[The Thunderbolts Project, Japan Division]公式ブログ Takaaki Fukatsu’s blog

[The Thunderbolts Project,Japan Division] エレクトリックユニバース  電気的宇宙論、プラズマ宇宙物理学、 電気的観察物理学、解説、翻訳、 深津 孝明


Sunspot Mysteries 黒点の謎 by Wal Thornhill

Sunspot Mysteries黒点の謎 by Wal Thornhill | November 30, 2002 1:02 am‘If you would be a real seeker after truth, it is necessary that at least once in your life you doubt, as far as possible, all things.’– Rene Descartes「真実を真に探求し…

The Remarkable Slowness of Light光の驚くべき遅さ by Wal Thornhill

The Remarkable Slowness of Light光の驚くべき遅さ by Wal Thornhill | September 2, 2002 11:30 pm “The more one reflects on the nature of light, matter and gravitation, the more he realizes that there are problems connected with them that are…

Water on Mars? 火星に水? by Wal Thornhill

Water on Mars? 火星に水? by Wal Thornhill | July 15, 2002 6:10 am Planetary scientists are busy looking for evidence of water on Mars in support of plans to send robotic and, eventually, manned missions to the red planet. 惑星科学者たちは…

Antigravity?  反重力? by Wal Thornhill

Antigravity? 反重力? by Wal Thornhill | May 21, 2002 11:40 amAccording to the physicist, Lee Smolin, cranks are just a fact of life for working physicists.物理学者のリー・スモーリン氏によると、現役の物理学者にとってクランク(風変わり)は…

A Mystery Solved – Welcome to the ELECTRIC UNIVERSE®! 謎が解けました – エレクトリックユニバース® へようこそ! by Wal Thornhill

A Mystery Solved – Welcome to the ELECTRIC UNIVERSE®!謎が解けました – エレクトリックユニバース® へようこそ! by Wal Thornhill | March 20, 2002 8:37 am―――――― “We simply do not have a truly unified view of the world, one that paints an unambi…

The Balloon goes up over lightning!  風船が雷を越えて上昇します! by Wal Thornhill

The Balloon goes up over lightning! 風船が雷を越えて上昇します!by Wal Thornhill | January 29, 2002 6:43 am 81* In August 2001 a high-altitude balloon was sent aloft to ride far above the great storms of the mid-west USA. 2001 年 8 月、…