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[The Thunderbolts Project,Japan Division] エレクトリックユニバース  電気的宇宙論、プラズマ宇宙物理学、 電気的観察物理学、解説、翻訳、 深津 孝明

Ancient Egyptian electricity inside the Great Pyramid of Giza  ギザの大ピラミッド内の古代エジプトの電気

If you ask the internet when was electricity discovered you'll quickly find out that Google doesn't know everything. 
電気がいつ発見されたのかをインターネットに尋ねれば、Google がすべてを知っているわけではないことがすぐにわかります。

this one says that Benjamin Franklin discovered it. 
this one says it was the ancient Greeks. 
this one's actually probably closer to the truth but the Greeks learned a lot from the Egyptians and they didn't always give credit where it was due the Egyptians certainly knew about electricity is a basic concept.
the electric catfish of the Nile was well known to ancient Egyptians. 

and they knew enough about electricity to use animals 
like this to treat people with epilepsy and to provide temporary pain relief 
but we're gonna take this one step further 
there are some unexplained features in the Great Pyramid 
and some have suggested that it may have produced electricity

specifically it's been proposed that the pyramid may have served as a Lord kelvins thunderstorm device 

in today's video we'll dive into those unexplained features 
and we'll detail exactly how a Lord Kelvin cylinder storm device works

so after a bunch of research on Egypt's Old Kingdom line was quizzed by professor of Egyptology at Harvard Peter Manuelian who eventually said you're now an Egyptologist or at least and he's an expert 
thanks man so now we're ready to tackle this

the pyramids are closed because of the pandemic 

change of plans instead of this version of Indiana Jones
you're gonna get something closer to this one I know I'm disappointed too but hey no snakes 
 あなたはこれに近いものを手に入れるつもりです 私もがっかりしているのはわかっていますが、ヘビはだめです

so let's crack open the Great Pyramid of Giza and take a look at these unexplained features what immediately stands out to me is the Grand Gallery 
それでは、ギザの大ピラミッドをこじ開けて、これらの説明のつかない特徴を見てみましょう。すぐに目に留まるのはグランド ギャラリーです。

its purpose isn't clear if you look inside of it 
you'll see a long tall inclined room 
and there are these ledges on either side of the walkway 
we also see alternating short and long slots on those ledges 
there's a groove cut into the walls which span the entire space at the top of the Grand Gallery
 グランド ギャラリーの上部の空間全体に広がる壁に溝が刻まれています。

there's an opening which connects to a space over the King's Chamber 
more spaces were discovered over it via dynamite archaeology when the second relieving chamber was opened they found a fine black powder evenly spread on the floor 
the powder was later identified as insect carcasses 

these spaces have long been called relieving chambers as it's believed that they relieve the pressure over the king's chamber 
but notice that the Queen's Chamber is farther down in the pyramid

and you would think if the pressure would be even greater there 

and yet the Queen's Chamber has no such relieving chambers 

there are also these shafts these are completely unique to the Great Pyramid 

in all of the time that we've spent studying ancient Egypt 
we found no analogue for them
here's what we do know the King's Chamber shafts extend all the way to the outside
私たちが知っていることは次のとおりです 王の部屋のシャフトは外側まで伸びています

whereas the Queen's Chamber shafts don't

the Queen's Chamber shafts are blocked by these blocking stones 

another curious feature about these blocking stones are these copper pins 
we have no idea what their purpose is 

unlike the yellow limestone which makes up the bulk of the pyramid, 
white limestone was used for the slabs and the surrounding area.
the only other place that we've seen white limestone used on the pyramid are the casing stones.
few casing stones survived today many of which were taken for use on buildings elsewhere 

the mainstream ideas about the shafts don't make a lot of sense regarding the constellation 

in theory the shafts don't point to certain stars as once believed 

also you have to ask yourself why the pathway to the stars would be needed in the first place 

the Egyptians believed the soul isn't blocked by physical objects 
so this doesn't seem very likely
also with the airshaft theory 
other pyramids don't have air shafts 

so why would they be needed here if they weren't needed before or after this pyramid 

likewise the blocking stones have been attributed to a symbolic doorway for the spirit to cross to the afterlife 

While it is true that the Egyptians did put false doors on tombs to allow the spirit to receive offerings, they don't resemble what we see in the Great Pyramid.
Also structures with false doors don't hide them in shafts
further false doors are almost always located on western walls 
these shafts are oriented north and south 
they almost certainly are not false doors

another oddity is the subterranean chamber, 
why would the builders go through such great lengths to make a chamber
and yet leave it unfinished now

That you know the basics of the internal anomalies of the pyramid.
Let's take a look at an electrical generator that the ancient Egyptians may have known about.

