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[The Thunderbolts Project,Japan Division] エレクトリックユニバース  電気的宇宙論、プラズマ宇宙物理学、 電気的観察物理学、解説、翻訳、 深津 孝明

Electric Sun Verified  認証済みのエレクトリック・サン  by Wal Thornhill

Electric Sun Verified  認証済みのエレクトリック・サン 

by Wal Thornhill | October 20, 2009 10:16 am

“Is it likely that any astonishing new developments are lying in wait for us? Is it possible that the cosmology of 500 years hence will extend as far beyond our present beliefs as our cosmology goes beyond that of Newton?”
私たちの宇宙論ニュートン宇宙論を超えるのと同じように、500 年後の宇宙論が私たちの現在の信念をはるかに超えて広がる可能性はあるでしょうか?」
—Fred Hoyle, The Nature of the Universe
NASA’s IBEX (Interstellar Boundary Explorer) spacecraft has made the first all-sky maps of the boundary between the Sun’s environment (the heliosphere), and interstellar space. 
NASA の IBEX (恒星間境界探査機) 探査機は、太陽の環境 (太陽圏) と恒星間空間との境界を示す初の全天地図を作成しました。

The results, reported as a bright, winding ribbon of unknown origin which bisects the maps, have taken researchers by surprise. However, the discovery fits the electric model of stars perfectly.
その結果は、地図を二分する起源不明の明るく曲がりくねったリボンとして報告され、研究者らを驚かせた。 しかし、この発見は恒星の電気的モデルに完全に適合します。

 [1] [Credit: SwRI]
Voyagers 1 and 2 (V1 and V2 above) reached the boundary of the Sun’s influence in 2005 and 2007, respectively, taking measurements as they left the solar system. 
ボイジャー 1 号と 2 (上記の V1 と V2) は、それぞれ 2005 年と 2007 年に太陽の影響の境界に到達し、太陽系を離れるときに測定を行いました。

Before IBEX, there was only data from these two points at the edge of the solar system. 
IBEX が登場する前は、太陽系の端にあるこれら 2 つの地点からのデータしかありませんでした。

While exciting and valuable, the data they provided about this region raised more questions* than they resolved. 

IBEX has filled in the entire interaction region, revealing surprising details completely unpredicted by any theories. 
IBEX は相互作用領域全体の中に埋め尽くされており、理論ではまったく予測できなかった驚くべき詳細を明らかにしました。

This shows some of the fine detail of the ribbon in the blow-up section.

[*See Voyager 1 at the Edge – of What?[2]]
[* ボイジャー 1 号の最果て – 何の?[2] を参照]

The meter-wide, hexagonal IBEX monitors the edge of the solar system from Earth orbit by “seeing” the heliosphere’s outer boundary in the “light” of energetic neutral hydrogen atoms (ENA’s). 
幅メートルの六角形の IBEX は、エネルギーのある中性水素原子 (ENA) の「光」で太陽圏の外側の境界を「見る」ことによって、地球周回軌道から太陽系の端を監視します。

The news releases of October 15 highlighted the difficulties this discovery causes. 

“The thing that’s really shocking is this ribbon,” says IBEX principal investigator David McComas of Southwest Research Institute in San Antonio, Texas. 

Researchers had expected gusts in the solar wind blowing against the boundary to create 20% or 30% variations in ENA emissions, but the ribbon is 10 times that intense
—a narrow band blazing across the sky like some Milky Way on fire. 
リボンは、— 燃える天の川のように空を横切る狭い帯で、その10倍の強烈さでした。

Charged particles have apparently become bunched along the ribbon near the boundary, says McComas, but how they got there 
“is still a big mystery. Our previous ideas about the outer heliosphere are going to have to be revised.” 「それはまだ大きな謎です。 太陽圏の外側についてのこれまでの考えは修正される必要があるでしょう。」

 “I’m blown away completely,” 
says space physicist Neil Murphy of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California. 
“It’s amazing, it’s opened up a new kind of astronomy.” 

