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55 Holoscience Archive © Wal Thornhill •     Strange Star or Strange Science?  奇妙な星か、それとも奇妙な科学か?

55 Holoscience Archive
© Wal Thornhill • 
 Strange Star or Strange Science? 

Posted on  November 20, 1999  by Wal Thornhill  

Nowhere is the gravitational paradigm of cosmology shown to exhibit more strangeness than in compact high energy phenomena in deep space. 

A report in the journal Nature of 15 November proposes that a recently discovered star "is made of an exotic stuff called ‘strange matter', never yet seen on Earth". 

In other words, it may be a "strange star".
 This bizarre suggestion comes out of the mathematics describing stars that generate rapid pulses of radiation, commonly called "pulsars". 

The x-ray pulses are thought to be due to a rotating beam of x-rays that flashes toward the Earth once per revolution like a cosmic lighthouse. 
X 線パルスは、宇宙の灯台のように 1 回転につき 1 回地球に向かって点滅する回転 X 線ビームによるものと考えられています。
Report from Nature [Link dead 2012]

This seemingly simple model began to show signs of strain many years ago when the first millisecond pulsar was discovered. 

In order to flash (rotate) several times a second a pulsar would need to be very compact indeed, only a few kilometres in diameter. 

But to generate x-rays gravitationally requires an extreme concentration of matter to accelerate particles to a sufficiently high energy so that when they strike the star x-rays are produced. 

The only objects that theoretically meet that requirement are neutron stars and black holes. 

Both kinds of object are well outside our experience. 

The discovery now of an x-ray pulsar SAX J1808.4-3658 (J1808 for short), located in the constellation of Sagittarius, that flashes every 2.5 thousandths of a second (that is 24,000RPM!) goes way beyond the red-line even for a neutron star. 
射手座に位置し、1000分の2.5秒(つまり24,000RPM!)ごとに点滅するX線パルサーSAX J1808.4-3658(略してJ1808)の発見は、レッドラインをはるかに超えています、たとえ、中性子星であっても。

So another ad hoc requirement is added to the already long list
 – this pulsar must be composed of something even more dense than packed neutrons
 – strange matter!
– このパルサーは、詰まった中性子よりもさらに密度の高い何かで構成されているに違いありません
– ストレンジマター(奇妙な物質)!

  Picture credit: W. Feimer (Allied Signal), GSFC, NASA

When astrophysicists are having difficulty with their models they traditionally turn for rescue to the nuclear physicists. (They were called in to explain away the missing solar neutrinos). 
天体物理学者はモデルの作成に問題がある場合、伝統的に核物理学者に救助を求めます。  (彼らは、失われた太陽ニュートリノを説明するために呼び出されました)。

The news report goes on:

"The most fundamental building blocks of nuclear matter are thought to be particles called quarks. 

The 'regular' nuclear particles or 'nucleons'
 – proton sand neutrons
 – are composed of 'up' and 'down' quarks: 
two up quarks and adown quark make one proton, while a neutron consists of two downs and an up. 
  – は「アップ」クォークと「ダウン」クォークで構成されます。
 2 つのアップ クォークと 1 つのダウン クォークで 1 つの陽子が形成され、中性子は 2 つのダウンと 1 つのアップで構成されます。

But there are at least four other, more exotic, kinds of quark, amongst them the so-called 'strange' quark. 
しかし、少なくとも 4 種類の、よりエキゾチックなクォークが他に存在し、その中にはいわゆる「ストレンジ」クォークがあります。

In nucleons, quarks are supposed to exist in inseparable groups of three, which is why no one has ever seen an isolated quark. 
核子では、クォークは分離できない 3つのグループで存在すると考えられています、そのため、孤立したクォークを誰も見たことがありません。

But at extremely high densities of matter, quarks may become uncoupled or 'deconfined'.

'Strange matter' is a melange of deconfined up, down and strange quarks. 

Physicists are hoping that the new particle colliders currently under construction, such as the Large Hadron Collider at CERN in Geneva, will create conditionsextreme enough to break quarks free. 

But the Universe may have got there first. 

X.-D. Li of Nanjing University, China, and colleagues' suggestion that J1808 is a strange star follows a small number of similar proposals for other astrophysical objects that emit bursts of X-rays.
中国の南京大学のX.-D.リー氏らは、J1808 がストレンジスター(奇妙な星)であるという提案を行っており、これに続いて、X 線バーストを放出する他の天体物理学的天体についても同様の提案がいくつか行われている。

The X-ray bursts from these objects are signs of violent activity of a sort that becomes possible only when matter is pushed to extremes."