This simple device has no moving parts, just falling water.

Just because it's simple doesn't mean it's not impressive.

Though this little device can generate thousands of volts of electricity.
Here's what's going on.
We have a reservoir containing water. 

We have two streams which pass through two cylinders. 
2 つのシリンダーを通過する 2 つのストリームがあります。

The streams naturally break up into droplets.

At some point and we've positioned the cylinders at that transition point.
The droplets then collect into buckets.

Because the buckets are insulated from each other,there's always going to be a small initial difference in charge between them.
In our example, the right bucket is slightly negatively charged compared to the other one.
The right bucket is connected to the cylinder on the opposite stream, making it slightly negative.
As well the charge on the left cylinder will attract positive ions from the water, through water droplets from that left-hand stream, carry that positive charge along with it, and those drops fall into the bucket giving the bucket a slight positive charge.

Now the right cylinder is positively charged and it similarly attracts the negative ions,
it exponentially accumulates voltage with Airy,
and the result is a substantial electrical discharge.
Today,we refer to this device as Lord kelvins thunderstorm.

The ancient Egyptians had access to water, metal and stone,all of the materials needed to make this work.
Let's see if we can map the functionality of our sparking device into the Great Pyramid.

And we'll see if those anomalous features make more sense.
Let's start at the Grand Gallery to get ideal results will want wide streams,which means that the space needs to be fairly tall the larger diameter, streams the more voltage that.
理想的な結果を得るには、グランド ギャラリーから始めましょう。広いストリームが必要です。つまり、スペースがかなり高くなる必要があり、直径が大きくなり、ストリームの電圧が高くなります。

We can create, just like in our experiment earlier, we'll want to
insulate the buckets from the wet floor otherwise  the voltage will leak.

This may explain the ledges on either side of the Grand Gallery.
これは、グランド ギャラリーの両側にある棚の説明になるかもしれません。

The room and the ledges are both sloped. 

So you'll need some way of keeping the buckets from tipping over.

How about we use platforms to create a horizontal ledge for them.

Remember that there are 28 slots on either side. 
両側に 28 個のスロットがあることに注意してください。

So this would accommodate 14 platforms and buckets on each side. 
したがって、これは両側に 14 個のプラットフォームとバケットを収容することになります。

And our spark generator we use two cylinders and two buckets, but what if we added more here, we have four cylinders and four buckets.
したがって、これは両側に 14 個のプラットフォームとバケットを収容することになります。

And we've wire them up together, the result is at the frequency of the spark generation increases.

Next, we'll need to locate the reservoir, it needs to be above the buckets, and ideally nearby somewhere over the Grand Gallery. 
次に、貯水池を見つける必要があります。それはバケツの上にある必要があり、理想的にはグランド ギャラリーの上のどこか近くにある必要があります。

Would be ideal in 2017, scientists detected the big void directly above the Grand Gallery. 
2017 年に科学者たちがグランド ギャラリーの真上に大きな空洞を発見したのが理想的でした。

For our machine to work this chamber would be needed and the placement is ideal what purpose, could these shafts serve for our machine.

Remember that they are completely unique to the Great Pyramid and we have no context in which to place them for our machine. 

We could use them to route wiring to the outside of the Pyramid, the angles are close to optimal to have the shortest distance from the chamber to the exterior of the Pyramid. 

The goal appears to be that they were trying to set the exit at the same height. 

I suspect that the King's Chamber shafts also had slabs with copper fittings but in this case they'd be located at the edge of the pyramid. 

I'll cover my reasoning, why.

At the bonus section towards the end of the video, these slabs may have served as strain relief for the wiring. 
ビデオの終わりの方のボーナス セクションでは、これらのスラブは配線の張力を緩和する役割を果たしていた可能性があります。

Here's what I mean. 
Imagine an electrical plug connected to an outlet on your ceiling, there's a point in which the weight of the wire will cause it to unplug itself.

This King's Chamber shaft is over 50 meters long and it has a steep slope strain relief, may have been added to handle this type of problem.
このキングス チェンバー シャフトは長さが 50 メートルを超え、急勾配の張力緩和が施されており、この種の問題に対処するために追加された可能性があります。

What purpose could these chambers serve, perhaps instead of relieving chambers they were used for filtration.

We don't want sediment fouling our engines, this is why we have a fuel filter between our gas tank and engine.

The ancient Egyptians were well aware of sediment filtration, the powderized bug carcasses may have been a filter medium. 

The only reason it was noteworthy at the time was the color the concept is similar to how we use diatomaceous earth today. 

