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[The Thunderbolts Project,Japan Division] エレクトリックユニバース  電気的宇宙論、プラズマ宇宙物理学、 電気的観察物理学、解説、翻訳、 深津 孝明

Antigravity?  反重力? by Wal Thornhill


by Wal Thornhill | May 21, 2002 11:40 am
According to the physicist, Lee Smolin, cranks are just a fact of life for working physicists.

“Several of us have speculated that there must be a particular psychosis that results in people believing that they have disproved relativity.” 

New Scientist, 12 Jan 2002, reported that Evgeny Podkletnov is a Russian émigré whose claim to have demonstrated antigravity caused such a storm he was thrown out of his job at Tampere University of Technology five years ago. 

He now works as a researcher in superconducting materials at the nearby University of Tampere. 

He has recently convinced NASA to spend $600,000 on a machine he claims will shield matter from Earth’s gravity. The implication is that if it works it will open up a whole new branch of theoretical physics.


In 1992 he published a paper describing how he had stumbled across a “gravity shielding” effect while running a routine test on one of his superconductors. 
1992 年に彼は、超電導体の 1 つで日常的なテストを実行しているときに、どのようにして「重力シールド」効果に遭遇したかを説明する論文を発表しました。

The details were sketchy. 

But the basics are these: 

make a superconducting disc 145 millimetres in diameter and 6 millimetres thick, according to a special chemical recipe that Podkletnov did not make public. 

Cool the disc to below –233 degrees Celsius, then levitate it using a magnetic field. 
ディスクを摂氏 –233 度以下に冷却し、磁場を使用して浮上させます。

Finally, apply an electric current alternating at around 100 kilohertz to coils surrounding the disc. 
最後に、ディスクを囲むコイルに約 100 キロヘルツの交流電流を流します。

The current makes the disc rotate in the constantly changing magnetic field, something like an electric motor (see graphic). 
電流は、電気モーターのようなものとして、絶えず変化する磁場の中でディスクを回転させます (図を参照)。

So far, there’s nothing extraordinary here.

But Podkletnov claimed that when the disc was spinning at more than 5000 revolutions per minute, objects placed above it lost around 1 per cent of their weight. 
しかし、ポドクレトノフ氏は、円盤が毎分 5000 回転以上で回転しているとき、その上に置かれた物体の重量は約 1% 減少したと主張した。

Increasing the spin speed, he claimed, reduced their weight still further. 

In subsequent experiments, he claims to have seen weight reductions of up to 2 per cent.
その後の実験では、最大 2% の重量削減が見られたと彼は主張しています。

Podkletnov concluded that this apparatus somehow reduced the strength of the Earth’s pull on any object placed above it and called it a “gravity shielding” device. 

Stick a more powerful version of this apparatus on the bottom of a spacecraft and rocket propulsion would be history
just the slightest nudge would be needed for lift-off into space. 

Terrestrial transport would be revolutionised too, together with a large chunk of theoretical physics.


Here we see a tendency to ascribe observations that don’t fit the accepted paradigm to “new physics” or “new forces.” 

However, rather than add more barnacles to the heavily encrusted vessel of theoretical physics, the truly scientific approach would be to revisit all of the assumptions that underpin the accepted paradigm to see if they might be wrong. 

Unfortunately, it is at this point we are usually torpedoed by fashionable dogma, as shown by the opening comment from Lee Smolin, who also wrote:



“What is space and what is time? 

This is what the problem of quantum gravity is about. 

In general relativity, Einstein gave us not only a theory of gravity but a theory of what space and time are–a theory that overthrew the previous Newtonian conception of space and time. 

The problem of quantum gravity is how to combine the understanding of space and time we have from relativity theory with the quantum theory, which also tells us something essential and deep about nature.” 

In the words of the inimitable Harry Belafonte, “It was clear as mud, but it covered de ground, de confusion made me head go ‘round.’” 

Here we have the confusion about gravity, space and time, instigated by Einstein, to be compounded with ignorance about the physical meaning of quantum theory. 

We are about 80 years overdue for a simplification, rather than more complexity. 
私たちは、より複雑にするのではなく、簡素化することを約 80 年遅らせています。

If, by the attempt I must join the ranks of the cranks, then so be it. 

As one noted astronomer has said, “When the complete answer is not known, in a sense everyone is a crackpot.”

It is somewhat ironic that Einstein hated the probabilistic nature of quantum theory because it seems that the confusion created by his Relativity[1] theories prevented a classical model being developed. 

