[The Thunderbolts Project, Japan Division]公式ブログ Takaaki Fukatsu’s blog

[The Thunderbolts Project,Japan Division] エレクトリックユニバース  電気的宇宙論、プラズマ宇宙物理学、 電気的観察物理学、解説、翻訳、 深津 孝明


Matt Finn  Set the Record Straight WF    Thunderbolts マット・フィン  (YouTube人気番組)WF・「Why Files?」の記録をまっすぐに糺す 

Matt Finn Set the Record Straight WF Thunderbolts マット・フィン (YouTube人気番組)WF・「Why Files?」の記録をまっすぐに糺す 1 ―――― 2Recently, the “Why Files”, files came up with some surprisingly fair evaluations in a show that covered…

Comet Borrelly rocks core scientific beliefs ボレリー彗星が科学的信念の核心を揺るがす by Wal Thornhill | October 18, 2001 11:53 am

Comet Borrelly rocks core scientific beliefsボレリー彗星が科学的信念の核心を揺るがす by Wal Thornhill | October 18, 2001 11:53 am[The blockquoted text in brown is from an original news story.The highlighted text is a statement of the “core…

Solar neutrino puzzle is solved? 太陽ニュートリノの謎は解けたのか? by Wal Thornhill | August 13, 2001 11:29 am

Solar neutrino puzzle is solved?太陽ニュートリノの謎は解けたのか?by Wal Thornhill | August 13, 2001 11:29 am The ELECTRIC UNIVERSE® model has made some capital from the fact that the key evidence for a nuclear engine in the Sun, the neutr…