I think J R Saul highlighted the language problem we are seeing here, 
J R サウルは、ここで私たちが見ている言語の問題を強調していると思います、

when he wrote:

"Ten geographers who think the world is flat will tend to reinforce each other’s errors. 
If they have a private dialect in which to do this, it becomes impossible for outsiders to disagree with them. 
Only a sailor can set them straight. 
The last person they want to meet is someone who, freed from the constraints of expertise, has sailed around the world."
-J R Saul, Voltaire's Bastards.
「世界は平らだと考える 10 人の地理学者は、お互いの間違いを補強し合う傾向があります。

The Nobel Laureate, Irving Langmuir, coined the term "pathological science" for "the science of things that aren't so”. 

Two key symptoms of such science are:
このような科学の主な症状は次の 2 つです:

 the resort to fantastic theories contrary to our experience, 
 the use of ad-hoc requirements to save the appearances.

 If we apply these criteria, two disciplines that share line honours for pathological or strange science are cosmology and particle physics. 
これらの基準を適用すると、病理学的または奇妙な科学で栄誉を共有する 2 つの分野は、宇宙論素粒子物理学になります。

They both deal with unseen objects
 – neutron stars, black holes, quarks, etc. 

They both produce fantastic ad-hoc requirements to explain new discoveries
 – dark matter, super-heavy objects and exotic particles. 

They cross-infect each other with their theoretical requirements both to save appearances and convince governments to spend large sums of research money for super-colliders to replay bits of a hypothetical Big Bang, or to build gravity-wave telescopes when we have no proof such waves exist. 

The above report brings such strange science sharply into focus.

It is not ordinary matter, but scientific models that are being pushed to extremes.

Einstein warned: 
"Most mistakes in philosophy and logic occur because the human mind is apt to take the symbol for reality". 

Neutron stars and quarks have never been seen. 

They are derived from mathematical symbols. 

Let's take quarks first. 

There is little to suggest that any of the shrapnel from high energy colliders exists in normal matter. 

If enormous energy is spent in shattering a proton to unlock the hypothetical quarks then the energy itself may manifest as particles that don't play any part in ordinary matter. 

Flying a 747 into a mountainside and picking over the ruins is not the best way of finding out how an aircraft works. 
747 を山腹に飛ばし、遺跡を拾う事は、航空機がどのように動作するかを知る最良の方法ではありません。

Suggesting that a star can be composed stably of unobserved particles simply because a theory of invisible, super-heavy objects demands it is asking too much!

 Here are some of the many unstated assumptions underpinning the X-ray pulsar model:
(my comments are in italics)
X 線パルサー モデルを支える多くの暗黙の仮定の一部を以下に示します:

1.    It is assumed that the physics of neutral matter and ideal gases on Earth can be used to explain the operation of the glowing balls of plasma we call stars. 

[99.999% of the universe is made of plasma. It is not necessarily electrically neutral and does not behave like an ideal gas.]
[宇宙の99.999%はプラズマでできています。 必ずしも電気的に中性であるとは限らず、理想気体のように振る舞うわけではありません。]

2.    It is assumed that all interstellar plasma is mostly an ionized, uncharged, superconducting gas that can trap and carry magnetic fields. 
[Plasma is not a superconductor so magnetic fields cannot be trapped in it. The origin of the magnetic fields is not clear from standard theory. The Electric Universe proposes that magnetic fields and plasma filaments in space are formed by electrical currents in charged plasma. (No book on astronomy mentions electrical effects).]
[プラズマは超伝導体ではないので、磁場を閉じ込めることはできません。 磁場の起源は標準理論では明らかではありません。  エレクトリック・ユニバースは、空間内の磁場とプラズマ フィラメントは荷電プラズマ内の電流によって形成されると提案しています。  (天文学に関する本には電気効果について言及したものはありません)。]

3.    It is assumed that we understand how our Sun and other stars shine, evolve, and someday die or form neutron stars. 
[We do not understand, the Sun's magnetic field, the hot corona, solar wind, solar cycle, x-ray variability, coronal mass ejections, sunspots, low neutrino count, etc., etc.]


