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[The Thunderbolts Project,Japan Division] エレクトリックユニバース  電気的宇宙論、プラズマ宇宙物理学、 電気的観察物理学、解説、翻訳、 深津 孝明

The Simple ELECTRIC UNIVERSE®  シンプルなエレクトリック・ユニバース by Wal Thornhill


by Wal Thornhill | September 6, 2009 8:22 am

“Some people in each successive generation believe that theirs is the one that has at last seen everything clearly, that their insights point to the truth, the final answer. Yet scientific discovery marches on and today’s truth will become tomorrow’s anecdotes.”
「歴代の人々の中には、自分たちの世代がついにすべてをはっきりと見抜き、自分たちの洞察力が真実、最終的な答えを示していると信じている人もいます。 それでも科学的発見は進み、今日の真実は明日の逸話になるでしょう。」
—Gerrit L. Verschuur, Interstellar Matters

 [1]The Southbank & the Millennium Bridge, London, August 2009.
サウスバンクとミレニアムブリッジ、ロンドン、2009 年 8 月。
 [Cameramen: Chris Phillips, Gerald Pecksen. Photo: John Morgan.]
Since my last report I have been in England where I convened a meeting of people actively concerned with the ELECTRIC UNIVERSE® and the problem of educating the public. 

Gaining attention for a simple electrical model of the universe is a problem because the media is devoted to the science fiction of the big bang. 
メディアがビッグバンの SF に専念しているため、宇宙の単純な電気的モデルが注目を集めるのは問題です。

The noted astronomer, Fred Hoyle, wrote prophetically in Of Men and Galaxies (1964):
著名な天文学者フレッド・ホイルは、『人間と銀河』(1964) で予言的に次のように書いています:

“More and more the professions will cross over into the entertainment field. Those of us who are not employed directly in industry will come to realize that what we are really in is ‘show biz.’”
「ますます多くの職業がエンターテイメント分野に進出するでしょう。 業界に直接雇用されていない私たちも、自分たちが実際にいるのは『ショービズ』であることに気づくようになるでしょう。」

Much earlier, Georg Christoph Lichtenberg[2] (1742-1799) was even more prescient, 
“a man cannot strongly enough ask of Heaven: 
if it wants to let him discover something, may it be something that makes a bang.
It will resound into eternity.” 
はるか以前に、ゲオルグ・クリストフ・リヒテンベルク[2] (1742-1799) はさらに先見の明がありました、
For the sake of science I hope not. 

The big bang was not “discovered” but contrived by mathematicians following the proposal of a Belgian Roman Catholic priest and astronomer, George Lemaitre, for the origin of the universe from a “primeval atom” or “Cosmic Egg exploding at the moment of the creation.” 

The theory defies physics principles and is unrealistic, needing most of the matter in the universe to be invisible (not even dark) and a mysterious ‘dark’ energy. 

Even galaxies must have mathematical figments[3] (black holes) at their hearts to explain just a few of their characteristics. 
銀河でさえ、その特徴のほんの一部を説明するために、その中心部に数学的図形 [3] (ブラック ホール) を持っているに違いとされています。

Hoyle believed one single, usually simple, observation could unseat a strongly established prejudice like the big bang. 
ホイルは、通常は単純な 1 つの観察が、ビッグバンのような強く確立された偏見を取り除くことができると信じていました。

But when you believe in theories like the big bang, logic has no dominion and any observation can be accommodated.

 [4] [Credit: Wiley Miller]
How is it that cartoonists can see through humbug while others cannot? 

The ELECTRIC UNIVERSE® is developed upon plasma cosmology, which is a recognized discipline within the practical electrical engineering profession through the Institute for Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE). 
エレクトリック・ユニバースは、電気電子学会 (IEEE) を通じて実際の電気工学専門分野で認められた分野であるプラズマ宇宙論に基づいて開発されました。

Refereed papers on plasma cosmology are published in the IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science. 
プラズマ宇宙論に関する査読済み論文は、IEEE プラズマ科学に関するトランザクションに掲載されています。

The freewheeling discussion in that journal is reminiscent of the science journals of more than a century ago, not the monoculture of the big bang today. 
その雑誌の自由奔放な議論は、今日のビッグバンのようなモノカルチャーではなく、100 年以上前の科学雑誌を思い出させます。