That is, a model that relates cause and effect, and where time and space are not subject to dilatation. 

“God does not play dice,” he is reputed to have said. 

He felt that quantum physics could not possibly be complete because it cannot relate cause and effect and does not go beyond predicting the properties of matter statistically. 

Einstein, starting with the following three premises, showed that quantum theory was not a complete description of reality:
1. The predictions of quantum theory are correct
2. No effect can travel faster than the speed of light
3. If; without in any way disturbing a system, we can predict with certainty the value of a physical quantity, then there exists an element of physical reality corresponding to that physical quantity.
アインシュタインは、次の 3 つの前提から始めて、量子論が現実の完全な記述ではないことを示しました:
1.    量子論の予測は正しい
2.    光の速度より速く伝わる効果はない
3.    もし; システムをまったく混乱させることなく、物理量の値を確実に予測できる場合、その物理量に対応する物理的現実の要素が存在します。



The Irish physicist, John Bell, was able to prove rigorously that any theory claiming to describe reality on the basis of (1) and (3) is automatically in conflict with (2).
アイルランドの物理学者ジョン・ベルは、(1) と (3) に基づいて現実を記述すると主張する理論はすべて、自動的に (2) と矛盾することを厳密に証明することができました。

But rather than confront the possibility that (2) may be wrong at the level of fundamental particle interactions, physicists have preferred to enter the realm of metaphysics with meaningless terms like “spooky interaction at a distance”, “non-locality”, and “entanglement.” 
しかし、物理学者は、(2) が基本的な粒子相互作用のレベルで間違っている可能性があるという可能性に直面するよりも、「遠く離れた不気味な相互作用」「非局所性」「絡み合い」など、意味のない用語を使って形而上学の領域に参入することを好みました。

It has even been suggested that macroscopic objects behave classically but atoms and subatomic particles do not! 

The coherent behaviour of lasers , Bose-Einstein condensates, and on the grandest scale
– the discovery of quantized redshifts of galaxies, should have disposed of that idea.
– 銀河の量子化された赤方偏移の発見により、その考えは捨てられるはずでした。

What can a simple answer possibly be? 

“God is subtle but he is not malicious,” Einstein said in 1921. 

But was it his “law” of the universal speed limit that stood in the way of further progress? 

We observe that gravity operates between atoms at a speed far greater than the speed of light. 

Otherwise the Earth would be tugged toward an empty point in space that the Sun occupied 8 minutes ago, and the Earth’s orbit would quickly change. 
そうでなければ、地球は 8 分前に太陽が占めていた宇宙の何もない点に向かって引っ張られ、地球の軌道はすぐに変わってしまうでしょう。

If Newton was right and gravity does operate at near-infinite speed then Einstein’s Special Theory reduces to Euclidean space of 3-dimensions and time is universal. 
ニュートンが正しく、重力が無限に近い速度で動作する場合、アインシュタインの特殊理論は 3 次元のユークリッド空間に還元され、時間は普遍的になります。

There is no reality to “warped space” and “space-time.” 

We return from fantasy-land to the world we perceive, which is probably a giant step back to the future. 

So, could it be that the force of gravity and the electric force are the same, and that the speed of light is merely the characteristic velocity of an electrical disturbance in the medium of space? 

After all, space is not a vacuum
 – it teems with neutrinos. 

That would be a major simplification.

The first problem with an electric gravitational force is that like charges repel and unlike charges attract, whereas gravity always attracts. 

A simple way out of that problem is to propose that electrons, protons and neutrons are composed of smaller orbiting charged units (which we may dub “subtrons”)* whose total charge sums to –e, +e and zero, respectively. 
この問題を解決する簡単な方法は、電子、陽子、中性子が、軌道を周回する小さな荷電単位 (「サブトロン」と呼ぶこともあります)* で構成されており、その総電荷の合計がそれぞれ –e、+e、ゼロになると提案することです。

The magnetic moment of the neutron and spin of the electron suggests that this is so. 

The stumbling block to such a model has always been the assumption of Einstein’s speed limit on the electric force between charged subtrons. 

For instance, it has been calculated that subtrons orbiting inside the classical radius of the electron would have a speed of 2.5 million light-years per second. 
たとえば、電子の古典半径内を周回するサブトロンの速度は、 250 万光年/秒であると計算されています。

That is the distance from here to the other side of the great Andromeda galaxy in one second! 
それは、ここから大アンドロメダ銀河の反対側まで 1 秒の距離です。

The speed of the electric force must exceed that by a considerable margin for the electron to be a stable particle.



