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[The Thunderbolts Project,Japan Division] エレクトリックユニバース  電気的宇宙論、プラズマ宇宙物理学、 電気的観察物理学、解説、翻訳、 深津 孝明

Holoscience Archive 20 © Wal Thornhill •   5. Electric Galaxies 電気的銀河

Holoscience Archive 20
© Wal Thornhill • 
 5. Electric Galaxies

For more than 10 years plasma physicists have had an electrical model of galaxies. 
10 年以上にわたり、プラズマ物理学者は銀河の電気モデルを作成してきました。

It works with real-world physics. 

The model is able to successfully account for theobserved shapes and dynamics of galaxies without recourse to invisible dark matter andcentral black holes. 
このモデルは、目に見えない暗黒物質や中心ブラック ホールに頼ることなく、観察された銀河の形状とダイナミクスをうまく説明することができます。

It explains simply the powerful electric jets seen issuing along thespin axis from the cores of active galaxies. 

Recent results from mapping the magneticfield of a spiral galaxy confirm the electric model.

On the other hand, cosmologists cannot explain why spiral shapes are so common and they have only ad-hoc explanations for galactic magnetic fields. 

More recently, inter-galactic magnetic fields have been discovered which is the final straw to break the camel’s back. 

Incredible gravitational models involving invisible "black holes" have had to be invented in a desperate attempt to explain how the attractive force of gravity can result in matter being ejected in a narrow jet at relativistic speeds. 

Why do we accept such science fiction as fact when an Electric Universe predicts spiral shapes, magnetic fields and jets? 
電気的宇宙が螺旋形状、磁場、ジェットを予測しているのに、なぜ私たちはそのような SF を事実として受け入れるのでしょうか?

The cosmic magnetic fields simply delineate the electric currents that create, move and light the galaxies.