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[The Thunderbolts Project,Japan Division] エレクトリックユニバース  電気的宇宙論、プラズマ宇宙物理学、 電気的観察物理学、解説、翻訳、 深津 孝明

ザ・サンダーボルツ勝手連 Oceans of Sand on Rocky Shores 岩礁海岸の砂の海

オポチュニティ ローバーは、鉄とシリコン酸化物の果てしない平原を旅し続けます。

Jan 13, 2010
The Mars Exploration Rover, Opportunity, has been rolling for six years through a sea of hematite nodules that overlay fractured stone slabs. 
火星探査ローバー、オポチュニティは、破砕された石のスラブを覆う赤鉄鉱の結節の海を 6 年間転がっています。

Since its landing in Eagle crater on January 24, 2004 Opportunity has traveled a total distance of 21.83 kilometers at an average speed of 9.5 meters per day. 

It has far exceeded its original mission timeline of 90 days, providing a wealth of evidence that supports Electric Universe concepts of planetary scarring events in the recent past.
それは当初のミッションのタイムラインである 90日間をはるかに超えており、最近の惑星の傷跡イベントに関するエレクトリック・ユニバースの概念を裏付ける豊富な証拠を提供しています。

For many years, mission specialists have struggled to explain the geological morphology of Mars, especially the vast accumulations of hematite nodules otherwise known as "blueberries." 

In the image above, the incongruous spherules are seen heaped into sinuous dunes that cover thousands of square kilometers.

On its way to the rim of Victoria crater, and continuing to this day, fields of the dark dunes and white, polygonal blocks of stone have dominated the landscape. 
ビクトリア クレーターの縁に向かう途中、そして今日まで続く、暗い砂丘の野原と白い多角形の石のブロックが風景を支配しています。

The silicon dioxide blocks were dubbed "cobbles" or "pavement" because they are flat compared to the undulating piles of hematite gravel. 

Indeed, the wide avenues of stone appear to underlie the iron-rich pellets.

Previous Picture of the Day articles highlighted the dune fields on Mars, their carved faces, and the craters associate with them. 

Since standard geological and astrophysical theories offered no explanations except those that depend on comparisons with Earth-based formations, it was concluded that electricity is the one unifying factor that explains how they all might have been created.

The quartzite pavement is split into regular polygons with wide cracks that are most often filled with hematite blueberries. 

They exhibit fractures that radiate in concentric arcs from what appear to be hollow impact zones, and have been roughly etched, or eroded away on top. 

The cracks have edges that are sometimes razor-sharp

Many are undercut. 

Several seem to have been sliced off at ground level from large blocks composed of the same material. 

The big chunks also contain great quantities of blueberries embedded in them.

The presence of iron oxide in several forms indicates that something not taking place on Mars today did take place at some time in the past. 

Some have speculated that there was once a dense, oxygen-rich atmosphere that allowed for “rusting” of the iron in its crust to occur.

Others have said that there were oceans of open water on the surface that helped to form the trillions of hematite nodules that cover nearly an entire hemisphere. 

Whatever the cause, some hematite dunes rise up to nearly a kilometer in height. 
原因が何であれ、一部の赤鉄鉱砂丘は高さ 1 km 近くまで上昇します。

There are giant cracks that go on for hundreds of kilometers with their bottoms covered in hematite ripples. 

Seas of hematite dust tens of meters deep engulf craters a hundred kilometers in diameter, many of them associated with silicon dioxide pavement.
深さ数十メートルの赤鉄鉱の塵の海が直径 100 キロメートルのクレーターを飲み込んでおり、その多くは二酸化ケイ素の舗装に関連しています。

It is unusual that dark hematite is so intimately bound up with white silicon-dioxide rock. 

Could there be a connection between silica and hematite on Mars? 

Could the same electric arcs that are thought to have carved the Red Planet transmute elements: 
reforming the atomic structure of silicon (with 28 particles in its nucleus) into that of iron (with 56)?
シリコンの原子構造 (核内に 28 個の粒子を含む) を鉄 (56 個の粒子) の原子構造に変更したのでしょうか?

Stephen Smith