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Golden Age and Doomsday | From "Remembering the End of the World" 黄金時代と終末期 |  『世界の終わりの追憶』より

Golden Age and Doomsday | From "Remembering the End of the World"
黄金時代と終末期 |  『世界の終わりの追憶』より

The natives of Suriname have a poignant memory of a lost epoch. 

In a time, long past, so long past that even the grandmothers of our grandmother's were not yet born. 

The trees were forever and fruit, the animals lived in perfect harmony and the little agouti played fearlessly with the beard of the Jaguar.

For the Hindus this was the krita yuga or perfect age. 

The Iranians call at the age of the brilliant theme, the Chinese the age of perfect virtue, the danish piece of throating, it was paradise the garden of Eve.

And the memory dates to the first expression of civilization

According to ancient Greek poets philosophers and historians, the present age is just a shadow of the former a book called the Golden Age of Kronos. 

But who was this ancient god Kronos. 

All Greek astronomical traditions agreed that Cronus was the planet Saturn.


Our own name for the planets came through the Romans

In unison Roman poets and historians insisted that in a former time Saturn had ruled as a god Kingdom producing the paradise on earth. 

It would be almost impossible to overstate the power of this memory among the different cultures.

For the Babylonians, the Hebrews and the Greeks, the most sacred day of the week was the Sabbath a ritual remembrance of the Lost epic. 

And in each of these cultures this holiest day was the day of Saturn. 

The Latin is Saturn Indies or Saturn's day, the Celtic day of cedar our Saturday.

But the Golden Age did not last, in the myths of Quetzalcoatl of raw, in the vial of Cronos and of Saturn the Golden Age does not just come to name, it ends violently.

And with the collapse of the Golden Age arrives the fear in common, the dragon of darkness, the fall into the cosmic night, The Clash of the Titans, all of the symbols of doomsday.

Stars are set loose falling into the void, the land is on fire, Mountain split dark rumble rocks explode and flame all the rivers and seas overflow and sweep across the earth and the universe becomes a furnace burning everything.

The old Norris palm Voluspa recalls the great catastrophe of Ragnarök, the twilight of the gods.

When the terrifying wolf Fenrir its jaws reaching from heaven to earth brought forth and brood of howling wolves and son became blood-red and vanished.

And the world slipped into a winter lasting for years.

Icelandic, Aztec, in Babylonian, every ancient culture seems to have remembered an event called the end of the world.