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[The Thunderbolts Project,Japan Division] エレクトリックユニバース  電気的宇宙論、プラズマ宇宙物理学、 電気的観察物理学、解説、翻訳、 深津 孝明

Solar neutrino puzzle is solved? 太陽ニュートリノの謎は解けたのか? by Wal Thornhill | August 13, 2001 11:29 am

Solar neutrino puzzle is solved?
by Wal Thornhill | August 13, 2001 11:29 am

The ELECTRIC UNIVERSE® model has made some capital from the fact that the key evidence for a nuclear engine in the Sun, the neutrino count, failed to live up to expectations. 
エレクトリック・ユニバース® モデルは、太陽の核エンジンの重要な証拠であるニュートリノ数が期待に応えられなかったという事実からいくらかの資本を生み出しました。

In Physics World, July 2001, [see http://physicsweb.org/article/world/14/7/10[1] ] an article appeared that asserted that the solar neutrino puzzle is now solved and that it “confirms that our understanding of the Sun is correct.” 
2001 年 7 月の 「Physics World物理学の世界」 では、[http://physicsweb.org/article/world/14/7/10[1] を参照] 、太陽ニュートリノのパズルは今や解決され、「我々の 太陽についての理解は正しい。」とと主張した。

Is this a serious blow to the ELECTRIC UNIVERSE® model? 
The short answer is no! 
The longer answer requires a bit of background.
これは エレクトリック・ユニバース® モデルにとって深刻な打撃ですか?

Why does the Standard Solar model have a neutrino puzzle? 標準太陽モデルにニュートリノ パズルがあるのはなぜですか?

The Sun is mostly hydrogen gas. 

According to the Standard Solar model, if the Sun were not generating heat, gravity would compress all of the gas into a much smaller space. 

Since the sun is bigger than a hydrogen sphere held together by gravity, we know (along with the fact that it shines VERY brightly) that there must be a source of energy inside. 

And only nuclear energy can produce enough energy to last for billions of years. 

According to the Standard Solar model, originally proposed by Eddington* in the 1920’s, just knowing the solar radius and mass and that the sun is supported in hydrostatic equilibrium we can calculate the temperature in the center needed to support the rest of the sun. 
1920 年代にエディントン* によって最初に提案された標準太陽モデルによると、太陽の半径と質量、そして太陽が静水圧平衡で支えられていることがわかれば、太陽の残りの部分を支えるのに必要な中心部の温度を計算できます。

The temperature works out to be of the order of 10 to 20 million degrees Kelvin.
その(中心)温度は約 1,000 万ケルビンから 2,000 万ケルビン程度になります。

What is the nuclear process that is supposed to maintain this unimaginable temperature? 

At tens of millions of degrees hydrogen is fully ionized into electrons and protons and the resulting energetic protons are free to collide. 

It is proposed that such collisions form the first step in a chain of nuclear reactions known as the proton-proton (p-p) chain. 
このような衝突は、陽子-陽子 (p-p) 連鎖として知られる一連の核反応の最初のステップを形成すると提案されています。

In the p-p reaction, two protons are fused together to form a deuteron, a positron and a neutrino. 
p-p 反応では、2 つの陽子が融合して重陽子、陽電子ニュートリノが形成されます。

A deuteron consists of a proton and neutron. 

A positron is a positively charged electron. 

For this reaction to happen the two colliding protons must approach each other within 0.1 trillionth of a centimetre and simultaneously one of the protons must decay to a neutron and positron. 
この反応が起こるためには、衝突する 2 つの陽子が 0.1 兆分の 1 センチメートル以内に互いに接近し、同時に陽子の 1 つが中性子陽電子に崩壊する必要があります。

Although it is extremely improbable for this reaction to happen (one reaction per particle in 14 thousand million years!), there is such a vast supply of protons available that it is argued many such reactions occur. 
この反応が起こることは非常にありそうにありませんが (粒子ごとに 1 万 4000 万年に 1 回の反応です!)、利用可能な陽子は非常に大量に供給されているため、そのような反応が多数起こると主張されています。

The second stage in the p-p chain is the fusion of a deuteron with another proton to form a nucleus of an isotope of helium, 3 He, consisting of two protons and one neutron, and a gamma ray photon. 
p-p 鎖の第 2 段階は、重陽子と別の陽子が融合して、2 つの陽子と 1 つの中性子からなるヘリウムの同位体 3 He とガンマ線光子の核を形成します。

In the last stage this isotope must fuse with another 3 He isotope to form a helium nucleus, 4 He, and two protons. 
最終段階では、この同位体は別の 3 He 同位体と融合して、ヘリウム原子核、 4 He、および 2 つの陽子を形成する必要があります。

The first two steps must occur twice before the last can take place.
最初の 2 つのステップは、最後のステップが実行される前に 2 回実行される必要があります。

Producing nuclear fusion by squeezing and heating matter is the most inefficient method conceivable, as witness the half-century long attempts to produce fusion power. 