My paper on the electrical nature of supernovae and stars was published there in 2007. 
超新星と恒星の電気的性質に関する私の論文は、2007 年にそこで出版されました。

[It is curious that astronomers’ plot stellar colors and brightness (the Hezsprung-Russell diagram) like “Alice through the Looking Glass.” 
Left and right are reversed, which makes it difficult to see the obvious connection between the electrical power arriving at a star and the star’s color, size and brightness]. 
[天文学者達が「鏡の国のアリス」のように恒星の色と明るさをプロットしているのは興味深いことです (ヘズシュプルング・ラッセル図)。

Unlike big bang cosmology, plasma cosmology is subject to experimental tests in the laboratory and follows the Lichtenberg experimental tradition. 

Any ‘bangs’ it creates are real and noisy. 

Plasma cosmology can demonstrate with simple physical principles the electrical formation and behavior of spiral galaxies and stars without recourse to hypothetical dark matter and black holes.
プラズマ宇宙論は、架空の暗黒物質やブラック ホールに頼ることなく、単純な物理原理を使用して、渦巻銀河や恒星の電気的形成と挙動を実証できます。

Almost the entire visible universe is composed of plasma
—a gas where some of the atoms have lost an electron or two. 
- 原子の一部が 1 つまたは 2 つの電子を失った気体、プラズマで構成されています。

However, unlike the gases we are familiar with on Earth, plasma reacts strongly to the presence of electromagnetic fields and is a better conductor than copper. 

Its behavior has been described as complex and “life-like.” 

That should be a clue! 
The universe is principally an electrical plasma phenomenon.

Electricity exists in space. 

Magnetic fields detected in space can only be generated by electric currents.
Radio telescopes routinely map galactic magnetic fields and their field configuration matches that found in plasma cosmology experiments. 

If science were the advertised open pursuit of truth, we should expect big bang cosmologists to be rushing to the plasma labs. 

Not a bit of it. 

They are principally theoretical mathematicians. 

We strike the artificial modern barrier of specialism. 

The cultural historian, Jaques Barzun, defined specialism as:

“a piece of etiquette which decrees that no specialist shall bother with the concerns of another, lest he be thought intruding and be shown up as ignorant. 

Specialism is born of what the philosopher Arthur Balfour called ‘the pernicious doctrine that superficial knowledge is worse than no knowledge at all.’ 

Rampant specialism, an arbitrary and purely social evil, is not recognized for the crabbed guild spirit that it is, and few are bold enough to say that carving out a small domain and exhausting its soil affords as much chance for protected irresponsibility as for scientific thoroughness.”
恣意的で純粋に社会悪である専門主義の横行は、そのような悪しきギルド精神によって認識されておらず、小さな領域を切り開き、その土壌を使い果たすことが、科学的徹底性と同じくらい保護された無責任の可能性を与えると言うほど大胆に言える人はほとんどいません。  」
—Science: the glorious entertainment.
― サイエンス:輝かしいエンターテイメント。

The plasma cosmologist Eric Lerner, author of The Big Bang never Happened, says:

“one of the most destructive features of the methodology of the big bang is that it conveys the idea that only people versed in extremely complicated mathematics can understand the universe… This is, of course, the argument of the emperor’s new clothes. If you can’t see the emperor’s new clothes you must be either stupid or incompetent.”
「ビッグバンの方法論の最も破壊的な特徴の一つは、非常に複雑な数学に精通した人々だけが宇宙を理解できるという考えを伝えていることです…もちろん、これは皇帝の新しい衣服の主張です。 皇帝の新しい衣装が見えないなら、あなたは愚かか無能のどちらかです。」
Engineers are neither stupid nor incompetent. 

Much of the hyped success of science over the last century can be attributed to engineers. 
過去 1 世紀にわたる科学の誇大宣伝の成功の多くは、エンジニアのおかげであると考えられます。

And it is engineers who tend to prefer the real-world simplicity of the ELECTRIC UNIVERSE® to the metaphysics of the big bang and black holes.

