ザ・サンダーボルツ勝手連 Snap Crackle and Spark スナップ・クラックル・アンド・スパーク
赤は粒子強度が高いことを示し、青は強度が低いことを示します。 垂直方向のエネルギー スケールは、30 キロ電子ボルトから数メガ電子ボルトまであります。
Jan 24, 2011
Electric Universe theory posits that celestial bodies are not isolated islands in space, they are connected by current-carrying electric circuits.
Most of the time planets and moons are not in a stable electrical condition because they are moving across plasma filaments within the Solar System, or if a moon, in the plasmaspheres around planets.
The plasmasphere of Saturn electrifies its environment, causing dark-mode plasma discharges to impinge on its family of moons.
Enceladus, Dione and Tethys are all electrically active, flinging vast quantities of charged particles into space.
Each moon is connected to its parent and to one another through the aforementioned circuits.
Planets with magnetic fields can trap fast-moving particles to form giant electrified clouds, more accurately called electric currents.
NASA scientists have noted that Saturn's magnetic field bends around Enceladus "due to electric currents generated by the interaction of atmospheric particles and the magnetosphere of Saturn."
Further flattening of the plasma torus on the sunward side demonstrates an electrical effect is occurring between Saturn and the Sun.
According to a recent press release, NASA scientists have found a direct relationship "...between mysterious, periodic signals from Saturn's magnetic field and explosions of hot ionized gas, known as plasma, around the planet."
最近のプレス リリースによると、NASA の科学者は、「...土星の磁場からの不思議な周期信号と、惑星の周りのプラズマとして知られる高温電離ガスの爆発との間に」直接的な関係を発見しました。
Researchers discovered plasma toroids around Saturn that contain regions of increased charge density that generate strong periodic signals in measurements of the planet's magnetic field.
The cyclic nature of the signals interferes with charting Saturn's rotational rate.
The press release goes on to state that "hot plasma" surrounding Saturn "explodes," causing magnetic field lines to stretch.
Centrifugal force initiated by "cold dense" plasma erupting from Enceladus stretches them to the point where they "snap back," releasing heat.
The process is also known as "magnetic reconnection."
As the consensus view states, planetary magnetospheres deform like teardrops because they are bombarded by a powerful stream of charged particles that crackle out from the Sun.
As the fields are pushed on the sunward side of a planet, they stretch out on the other side, where they are said to "unravel" and "flap like a flag waving in the wind."
According to theory, when those magnetic field lines cross and "reconnect" through some unknown mechanism, they detonate, releasing large quantities of heat, light, and electrical energy.
However, magnetic field lines cannot be the storehouse for so-called "magnetic energy" because the field lines are no more real than the arrows used to describe an electric field, or the curved lines that indicate highs and lows on a weather map.
Besides, a magnetic field is a continuum for all practical purposes, it is not quantized into discrete bands.
To say that magnetic field lines can cross, or flap, or break and reconnect is tantamount to saying that weather diagrams can produce rain.
Retired professor of Electrical Engineering Don Scott writes about the other feature thought to be "mysterious" by the data analysts:
the "clump" of electrified particles synchronized with the planet's rotation.
電気工学の元教授であるドン・スコットは、データ アナリストによって「不可思議」であると考えられているもう1つの機能:
"I do feel they would stand a better chance [of understanding] if they would recognize how magnetic and electric fields interact with streams of charge.
Nearby electric current can distort a magnetic field.
A congestion of electric charge may be due to a concentrated electric field along some particular radius vector emanating up from the planet."
「磁場と電場が電荷の流れとどのように相互作用するかを認識できれば、[理解する] チャンスが増えると思います。
Every so often Saturn breaks out with a "great white spot" three times larger than Earth.
Standard models of Saturn cannot explain such a spark, but an intense lightning discharge deep in its atmosphere might create vertical jets similar to the sprites in Earth's upper atmosphere.
It seems as if all the phenomena that NASA finds so mysterious can be explained through one agency:
NASA が非常に神秘的であると考えるすべての現象は、1つの機関で説明できるようです:
Stephen Smith