量子電磁力学はコアで腐っている See The Pattern
Quantum Electrodynamics is rotten at the core
Quantum Mechanics: A Theory in Search of an Interpretation
3 Different Interpretations of Quantum Mechanics
Quantum Electrodynamics is rotten at the core
Quantum mechanics is the idea of the absurd.
Strange explanations like wave-particle duality, the uncertainty principle and the collapse of the wave function.
Things become even stranger when we consider the quantisation of the electromagnetic field, including the polarisation of the quantum vacuum, electrons and photons interacting with their own electromagnetic fields, particles travelling back in time, the emission and reception of virtual photons, or the continuous creation and destruction of electron-positron pairs in a quantum vacuum.
Feynman summed it up as follows:
'The theory of quantum electrodynamics describes Nature as absurd from the point of view of common sense.
And it fully agrees with experiment.
So I hope you can accept Nature as She is: absurd.
Electrodynamics is the branch of physics that deals with the effects arising from the interaction of electric charges and currents using an extension of the classical Newtonian model.
It provides a description of electromagnetic phenomena whenever the relevant length scales and field strengths are large enough that quantum mechanical effects are negligible.
For small distances and low field strengths, such interactions are better described by quantum electrodynamics.
In essence, it describes how light and matter interact.
Quantum electrodynamics is considered the most accurate theory in the history of science.
This precision is all based on a single experimental value - the anomalous magnetic moment of the electron called the g-factor.
In this episode, I want to examine a paper by Oliver Consa who examines the very suspicious coincidences, errors, mathematical inconsistencies and renormalisation infinities which have been swept under the rug.
Before we dive into the detail it is important to understand a little bit about the history that led up to this.
The Manhattan Project was a code name for the American-led effort to develop a functional atomic weapon during World War II.
It had been initiated in response to fears that German scientists lead by non-other than Heisenberg had been working on a weapon using nuclear technology.
It involved some of the leading scientific minds, as well as the U.S. military.
The dropping of the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, followed by the immediate surrender of Japan, gave the scientist of the Manhattan Project an elevated status, no longer were they harmless intellectuals.
They were the powerful holders of the atomic bomb's secrets.
They were militarized and their knowledge became a state secret.
The US government created the Atomic Energy Commission and appointed Oppenheimer as its chief advisor.
Former members of the Manhattan Project took control of universities and research centres.
They were allowed to invest in expensive experimental resources, like supercomputers, particle accelerators and atomic explosion tests through generous grants provided by the government.
The credibility of former members of the Manhattan Project was almost unlimited.
Their hypotheses were automatically accepted with no one daring to refute the theories.
Worse, their calculations and experimental data were subject to military secrecy.
So expensive was their equipment that it made it almost impossible for the rest of the international scientific community to perform the experiments.
Consequently, the calculations and experiments could not be reproduced independently.
Those that accepted the hypotheses were rewarded with good jobs at research centres and universities.
Any who criticized the work was rejected and ostracised.
Ignoring Infinities In 1928 Dirac published the first of his papers on The Quantum Theory of the Electron.
無限大を無視する 1928年、ディラックは電子の量子論に関する最初の論文を発表しました。
In it, he had constructed a wave equation for the electron.
It contained an outrageous leap of imagination.
Rather than it being constructed using a single number it had instead four components.
It entailed the explanation of spin as a consequence of the union of quantum mechanics and relativity.
Prior to this, it was known that the electron had a spin.
This was a fundamental property of the electron.
In Dirac's equation, spin emerged as an inevitable property of an electron that was both a quantum particle and a relativistic one.
Dirac's equation also revealed that there was a counterpart to the electron, the anti-electron or positron.
Based on the success of Dirac's equation, quantum mechanic theorists attempted to quantify the electromagnetic field by creating the quantum field theory.
All attempts at this seemed to fail as calculation under this theory resulted in an infinite number.
Their solution to this problem was to simply ignore these infinities.
