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[The Thunderbolts Project,Japan Division] エレクトリックユニバース  電気的宇宙論、プラズマ宇宙物理学、 電気的観察物理学、解説、翻訳、 深津 孝明

ザ・サンダーボルツ勝手連 SHOCKS FROM ETA CARINA エタ(=イータ)カリーナからの衝撃

 October 12th, 1999  Wal Thornhill  EU Views

Excerpt from Space Science News:

“Just three years ago the Hubble Space Telescope provided a dazzling image of a star that was blowing off massive quantities of material in a blast that looked like a supernova yet, mysteriously, wasn’t one. Now the Chandra X-ray Observatory has looked at Eta Carina and showed details that are, well, shocking.”
「わずか 3 年前、ハッブル宇宙望遠鏡は、超新星のように見えながらも、不思議なことに超新星ではなかった爆発で大量の物質を吹き飛ばしている1つの恒星のまばゆいばかりの画像を提供しました。 現在、チャンドラ X 線天文台はイータ カリーナを調べ、衝撃的な詳細を示しました。」

Image credit: NASA/CXC/SAO

A Hubble Space Telescope image of Eta Carina is shown scaled to fit within the much larger X-ray nebula discovered by Chandra. 

The lobes are as wide as our solar system and expanding in opposite directions away from a central bright disk at speeds in excess of 1 million km/h (600,000 mph). 
ローブは太陽系と同じくらいの幅があり、中央の明るい円盤から離れる方向に、時速 100 万 km (時速 60 万マイル) を超える速度で反対方向に広がっています。

The odd shape is believed to be partly due to the star’s intense magnetic field channeling plasma.

“It is not what I expected,” said Dr. Fred Seward of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. 

The new X-ray observation shows three distinct structures: an outer, horseshoe-shaped ring about 2 light years in diameter, a hot inner core about 3 light-months in diameter, and a hot central source less than 1 light-month in diameter which may contain the superstar that drives the whole show. 

The outer ring provides evidence of another large explosion that occurred over 1,000 years ago.

All three structures are thought to represent shock waves produced by matter rushing away from the superstar at supersonic speeds. 
3 つの構造はすべて、スーパースターから超音速で飛び去る物質によって生成される衝撃波を表していると考えられています。

The temperature of the shock-heated gas ranges from 60 million deg Kelvin in the central regions to 3 million K (108 million deg. F to 5.4 million deg. F) on the outer structure.
衝撃加熱されたガスの温度は、中央領域の 6,000 万ケルビンから外部構造の 300 万 K (1 億 800 万度 F ~ 540 万度 F) の範囲にあります。

Since it looked like a supernova, one naturally would assume that was the end of the star. 

All that should be left are beautiful nebula and, perhaps, a neutron star or black hole where the original star once stood. 

Instead, Eta Cannae is still there (in a subtle bit of grammar, astronomers refer to the star as Eta Carinae and the nebula as Eta Carina).

For The ELECTRIC UNIVERSE® there are no surprises.
The ELECTRIC UNIVERSE® にとって、それらは、驚くべきことではありません。

As long ago as 1968 Dr Charles Bruce of the UK Electrical Research Association identified planetary nebulae as bipolar electrical discharges from a central star. 
1968 年という昔、英国電気研究協会のチャールズ ブルース博士は、惑星状星雲が中心恒星からの双極性放電であることを特定しました。

Eta Carina obviously belongs in that category.

Unfortunately, astronomers have very limited options in their toolkit to explain 3 million degree temperatures and x-rays from gas more than a light-year from the central star. 
残念なことに、天文学者のツールキットには、中心恒星からの 300 万度の温度と、 1 光年以上離れたガスからの X 線を説明するための選択肢が非常に限られています。

However, it is simple to explain if it is a plasma heated by electric current being fed into Eta Carinae.

Just as with our own sun, the highest “temperatures” are then encountered outside the star.

That would explain why there is relatively little radiation from the star at the centre. 

Most of the power focussed on the hapless star is being intercepted by distant gas and dust and radiated energetically into space.

Dr. Fred Seward said: 
“I expected to see a strong point source with a little diffuse emission cloud around it.
Instead we see just the opposite- a bright cloud of diffuse emission, and much less radiation from the centre.”

A star is merely a focus of a galactic electric discharge and does not have to provide internal energy to power objects like the Eta Carina nebula.

A good sense of the desperate ideas required to save the old model can be gauged from the following post-script to the NASA report:
古いモデルを保存するために必要な必死のアイデアは、NASA レポートの次の追記から判断できます:

“As if its huffing and puffing behavior weren’t weird enough, Eta Carina also appears to be a Death Star powerful enough to make Darth Vader turn in his light saber. Sveneric Johansson, a specialist in atomic spectroscopy at the University of Lund in Sweden, has proposed that Eta Carinae also is acting as a massive ultraviolet laser. Johansson, using Hubble observations made with the Goddard High-Resolution Spectrograph, reported in 1996 that his interpretation is not yet proven, but that it appears to be the most plausible explanation of the data.”
スウェーデンのルンド大学の原子分光分析の専門家であるスヴェネリック・ヨハンソン氏は、りゅうこつ座イータ星も巨大な紫外線レーザーとして機能していると提案した。 ヨハンソンは、ゴダード高解像度分光器で行われたハッブル観測を用いて、彼の解釈はまだ証明されていないが、それがデータの最ももっともらしい説明であると思われると1996年に報告した。」