* The word “subtron” was coined by Ralph N. Sansbury in his monograph “Electron Structure” in The Journal of Classical Physics in January 1982. 
* 「サブトロン」という言葉は、1982 年 1 月に古典物理学ジャーナルに掲載された彼のモノグラフ「電子構造」の中でラルフ N. サンズベリーによって造語されました。

It led to a new classical explanation of magnetism and gravity.

The electron, proton and neutron have not only a classical size but also a shape, which changes in response to the electric force. 

The electrical energy absorbed by these particles in deformation rather than acceleration gives rise to the phenomenon of inertial mass. 

It is the fundamental origin of the relationship E = mc^2. 
これは関係 E = mc^2 の基本的な起源です。

If gravity is an electrical force, we can see why the gravitational mass of a body is identical to its inertial mass. 

We have a real classical model with which to explain inertia, gravity, magnetism and quantum theory.

Magnetism is a subject on its own to be dealt with later. 

But if we take an atom for example, it is a complex system of electrical resonances between orbiting charged subtrons within orbiting charged particles. 

A stable electron orbit is one in which the gain and loss of energy between a deformable electron and all of the subtrons in the other electrons and the nucleus sums to zero over that orbit. 

Electrons in an atom “whisper” to the nucleus in order to prevent the “classical catastrophe” of the electron spiralling into the nucleus

Changes in resonant state occur in quantum jumps and give rise to an un-cancelled oscillating electric force that may be accepted by another atom

An atomic nucleus operates in the same way, so that quantum tunnelling effects and nuclear interactions can be understood in resonant terms rather than simplistic coulomb barriers. 

The nuclear force is then another manifestation of the electric force between resonant subsystems within the nucleus
したがって、核力は、核内の共鳴サブシステム間の電気力のもう 1 つの現れです。

“Cold” fusion is possible in such a resonant system and radioactive decay has an electrical cause and can therefore be modified. 

It seems that electrons in composite (more than one proton) atomic nuclei are essential for resonant stability. 

When they leave a nucleus in the company of a proton we call the pair a neutron. 

Oddly enough, that resonant system is unstable, with the result that it has a lifetime outside the nucleus measured only in minutes.



“…it may be that the next exciting thing to come along will be the discovery of a neutron or atomic or electron electric dipole moment.

These electric dipole moments … seem to me to offer one of the most exciting possibilities for progress in particle physics.”
– Steven Weinberg, from his summary talk for the 26th International Conference on High Energy Physics at Dallas in 1992.
これらの電気双極子の瞬間は、素粒子物理学の進歩にとって最も刺激的な可能性の 1 つを提供するように私には思えます。」
 – スティーブン・ワインバーグ、1992 年にダラスで開催された第 26 回高エネルギー物理学国際会議の要約講演より。

To return to gravity, each subatomic particle is itself a small sphere of orbiting charges, which will be distorted in an external electric field to form an electric dipole. 

Since each particle is free to rotate, the dipoles will align themselves with the field so that they always attract each other. 

Chemists who deal with dipolar molecules have already noted the similarity of their interactions to that of gravity. 

The distortion of the subatomic particles is exceedingly small and so the dipole is exceedingly weak. 

That accounts for the difference between the naked electric force and the gravitational force of some 40 powers of ten. 
これは、裸の電気力と重力との約10  の40乗の差を説明します。

An immediate objection to this model is that the force between dipoles falls off with the cube of the distance, while gravity diminishes with the square of the distance. 
このモデルに対する当面の反論は、双極子間の力は距離の 3 乗で減少するのに対し、重力は距離の 2 乗で減少するということです。

But Newton’s law operates counter-intuitively as if the entire mass of the Earth were concentrated at the center of the Earth. 

The electrical model must take into account the real situation and integrate the effect of all of the dipoles throughout the Earth. 

The result is the usual inverse square relationship.

Newton developed a mathematical expression that related an apparent force, gravity, between ponderous objects, to their masses and the distance between them. 

The expression involved a constant, G, given the grand title of the Universal Gravitation Constant, with no evidence whatsoever of its universality or its constancy. 
この表現には、万有引力定数という壮大なタイトルが与えられた定数 G が含まれていましたが、その普遍性や不変性については何の証拠もありませんでした。

The electrical model of gravity has G a variable that depends also upon the charge distribution in the body. 
重力の電気モデルには、その物体内の電荷分布にも依存する変数 G があります。

That would explain why G is the most ill defined “constant” in physics.
そうすれば、G が物理学において最も不明確に定義された「定数」である理由が説明されます。

The New Scientist report goes on to mention that:

“Podkletnov’s only current collaboration is with Giovanni Modanese, an Italian physicist who is trying to build a theoretical explanation for Podkletnov’s results. 