[The Simple ELECTRIC UNIVERSE®][シンプルな電気的宇宙]

A signature of a good theory is its simplicity. 

One of the participants at the London meeting concluded:

“I think the ELECTRIC UNIVERSE® is actually very simple. 

In essence, everything hinges on the question of whether or not electricity exists in space. 

The mainstream view is that it does not; 
we argue that it does. 

Everything else flows from that.

What we are attempting to do is bring about a scientific revolution; 
The Electric Revolution. 

This Revolution will have as far-reaching consequences as the Copernican revolution, which was also based on one simple idea, is the Earth or the Sun at the centre?

Like the Copernican revolution, the data can be interpreted in both ways; 
Copernicus did not phrase his argument that the Sun was at the centre; 
he merely suggested that it was an awful lot easier to interpret the data if, for the sake of calculation alone, one pretended that it was. 

In the same way, I believe we are essentially suggesting that it’s an awful lot easier to explain the observed behaviour of the universe if one allows electricity to have a role. 

Yes, you can develop a gravity-only model that gives the right answers, but having to live with 96% of the resulting universe being dark and unobservable is no better than having to have multiple levels of epicycles to explain the planetary motions around the earth.
確かに、正しい答えを与える重力のみのモデルを開発することはできますが、結果として得られる宇宙の 96% が暗くて観測できないという状況に耐えなければならないのは、地球の周りの惑星の動きを説明するために複数のレベルの周転円が必要になるのと同じです。 

That’s why it’s so simple. Just assume electricity is there and it all becomes a whole lot easier.”
だからこそとてもシンプルなのです。 電気がそこにあると仮定するだけで、すべてがはるかに簡単になります。」
—Bob Johnson

History will show that our present big bang cosmology is an unfortunate accident of timing. 

The foundations of the big bang story were being laid down early in the 20th century. 
ビッグバン ストーリーの基礎は 20 世紀初頭に築かれました。

At the same time, electric lights were just being introduced and the study of electric discharges in gases was in its infancy. 

The result was that Einstein’s new, esoteric geometric theory of gravity that treats empty space as an ‘object’ capable of being warped, was combined with a curious interpretation of the redshift from faint extragalactic objects (that was not favored by Hubble himself as being physically likely) to produce the notion of an expanding universe

The fact that this defied a principle of physics in creating matter from nothing at the beginning, or big bang, seems not to have concerned theorists. 

It should have. 
Invoking “the ultimate free lunch” is not science. 
On the other hand, based on observation the ELECTRIC UNIVERSE® assumes a universe of unknown age and extent.

“Who, indeed, are we as a species to dare ask such mighty questions as concern the origin of the universe and in unique arrogance believe we may have the correct answer within cosmic microseconds of the asking.”
—Gerrit L. Verschuur, Interstellar Matters. 

 [5]Gerrit Verschuur, radio astronomer and popularizer of astronomy. Past director of the Fiske Planetarium, U. of Colorado, Boulder, CO. Radio astronomy is a crucial tool for mapping cosmic circuitry in an ELECTRIC UNIVERSE®.
ゲリット・ヴァーシューア、電波天文学者天文学の普及者。 コロラド大学ボルダー、コロラド州フィスク プラネタリウムの元館長。電波天文学は、エレクトリック・ユニバースの宇宙回路をマッピングするための重要なツールです。

The intellectual hubris of big bang theorists is shocking when we find that science cannot explain the simplest phenomena associated with matter. 

Mass, gravity, magnetism, and light are a mystery. 

We have equations that describe what happens when a charged particle is accelerated; 
you drop something from a height; 
a current passes down a wire
and light strikes a surface

But mathematical descriptions do not constitute a physical explanation.

Meanwhile, the last century has seen great progress in understanding the phenomena of electricity in vacuum tubes, arc lamps, arc welders, industrial electric discharge machining and ultra high-energy experiments at Los Alamos National Laboratories and Sandia Laboratories. 

Electrical engineers were the first to see striking parallels with astronomical phenomena, beginning with the Earth’s aurorae.