Dirac was horrified by this saying:
'I must say that I am very dissatisfied with the situation because this so-called good theory does involve neglecting infinities which appear in its equations, ignoring them in an arbitrary way.
This is just no sensible mathematics.
Sensible mathematics involves disregarding a quantity when it is small - not neglecting it just because it is infinitely great and you do not want it!'
The technique of ignoring infinities is called renormalisation.
Even Feynman recognised that it is not a mathematically legitimate technique stating 'The shell game that we play is technically called 'renormalisation'.
But no matter how clever the word, it is still what I would call a dippy process!
Having to resort to such hocus-pocus has prevented us from proving that the theory of quantum electrodynamics is mathematically self-consistent.
It's surprising that the theory still hasn't been proved self-consistent one way or the other by now;
I suspect that renormalisation is not mathematically legitimate.'
The web of deceit The Shelter Island Conference
In June of 1947, the first international physics conference after World War II was held at Shelter Island.
It brought together 24 physicists from the Manhattan Project.
The participants were received as celebrities and it made a significant impact in the press.
Two important experimental measures were present.
In the first Lamb presented an experiment that showed the 2S 1/2 and the 2P 1/2 energy levels of the hydrogen atom were not identical;
instead, they differed by about 1000MHz.
最初にラムは、水素原子の2S 1/2と2P 1/2のエネルギー準位が同一ではないことを示す実験を発表しました;
The other experiment showed a 0.1% anomaly in the hyperfine structure of hydrogen.
Later Breit would interpret this anomaly as the anomalous magnetic moment of the electron, called the g-factor.
The problem was that both of these measurements contradicted the Dirac equation.
So the meeting participants assumed Dirac's theory of the electron must be incomplete and proposed that these effects were due to the quantisation of the electromagnetic field.
They also assumed that the discrepancies could be calculated using Quantum Field Theory and that the infinities of that theory could be corrected using renormalisation techniques.
This is the origin of Quantum Electrodynamics.
Sadly Dirac was not at the conference and took a very dim view saying
'Renomalisation is just a stop-gap procedure.
There must be some fundamental change in our ideas, probably a change just as fundamental as the passage from Bohr's orbit theory to quantum mechanics.
When you get a number turning out to be infinite which ought to be finite, you should admit that there is something wrong with your equations, and not hope that you can get a good theory just by doctoring up that number'
A little while after the conference Bethe published a paper outlining an equation for the Lamb shift.
Here is the equation.
What is important is that the value K on the right-hand side diverges to infinity.
So Bethe decided to apply renormalisation by substituting this infinite value for the finite value of the electron's energy so K=mc^2.
The problem is that there is no physical justification for making this change.
The only reason to use it is that the final results do yield a value that was close to the experimental value.
A few months after Bethe's paper Schwinger attempted to calculate the g-factor for the electron.
This is his equation for g:
Here alpha is what is known as the fine structure constant.
It is a fundamental physical constant.
It effectively determines the size of the splitting or fine structure of the hydrogenic spectral lines.
It was considered to be important until Dirac's linear relativistic wave equation which gave the exact fine structure formula.
Schwinger's value seemed to be very close to the experimental value which had previously been published.
He never explained how he derived his equation and stated that he would publish a paper outlining the details of his theory soon.
Schwinger had assumed that the g-factor should be directly related to the fine structure constant, which has an approximate value of 0.7%.
Dividing this value by 6 or 2pi provides an approximate value of 0.1% which is the value that had been obtained experimentally.
At this point you might consider this a mere coincidence but as you will see this coincidence keeps happening and coupled with the fact that he never published any documents explaining his method sets the stage for a quite unbelievable web of deceit.
Schwinger's value had a significant impact on the scientific community due to its simplicity and accuracy.
Everyone waited in anticipation of Schwinger's theory.
None would ever be forthcoming.
The following year, 1948 a second conference took place.
It was attended by the same participants as the previous one but this time Bohr, Dirac and Fermi attended as well.