But because physicists have such a poor understanding of the mechanisms behind both gravity and high-temperature superconductivity, his explanations are necessarily vague. 

He suggests that quantum processes within the superconducting material are interacting with quantum processes in the gravitational field. 

But, he admits, he can’t go far with the work because there are too many unknowns.”

We can understand his problems!

However, the electrical model may offer a basis for understanding the Podkletnov experiment. 

When the thermal energy of a conductor is reduced to a level where it becomes a superconductor, the resonant behaviour of the conduction electrons extends throughout the entire conductor and is lossless. 

The atomic nuclei are also involved in the macroscopic resonance and that may explain why particular atomic nuclei in particular proportions work best as superconductors. 

It is a curious fact that conduction electrons in a superconducting magnet have an inertia that is the square of the number of electrons, instead of the normal Newtonian linear relationship. 
超伝導磁石内の伝導電子は、通常のニュートンの線形関係ではなく、電子数の 2 乗である慣性を持つという興味深い事実があります。

This seems to be telling us that the electrons in Podkletnov’s spinning superconducting disk are able to absorb energy more by distortion than by acceleration. 

Now, if we envisage the electric force of gravity acting on a static horizontal disk, it distorts all of the subatomic particles in the disk in the direction of the gravitational force and consequently forms small vertical electric dipoles. 

If we spin the disk, there is an accelerative force toward the center of the disk, which will distort the particles radially. 

These particle distortions must rotate through 360 degrees for each revolution of the disk. 
これらの粒子の歪みは、ディスクが回転するたびに 360 度回転する必要があります。

But as we have seen, superconductors fiercely resist such accelerations so there will be a lag in orientation of the dipoles.

All that is required to provide a gravitational shield like that claimed by Podkletnov is to have the gravitationally induced dipoles offset from the vertical by particle distortion

It seems probable that the effect would be more marked if the disk were rotated in the vertical plane. 

In that case the gravitational dipoles have to rotate through 360 degrees each revolution and the opportunity for offset from the vertical seems much greater. 
その場合、重力双極子は 1 回転ごとに 360 度回転する必要があり、垂直方向からオフセットされる可能性ははるかに大きくなるように見えます。

That could possibly explain the apparent loss of weight of gyroscopes demonstrated on TV by the controversial Eric Laithwaite.


When Professor Eric Laithwaite [1921-97] was invited to give the Faraday Lecture in 1974-5 at the Royal Institution, he brought with him an array of gyroscopes
 – from toy ones that balanced on model Eiffel towers, to a huge 50lb one that he spun up and raised effortlessly above his head with one hand. 
エリック・ライスウェイト教授 [1921-97] が 1974 年から 1975 年にかけて王立研究所でファラデー講義を行うよう招待されたとき、彼は一連のジャイロスコープを持参しました
エッフェル塔の模型の上でバランスをとったおもちゃから、片手で回転させて頭上に楽に持ち上げた巨大な 50 ポンドのものまで。

“Look,” he exclaimed to the assembled dignitaries, “It’s lost weight!” ignoring their evident shock at such a heretical claim.
「見てください」と彼は集まった高官たちに叫んだ、「体重が減りました!」 そのような異端的な主張に対する彼らの明らかなショックを無視した。

“I thought my fellow scientists would be genuinely interested, so I wasn’t prepared for the utter hostility of their reaction,” Laithwaite recalled later. 

The Royal Institution did not publish his lectures. 

Laithwaite’s nomination for the Fellowship of the Royal Society was cancelled. 

He retired from Imperial College in 1981 pretty much in disgrace. 
彼は 1981 年に恥をさらしながらインペリアル カレッジを退職しました。

“None of my critics could ever explain to me how a 50lb spinning wheel loses weight,” he said.

At the very least, the work of Ampere, Gauss and Weber should be reexamined to see how Weber was able to deduce by 1870! 
少なくとも、アンペールガウスウェーバーの研究を再検討して、ウェーバーが 1870 年までにどのように推理できたのかを確認する必要があります!

The existence of the charged atomic nucleus and oppositely charged orbiting electrons, the classical electron radius, and the nuclear binding force. 