 [3] [Credit: S. M. Krimigis et al., The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory.]
Annotated summary of basic findings from the ENA maps of the heliosheath by researchers from the Saturn Cassini mission. 
土星カッシーニ計画の研究者によるヘリオシースの ENA マップからの基本的な発見の注釈付きの要約。
“The expectations of NASA scientists are not being met because their shock front model is incorrect. 
The boundary that Voyager has reached is more complex and structured than a mechanical impact.”
NASA の科学者らの期待は満たされていません。衝撃波面のモデルが間違っているからです。
—Wal Thornhill, September 2006. 
―ウォル・ソーンヒル、2006 年 9 月。

 [4] [Image credit: Adler Planetarium/Chicago]
The publicized image of the Sun’s interaction with interstellar space is like the shock front of a supersonic aircraft.

We are told the “magnetic bubble” of the heliosphere protects us like a cocoon as the Sun and its planets travel through the Milky Way

The concept of Langmuir’s plasma sheath is entirely missing from this picture. 
この写真には、ラングミュアのプラズマ シースの概念がまったくありません。

It is electrically inert. 
IBEX has discovered that the heliosheath is dominated not by the Sun but by the Galaxy’s magnetic field. Since the galaxy’s magnetic field traces the direction of interstellar electric current flow in space near the Sun, it is a result that conforms to the EU model of galaxies[5] and stars[6]. 
IBEX は、ヘリオシースが太陽ではなく銀河の磁場によって支配されていることを発見しました。 銀河の磁場は太陽近傍の宇宙空間で恒星間電流の流れの方向をたどるため、EU の銀河モデル [5] や恒星 [6] に準拠した結果となります。

It is necessary to acknowledge that the cometary heliosphere model seems reasonable when some images of stars do have a cometary appearance. 
Examples of cometary stars[7] are provided in the NASA news report:
彗星的な恒星達の例[7]は、NASA ニュースレポートで提供されています:

 [8] [Credit: SwRI]
This image shows photographs of the heliospheres around other stars (called astrospheres) taken by a variety of telescopes. 
この画像は、さまざまな望遠鏡で撮影された、他の恒星達の周囲の太陽圏 (天体圏と呼ばれます) の写真を示しています。

(Note that the title of the original has been changed here from “Astrospheres” because it makes the unsupported assumption that all stars have them in this cometary form).

Cometary phenomena are not a simple mechanical effect of an object plowing through a thin gas. 

Comets are an electrical phenomenon where the comet nucleus is a negative cathode in the Sun’s plasma discharge. 

Examples of cometary stars are uncommon because stars are normally a positive anode in the galactic discharge. 

Characteristically, cathodes tend to jet matter into the plasma to form spectacular comas and tails, as seen above. 

Stars may become comets in the process of electrical capture by a more highly charged star. 

It is a mistake to assume a cometary astrosphere model for all stars. 

However, a more fundamental conceptual error is to invoke stellar and galactic “winds” and the notion of tails being “swept downstream.”
Astrospheres and comets are plasma discharge phenomena!

 Electrodynamic forces govern them. Discussions about the “external magnetic forces of the galactic wind” dominating the shape of the heliosphere highlights a curious blindspot in astrophysics. 
電気力学的な力がそれらを支配します。 太陽圏の形状を支配する「銀河風の外部磁力」に関する議論は、天体物理学の奇妙な盲点を浮き彫りにします。

In 1970 the late Hannes Alfvén counseled against the notion that magnetic fields can exist in space while ignoring their origin in cosmic electric currents and their circuits.
Alfvén predicted an imminent “crisis in cosmology.” 

I’m sure he never imagined that scientific revolutions could take a century or more in this era of global communication. 
きっと彼は、この世界的なコミュニケーションの時代において、科学革命が 1 世紀以上かかるとは想像もしていなかったに違いありません。

But specialism and specialist jargon is the enemy of communication and the wide-ranging investigation needed to compose the “big picture” we call cosmology. 

