも、私たちはすぐに求めている答えにたどり着くでしょう。  」
– Science Digest, April 1982.
– サイエンスダイジェスト、1982 年 4 月。

Sadly, Tom did not live to see any progress. Science as an ideal in the search for the truth has yet to deal with human nature.
残念なことに、トムは生きて何の進歩も見ることができませんでした。 真実の探求における理想としての科学は、まだ人間の本性を扱っていません。

Wal Thornhill

1.    [Image]: /wp/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/EPOXI-with-comet.jpg
2.    confirming ELECTRIC UNIVERSE® predictions: http://www.holoscience.com/news.php?article=gkt34rnp
3.    Comets, asteroids and meteorites: http://www.holoscience.com/news.php?article=6y3ehr7j
4.    [Image]: /wp/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/Phil-Bland.jpg
5.    the history of the solar system is complex and episodic: http://www.holoscience.com/news.php?article=7y7d3dn5
6.    [Image]: /wp/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/Loki-erupts-on-Ios-limb.jpg
7.    July 2004: http://www.holoscience.com/news.php?article=uf4ty065
8.    [Image]: /wp/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/Pele-hotspots.jpg
9.    [Image]: /wp/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/DI-Fig-2.jpg
10.    [Image]: /wp/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/DI-Fig-4.jpg
Source URL: https://www.holoscience.com/wp/deep-impact-2/
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