The Norwegian, Kristian Birkeland[6], in the early 1900s set up an electromagnetic observatory inside the Arctic circle. 
ノルウェー人のクリスチャン・バークランド(=ビルケランド)[6]は、1900 年代初頭に北極圏の内側に電磁天文台を設置しました。

He associated the magnetic effects of aurorae with electric currents flowing between the Sun and the Earth. 

His electrical “Terrella” or “little Earth” experiments were able to reproduce the features of aurorae, sunspots, comets, etc. 

The BIG LESSON from the Terella experiments is that they required EXTERNAL ELECTRICAL POWER GENERATED SOME DISTANCE AWAY. 
Terella の実験から得られた大きな教訓は、実験には一定の距離を離れた場所で生成された外部電力が必要だったということです。

In recent years his name has been applied to the electric currents discovered in space
—“Birkeland currents.”

 [7] [Image by Craig Mayhew and Robert Simmon, NASA GSFC.]
Composite image of the Earth at night. 

Engineers find it easy to light our cities with electrical power generated at some distance from the city. 

It never occurs to astronomers that Nature uses the same simple method of lighting galaxies. 

They have never considered that stars might be a cosmic electrical phenomenon, like streetlights tracing the path of power lines. 

It was Dr. Charles Bruce, a fellow of the Institute of Electrical Engineers as well as of the Royal Astronomical Society, whose work on lightning allowed him to identify electrical activity on the Sun, on stars and in galaxies[8].

The Nobel Prize winning Hannes Alfvén[9] was trained as an electrical engineer but went on to produce much of the theoretical underpinning of electrical behavior in the ELECTRIC UNIVERSE®. 

An article about his work with the title “Alfvén’s Electric Universe” appeared in the Boston Globe on Monday, March 20, 1989. 
「アルヴェーンの電気的宇宙」というタイトルの彼の作品に関する記事が、1989 年 3 月 20 日月曜日のボストン・グローブ紙に掲載されました。

Alfvén insisted that it was of prime importance to understand cosmic circuitry. 

But astronomers ignored him.

So discoveries about lightning and auroras continue to surprise physicists even in this space age. 

Perhaps there is a good reason for this. 

Our Earthly experience is one of solids, liquids and gases. 

The region we inhabit between the ionosphere, some 80km above us, and the surface of the Earth, is one of the rarest environments in the universe
私たちが住む、上空約 80 km の電離層と地表の間にある地域は、宇宙でも最も稀な環境の 1 つです。

We inhabit part of the .001% or less of the universe where plasma is not to be found naturally except in the lightning bolt and occasional aurora. 
私たちは、稲妻や時折発生するオーロラを除いて、自然界ではプラズマが存在しない宇宙の 0.001% 以下の領域に住んでいます。

Plasma has been termed ‘the fourth state of matter’ but in view of its ubiquity it would be better termed ‘the fundamental state of matter.’
プラズマは「物質の第 4 の状態」と呼ばれていますが、その遍在性を考慮すると、「物質の基本的な状態」と呼ぶ方が適切です。

It is a state where neutral atoms are mixed with charged particles, positive and negative. 

These particles may be as small as electrons and protons or may range up to the size of molecules and dust particles. 

In a gaseous plasma, like we find throughout the universe, the charged particles respond more strongly to electromagnetic forces than they do to mechanical or gravitational forces. 

One of the results we see in lightning is the constriction of electric currents to form long filaments. 
雷で私たちが見ている結果の 1 つは、電流が狭まって長いフィラメントを形成することです。

And the filamentary nature of plasma in space is well documented. 

No dark matter, sprinkled where required to save a theory, is necessary.

 [10] [Image courtesy of the 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey team.]

Survey of the nearby universe maps the distribution of about 75,000 galaxies (small blue dots). 
近くの宇宙を調査すると、約 75,000 個の銀河 (小さな青い点) の分布が地図に示されます。

The placement of each galaxy in the radial direction is proportional to its distance from the Earth (which is located at the intersection of the two wedges), and its angular position (or right ascension in hours of arc) corresponds to its location along a thin strip in the sky. 
各銀河の半径方向の配置は地球からの距離に比例します、(それは、2 つのくさびの交点に位置する) そして、その角度位置(または弧の時間での赤経)は、空の細い帯に沿ったその位置に対応します。

The galaxies clearly trace a network of filamentary structures. 

