ザ・サンダーボルツ勝手連 Draconian Landscaping ドラコニアン(厳しい)風景
水位が上昇すると、一部の川では稲妻に似た樹枝状のパターンが現れます。 この画像は、
スペイン、エストレマドゥーラ州バダホスのズハル川に設置されたラ セレナ貯水池を示しています。
Feb 22, 2011
The mythical dragon drives a wedge in a variety of ways. While scholars are divided about the origin and the meaning of the symbol, the dragon itself, in untold creation myths, carves out features of the landscape such as rivers and valleys.
神話上のドラゴンは、さまざまな方法でくさびを打ち込みます。 このシンボルの起源と意味については学者の間で意見が分かれていますが、ドラゴン自体は、語られない創造神話の中で、川や谷などの風景の特徴を彫り込んでいます。
A common story-line, as yet undetected by comparative mythologists, is that the surface of the embryonic earth used to be flat and featureless, until the contortions of the monster produced familiar elevations and depressions, including waterways, canyons and mountains.
A few examples will illustrate the theme.
Reporting on the Syrian river Orontes, the Greek geographer, Strabo (±64 BCE – 24 CE), relayed an Aramaean tradition according to which Typhon, 'who, they add, was a dragon', 'when struck by the bolts of lightning, fled in search of a descent underground;
that he not only cut the earth with furrows and formed the bed of the river, but also descended underground and caused the fountain to break forth to the surface …'
ギリシャの地理学者ストラボン (紀元前 64 年 – 西暦 24 年) は、シリアのオロンテス川について報告し、アラム人の伝統を伝えました、
The Fon people, of Benin, name the ourobóros, Dã Ayidohwεdo, as the forger of the mountains and rivers:
'When he carried the creator from end to end of the earth, wherever they rested a mountain arose … in his travels over the earth Dã traced out the courses of the streams;
till that time there were only stagnant waters (tã);
he dug out channels in which the waters were to move.
Thus the world was made ready to receive life'.
その時までは停滞した水 (tã) しかありませんでした; 彼は水が流れる水路を掘りました;
According to the Toba Batak, of northern Sumatra, the earth’s mountains and valleys owe their origin to the wriggling of the malevolent snake Naga Padoha, who inhabited the waters of the underworld and objected to the formation of the infant earth on its back:
'As the earth commenced growing it took the light away from Naga Padoha, who being vexed, gave it a shove and allowed it to float off on the waters. … His early squirmings, however, caused mountains and valleys to be formed …'
「地球が成長し始めると、ナーガ・パドハから光を奪い、パドハはイライラして土を突き飛ばし、水面に浮かび上がらせた。 …しかし、彼の初期の身悶えは山と谷を形成させました…』
In the Kimberley district of Western Australia, belief was current in 'a giant serpent named Wonnaira who made all the rivers as he travelled inland from the sea.
The big waterholes along the river courses were places he rested when he was tired'.
In southeastern Australia, it is claimed that 'The River Murray was made by a Snake. He travelled from the head of the river to the mouth, and as he went along he formed the valley and the bed of the river'.
オーストラリア南東部では、「マレー川はヘビによって作られた」と主張されています。 彼は川の源頭から河口まで旅し、進むにつれて谷と川底を形成した。」
The locals at Drysdale River, in the northwestern part of the continent, dub the engineering serpent Ungur:
'No one has ever seen the Ungur, but it is regarded as a very big and deadly snake, and is held in very great awe and veneration.
It descended from above among the other animals that accompanied the Galoru to the earth.
At first the Ungur settled down in a certain big pool named Tjerni, but it was not long before it opened itself a way out to other pools.
The paths thus formed by the Ungur are the rivers.
… The Ungur is believed to abide wherever the Galoru is, that is, in practically every pool of considerable size and depth …'
To modern geologists, this archaic, cross-culturally attested ‘theory’ of river formation is amusing at best, embarrassing gibberish at worst.
The recurrence and consistency of the odd notion of a giant snake gouging out trenches do call for reflection, however.
What natural force, if any, does the excavating snake or dragon represent?
As often in the study of mythology, a careful reconstruction of the underlying conceptual template yields a tantalising clue:
lightning emerges as a close associate of the reptilian sculptor.
Typhon, as seen, reputedly did the job while he was under assault from Zeus’ punitive thunderbolts.
In Benin, Dã Ayidohwεdo is intimately connected to the lightning:
'Beneath the earth Ayido Hwεdo is submerged in the waters.
He may still be recognized today in standing pools (tã), which recall the memory of the primordial waters: he is seen cleaving the waters like a flash of light …'
彼は今日でも、原始の水の記憶を思い起こさせる立った池 (tã) で認識されるかもしれません。彼は閃光のように水を切り裂くのが見られます…」
'The tail of the celestial serpent is twice the length of the distance between the earth and the sky;
that is why there are always two reports when a thunderbolt crashes, the first of the sending of the bolt to earth, and the second of the recoil of the bolt – really the sound made by the tail of Aido Hwedo – as it returns above.
… Aido Hwedo acts as bearer of the thunderbolts of the royal master among the Thunder deities'.
落雷が起こると常に 2 つの報告が行われるのはこのためです、1 つ目は雷が地面に落ちたときの報告で、2 番目は雷の反動に関する報告です
– まさにアイド・フェドの尻尾の音 –
… アイド・フェドは、雷神の中で王のマスターの雷撃の担い手としての役割を果たします。」
The Toba Batak equated Naga Padoha with Panē na Bolon, 'the underworld-serpent', who 'sends the rains, he creates the waves, the thunder and the lightning …'
One account stipulates that the type of lightning presided over by Panē na Bolon is sheet lightning observed at twilight that is oriented towards one point of the compass and shifts with the seasons.
Throughout Australia, the ‘rainbow serpent’ bears an intricate relationship to the lightning.
An example is Borlung, the rainbow serpent as known to communities from Arnhem Land, which was stated to take 'the form of the lightning-bolt which heralds the approach of the monsoon rains'.
The conjecture that many mythical snakes or dragons signify bright plasma filaments observed at times in the earth’s atmosphere successfully accounts for a large number of traditions.
In many cases, the assumption of a mundane sighting of an auroral band, ray or curtain suffices.
In other cases, specifically where the ‘deep’ mythology of creation is concerned, more intense types of plasma activity must be imagined.
A common manufacturing process is electric discharge machining (EDM), whereby a series of controlled current discharges remove material from a surface, producing a desired pattern.
一般的な製造プロセスは放電加工 (EDM) です、これにより、一連の制御された電流放電によって表面から材料が除去され、所望のパターンが生成されます。
Tornadoes and powerful lightning flashes are known on occasion to create trenches and Lichtenberg figures.
Could similar discharge events on a planetary scale have gouged out riverbeds and canyons, on other planets as well as on earth?
Could this also have occurred in prehistoric times, prompting human witnesses, scared witless, to recognise a ‘creative dragon’ in a vortical plasma cloud that, tornado-like, scoured the landscape?
Blasphemous though the thought may be to geologists used to imperceptible slowness in their models as well as their thought processes, the electrical phenomenon itself is undeniably real.
Plasma cosmologists, who demonstrate a much greater awareness of the preponderance of the electromagnetic force throughout the universe, could more easily accommodate the thought of atmospheric discharges leaving visible marks on the surface of the earth.
It is to be hoped that future research will be able to close at least this rift.
Contributed by Rens Van Der Sluijs