17 Holoscience Archive © Wal Thornhill
3. A Little History
"To be sure, nature distributes her gifts unevenly among her children. But thereare plenty of the well-endowed, thank God, and I am firmly convinced that most ofthem live quiet, unobtrusive lives."- Albert Einstein
「確かに、自然はその賜物を子供たちに不均等に分配します。しかし、恵でも恵まれた人もたくさんいるので、神に感謝します。そして、彼らのほとんどは静かで目立たない生活を送っていると私は確信しています。」- アルバート・アインシュタイン
The pieces of the Electric Universe "Big Picture" are supplied by some remarkable individuals, most of them unknown and who have lived or are living "quiet, unobtrusivelives" away from universities.
For those with a sense of history this fact should serve to increase curiosity rather than dull it.
Most revolutions in science have come from people who taught themselves outside the academic system and were not constrained by the fallacies and fashions of the day.
It has been well documented that modern institutions of science operate in such a way as to enforce conformity and prevent research and publication of revolutionary ideas.
J. R. Saul argues that medieval scholasticism was re-established during the 20th century.
J. R. サウルは、中世のスコラ学は 20 世紀に再確立されたと主張しています。
If so, the new "Enlightenment" will have to come, as before, from outside academia.
For me, enlightenment began with the controversial polymath andauthor of Worlds in Collision, Immanuel Velikovsky.
In 1950 hedemonstrated an interdisciplinary, comparative technique foruncovering hard evidence of planetary catastrophe from therecorded memories of the earliest civilizations.
His method wasforensic in that he looked for reports of physical events of ahighly unusual nature that were nonetheless corroborated globally by totally separate cultures.
Then by applying scientificknowledge of cause and effect, it was possible to build a verydetailed model of the sequence of those events.
Finally, the modelenabled specific predictions to be made and confirmed
– a requirement of a good scientific theory.
– 優れた科学理論の要件です。
Some of the predictions he made were outrageous at the time:
Venus would be near incandescently hot, Jupiter would emit radio noise, the Moon rocks would be magnetized, and so on.
Velikovsky was right, astronomers of the day were wrong.
However, you will not find any textbook that gives him credit because his theory was judged to be wrong.
Presumably they were all lucky guesses!
It became clear to Velikovsky that Newton's concept of gravity was insufficient to explain the reported behaviour of the planets.
And it certainly could not answer the obvious question, "why do the skies look so peaceful now?"
This allowed a dogmaticresponse by academia to Velikovsky's seminal breakthrough.
It was said his theory didn’t obey Newton's laws.
But what did Newton know of electricity?
And if anyone believes that Newton's laws guarantee a stable planetary system
– think again!
- もう一度考えてみて!
Any gravitational system with more than two orbiting bodies is unstable.
3 つ以上の周回天体を持つ重力系は不安定です。
Yet the question is hardly ever asked, let alone answered, "what produces the observed stability of the solar system?"
The result is now a "Big Picture" that emphasizes our dramatic prehistory and essential connectedness to the universe.
No longer do we have to look at ourselves and the universe through the distorting sideshow mirrors of modern science.
The implications of electrical activity between planets will be profoundly disturbing for those who have built their cosmologyaround the weak force of gravity, acting in an electrically sterile universe.
This strange, dogmatic oversight guarantees that nothing will remain in future of the fanciful Big Bang theory or the simplistic story of the formation of the solar system.
Velikovsky was convinced that the clue lay in his discovery that electrical forces.