The conference was focussed on Schwinger's presentation.
Hopes were high that he would finally present an explanation for how he had calculated the Schwinger factor.
When Schwinger finally presented it went on for 5 hours.
He presented a series of complex, and totally incomprehensible equations.
Oppenheimer was not impressed saying:
"others gave talks to show how to do the calculation, while Schwinger gave talks to show that only he could do it.
The following day Feynman would present his theory and would for the first time show his famous Feynman diagrams.
Most attendees did not respond positively to them but Feynman was convinced of the validity of his calculations simply because they produced the correct results.
Bethe had the following to say after the conference:
"Schwinger and Feynman, respectively presented their theories.
Their theories seemed to be totally different.
Schwinger's was closely connected to the known quantum electrodynamics, so Niels Bohr, who was in the audience, was immediately convinced this was correct.
And then Feynman came with his completely new ideas, which among other things involved positrons going backwards in time.
And Niels Bohr was shocked, this couldn't possibly be true, and gave Feynman a very hard time."
Feynman's recollection is very revealing:
"This meeting was very exciting, because Schwinger was going to tell how he did things and I was to explain mine.
We could talk back and forth, without going into details, but nobody there understood either of us....
I didn't have a mathematical scheme to talk about.
Actually, I discovered one mathematical expression, from which all my diagrams, rules and formulas would come out.
The only way I knew that one of my formulas worked was when I got the right results from it."
There were now 2 competing theories for QED and a third would enter the ring submitted by a Japanese physicist named Tomonaga.
The hunt was now on to find a way to unify these theories.
The person leading this charge was English physicist Freeman Dyson.
Dyson proposed that the Heisenberg scattering matrix could be used to calculate the electron's g-factor, transforming it into a series called the Dyson series.
The Dyson's series was an infinite series of powers of alpha, where the first co-efficient was precisely the Schwinger factor, and where each coefficient could be calculated by solving a certain number of Feynman diagrams.
By basing his theory on Feynman diagrams it provided the solution others had been waiting for.
But not all were happy with this approach.
Oppenheimer felt that it was entirely the wrong path.
He did not believe that Schwinger and Feynman's ideas had much to do with reality.
He felt that physics was in need of radically new ideas, and that the quantum electrodynamics of Schwinger and Feynman was just another misguided attempt to patch up old ideas with fancy mathematics.
Dirac too felt it was not the correct approach and stated the following:
"How then do they manage with these incorrect equations?
These equations lead to infinities when one tries to solve them; these infinities ought not to be there.
They remove them artificially...
Just because the results happen to be in agreement with observations does not prove that one's theory is correct"
Fermi was also appalled by the theory.
His comment was as follows:
"There are two ways of doing calculations in theoretical physics.
One way and this is the way I prefer, is to have a clear physical picture of the process you are calculating.
The other way is to have a precise self-consistent formalism.
You have neither."
Feynman's response to these critics is well known:
"Shut up and Calculate!"
The following year a third conference was held with the same participants.
Feynman stole the show as with his immense charisma.
He presented Dyson's theory as the definitive formalisation of the QED theory.
From that point on, Feynman's diagrams became a popular tool among American physicists, and Feynman took over as the leader of this new generation of scientists.
Further research would result in the formulation of Quantum Chromodynamics, the electroweak theory and the Standard model of particle physics.
But these all rely heavily on the use of Feynman diagrams.
These are only valid when the coupling constant has a very low value.
If alpha is greater than one, the Dyson series diverges.
In the case of fermions, the coupling constant is greater than one.
This means that it is not mathematically legitimate to use Feynman diagrams for the calculations.
In 1951 Feynman himself warned of this problem and actually said:
"Don't believe any calculation in meson theory that uses a Feynman diagram"
In 1949, Gardner and Purcell obtained a new experimental result for the g factor of 1.001146.
This now meant that the Schwinger factor was no longer considered accurate.
