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[The Thunderbolts Project,Japan Division] エレクトリックユニバース  電気的宇宙論、プラズマ宇宙物理学、 電気的観察物理学、解説、翻訳、 深津 孝明

ザ・サンダーボルツ勝手連 Jove's Glowing Mantle ジョーブの光るマントル

Feb 14, 2011
Jupiter puts on a periodic light show.

Several years ago, Picture of the Day articles discussed the so-called "volcanic" plumes erupting from Jupiter's moon Io. 

It was argued that they are plasma discharges from the moon electrically connected to the giant planet. 

Some astronomers acknowledged the electrical connection when Io's electromagnetic "footprint" was seen in Jupiter's polar aurora. 

Later, it was found that all four of Jupiter’s large moons leave their imprints in the aurora.
その後、木星の 4 つの大きな月衛星すべてがオーロラに痕跡を残していることがわかりました。

When NASA launched the New Horizons spacecraft on a mission to study Pluto and Charon, they trained its cameras on Jupiter's environment as it flew by in order to test their resolution. 

The “plumes” of Tvashtar, one of Io's "volcanoes," were seen by the itinerant spacecraft to be filamentary, indicating that they are corona arc discharges from the electric “hot spots” linking Io with Jupiter.

According to a recent press release, Jupiter's aurorae are becoming more active, with bursts of extreme ultraviolet light detected. 

The research paper's authors attribute the auroral flares to "...pulsed reconnections of the magnetic field at the planet's dayside magnetopause..."

An electrical interaction between Jupiter and its moons means that they are charged bodies and are not electrically neutral. 

Jupiter exists in a dynamic electrical relationship to the Sun and it is now known that charged particles from the Sun power the planetary aurorae.

Earth possesses an electrically active magnetotail (or plasma tail), extending for millions of kilometers, always pointed away from the Sun. 
地球には電気的に活性な磁気尾部 (またはプラズマ尾部) があり、数百万キロにわたって伸びており、常に太陽から離れた方向を向いています。

Streams of charged particles from the Sun (the solar wind) are captured by the magnetosphere, collecting in a plasma sheet within the magnetotail, where they are held together by Earth's magnetic field. 
太陽からの荷電粒子の流れ (太陽風=電流) は、磁気圏によって捕捉され、磁気圏尾部内のプラズマ シートに集まり、そこで地球の磁場によって保持されます。

The same structural factors doubtless govern Jupiter's magnetosphere.

The light bursts from Jupiter's aurorae are said to be the result of "magnetic reconnection" events. 

The solar wind is said to "stretch" its magnetic field like a rubber band. 

When it "snaps back" the over-stretched magnetic field lines explode, converting some of the "magnetic energy" to heat and light.

As was discussed in a previous Picture of the Day, how that energy is released is not known. 

It seems, though, that space scientists are reversing cause (electric currents) and effect (magnetic fields). 
しかし、宇宙科学者は原因 (電流) と結果 (磁場) を逆転させているようです。

They downplay or deny the importance of electrical processes.

Retired Professor of Electrical Engineering Don Scott's admonitions about magnetic reconnection should be kept in mind when the electromagnetic nature of aurorae, in general, is invoked:

1.    Magnetic field lines are only convenient concepts, nothing more. 
They are not loci or contours of constant magnetic flux density (field strength). They just indicate the field’s direction. In regions where they are close together the field is stronger than where they are widely separated. 
磁力線は便利な概念に過ぎず、それ以上のものではありません。それらは、一定の磁束密度 (磁場強度) の軌跡または等高線ではありません。 

2.    Therefore, sketching magnetic field lines can help us visualize the shape and strength of magnetic fields. 
They can help us to sketch the net result (vector sum) if and when two or more fields interact (are superimposed on each other). 
 それらは、2 つ以上のフィールドが相互作用する (互いに重なる) 場合に、最終的な結果 (ベクトル和) をスケッチするのに役立ちます。

3.    We can only draw magnetic field lines (in cases not involving permanent ferromagnetic magnets) by considering the electric currents that create those fields. 
磁力線を描くことができるのは (永久強磁性磁石を含まない場合)、それらの磁場を作り出す電流を考慮することによってのみです。

4.    Magnetic lines of force do not actually exist in three-dimensional space anymore than lines of latitude or longitude do. 
磁力線は、緯度または経度の線と同様に、3 次元空間には実際には存在しません。

5.    If a field changes from one instant to another, we cannot use "streaming video" to watch a given line move and change shape. This is because we must redraw a complete set of lines at each instant. It isn’t the same line that has moved it is the field that has changed. The two sets of lines describe the field at those two different times. 
フィールドがある瞬間から別の瞬間に変化する場合、「ストリーミング・ビデオ」を使用して特定の線が移動し、形状が変化するのを見ることはできません。 これは、各瞬間に完全な線のセットを再描画する必要があるためです。 移動したのは同じ行ではなく、変更されたフィールドです。  2 組の行は、これら 2 つの異なる時点でのフィールドを表しています。

6.    Magnetic lines of force do not move any more than lines of longitude do. A determined unwillingness to recognize this fact has led to the idea that lines can move toward each other, touch, merge, and then release energy. This last notion, if applied to circles of longitude that come together and "merge" at Earth’s poles, could be proposed as causing gravitational energy releases at those locations. 
磁力線は、経度線以上には動かない。 この事実を認識したくないという断固たる態度が、線が互いに接近し、接触し、融合し、エネルギーを放出するという考えにつながっています。 この最後の概念を、地球の極で一緒になって「合流」する経度の円に適用すると、それらの場所で重力エネルギーの放出を引き起こすと提案できます。

There is no such process as "magnetic merging" or "reconnection" of magnetic field lines in the real world.

Stephen Smith