The ELECTRIC UNIVERSE® assumes that Nature is not wilfully hiding her secrets. 

The complexity we observe in the universe comes from very simple electrical principles, some of which can be tested with very simple apparatus. 

Science is open to everyone. 

The visible universe is an electrical phenomenon, from the structure of subatomic particles to the superclusters of galaxies in deep space.

 [11]Playing with a magnet and a plasma discharge tube, the "Aurora Borealis Tube Display," by Resonance Research Corporation.
磁石とプラズマ放電管で遊ぶ「オーロラ・ボレアリス チューブ・ディスプレイ」は、レゾナンス・リサーチ株式会社による。

The ELECTRIC UNIVERSE® model is simple enough that it can be taught to young children, but it first requires that cosmology is actually included in the science curriculum and then treated with a reasonable level of importance (the subject of a forthcoming article). 
エレクトリック・ユニバース・モデルは、幼児に教えることができるほど単純ですが、まず宇宙論が科学カリキュラムに実際に組み込まれ、その後、適切なレベルの重要性をもって扱われる必要があります (これは今後の記事の主題です)。

For the more mature student, the science curriculum should include studying the behaviour of electricity in gases. 

Everyone is familiar with lightning. 

Most have seen fluorescent and neon lights. 

And the writhing “life-like” filaments in the novelty ‘plasma ball’ are a favorite with kids. 

But familiarity with lightning and neon lights does not equate with understanding. 

Lightning and the plasma behavior inside those glass tubes and balls are a mystery to almost everyone. 

Yet the environment inside those objects most closely equates to that of the rest of the universe.

 [12] [Credit for NGC 6751, NASA and STScI/AURA.]

Plasma ball and planetary nebula NGC 6751. 
プラズマボールと惑星状星雲NGC 6751。

The outgoing president of the International Astronomical Union (IAU) 2009, Catherine Cesarsky[13], said recently:
退任する国際天文学連合 (IAU) 2009 年度会長キャサリン・セザースキー [13] は最近次のように述べました:

“I think young scientists should guard themselves against brainwashing. 

They should look beyond the road maps, even if we put the best we know in them. 

Also, they should resist specializing too much at the cost of the big picture. 

The best way to escape [the] bandwagon effect is to look at things from a distance, to connect different ideas.”
It is time for another idea in astronomy. 

The ELECTRIC UNIVERSE® is a new ‘big picture’ of the universe that “looks at things from a distance and connects different ideas.” 

If science has become ‘show biz,’ the broad panorama of the ELECTRIC UNIVERSE® is fitted for an Imax theatre show like nothing else before it. 

The ELECTRIC UNIVERSE® releases us from the confining eggshell of big bang metaphysics and propels us into the real universe

Our future depends on it. 

The possible scientific, technological and cultural advances will be, as Arthur C. Clarke so ably expressed it, 
“indistinguishable from magic.”

My thanks to Bob Johnson and Gerald Pecksen for their help in London and their valuable views about an Electric Revolution. 

Wal Thornhill

1.    [Image]: /wp/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/London-Southbank-August-9-2009.jpg
2.    Georg Christoph Lichtenberg: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georg_Christoph_Lichtenberg
3.    mathematical figments: http://www.sjcrothers.plasmaresources.com/
4.    [Image]: /wp/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/Non-Sequitur.jpg
5.    [Image]: /wp/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/Gerrit-Verschuur.jpg
6.    Kristian Birkeland: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kristian_Birkeland
7.    [Image]: /wp/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/Earthlights.jpg
8.    electrical activity on the Sun, on stars and in galaxies: http://www.catastrophism.com/texts/bruce/era.htm
9.    Hannes Alfvén: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hannes_Alfv%C3%A9n
10.    [Image]: /wp/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/Survey_universe.jpg
11.    [Image]: /wp/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/Plasma-display.jpg
12.    [Image]: /wp/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/Plasma-ball-+-NGC-6751.jpg
13.    Catherine Cesarsky: http://www.holoscience.com/news/img/Cesarsky%20interview.pdf
Source URL: https://www.holoscience.com/wp/the-simple-electric-universe/
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