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[The Thunderbolts Project,Japan Division] エレクトリックユニバース  電気的宇宙論、プラズマ宇宙物理学、 電気的観察物理学、解説、翻訳、 深津 孝明

ザ・サンダーボルツ勝手連 THE BIG BANG NEVER WAS! ビッグバンは決して存在しなかった!


 October 11th, 1999  Wal Thornhill  EU Views

The CHANDRA X-Ray Observatory is fulfilling its promise. 
CHANDRA X 線天文台はその約束を果たしています。


Modern cosmology is being found wanting with every new discovery. 


The reason is simple. 


The universe is governed by the powerful electric force, not gravity. 


So by detailed imaging in x-rays, Chandra is able to see clearly for the first time the tell-tale signature of electrical activity in the centres of cosmic powerhouses – supernovae and galactic centres. 


What will replace present cosmology? 


A new PLASMA cosmology. 


Plasma constitutes 99.999% of the matter in the universe
プラズマは宇宙の物質の 99.999% を構成しています。


It is staggering to realise that Big Bang cosmology is restricted largely to the physics of 0.001% of the universe
 – solids, liquids and gases on the surface of this planet! 
ビッグバン宇宙論は主に宇宙の 0.001% の物理学に限定されています
– この惑星の表面に在る固体、液体、気体に。


And much of the accepted physics of stars is untestable by experiment.

So, what is plasma? 


In space it is a very tenuous gas in which some electrons have been stripped from atoms leaving behind positively charged ions. 


The result is a gas which responds to electric and magnetic fields in complex but easily recognizable ways. 


Plasma researchers have begun their own international meetings on plasma cosmology because they saw objects in deep space that were identical to phenomena seen in their labs. 


In 1992 Eric Lerner published The Big Bang Never Happened. 


In it he presented a diagram showing the flow of electric current in a plasma galaxy.


In September, Chandra returned an image of the supernova remnant in the Crab nebula. 


The press release says: 
“The center of the remnant contains a rapidly rotating neutron star
- or pulsar- 
that is apparently pumping enormous amounts of energy into the nebula in the form of high-energy particles and magnetic fields. 
Chandra’s X-ray image provides significant clues to the workings of this mighty cosmic generator…”.
 - またはパルサー -
チャンドラの X 線画像は、この強力な宇宙発電機の仕組みについての重要な手がかりを提供します…」


The x-rays trace out the path of electric current in the object. 
このX 線達は、物体内の電流の経路をなぞります。


Note the axial jet and flat disk – look familiar?
アキシャル(軸性) ジェットとフラット ディスクに注目してください
 – 見覚えがあるでしょうか?


All of the features of galaxies have been modelled by plasma physicists without the need for ad hoc additions of unseen dark matter or black holes. 
銀河のすべての特徴はプラズマ物理学者によってモデル化されており、目に見えない暗黒物質やブラック ホールをその場で追加する必要はありません。


Plasma cosmology has one great advantage in that the phenomena are scaleable from galaxies down to stars, planets and the lab. 


So it is possible to bring cosmology back down to earth and do away with invisible dark matter, neutron stars, black holes and the Big Bang. 


They are unnecessary when the electric force is a thousand trillion trillion trillion times stronger than gravity!


The crab nebula remnant is not a pulsar. 


It is a normal star unfortunate to be the focus of a powerful galactic discharge. 


The rapid pulsations from it are the usual result of pouring electrical energy into a tuned circuit. 


The cosmologists of the future will be electrical engineers!