It is highly improbable even under the calculated extreme conditions at the center of the Sun. 

The unlikely process above omits to mention that quantum tunnelling is also needed to make it work. 

And if nuclear fusion is happening as theorized, it can only produce the first few light elements in the periodic table. 

Where do the heavy elements, seen in the Sun’s spectrum, come from? 

Don’t say “from supernovae” because there are far too few of them. 

What’s more, they are in the business of dispersing matter into the vastness of interstellar space. 

Wouldn’t it be better to have a theory that solved this fundamental problem in situ for all stars? 

Nature does not do anything the hard way so why would she not use the same technique that particle physicists use to create heavy elements on Earth – particle accelerators? 

But particle accelerators require electrical power and astrophysics is the only science that does not use it! 

Astronomy remains, with Eddington, in the gas-light era.

[The Neutrino Problem]

From the usual understanding of the p-p reaction, about 1.8 x 10^38 neutrinos are produced by the Sun per second. 
p-p 反応の通常の理解から、太陽によって 1 秒あたり約 1.8 x 10^38 個のニュートリノが生成されます。

That means at Earth’s distance, some 400 trillion neutrinos go through our bodies every second! 
つまり、地球の遠く離れたところでは、毎秒約 400 兆個のニュートリノが私たちの体を通過することになります。

This is a phenomenal number, and yet there is not the slightest interaction with any of them. 

However, detection of these neutrinos would give us a method to “view” inside the solar core because they pass through the substance of the Sun with ease. 

On the other hand, radiant energy from the Sun’s core may take millions of years to percolate to the surface

The problem is to detect the neutrinos, since those from the p-p reaction have an energy which is far too low for detection. 
p-p 反応によるニュートリノのエネルギーは検出するには低すぎるため、問題はニュートリノを検出することです。

However, higher energy neutrinos are known to come from a side reaction involving 3 He and 4 He particles to form a beryllium nucleus (7 Be) which then captures a proton to form a boron nucleus (8 B); 
this nucleus then breaks up into Beryllium (8 Be) plus a positron and neutrino. 
しかし、より高エネルギーのニュートリノは、 3 He 粒子と 4 He 粒子が関与してベリリウム原子核 (7 Be) を形成し、その後、陽子を捕らえてホウ素原子核 (8 B) を形成する副反応から発生することが知られています;
その後、この原子核ベリリウム (8 Be) と陽電子ニュートリノに分解されます。

Only 2 of these reactions are produced out of 10,000 completions of the p-p reaction, so these neutrinos are rarer. 
これらの反応は 10,000 回完了する p-p 反応のうち 2 回だけ生成されるため、これらのニュートリノはより希少です。

To detect these higher energy electron neutrinos, a large vessel (400 cubic metres) filled with dry-cleaning solvent (perchloroethylene) was placed 1.5 km underground in a gold mine in South Dakota 
— away from all other cosmic radiation. 
これらの高エネルギー電子ニュートリノを検出するために、ドライクリーニング溶剤 (パークロロエチレン) で満たされた大きな容器 (400 立方メートル) が、サウスダコタ州の金鉱山の地下 1.5 km に設置されました
— 他のすべての宇宙放射線から逃れるために。

Left for 3 months a few of the chlorine atoms ( 37 Cl) are expected to react with the neutrinos to form 37 Ar and an electron, which then reverts to 37 Cl plus a neutrino. 
3 か月間放置すると、いくつかの塩素原子 ( 37 Cl) がニュートリノと反応して 37 Ar と電子を形成し、その後 37 Cl とニュートリノに戻ると予想されます。

The 37 Ar atoms are purged with helium gas and the decay is counted. 
37 個の Ar 原子がヘリウム ガスでパージされ、崩壊がカウントされます。

According to the standard model, the detector should measure about 8 x 10^-36 interactions per second per atom or 8 SNU (pronounced ‘snoo’) with an error rate of 33%. 
標準モデルによれば、検出器は 1 原子あたり 1 秒あたり約 8 x 10^-36 の相互作用、または 8 SNU (「スヌー」と発音) を 33% の誤差率で測定する必要があります。

