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[The Thunderbolts Project,Japan Division] エレクトリックユニバース  電気的宇宙論、プラズマ宇宙物理学、 電気的観察物理学、解説、翻訳、 深津 孝明

ザ・サンダーボルツ勝手連 A Galaxy with Its Tail in a Knot 結び目の尾を持つ銀河

ギャラクシーESO 130-001。

Jan 27, 2011
A new x-ray image of a galaxy in the Abell cluster 3627 reveals a second tail parallel to the first, which was already known. The second tail is fainter but also contains knots. Both tails are surrounded by x-ray point sources. 
エイベル星団 3627 内の銀河の新しい X 線画像は、最初の尾に平行な 2 番目の尾を明らかにします。これは既に知られていました。  2 番目の尾は淡いですが、結び目も含まれています。 両方の尾は X 線点源に囲まれています。
The second tail visible in the image above is “a surprise” to plasma-impaired astronomers, who must explain it with the mechanics of evaporation. 
上の画像に見える 2 番目の尾は、プラズマ障害のある天文学者達にとって「驚き」であり、蒸発のメカニズムで説明する必要があります。

Plasma-wise astronomers immediately recognize that Birkeland currents tend to come in pairs. 

Actually, they come in pairs of pairs, braided pairs, and cables of braids
—hence explaining the filamentary universe. (Perhaps one could call it the “fibrous universe.”)
—したがって、フィラメントの宇宙を説明します。  (おそらく、それを「繊維状の宇宙」と呼ぶことができます。)

A plasma astronomer will notice that the second tail is not so much parallel to the first as twisted around it in a half-turn. 
プラズマ天文学者は、2 番目の尾が最初の尾と平行ではなく、半回転でねじれていることに気付くでしょう。

Since Birkeland currents
—even galaxy-cluster size ones such as this—
are the transmission lines of a larger circuit, the current must continue in dark mode beyond the region in which it emits x-rays.
は、より大きな回路の伝送ラインであり、電流は X 線を放出する領域を超えてダーク・モードで継続する必要があります。

Presumably, the two “tails” continue to twist around each other. 
おそらく、2 つの「尾」は互いにねじれ続けていると思われます。

This conclusion is reinforced by the optical (red) filament at the core of the first tail: 
It appears to be a twisted pair of filaments itself. 
この結論は、最初の尾の中心にある光 (赤) フィラメントによって強化されます:

The knots in the tails and the point sources around them are likely to be pinch instabilities.

Electromagnetic forces concentrate matter in the current flow into clumps. 

They also pull in matter from the surrounding region and sort it into layers of similar composition according to ionization potential. 

This process, observable in laboratory discharges and involving forces many, many times stronger than gravity, is more likely to be the cause of star formation than the gravitational collapse of gas clouds. 

Gravitational collapse has never been demonstrated, nor has it overcome the theoretical difficulties
—seldom discussed—
that seem to render it impossible.

Halton Arp and a number of colleagues have shown that clusters of galaxies such as those in the Abell catalogue are often associated with nearby active galaxies and are positioned within the active galaxies’ ejection cones. 

Being nearby, as distinguished from the conventional redshift-distance placement, they are small. 

They appear to be the next step in growth of BL Lac objects, quasars with multiple or “fractured” centers, which are the first products of ejection from the nuclei of the active galaxies. 
(The “grown-up” results are companion galaxies, which have evolved step-wise down the Karlsson redshift periodicity from high-redshift quasars.)
それらは、活動銀河の核からの放出の最初の生成物である、複数のまたは「壊れた」中心を持つクエーサーである BL Lac 天体の成長の次のステップであると思われます。

As such, in the Electric Universe the entire cluster is the focus of an electrical plasma discharge. 

Individual galaxies are foci of only a part of the discharge current and can only be understood in relation to the whole circuit. 

One possible view is in analogy with stellar circuits. 
考えられる見方の 1 つは、恒星回路との類似性です。

The dominant galaxy in a cluster would be the anode within a sheath that surrounds the entire cluster, similar to the heliosphere around the solar system. 

The smaller galaxies would be secondary cathodic elements within that sheath, similar to comets. 

The double tail on this galaxy marks it as a galaxy-sized comet.

Mel Acheson