Water might come into these chambers get filtered flow through the sloped passageway.

And then into the Grand Gallery, and this may explain the purpose of the grooves along the walls of the Grand Gallery. 
そしてグランド ギャラリーへ、これがグランド ギャラリーの壁に沿った溝の目的を説明するかもしれません。

They could support a sloped surface for water to flow. 

Holes could be cut out in it, to allow water to flow into the buckets, excess water would then follow the slope down to the well shaft into the subterranean chamber.

Perhaps the subterranean chamber was never intended to be a resting place of a king, it might have been just a way to dispose of the excess water to allow it to flow back into the Nile. 

Now we currently don't know of a connection between the relieving chambers and the big void, but this may not be too surprising as dynamite was used to gain access to those areas. 

The operation may have obscured the path to the void.
Perhaps once we get access to the big void, we'll be able to find the other end of that channel. 

For now I'll leave it as a question mark, if there's no channel.

Then the idea is a bust if the idea is correct then it would tie together these mysteries the purpose of the copper fittings and the slabs and the shafts.

The purpose of the grooves and the walls of the Grand Gallery, to raise legends of the Grand Gallery. 
グランド ギャラリーの溝と壁の目的は、グランド ギャラリーの伝説を高めることです。

The purpose of the passageway, in the lowest relieving chamber and the Grand Gallery. 

The purpose of the big void, presence of the powderized bug carcasses on the floor of a relieving chamber, The purpose of the relieving chambers themselves and the reason why the subterranean chamber is unfinished. 

You might be wondering if there's any evidence of water in the pyramid.
Well, Yes, when water comes in contact with stone, it dissolves the salt of the stone, and when that evaporates, it leaves behind the salt on the surface, we call that F fluorescence efflorescence has been observed in these areas of the pyramid. 
 はい、水が石と接触すると、石の塩が溶解し、それが蒸発すると表面に塩が残ります、これをピラミッドのこれらの領域で観察された F 蛍光白華と呼びます。

It's important to note though that water may have come from more recent sources, perhaps even from the exhaled breath of visitors.
Once we get access to the big void, perhaps we'll see a fluorescence there too, and we'll know that wasn't due to human presence is there any indirect evidence of electricity in their mythology.

There's a myth called the story of Rey.

Where a God created a magical snake that could inflict a sting described like this.

It's like fire and yet is not fire.
it's like water and yet not water. 
I burn and I shiver. 
While all my limbs tremble.

Is there any indirect written proof that they incorporated a spark generator specifically into the Great Pyramid?
The answer is yes again. 

In one of the oldest documents that we have, it tells the story of a magician who was consulted for his knowledge to apply to the construction of Khufu's tomb. 

In that same document the magician had the power to reanimate the dead.
If you apply an electrical shock to your muscles, they'll twitch this effect can also be seen on dead bodies just like the bull.
In the West, car, papyrus and our device is capable of delivering that effect.

It isn't far-fetched that the Egyptians would refer to this as reanimating the dead. 

After all this discovery helped to inspire the story of Frankenstein in more modern times. 

If the Egyptians came up with this what were they doing with the electricity do.
I think they were using it to charge up their spaceships, probably not. 

It may have served a two-fold purpose from their writings.
We know that the ancient Egyptians were interested in reanimation after death.

There are funerary rites to reanimate each section of the body, the brain, the head, limbs etc. 

So that the spiritual body could move in the afterlife.

For example, there's an opening of the mouth ceremony to allow the deceased to talk to breathe to eat as such.
I think that the Egyptians would have been keenly interested in being able to move their body after death. 

Archeologists have also suggested that the pyramid shape may have symbolized sunbeams that the Pharaoh could ascend to the stars.

perhaps the wires were routed at the top braiding a symbolic manifestation of the Sun. 

The Egyptians certainly knew about electricity is a basic concept what the Egyptians knew beyond
that just isn't well-documented. 

We've already discussed that they've had the means. 

The water, the metal, and the stone, to make this work. 

And I believe that we've also established the motivation to pursue this. 

As we know they were interested in reanimation and tying their beliefs into their architecture.

And I think they also had plenty of opportunity when the Nile floods. 

You can't farm and people have plenty of time for other things like art and public works. 

We estimate that Egypt contained around 2 million people during the time of Khufu, and that means 2 million opportunities for someone to make discoveries and ask questions. 
クフ王の時代にはエジプトには約 200 万人がいたと推定されており、これは誰かが発見したり質問したりする機会が 200 万回あることを意味します。

So with means motivation and opportunity, I think that we might have circumstantial evidence for a theory and I think it might tie together some of these anomalous features of the pyramid into a single plan. 