The neutrino detector has averaged only 2.2 SNU with a deviation of 0.3 SNU. 
ニュートリノ検出器の平均値はわずか 2.2 SNU で、偏差は 0.3 SNU でした。

The detection has been only about one third of the calculated number and the discrepancy is well outside both the uncertainty of the calculations and experimental deviations. 
検出された数は計算された数の約 3 分の 1 にすぎず、その不一致は計算の不確実性と実験の偏差の両方を大きく超えています。

The problem was so intractable for the Standard Solar model that the particle physicists were called upon to determine if there was something we did not know about the neutrino. 

They proposed that if neutrinos had mass (so far undetected) then they might oscillate between the three known forms, the electron, muon and tau neutrino. 

The low count of electron neutrinos might then be accounted for if they had changed “flavour” on their journey from the Sun’s core to the Earth.

[Solar neutrino puzzle is solved]

The Physics World article opened confidently with the above heading and the assertion, “New evidence that solar neutrinos can change ‘flavour’ confirms that our understanding of the Sun is correct and that neutrinos have mass.” 
「Physics World 物理学の世界」の記事は、自信を持って上記の見出しと、この主張で始まりました、

It continued:

“The first results from the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory [SNO] in Canada have finally solved a problem that has puzzled astrophysicists for 30 years: 
why do experiments detect less than half the number of solar neutrinos predicted by models of the Sun? 
「カナダのサドベリーニュートリノ天文台 [SNO] からの最初の結果により、天体物理学者を 30 年間悩ませてきた:

The results confirm that electron neutrinos produced by nuclear reactions inside the Sun ‘oscillate’ or change flavour on their journey to Earth. 

Neutrino oscillations are only possible if the three flavours of neutrino [electron, muon and tau] have mass. 
ニュートリノ振動は、ニュートリノの 3 つの種類 [電子、ミューオン、タウ] に質量がある場合にのみ可能です。

The SNO result therefore has important implications for cosmology and particle physics.
したがって、SNO の結果は宇宙論素粒子物理学にとって重要な意味を持ちます。

〈The Sudbury Neutrino (SNO) experiment〉
〈サドベリーニュートリノ (SNO) 実験〉

Although the Super Kamiokande experiment in Japan has seen strong evidence for the disappearance of “atmospheric neutrinos” [neutrinos that are produced when cosmic rays interact with nuclei in the Earth’s atmosphere (Physics World July 1998 pp17-18)] the SNO results are significant because, when combined with solar-neutrino data from Super Kamiokande, they show for the first time that the disappearance of one neutrino flavour is accompanied by the appearance of another. 
日本のスーパーカミオカンデ実験では、「大気ニュートリノ」[宇宙線が地球大気中の原子核と相互作用する際に生成されるニュートリノ(Physics World 1998年7月号、17-18頁)]の消失に関する強力な証拠が見られたが、SNOの結果は重要である、スーパーカミオカンデの太陽ニュートリノデータと組み合わせると、あるニュートリノのフレーバーの消失が別のニュートリノのフレーバーの出現を伴うことを初めて示した。

This is the key signature of neutrino oscillations. 

The new results are also in excellent agreement with the predictions of standard solar models.

The SNO collaboration includes physicists from 15 centres in Canada, the US and the UK, and the results were presented on 18 June at the annual conference of the Canadian Association of Physicists in Victoria, and at seminars at Oxford University in the UK and the University of Pennsylvania in the US. 

They have also been submitted to the journal Physical Review Letters. 
これらはジャーナル「Physical Review Letters」にも投稿されています。

“It is incredibly exciting to see such intriguing results coming out of our first data analysis,” says the collaboration’s UK spokesman, David Wark of the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory and Sussex University, “and there is so much more to come.”

Neutrinos are elementary particles of matter with no electric charge and very little mass. 

They only interact weakly with matter, which makes them very difficult to detect. 

Indeed, the SNO experiment detects a mere 10 or so solar neutrinos per day. 
実際、SNO 実験では 1 日にわずか 10 個程度の太陽ニュートリノが検出されます。

Electron neutrinos are produced in the Sun’s core when boron-8 nuclei undergo beta decay: 
the Sun is not thought to produce muon or tau neutrinos. 
電子ニュートリノは、ホウ素 8 原子核ベータ崩壊するときに太陽の核で生成されます:

Previous experiments have detected less than half of the predicted solar-neutrino flux, but these experiments were only sensitive to electron neutrinos. 