This was Feynman's opportunity to push Dyson's theory.
A year later, Karplus and Kroll completed the complex calculations and published a value of -2.973 for the second coefficient in the Dyson series.
For the second time, the new theoretical value was in good agreement with the new experimental value.
QED had triumphed.
Feynman's prestige dramatically increased.
Cracks start to appear.
In 1952 Dyson published a paper titled 'Divergence of Perturbation Theory in Quantum Electrodynamics'.
This paper outlined that all the power series expansions currently in use in quantum electrodynamics are divergent after renormalisation of mass and charge.
Dyson the creator of the theory that seemingly fixed the problems in QED was calling into question the nature of the physical concepts upon which the theory was built.
This was a massive blow to Dyson and caused him to move back to England and abandoned this line of research in favour of examining other areas in physics.
Strangely no one seemed to pay any attention to Dyson's paper and QED's credibility was unscathed.
In 1956, Franken and Liebes conducted experiments which provided a very different g-factor value.
This time 1.001165.
This time higher that the Schwinger factor.
This meant the second coefficient which had been calculated by Kroll and Karplus actually made the theoretical value worse.
Based on the new experimental data this second coefficient should be +0.7 instead of -2.973.
This difference was huge and raised the question of why Kroll and Karpuls' value had provided the exact expected experimental value when that value now turned out to be incorrect.
It becomes evident that the QED calculations had been engineered to match the experimental data.
Karplus and Kroll confessed that they had not independently reached the same result;
instead reaching a consensus result and admitted that, it was possible that there were errors in the calculations.
Feynman would later claim that it was merely a mistake in arithmetic and once the mistake was found all was once more in agreement.
Seven years after Kroll and Karplus first published their paper Petermann detected another error in their calculation.
When he then corrected this mistake he obtained a result of -0.328 which was almost ten times smaller than the original value.
In 1953 a new type of experiment was proposed to calculate the magnetic moment of the electron directly from the precession of the free electron spin.
In 1961 based on this method Schupp, Pidd and Crane carried out the experiment and obtained a new value of 1.0011609.
This method should have provided a much more precise measurement but the authors were very cautious and used a large margin of error.
The estimated systematic standard error was 0.000 000 4.
推定系統標準誤差は0.000 000 4でした。
If they had used this error it would have meant Petermann's theoretical value was outside the margin of error, creating a new crisis for QED.
They conducted a series of runs for different electron energies.
The weighted average of this is 0.0011627 +/- 0.000 002 0.
この加重平均は 0.0011627 +/- 0.000 002 0 です。
This also falls outside of Peterman's theoretical value.
So how did they come up with their single value?
They felt they needed to recognise the trend of the points.
So the way they were able to obtain a value that still aligned with Peterman's one is by taking this single value, adding the error from that to the averaged error to obtain a final value of 0.0011627 +/- 0.000,002 4.
したがって、Petermanの値と一致する値を取得する方法は、この単一の値を取得し、そこからの誤差を平均誤差に追加して、0.0011627 +/- 0.000,002 4の最終値を取得することです。
Two years later in 1963 Wilkinson and Crane published an improved version of the experiment.
This time the value was 1.001159622 +/- ± 0.000, 000, 027.
今回の値は 1.001159622 +/- ± 0.000, 000, 027 でした。
Nearly the same as Petermann's theoretical value.
This experiment was conducted at the same university, with the same team.
This makes it very strange that all the measurements from the previous experiment were outside the range of the new experimental value.
It also fits perfectly with the theoretical value.
The most disturbing aspect is that the value is not correct as was demonstrated in later experiments.
In 1965, Drell and Pagels published the first calculation of the third coefficient of the Dyson series.
This required solving 72 Feynman diagrams.
The result was 0.15 and resulted in a slight change to the value of the electron g-factor.
Based on this all doubts about QED were cleared Feynman, Schwinger and Tomonaga were awarded the Nobel prize in physics.