And no scientist likes to admit their specialty is in crisis.

For a more detailed perspective on the astrophysical crisis, I recommend my earlier article of April 2007, “The Astrophysical Crisis at Red Square[9].” 
天体物理学の危機に関するより詳細な視点については、2007 年 4 月の私の以前の記事「赤の広場における天体物理学の危機[9]」をお勧めします。 

There I wrote:

“Alfvén pioneered the stellar circuit concept and it seems his ‘wiring diagram’ is essentially correct but incomplete because it does not show the star’s connection to the larger galactic circuit. 

Alfvén remarked, “The [stellar] current closes at large distances, but we do not know where.” 

Plasma cosmologists have supplied the answer by mapping the currents flowing along the arms of spiral galaxies. 

It is but a small step from there to see that all stars are the focus of Z-pinches within a galactic discharge. 
すべての恒星達が銀河の放電内の Z ピンチの焦点であることがわかるまでは、そこからほんの小さな一歩です。

Normally the current flows in ‘dark mode’ so we don’t usually see the spectacular bipolar ‘wiring harnesses’ of hyperactive stars.”
The diagram appearing in that article is shown below, re-annotated.

has so far not found a satisfactory explanation.””]

 [10]Meanwhile, in 2005 I explained all three rings of supernova 1987A[11]in terms of a stellar plasma Z-pinch. 
一方、2005 年に、私は超新星 1987A[11] の 3 つのリングすべてを恒星プラズマ Z ピンチの観点から説明しました。

Above we see the essential features of a plasma Z-pinch experiment (left); 
the details of the concentric Birkeland current filament cylinders (center); 
and the ‘witness plate’ resulting from the galactic Birkeland current filaments in that cylinder striking the matter in the disk expelled from the star at the focus of supernova 1987A. 
上には、プラズマ Z ピンチ実験の重要な特徴が示されています (左);
同心のバークランド電流フィラメント シリンダーの詳細 (中央);
そして、その円筒内の銀河バークランド電流フィラメントが、超新星 1987A の焦点で恒星から放出された円盤内の物質に衝突することによって生じる「目撃板」です。

The bright beads are like the effect of a ring of searchlights punching through a thin cloud. 

The tendency for pairing of the bright circular spots and the extremely slow expansion rate of the equatorial ring suggest the Z-pinch model is correct.
明るい円形スポットのペアの傾向と赤道リングの膨張速度が非常に遅いことから、このZ ピンチ・モデルが正しいことが示唆されます。

A normal star will have the same Z-pinch environment as a supernova but at a much lower energy. 
通常の恒星は超新星と同じ Z ピンチ環境になりますが、エネルギーははるかに低くなります。

So instead of a brilliant ring of lights in the sky, astronomers detect a ‘bright ribbon’ of ENA’s, caused by modest excitation of matter from the Sun’s stellar “wind” by the local galactic Z-pinch.
そのため、天文学者たちは、空に輝く光の輪の代わりに、局所的な銀河の Z ピンチによる太陽の恒星の「風」からの物質の適度な励起によって引き起こされる ENA の「明るいリボン」を検出しました。

 [12]This diagram shows a conceptual cross-section along the central axis of the stellar Z-pinch at the Sun’s position. 
この図は、太陽の位置における恒星の Z ピンチの中心軸に沿った概念的な断面を示しています。

Whether the double layers exist within or outside the heliosphere is unknown. 

The diameter of the encircling cylinder is unknown. 