Which is a lot more satisfying than most of the guesses that I've seen archaeology never provides a complete picture.

The Egyptians certainly didn't document everything and they may have wanted to keep secrets just like any other nation.

Combine that with grave robbing pilfering materials for use on remote sites dynamite archeology and thousands of years to lose details circumstantial evidence may be the closest that we're able to get to answers. 

Of course some or all of the guesses in this video might be completely wrong. 

Guesswork in archeology always go hand in hand, but the guesses are usually based upon some precedent. 

This is why the features of the Great Pyramid presents something of a problem for archeology. 

At the moment for example the shafts and blocking stones are unlike anything that we've seen in all of our time researching ancient Egypt. 

The traditional archaeological toolkit may not be up to the challenge of explaining why these features exist personally, I'd rather have at least a theory than a mystery.

Perhaps with enough people pondering over it, we can make sense out of it together.
I've documented my sources in the description if you disagree with anything, be sure to provide your documented sources too but also feel free to speculate in the comments below.

Now let's try not to get too hung up over conventional wisdom here's why meet the father of conventional wisdom this turd blossoms conventional wisdom stalled science for about 2,000 years. 
さて、常識に囚われすぎないようにしてみましょう。なぜこのクソ野郎が常識の父に会うのかというと、常識が約 2,000 年間科学を停滞させてきたからです。

It really wasn't all that long ago that the thought of mankind flying was a fringe theory.
Let's not make any hasty assumptions about what's impossible at the time of filming this video.

A guys lunch choice in China has collapsed the world's economy.

I think that we're well beyond saying what's impossible at this point. 

How about some bonus content now this is completely unrelated to the theory. 
理論とはまったく関係のないボーナス コンテンツはどうでしょうか。

Enjoy let's take a closer look at the jetty story from the West car papyrus together.
I'll point out a few hieroglyphs. 
So you'll see what I see in this sentence it mentions a king's name royal names are enclosed in
a cartouche and this is what we see here.
 この文では、王の名前について言及していることがわかりますが、王室の名前は で囲まれています。

It mentions key ops in the English translation that's what the Greeks
called them however in the hieroglyphs it reads as Khufu here's how this looks we see the sieve is associated with the sound and the horned Viper is associated with the sound. 

And we also see the coiled rope is associated with the sound mm.
All languages evolved over time and Egyptian is no exception.

The pronunciation for the rope hieroglyph can also be expressed as the Quayle check.

Unlike many languages you can read hieroglyphs from either left to right, right to left, or up to down to, know which direction you would read into the faces. 

Another hint is that the end of the rope in the cartouche is the end of the name. 

Another point is that the Egyptians didn't always use vowels and their writing we see this in the first example between the KH and the F this is why we don't always know the proper pronunciation of Egyptian words. 
もう 1 つの点は、エジプト人は常に母音を使用していたわけではなく、KH と F の間の最初の例で見られるように、その表記が、エジプト語の単語の適切な発音を常に知っているわけではない理由です。

For example you may have heard their Sun God called rah but I've been referring to him as Ray.
We typically fill in the missing vowel with E as it's the most frequently used letter in the English alphabet.
E は英語のアルファベットで最も頻繁に使用される文字であるため、通常、欠落している母音を E で埋めます。

But that doesn't mean that the Egyptians love that letter as much as we do something else that you'll see is the stacked letters. 

Egyptians focused on aesthetics if two small hieroglyphs can be stacked they'll do so, even if it means losing a vowel, people familiar with the language would just fill in the gaps like this. 
エジプト人は美しさを重視し、小さな象形文字を 2 つ重ねることができるならそうするでしょう。たとえ母音が失われることになっても、この言語に詳しい人ならこのように隙間を埋めるでしょう。

For example, if you're having trouble reading that just try saying it out loud.
The Egyptians had no idea that there would be a time in which their spoken language would ever die out.

And this system of writing worked perfectly well for thousands of years, until it didn't.

It's therefore extremely likely, but the commonly accepted pronunciation for Egyptian words wouldn't be understood by a person that lived during that time.

 If you want to learn how to write your name in hieroglyphs you could use this to be fair. 

It's a door level understanding of their writing, but it's an excellent place to start.

We see mention of the word horizon. 

The ancient name of Khufu's pyramid was a cat Khufu.

Which means Khufu horizon a hieroglyph of the horizon is a Sun between two mountains.

Historians believe that Khufu planned for his pyramid and his sons pyramid to be the two mountains.
歴史家は、クフが自分のピラミッドと息子たちのピラミッドを 2 つの山として計画したと信じています。
From the hieroglyph, that's pretty cool. 