In 1968 Rich reevaluated the Wilkinson experiment and obtained a different result.
Other researchers would find further errors in the experiment.
Two years later Rich and Wesley repeated the experiment, fixing the detected ambiguities and obtaining results higher than the previous one.
That same year Brodsky & Drell recalculated the third coefficient and obtained a different value, 3 times higher than the previous one.
その同じ年、Brodsky & Drellは3番目の係数を再計算し、前の値の3倍の異なる値を取得しました。
Conveniently the new coefficient and the new experimental value were once more in agreement.
Brodsky and Drell summarised the situation as follows:
"Quantum electrodynamics has never been more successful in its confrontation with experiment...
However, and despite its phenomenal success, the fundamental problems of renormalisation in local field theory and the nature of the exact solutions of quantum electrodynamics are still to be resolved.
From this point onwards all the mathematical calculations required to obtain the coefficients of the Dyson series would be performed by computer.
No source code for these calculations has ever been published making it impossible to reproduce any calculations independently.
In 1971 Levine & Wright recalculated the third coefficient and once more it was three times higher than the previous one.
1971年にLevine & Wrightは3番目の係数を再計算し、もう一度前の係数の3倍になりました。
That same year Wesley and Rich published their final results for their experiment as the previous results had apparently only been preliminary.
Their final results were slightly higher than the previous one.
By another striking coincidence, this new coefficient and the new results once more seemed to match up.
A few months later Kinoshita & Cvitanovic published a new calculation for the third coefficient.
They claimed it was five times more accurate than Levine & Wrights's previous one.
This time it was slightly lower and made the agreement with the experimental value slightly worse.
In 1977 Van Dyck and Dehmelt used a new technique to obtain a new experimental value.
Once more the experimental results did not match the theory.
In order to resolve this the theoretical physicists felt they needed to calculate the fourth coefficient.
This involved solving 891 Feynman diagrams.
Four years later, Kinoshita & Lindquist published the first calculation of the fourth coefficient with a value of -0.8.
But then in 1982 Levine published a new calculation of the third coefficient and again it was lower than the previous one.
This once more brought the theoretical value in line with the experimental one.
Van Dyck and Dehmelt published two more results in 1984 and then again in 1987 and once more brought the experimental value out of line with the theoretical one.
Van DyckとDehmeltは、1984年と1987年にさらに2つの結果を発表し、実験値を理論値と一致しないようにしました。
In 1995 Kinoshita's team published a new value for the 4th coefficient almost double their previous value at -1.557.
The following year Laport and Remiddi would publish a new value for the 3rd coefficient at +1.181.
These would once more bring the experimental results in line with the theoretical Muon's g-factor.
A muon is almost identical to an electron except that it seems to have a much greater mass.
Quantum Electrodynamics was also used to calculate the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon.
A muon is very unstable making high-resolution measurements very difficult.
CERN made the first measurements and unfortunately, the theoretical value did not match the experimental one.
In order to solve this problem they decided to add in adjustment factors.
These factors would be taken from the Standard model of particle physics.
The first coefficient would be derived from the interaction of the electron with leptons, the second from the electroweak interaction and the third from the interaction of the electron with hadrons.
These factors unsurprisingly did bring the theoretical value closer in line with the experimental.
This change unfortunately made the theoretical electron g-value worse and this created yet another discrepancy.
In 2006 Harvard improved the electron measurements even further.
In 2007 Kinoshita's team detected an error in their previous calculation of the 4th coefficient.
They had found an inconsistency in the old treatment of infrared subtraction terms in two diagrams.
When they corrected for this the new value came out as -1.914.
With these changes, the new theoretical value was once more in good agreement with the new experimental value.
In 2012 Kinoshita's team published the first fifth coefficient.
This involved calculation based on 12,672 Feynman diagrams.
They also published a slightly improved value for the 4th coefficient.
3 years later they would publish an improved value for both value.
Then in 2018 they once more detected an error in their previous calculations of the 5th coefficient.