The combined SNO and Super Kamiokande results make it clear that this shortfall arises because electron neutrinos have changed into muon or tau neutrinos.

‘This result agrees perfectly with theoretical predictions and indicates that we really do understand the nuclear processes that are the source of the Sun’s energy’, says Lincoln Wolfenstein, a particle theorist at Carnegie Mellon University in the US. 

According to the SNO detector, the flux of electron neutrinos from the Sun is 1.75 million neutrinos per square centimetre per second. 
SNO 検出器によると、太陽からの電子ニュートリノの束は 1 平方センチメートルあたり 1 秒あたり 175 万個のニュートリノです。

The Super Kamiokande experiment puts the total flux at 2.32 million in the same units (S Fukuda et al. 2001 Phys. Rev. Lett. 86 5651, 5656). 
スーパーカミオカンデの実験では、同じユニットでの総光束は 232 万とされています (S. 福田 et al. 2001 Phys. Rev. Lett. 86 5651, 5656)。

By comparing these figures, physicists from SNO and Super Kamiokande calculated that the true solar-neutrino flux is 5.44 million neutrinos per square centimetre per second, which is in excellent agreement with the ‘standard solar model’ of energy production in the Sun.”
これらの数値を比較することにより、SNO とスーパーカミオカンデの物理学者は、真の太陽ニュートリノ束は毎秒 1 平方センチメートルあたり 544 万ニュートリノであると計算しました、これは、太陽のエネルギー生成の『標準太陽モデル』とよく一致しています。」

The headline underscores a cultural problem in reporting science that leads to bald statements of “fact” when a conclusion is in fact conjectural. 

The detection of neutrino oscillations cannot confirm the Standard Solar model. 

It merely offers a possible solution to one of a number of serious observational problems with the Standard Solar model. 
これは、標準太陽モデルに関する多くの深刻な観測問題のうちの 1 つに対する可能な解決策を提供するだけです。

There can be no confirmation of oscillation of neutrino flavours between the Sun and the Earth without simultaneous neutrino measurements being made near the Sun. 

And that poses formidable experimental problems. 

On the other hand, the ELECTRIC UNIVERSE® proposes an electrical model for stars, based on the pioneering work of Ralph Juergens. 
一方、エレクトリック・ユニバース® は、Ralph Juergens ラルフ・ジョーガンス(ユルゲンス)の先駆的な研究に基づいて、恒星の電気的モデルを提案しています。

It argues that Eddington’s model, which treated the Sun as a ball of neutral gas, is wrong. 

The large difference in the weight of the proton, 1836 times heavier than the electron, ensures that in the Sun’s strong gravity hydrogen atoms will form weak electric dipoles with their positive poles aimed at the Sun’s center. 
電子の 1836 倍重い陽子の重さの大きな違いにより、太陽の強い重力の中で水素原子は太陽の中心に正極を向けた弱い電気双極子を形成することが確実になります。

(At temperatures near that of the Sun’s surface, hydrogen is only weakly ionized). 

And since the electric force outguns gravity to the tune of 39 powers of 10, its omission from the Standard Solar model renders that simple gas model unrealistic. 

The effect of the radially aligned atomic dipoles is to propel free electrons in the plasma toward the Sun’s surface, leaving behind an excess of positive charge. 

As we know, like charges repel, so the interior of the Sun will simply resist compression due to gravity. 

In other words, the electric force will tend to compensate for gravitational compression and make the Sun more homogeneous, with presumably a small core. 

In fact, the Sun is about the size expected if its hydrogen were not compressed by gravity! 

So it is not necessary for an internal nuclear furnace to bloat the Sun to the size we see.

It is important to stress that the only other method of divining what is inside the Sun, that of measuring small solar surface oscillations, or helioseismology, supports a homogeneous model of the Sun. 

In 1976 the discoverers of a dominant 160 minute radial pulsation of the Sun were well aware of that serious implication of their discovery. 
1976 年、太陽の支配的な 160 分間の半径方向の脈動の発見者たちは、自分たちの発見がその重大な意味を持つことをよく認識していました。

The Sun can have no nuclear engine! 

Everything possible has been done since to explain the observation away, without success. 

It remains one of those damned facts that will be explained… 
someday soon. 