 Irving Langmuir


4.    It is assumed that we understand what causes a supernova explosion.

[The number of ad hoc assumptions required for a mechanical explosion following a sudden stellar implosion results in a highly unlikely explanation. SN1987A showed that such explosions are not spherically symmetrical.]
[恒星の突然の爆縮に続く機械的爆発には、多数の臨時の仮定が必要であり、説明の可能性は極めて低い。  SN1987Aは、そのような爆発が球対称ではないことを示した。

5.    It is assumed that a supernova can "squeeze" stellar protons and electrons together to form neutrons.

 [A first-order wild conjecture. The model incorporates many unproven assumptions about the unseen internal structure of stars. If the implosion is not spherically symmetrical there may be insufficient "squeeze" to force protons and electrons to merge, even if that were possible. No account is taken of electrical effects. Our own Sun with a mean density only slightly above that of pure hydrogen shows that electrostatic forces are at work within stars to off set compression forces.]
[一次の乱暴な推測。 このモデルには、恒星の目に見えない内部構造に関する多くの証明されていない仮定が組み込まれています。 爆縮が球対称でない場合、たとえそれが可能であったとしても、陽子と電子を強制的に結合させるのに十分な「圧縮」ができない可能性があります。 電気的な影響は考慮されていません。 平均密度が純粋な水素の平均密度よりわずかに高いだけの私たちの太陽は、圧縮力を相殺するために恒星の内部で静電気力が働いていることを示しています。]

6.    It is assumed that it is possible to form a stable neutron star. 

[When not associated with protons in a nucleus, neutrons decay into protons and electrons in a few minutes. Atomic nuclei with too many neutrons are unstable. If it were possible to form a neutron star, why should it be stable?]
原子核内で陽子と結びついていない場合、中性子は数分で陽子と電子に崩壊します。 中性子が多すぎる原子核は不安定になります。 中性子星が形成できるとしたら、なぜ安定しているはずだと言えるのでしょうか?]

7.    It is assumed that a supernova can further squeeze neutrons until they "pop their quarks".

 [A second-order wild conjecture.]

8.    It is assumed that it is possible to have a stable massive object composed of quarks. 

[ A third-order wild conjecture based on the pathologies of both astrophysics and nuclear physics. It is an unseen object composed of unseen matter.]
[ 天体物理学と原子核物理学の両方の病理に基づいた三次の荒々しい予想。 目に見えない物質で構成された目に見えない物体です。]

9.    It is assumed that a neutron star can convert the energy of in falling matter into tightly collimated, pulsed x-ray beams.
中性子星は、落下物質のエネルギーを厳密に平行なパルス X 線ビームに変換できると考えられています。

 [It is difficult to imagine a more unlikely way of achieving this effect.]

10.    It is assumed that a spinning object is required to cause the pulsations. 

[Only required in a purely mechanical model.]

 11. It is assumed that Nature overlooks the normal (and infinitely easier) method of creating x-rays by accelerating electrons in an electric field.
 自然界は、電場中で電子を加速することによって X 線を生成する通常の (そして無限に簡単な) 方法を見落としていると考えられています。

 12. It is assumed that Nature overlooks the simplest way of creating pulsed radiation by a charge-discharge relaxation oscillator cycle (where electric charge builds up slowly until a threshold is reached and a sudden discharge occurs).
自然界は、充放電緩和振動子サイクル (電荷閾値に達し、突然の放電が発生するまでゆっくりと電荷が蓄積される) によってパルス放射線を生成する最も単純な方法を見落としていると考えられています。

13. It is assumed that Nature ignores the simplest way of creating a highly collimated x-ray beam and particle jet (if one is required from the observations) by the use of the plasma focus effect.
自然界は、プラズマ集束効果を利用して高度に平行化された X 線ビームと粒子ジェット (観察から必要な場合) を生成する最も簡単な方法を無視していると考えられます。

Is this science or science-fiction? 
これは科学ですか、それともサイエンス フィクションですか?

The Electric Universe model assumes that Nature knows best. 
It does not require strange matter or a strange star. 

The x-ray pulses are caused by regular electric discharges between two or more orbiting, normally constituted, electrically charged bodies. 

It is a manifestation of a periodic arc instead of a spinning star. 

If beaming of the radiation is occurring then that should be verifiable here on Earth in the lab by studying the plasma focus device.

The Electric Universe model lets go of the Newtonian dogma that gravity is the driving force in the cosmos. 

It allows for the possibility that the fundamental characteristic of normal matter
 – its electric charge
 – plays the most significant role. 
– その電荷が、
– 最も重要な役割を果たす事を可能にします。

So if gravity wavetelescopes detect anything at all, it won't be gravity waves from super-heavy objects. 

And particle physicists who are trying to work out how the universe was constructed fromstrange matter early in the Big Bang are wasting their time. 

The astronomer  Halton Arp, author of the Atlas of Peculiar Galaxies, has conclusively disproven the theory of an expanding universe and so knocked out the foundation of the Big Bang theory. 

Meanwhile the plasma physicists and electrical engineers are waiting in the wings for those astro-and nuclear-physicists parading their strange science in public to get off the stage. 

It would be entertaining if it weren't so serious. 

But it is costing us dearly and holding up real progress.