Huh the term cartouche is actually French and it means cartridge when the French were exploring the Egyptian ruins they'd see this symbol and didn't know what it meant but to them it looked like their muzzle loading firearms paper powder cartridges.

 So that's what we're using today this is how those cartridges looked at that time. 

The Egyptians didn't refer to Egypt as Egypt, they refer to it as KMT historians pronounce that as Kemet but again we don't know the vowels.

So it could have been pronounced as Kamat or something else we really don't know the word KMT means Blackland and it gets that name from the fertile soil.

That's left over after the Nile floods, as a side note, they refer to the desert as - Rhett which means red land.

So why was it called Egypt, the Egyptian city of Memphis used to be called at CAPTA, pet means place, calf means soul, and the taw is the name of one of their gods.
So, head CAPTA literally translates to temple of the soul of Thom, when the Greeks moved in they pronounced head captain as I deep da and that's where we get the word Egypt. 
つまり、head CAPTA は文字通りThomの魂の神殿を意味します。ギリシャ人が引っ越してきたとき、彼らはヘッド キャプテンを I deep da と発音し、そこからエジプトという言葉が生まれました。

Today many English letters are based upon Egyptian hieroglyphs. 

Here's a quick overview of that sometimes words are also borrowed from ancient Egypt.

Here's a little gift for my German friends, the Egyptian word for beetle is kpr mouth boy she assists caifa perhaps.
 友達、エジプト語でカブトムシはkpr マウスボーイ、彼女はおそらくカイファを助けます。

As an echo from the past, when heavy stones needed to be moved over the desert, this relief shows how it was done, they'd pour water on the sand and then pull the object on a sledge.

 In 2014, researchers published that using the right quantity of water reduces the force needed to pull the weight by half.

The Queen's chambers shafts have an interesting backstory up until 1872 no shafts were known in the Queen's chambers.
女王の部屋のシャフトには興味深い裏話があり、1872 年まで女王の部屋にシャフトがあることは知られていませんでした。

In that year, an engineer decided to look for new shafts, looking at a section on the southern wall, where he thought a shaft might be located, he started chiseling away at, it is rambunctious does paid off, he found the hidden shaft, inside of it.
He found a small two-pronged object made out of some kind of metal. 

He then went to the opposite side the northern wall and proceeded to damage I mean to explore for science.

He found the other hidden shaft.
Inside this shaft, he found two objects a rough stone ball and a 12 centimeter long piece of cedar wood with notches cut into it. 

So why were the Queen's chambers shafts closed off. 

I think that the plan for the pyramid changed during construction.
To understand this, let's take a quick history lesson Khufu's dad's.
Son fu was the first to build a smoothly sloped pyramid. 

It took him several tries to get it right though on his second to last pyramid.
最後から 2 番目のピラミッドでは、正しく理解するまでに数回の試行が必要でした。
He settled on a 43 degree slope this will be the same slope that he used on his final pyramid.
彼は 43 度の斜面に落ち着きました。これは、彼が最後のピラミッドで使用したのと同じ斜面になります。

I'm gonna leave 43 degrees on the screen, you'll see why in a bit.
画面上では 43 度のままにしておきます。その理由はすぐにわかります。

Then it was Khufu Stern the Great Pyramid has an
angle of 50 1.5 degrees, but if you connect the bottom of the pyramid to the end of the Queen's Chamber shaft you get 43 degrees. 
それからそれはクフ・スターンでした、大ピラミッドには、角度は 50 1.5 度ですが、ピラミッドの底部を女王の部屋のシャフトの端に接続すると、43 度になります。

Historians had speculated about the redesign in the past because the stone size has changed around the Queen's Chamber.

 Pyramids were expanded in similar manors in the past, so it
seems possible if so the Queen's chambers white limestone slabs once marked the planned edge of a scrapped smaller design when they realize the shaft wouldn't be needed there'd be no need to have holes in the chamber itself.

So what was the purpose of the hook, the ball, and the piece of wood, found in the Queen's Chamber shafts. 

We don't know yet when the Egyptians created buildings they would often place objects in certain inaccessible locations.
For example, they would place objects the foundation under the four corners of the buildings. 

I believe that these objects were placed there for a similar reason.

My guess is that they made up a tool to mark angles during the shaft camera surveys. 

We found what appears to be the remainder of the wood rod which is still located in the shaft by retrieving it.

We'll have a better idea of how that tool looked its purpose, and we could
even carbon-date it.
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Hopefully, you learned something new or at least found something interesting. 

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