Meanwhile, most of the complex oscillation overtones have been fitted to Standard Solar models. 
一方、複雑な振動倍音のほとんどは標準ソーラー モデルに適合しています。

But that is not surprising given the many degrees of freedom to tweak those mathematical models. 

The Electric Sun hypothesis has the virtue that it does not require any hidden activity inside the Sun to explain the features of the Sun. 

It is amenable to physical testing in the laboratory because we are not dealing with supposed unearthly conditions at the center of a star and because plasma phenomena are scalable over 14 orders of magnitude (at last count).
星の中心部で想定されている不気味な状況を扱っているわけではなく、プラズマ現象は(最後の計算で)14 桁以上に拡張可能であるため、実験室での物理的テストに適しています。

[What if the neutrino discovery is correct?]

It says nothing about the correctness of the Standard Solar model. 

However, it does have “important implications for cosmology and particle physics”. 

If neutrinos do have mass it will tend to confirm the ELECTRIC UNIVERSE® model. 
ニュートリノに質量がある場合、ELECTRIC UNIVERSE® モデルが確認される傾向があります。

In it, neutrinos are not fundamental particles but are comprised of the same charged sub-particles that make up all matter. 

They are the most collapsed form of matter known. 

When a positron and an electron “annihilate”, the orbital energy in both is radiated as a gamma ray and the sub-particles that comprised them both assume a new stable orbital configuration of very low energy, or mass. 

Matter cannot be created from a vacuum nor annihilated in this model. 

The differences between the neutrino “flavours” is merely one of different quantum states and therefore different masses.

The electric Sun model expects far more complex heavy element synthesis to take place in the natural particle accelerators in the photospheric lightning discharges. 

In that case the various neutrino “flavours” are all generated on the Sun and do not need to “oscillate” on their way to the Earth to make up an imagined deficit. 

What is more, fluctuations in neutrino counts are expected in this model to be correlated with electrical input to the Sun, that is, with sunspot numbers and solar wind activity. 

This has been observed. 

The standard solar model does not expect any correlation since there is a lag estimated in the millions of years between the nuclear reaction in the core and its final expression at the surface of the Sun.


〈Electric discharges in plasma take the form of twisted filaments, seen here in a close-up of sunspots. 
Each filament is a powerful natural particle accelerator.〉

There is an experiment suggested by the SNO results that could confirm the Electric Sun’s photospheric origin of neutrinos. 
SNO の結果によって示唆された、電気的太陽の光球起源のニュートリノを確認できる実験があります。

It would require continuous measurement of neutrinos of all flavours as a very large sunspot group rotated with the Sun. 

In this model, sunspot umbrae are not a source of neutrinos so there should be modulation effects associated with the Sun’s rotation that might be measurable with present equipment. 

Such an experiment, if sensitive enough, offers the possibility of detecting neutrino oscillations in the Sun as they traverse varying proportions of the body of the Sun. 

A positive result would falsify the standard nuclear model of the Sun.

The Physics Web article continues:

“Proponents of ‘dark matter’ will be pleased to hear that neutrinos have mass. 
Astrophysicists have struggled for years to understand why galaxies rotate as if they contain more matter than we can see, and many believe this can only be explained by ‘dark matter’ that cannot be seen. 
‘Our calculations show that neutrinos account for between 0.1% and 18% of the mass in the universe,’ says Wark. 
‘Neutrinos may not account for all the dark matter, but they could certainly represent some of it now that we know they have mass.’
The new results limit the possible range of masses for neutrinos to between 0.05 and 0.18 eV.”
「私たちの計算によると、ニュートリノは宇宙の質量の 0.1% から 18% を占めることがわかりました」とウォーク氏は言います。  
新しい結果は、ニュートリノの考えられる質量の範囲を 0.05 ~ 0.18 eV に制限しました。』


A sea of neutrinos won’t account for galactic rotation curves
 — the neutrinos cannot be distributed evenly, but must be collected in a halo. 

Dark matter is not required to explain galactic form and rotation in a plasma universe

The galactic forms and evolution have been experimentally confirmed in plasma laboratories and in super-computer plasma simulations. 

No strange invisible matter is needed. 

However, a vast sea of unreactive neutrinos could be the long debated “ether” that permeates space. 

Space is not a void. 

We then have an electrically responsive medium for the transmission of light in which the characteristic velocity of an electrical disturbance in that medium is the so-called speed of light, c.

The Physics Web article concludes:
Removing uncertainties. 

The new-found mass of neutrinos must also be incorporated into the Standard Model of particle physics. 