All the while these corrections were ongoing the muon g-factor experimental results refused to come into line with the theoretical predictions.
These persist even today.
According to Feynman "We have found nothing wrong with the theory of quantum electrodynamics.
It is, therefore, the jewel of physics;
our proudest possession"
But maybe the sentiment is better portrayed by Dyson who wrote in 2006 "As one of the inventors of QED, I remember that we thought of QED in 1949 as a temporary and jerry-built structure, with mathematical inconsistencies and renormalised infinities swept under the rug.
しかし、おそらくその感情は、2006年に書いたダイソンによってよりよく描かれています 「QEDの発明者の一人として、1949年にQEDを一時的なジェリービルドの構造と考え、数学的な矛盾と再正規化された無限大が敷物の下に押し流されたことを覚えています。
We did not expect it to last more than 10 years before some more solidly built theory would replace it.
Now, 57 years have gone by and that ramshackle structure still stands."
It is important to understand that all calculations performed in QED always result in an infinite value.
Renormalisation techniques have to be used to convert this into a finite number.
These techniques are not valid mathematically.
Despite this, they are used to provide results that fit perfectly with the experimental results.
It should not come as a surprise that errors continue to appear in the calculations.
Each Feynman diagram implies the resolution of multiple factors, and each of these diverges to infinity.
So renormalisation techniques are arbitrarily used to eliminate these.
Quantum Mechanics: A Theory in Search of an Interpretation
Quantum theory consists of a mathematical formalism together with a vast amount of information concerning how to apply that formalism to electrons, atoms, radiation, field, etc.
As an instrument for predicting the results of experiments, it is enormously successful.
However, despite this, it says little if anything about the electrons, and such that produce the results.
From its inception, it has been a theory in search of an interpretation.
In order to understand where the ideas of the Quantum world came from it is important to understand the strange discoveries and see the connection between photons and matter.
In 1859 Gustav Kirchoff proved that the energy emitted from a blackbody depends only on the temperature and the frequency of the emitted energy.
1859 年、グスタフ キルヒョフは、黒体から放出されるエネルギーが放出されるエネルギーの温度と周波数のみに依存することを証明しました。
He wrote the formula as follows, where E is the energy, T is the temperature and v the
frequency of the emitted energy.
彼は式を次のように書きました、ここで、E はエネルギー、T は温度、v は放出されるエネルギーの周波数。
He then challenged physicists to find the function J.
その後、彼は物理学者に関数 J を見つけるように要求しました。
Twenty years later Josef Stefan performed a number of experiments and based on these he proposed that the total energy emitted by a hot body was proportional to the fourth power of the temperature.
Five years later and totally independently Ludwig Boltzmann would reach the same conclusion using thermodynamics and Maxwell's electromagnetic theory.
5 年後、ルートヴィヒ・ボルツマンは完全に独立して、熱力学とマクスウェルの電磁理論を使用して同じ結論に達しました。
Today we know the results of these two ideas as the Stefan-Boltzmann law.
今日、私たちはこれら 2 つのアイデアの結果を Stefan-Boltzmann の法則として知っています。
The problem is that it does not fully answer Kirchoff's challenge as it does not address specific wavelengths.
問題は、特定の波長に対応していないため、Kirchoff の課題に完全には答えていないことです。
In 1896 Wilhelm Wien proposed a solution to Kirchoff's challenge.
1896 年、ヴィルヘルム ウィーンはキルヒョフの挑戦に対する解決策を提案しました。
His experimental results would show that for small values of the wavelength it matched extremely well but for anything, in the far infrared it did not.
When Max Planck saw the experimental results he made the outrageous guess that the total energy was made up of indistinguishable energy elements, or quanta of energy.
He was not entirely happy with this guess.
Not for the first time theory had now deviated from experiment and was based on a hypothesis with no experimental basis.
In 1905 Einstein proposed a quantum theory of light based on experiments of the photoelectric effect.