That of supernova 1987A is of the order of a light-year, which would make the diameter of the heliosphere more than 600 times smaller! 
超新星 1987A の直径は 1 光年のオーダーであり、太陽圏の直径は 600 分の 1 以上小さくなります。

Note that as a rotating charged body the Sun’s magnetic field is not aligned with the interstellar magnetic field and Z-pinch axis. 
回転する荷電体として、太陽の磁場は恒星間磁場および Z ピンチ軸と一致していないことに注意してください。

The Sun’s magnetic field only has influence within the tiny heliosphere but it is modulated by galactic currents. 

Alfvén’s axial “double layers” (DLs) have been included although their distance from the Sun is unknown. 

DLs are produced in current carrying plasma and are the one region where charge separation takes place in plasma and a high voltage is generated across them (see discussion below).
DL達は、電流が流れるプラズマ内で生成され、プラズマ内で電荷分離が発生し、その両端に高電圧が生成される 1 つの領域です (以下の説明を参照)。

The Z-pinch model offers a simple explanation for the “giant ribbon” found wrapped around the heliosphere. 
Z ピンチ・モデルは、太陽圏の周りに巻かれているのが発見された「巨大なリボン」を簡単に説明します。

The Z-pinch is naturally aligned with the interstellar magnetic field. 
Z ピンチは自然に恒星間磁場と一致します。

Solar “wind” ions are scattered and neutralized by electrons from the Birkeland current filaments to form ENA’s coming from the Z-pinch ring, a giant ring about the solar system and orthogonal to the interstellar magnetic field.

The Sun’s heliospheric circuit is connected to the galaxy via the central column and the disk of charged particles. 

The current path is traced by magnetic fields. 

The “open” helical magnetic fields discovered high above the Sun’s poles by the Ulysses spacecraft are supportive of Alfvén’s stellar circuit model. 

And the solar “wind” would seem to connect to the broader disk of charged particles about the heliosphere.

Given the detail in this model we should expect, as more data comes in, that researchers may find in the ENA “ribbon,” bright spots, filamentary structures, and movement of the bright spots consistent with rotation of Birkeland current filament pairs and their possible coalescence.

The Science journal reports the opinion of one of the researchers that: 

“sorting out the heliosphere’s true shape will take more time …the geometry’s tough.

The shape is no doubt somewhere between the two extremes of ideal comet and pure bubble, but all agree that researchers will have to understand how the ribbon forms to know the heliosphere’s true shape.”

That is true, but scientists will continue to suffer surprises while they have “no doubt” that the galactic wind and the interstellar magnetic field are the dominant forces that shape the heliosphere.

Researchers are keen to see how changes in the solar wind affect the ENA observations as the sun moves toward the maximum of its 11-year cycle. 

Such observations are very important. 

The solar cycle is controlled by its local galactic Z-pinch, so any variation in ENA’s may provide some clues about the origin of the quasi-cyclic variability in the circuit supplying DC electrical power to the Sun or “solar cycle.” 
太陽周期は局所的な銀河の Z ピンチによって制御されているため、ENA の変動は、太陽に DC 電力を供給する回路の準周期変動、つまり「太陽周期」の起源に関する手がかりを提供する可能性があります。

The “brightness” of the ENA’s should vary, probably out of phase with the solar cycle.
ENA の「明るさ」は変化するはずで、おそらく太陽周期とは位相がずれています。

In 1984 Alfvén predicted from his circuit model of the Sun there are two double layers, one connected to each pole at some unknown distance from the Sun or heliosphere. 
1984 年にアルヴェーンは、太陽の回路モデルから 2 つの二重層が存在し、1 つは太陽または太陽圏から、未知の距離にある各極に接続されていると予測しました。

He wrote:

“As neither double layer nor circuit can be derived from magnetofluid models of a plasma, such models are useless for treating energy transfer by means of double layers. 