Some of these things had to wait until the 20th century for their eventual discovery, without any mention of the priority of the aforementioned distinguished scientists. 
これらの事柄の中には、前述の著名な科学者の優先順位についてまったく言及されずに、最終的な発見を 20 世紀まで待たなければならないものもありました。

So goes the scandalous politics of science. 

Their work demonstrated that the more general laws of the electrical behavior of matter must take into account all of the electrostatic and electrodynamic interactions between the positive and negative charges that comprise normal matter. 

By applying their methods to charged subtrons we may find the secret to antigravity.

[Warped Minds]

The best analogy I have seen of Einstein’s Special Theory of Relativity comes from a small book, The Logic of Special Relativity by S. J. Prokhovnik. 
アインシュタイン特殊相対性理論について私が見た中で最も優れた類似点は、S. J. プロホヴニク著『特殊相対性理論の論理』という小さな本にあります。

In it he equates the apparent shortening of measuring rods and slowing of clocks when they move away from an observer at constant velocity to the diminution in size experienced by two receding travellers. 

The effect is reciprocal but no one imagines that the effect is real. 

Strangely, in effect that is precisely what Einstein did imagine and it has led to continual confusion and argument. 

Experiments were said to prove the effect was real but when examined closely each brought its own set of preconceptions to the data. 

The problem was compounded when it was argued that space itself shortened, not the rod. 

It is like saying that the receding traveller appears to shrink because the space he occupies is shrinking. 

And as space is shrinking it takes less time to cover a given distance. 

Here we see the insidious effect of this kind of thinking because we now have time and space tangled up together.

The British scientist, Herbert Dingle, for many years wrote the entry for the Encyclopedia Brittanica on Einstein’s Special Theory of Relativity before recanting. 

Then, in his book, Science at the Crossroads, he related the difficulties he encountered after he realized that Einstein’s version of the theory of relativity didn’t make sense. 

He wrote:

“The equations [Einstein or Lorentz as the need arose] worked, so the ‘experimenters’ became convinced that the theory, whatever it was, must be right.
The superior minds acknowledged that they did not understand it, but the majority could not rise to that height. 

Nothing is more powerful in producing the illusion that one understands something that one does not, than constant repetition of the words used to express it, and the lesser minds deceived themselves by supposing that terms like ‘dilation of time’ had a self-evident meaning, and regarded with contempt those stupid enough to imagine that they required explanation. 

Anyone who cares to examine the literature from 1920 to the present day, even if he has not had personal experience of the development, can see the gradual growth of dogmatic acceptance of the theory and contempt for its critics, right up to the extreme form exhibited today by those who learnt it from those who learnt it from those who failed to understand it at the beginning.”
1920 年から現在までの文献を調べることに興味がある人は、発展について個人的な経験がなくても、理論の独断的な受け入れとその批判者に対する軽蔑が徐々に増大しているのがわかります、最初にそれを理解できなかった人からそれを学んだ人たちによって今日示される極端な形に至るまで。」

Mathematics is an indispensable and powerful tool where it has been demonstrated that it applies to a real world experience. 

However, it is inappropriate and, as Dingle points out, potentially dangerous, to give credence to deductions arising purely from the language of mathematics. 

The problem is that mathematicians now dominate physics and it is fashionable for them to follow Einstein’s example, with fame going to those with the most fantastic notions that defy experience and common sense. 

So we have the Big Bang, dark matter, black holes, cosmic strings, wormholes in space, time travel, and so on and on. 

It has driven practically minded students from the subject. 

There is an old Disney cartoon where the scientist is portrayed with eyes closed, rocking backwards in his chair and sucking on a pipe, which at intervals emits a smoke-cloud of mathematical symbols. 

Much of modern physics is a smoke-screen of Disneyesque fantasy.

Inappropriate mathematical models are routinely used to describe the universe

Yet the physicists hand us the ash from their pipes as if it were gold dust. 

If only they would use the ashtrays provided.

“It seems that every practitioner of physics has had to wonder at some point why mathematics and physics have come to be so closely entwined. 

Opinions vary on the answer.

Bertrand Russell acknowledged “Physics is mathematical not because we know so much about the physical world, but because we know so little.” 

…Mathematics may be indispensable to physics, but it obviously does not constitute physics.”

– Klein & Lachièze-Rey, THE QUEST FOR UNITY – The Adventure of Physics.
– クライン&ラキエーズ=レイ、「統一への探求 – 物理学の冒険」。

1.    Relativity: http://www.holoscience.com/news/antigravity.html#relativity
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