1905 年にアインシュタインは、光電効果の実験に基づく光の量子論を提案しました。
The experimental results disagree with classical electromagnetism, which predicts that continuous light waves transfer energy to electrons, which would then be emitted when they accumulate enough energy.
If there was a subsequent change in the intensity of the light there should theoretically be a change in the kinetic energy of the emitted electrons.
If the light source was sufficiently dim it should cause a delay in emission.
The experiments showed that electrons are dislodged only when the light exceeds a certain frequency, regardless of the light's intensity or duration of exposure.
This demonstrated that light could not be treated as a simple wave but instead a swarm of discrete packets known as photons.
Einstein realised that the energy changes occur in a quantum material oscillator in jumps which are multiples of hv where h is Planck's reduced constant and v is the frequency.
アインシュタインは、量子物質振動子でエネルギー変化が hv の倍数であるジャンプで発生することを認識しました、ここで、h はプランクの換算定数で、v は周波数です。
In 1913, Niels Bohr proposed a new model of the atom and would explain the spectral lines of hydrogen using the idea of quantisation.
1913 年、ニールス ボーアは原子の新しいモデルを提案し、量子化のアイデアを使用して水素のスペクトル線を説明しました。
In his model, the hydrogen atom is pictured as a heavy positively charged nucleus orbited by a light, negatively charged electron.
The electrons are only able to exist at specific locations or orbits determined by their angular momentum which is restricted to be an integer multiple of the reduced Planck constant.
Emission lines would be explained by the transition of electrons between orbits.
Based on Bohr's model and Planck's quantum theory it allowed for the calculation of the electron's magnetic moment.
The problem was that these theories were not derived from first principle and there was no justification for why quantisation would occur in the first place.
In 1923 Louis de Broglie put forward a theory which would allow particles to exhibit wave characteristics and waves to exhibit particle characteristics.
1923 年にルイ・ド・ブロイは、粒子が波動特性を示し、波動が粒子特性を示すことを可能にする理論を提唱しました。
It was derived from Special Relativity and based on a single particle.
Two years later in 1925, Werner Heisenberg presented a treatment of electron behaviour based on discussing only 'observable' quantities, meaning the frequencies of light that atoms absorb and emit.
Based on this Max Born made the leap that the classical variables of position and momentum would instead be represented by matrices.
これに基づいて、Max Born は、位置と運動量の古典的な変数が代わりに行列で表されるという飛躍を遂げました。
Erwin Schrodinger presented an equation that treated the electron as a wave, and Born discovered that the way to successfully interpret the wave function that appeared in the Schrodinger equation was as a tool for calculating probabilities.
In 1927 Heisenberg formulated an early version of the uncertainty principle.
1927 年、ハイゼンベルクは不確定性原理の初期バージョンを策定しました。
He created this by analysing a thought experiment where an attempt is made to measure an electron's position and momentum simultaneously.
At this point, no definition was given about what the uncertainty actually meant in the measurement.
That same year Paul Dirac made an incredible leap in unifying quantum mechanics with special relativity by proposing the Dirac equation for the electron.
It achieved the relativistic description of the wave function of an electron that Schrodinger failed to obtain.
It also predicted electron spin and the existence of antimatter or more specifically the anti-electron or positron.
Heisenberg had been an assistant to Niels Bohr at his institute in Copenhagen, where they helped formulate the theory of quantum mechanics.
ハイゼンベルクは、コペンハーゲンにある彼の研究所でニールス ボーアの助手を務め、そこで量子力学の理論の定式化を支援しました。
At the 1927 Solvay Conference, a dual talk by Max Born and Heisenberg declared "We consider quantum mechanics to a closed theory, whose fundamental physical and mathematical assumptions are no longer susceptible of any modification!"
1927 年のソルベイ会議で、マックス ボルンとハイゼンベルグの二重の講演で、「量子力学を閉じた理論と見なし、その基本的な物理的および数学的仮定は、もはや変更の影響を受けない!」と宣言しました。
In 1929, Heisenberg gave a series of invited lectures at the University of Chicago explaining the new field of quantum mechanics.