They must be replaced by particle models and circuit theory… Application to the heliospheric current systems leads to the prediction of two double layers on the sun’s axis which may give radiations detectable from Earth. 
それらは粒子モデルと回路理論に置き換えられなければなりません…太陽圏の電流システムに適用すると、太陽の軸上に 2 つの二重層が存在し、地球から検出可能な放射線が得られる可能性があると予測されます。

Double layers in space should be classified as a new type of celestial object.”
— H. Alfvén, Double Layers and Circuits in Astrophysics, IEEE Transactions On Plasma Science, Vol. PS-14, No. 6, December 1986.
— H. アルヴェーン、天体物理学における二重層と回路、IEEE Transactions On Plasma Science、Vol.  PS-14、第 6 号、1986 年 12 月。
There is some other research to be encouraged by this ENAs discovery, which should throw further light on the Sun’s electrical environment. 
この ENA の発見によって促進される研究は他にもいくつかあり、それは太陽の電気的環境にさらなる光を当てるはずです。

The axial double layers should be detectable as nearby, fluctuating radio and cosmic ray sources. 

In fact their oscillation may modulate the current flow and be a source of the solar cycle. 

Already there has been a report[13] of an unexplained high-energy cosmic ray “hot spot” roughly in the direction of the inferred “heliotail.” 

The energies of the cosmic rays are in the range possible by acceleration in a galactic double layer (Carlqvist). 

Confirmation may soon come from observations of high-energy cosmic-ray electrons. 

The electrons undergo synchrotron and inverse Compton scattering losses and thus cannot travel very far from their sources, which makes them sensitive probes of nearby galactic sources and propagation. 

If the diagram above is close to the real situation then we might expect cosmic-ray electrons to arrive from the double layer in the opposite direction in the sky to the nuclear cosmic rays.

The EU model is based on a hierarchy of repeated patterns of plasma behavior, from the size of a galaxy down to a few centimeters in the laboratory. 
EU(エレクトリック・ユニバース) モデルは、銀河のサイズから実験室の数センチメートルに至るまで、プラズマの挙動の階層的な繰り返しパターンに基づいています。

Therefore it is subject to experimental confirmation, unlike most astrophysical theory today. 

So discoveries from space like this one should trigger experiments in plasma laboratories around the world instead of theorists wasting resources by conjuring up ever more complex and unlikely models based on invalid concepts of space plasma. 

IBEX’s recent results that have taken researchers by surprise have given yet more strength to the EU model, a model that confidently predicts that the shape of the Sun’s galactic plasma environment is the hourglass, Z-pinch shape of planetary nebulae and supernovae, aligned with the local interstellar magnetic field. 

The beautiful symmetrical patterns that arise in plasma discharges from very simple principles renders all modeling that ignores the electrical nature of matter and the universe worthless.

Wal Thornhill

1.    [Image]: /wp/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/Heliospheric-ribbon.jpg
2.    Voyager 1 at the Edge – of What?: http://www.holoscience.com/news.php?article=0yfteeje
3.    [Image]: /wp/wp-content/uploads/2009/10/Heliosphere.jpg
4.    [Image]: /wp/wp-content/uploads/2009/10/Cometary-Sun.jpg
5.    galaxies: http://www.holoscience.com/news.php?article=2m1r5m3b
6.    stars: http://www.holoscience.com/news.php?article=x49g6gsf
7.    Examples of cometary stars: http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/ibex/allsky_visuals.html
8.    [Image]: /wp/wp-content/uploads/2009/10/Stellar-comets.jpg
9.    The Astrophysical Crisis at Red Square: http://www.holoscience.com/news.php?article=7hjpuqz9
10.    [Image]: /wp/wp-content/uploads/2009/10/Stellar-Z-pinch.jpg
11.    supernova 1987A: http://www.holoscience.com/news.php?article=re6qxnz1
12.    [Image]: /wp/wp-content/uploads/2009/10/Solar-Environment.jpg
13.    report: http://physics.aps.org/articles/v1/37
14.    [Image]: /wp/wp-content/uploads/2009/10/Planetary-nebula-M2-9.jpg
Source URL: https://www.holoscience.com/wp/electric-sun-verified/
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