According to Wark, the neutrino could be the first ever example of a Majorana particle, a type of particle that is its own antiparticle. 

“If you could place a bet at the bookmakers on the next change to the Standard Model, the Majorana theory would be the front-runner,” he says.
Author: Katie Pennicott is Editor of Physics Web
著者: ケイティ・ペニコットは 物理学ウエブの編集者です


In the ELECTRIC UNIVERSE® model, there is no antimatter forming antiparticles. 
エレクトリック・ユニバース® モデルでは、反粒子を形成する反物質は存在しません。

An electron and a positron are composed of the same charged sub-particles in different conformations. 

They come together to form a stable neutrino, emitting most of their orbital energies in the process. 

They do not annihilate each other. In that sense a neutrino embodies both the electron and the positron. 
彼らは互いに対消滅し合うことはありません。 その意味で、ニュートリノは電子と陽電子の両方を体現しています。

It can have no antiparticle. 

The bookmakers would be wise not to bet on the Standard Model of particle physics.

To sum up, the electrical model of the Sun requires that neutrinos of all “flavours” are produced by heavy element nucleosynthesis in the photosphere of the Sun. 

It is far simpler than the nuclear fusion model whose major assumptions cannot be confirmed, either by visual inspection or certain “rogue” data. 

All of the obvious electrical discharge phenomena seen on and above the photosphere have analogs that can be seen on Earth and/or reproduced in electrical engineering laboratories. 

It is simpler to assume that the energy we receive from the Sun is coming from where we see it
 – at the surface, or photosphere, rather than a minuscule and unlikely hydrogen bomb 93 million miles distant, shrouded in opaque gas. 
– 9,300万マイル離れた、不透明なガスに包まれた、非常に小さくありそうもない水素爆弾ではなく、地表、つまり光球で。

Then the fact that sunspots are dark makes perfect sense
 – it is cooler everywhere beneath the photosphere. 
– 光球の下ではどこでも涼しくなります。

Mysteriously generated magnetic fields are not required to explain every strange solar phenomenon and to defy the laws of physics in the process by breaking and ‘reconnecting’ hypothetical field lines. 

The surprisingly even magnetic field of the Sun, from the equator to the poles, is to be expected if the Sun is the focus of a cosmic electric discharge, as Juergens suggested 30 years ago. 
ジョーガンス(ユルゲンス)が 30 年前に示唆したように、太陽が宇宙放電の焦点である場合、赤道から極までの太陽の磁場は驚くほど均一であることが予想されます。

Magnetism cannot exist on the Sun without electric currents. 

Finally, the very experiments designed to confirm the Standard Solar model may instead confirm the Electric Sun mode.

A number of authors have suggested that we have almost reached the end of new science. 

That is true, while we are confronted, in this scientific age, with a medieval response to a new paradigm. 

It is as if we were whisked back to the time of Copernicus and Kepler. 

Before that there was religious adherence to a complex Earth-centered Ptolemaic model of the heavens. 

It offered as its greatest virtue mathematical beauty in the addition of endless epicycles to make the model fit the observations of the heavens. 

The mathematicians were in their heaven and resisted the simpler but less beautiful (non-circular) Sun centered model. 

It required a revolution in thinking. 

Centuries later, the mathematicians are doing it again while they dominate astrophysics. 

It is very unwelcome for them to be confronted with a far simpler electrical engineer’s model of the Sun that does not require endless mathematical intervention to save it. 

Perhaps it remains for those without such a cloistered view to see that just as our civilization and science depends upon remotely generated electric power, the idea of a remotely powered electrical Sun has a certain uncommon-sense symmetry to it
 – particularly when plasma physicists have already identified the cosmic “transmission lines”.
– 特にプラズマ物理学者がすでに宇宙の「伝送線」を特定している場合。
(See also Prof. Don Scott’s analysis of the report)
 at: http://www.electric-cosmos.org/sudbury.htm[2]
* Eddington, A.S., The Internal Constitution of the Stars. See particularly pages 272-3.
* エディントン、A.S.、「恒星の内部構造」。 特に 272 ~ 3 ページを参照してください。
1.    http://physicsweb.org/article/world/14/7/10: http://physicsweb.org/article/world/14/7/10
2.    http://www.electric-cosmos.org/sudbury.htm: http://www.electric-cosmos.org/sudbury.htm
Source URL: https://www.holoscience.com/wp/solar-neutrino-puzzle-is-solved/