ザ・サンダーボルツ勝手連 A Galactic Fairy Ring 銀河の妖精の指輪
相互作用銀河ペア Arp 147。
Feb 16, 2011
Today’s image is billed as a ring of black holes. As such, it presents a fairy ring of gravitational fantasies.
今日の画像はブラックホールのリングとして宣伝されています。 したがって、それは重力幻想の妖精の輪を提示します。
The first fairy dances a fantasy of Redshift-is-Proportional-to-Distance, overlooking half a century of contrary evidence.
That puts the ring far away.
For the ring to appear as bright as it does, a second fairy must dance a pas de deux of Super Luminosity.
リングがこれほど明るく見えるようにするには、2 番目の妖精が「スーパー ルミノシティ」のパ・ド・ドゥ(男女の踊り)を踊る必要があります。
To get that much energy from the feeble force of gravity, a third fairy must support the others with the Dance of Great Mass.
微弱な重力からそれだけのエネルギーを得るには、3 番目の妖精が大ミサの踊りで他の妖精をサポートしなければなりません。
Since the ring is constrained by the Assumption of Equivalence of Mass and Matter, a fourth fairy must squeeze in
—and be squeezed to a supernatural density.
リングは質量と物質の等価性の仮定によって制約されているため、4 番目の妖精が押し込めなければなりません
She (or he, we can’t tell at these densities) can’t dance but can only quiver and quake.
When the other fairies bump into her, she does emit X-rays.
The ring is the result of the crowded stage and the bumping.
Fairy rings and fantasy dances are entertaining, but when a theory requires this much supernaturalism, it would be wise to question assumptions.
Astronomers no longer see what’s there but gaze with incurious enchantment upon artists’ impressions of obsolete hypotheses.
The radiant energy and its pattern of distribution indicates the action of electricity, not gravity;
of plasma discharges, not mass;
of pinch and double layer effects, not density;
of instabilities in a circuit, not collisions and mergers.
In other words, it’s an entirely natural event, no super-sizing needed.
In the first place, Arp 147 is located in the ejection cone from M31.
そもそもArp 147はM31からの射出円錐内に位置しています。
The “super-luminal” radio galaxy 3C120 is only a few degrees farther along.
(As an ejection from M31, the galaxy would be nearby and its super-luminal jet would have a normal velocity for a plasma discharge.)
「超光速」電波銀河 3C120 は、さらに数度しか離れていません。
(M31 からの放出として、銀河は近くにあり、その超光速ジェットはプラズマ放電としては通常の速度を持つでしょう。)
Arp 147 is likely another high-redshift ejection from M31:
400 thousand light-years would be a better guess for its distance than 400 million.
Arp 147 は、M31 からの別の高赤方偏移の放出である可能性があります:
その距離は 4 億光年よりも 40 万光年のほうがより良い推測です。
Its radiant energy would be 3 orders of magnitude less than what the second fairy is dancing for.
In the second place, an abundance of energy is available.
The ring and the galaxy to the left that supposedly bumped it would be components in the same ejection current from M31.
リングと、それに衝突したと思われる左側の銀河は、M31 からの同じ放出電流の成分であると考えられます。
They are loads in the intergalactic circuit and dissipate only a small part of the total current.
Much more energy will be flowing through them to drive other components (galaxies) farther along the circuit.
In the third place, Arp 147 is likely the galactic equivalent of the rings around the axis of SN1987a.
3 番目に、Arp 147 はおそらく SN1987a の軸の周りのリングに相当する銀河です。
As the current pinches down in typical hourglass form to power the galaxy to the left, variations in the plasma push the individual filaments of current into glow mode.
Double layers accelerate the current carriers, and they emit ultraviolet and x-ray radiation.
電気二重層は電流のキャリア(運び手)を加速し、紫外線と X 線を放出します。
As “mass and gas” astronomy pirouettes to ever more fanciful dances, plasma astronomy describes a natural history of electrical phenomena.
Mel Acheson