1929 年、ハイゼンベルクはシカゴ大学で一連の招待講演を行い、量子力学の新しい分野について説明しました。
These served as the basis for his book 'The Physical Principles of Quantum Theory'.
This would be published the following year in 1930.
In the preface Heisenberg wrote the following:
"On the whole, the book contains nothing that is not to be found in previous publications, particularly in the investigations of Bohr.
The purpose of the book seems to me to be fulfilled if it contributes somewhat to the diffusion of that 'Kopenhagener Geist der Quantentheorie' if I may so express myself,
which has directed the entire development of modern atomic physics."
The irony is that this implies something more than just a spirit and the fact is that the writings of Bohr and Heisenberg contradict each other on several important issues.
Bohr and Heisenberg never totally agreed on how to understand the mathematical formalism of quantum mechanics, and Bohr distanced himself from what he considered Heisenberg's more subjective interpretation.
Bohr offered an interpretation that is independent of a subjective observer, or measurement, or collapse.
Instead, an irreversible process caused the decay of quantum coherence which imparts the classical behaviour of observation or measurement.
Bohr also disagreed on wave-particle duality.
He felt that the type of experiment and its setup would determine whether the result was a particle view or a wave view.
Heisenberg thought that every mathematical formation was capable of both wave and particle interpretations.
There is no uniquely definitive statement of the Copenhagen interpretation.
The term encompasses the views developed by a number of scientists and philosophers during the second quarter of the 20th century.
この用語は、20 世紀の第 2 四半期に多くの科学者や哲学者によって展開された見解を網羅しています。
It contains a set of rules of thumb for relating the elements of theory to what can be observed in the laboratory.
Some of the high-level principles can be described as follows:
Quantum mechanics is intrinsically indeterministic.
The correspondence principle.
This states that the behaviour of systems reproduces classical physics in the limit of large quantum numbers.
So for large orbits and for large energies, quantum calculations must agree with classical calculations.
The Born rule.
In its simplest form, it states that the probability density of finding a system in a given state, when measured, is proportional to the square of the amplitude of the system's wave function at that state.
The wave function is not directly observable; however, it gives the probability that, when a measurement is made, you will find the system in a particular state.
These systems can be elementary particles such as electrons, protons, atoms or even larger molecules.
Upon measurement, the wave function and its probabilities collapse to the measured value.
最も単純な形式では、特定の状態でシステムを検出する確率密度は、測定すると、その状態でのシステムの波動関数の振幅の 2 乗に比例すると述べています。
波動関数は直接観測できません。 ただし、測定が行われると、システムが特定の状態にあることがわかる可能性があります。
The collapse of the wave function.
In the act of measurement, the wave function of a system can change suddenly and discontinuously.
Prior to the measurement, the wave function includes the probabilities for the different potential outcomes of that measurement.
Once the measurement is made, no traces of the other remain.
There is no reality aside from the calculation of probabilities.
There is no underlying deterministic later; there is no hidden machinery that registers what will be measured before the measurement is taken.
These probabilities do not reflect our lack of knowledge, as in classical statistical physics, because there is nothing to have knowledge about.
There is only probability.
What the Copenhagen interpretation says is vague, obscure, and maybe even inconsistent.
Nevertheless, it became the orthodox interpretation and has been taught to generations of physicists as the only correct way to think about quantum theory.
It is vague in that it does not tell us exactly which interactions are measurements.
And yet its laws specify that non-measurements evolve through Schrodinger's laws and measurements a different way through the collapse.
The exact boundary between the quantum mechanical world and the classical is also left unspecified.
It is obscure in the way that it asserts that a particle can possess a determinate velocity but no determinate position, or vice versa.
The relationship between measurement and determinate reality is especially obscure.
Why does a measurement initiate a collapse, making it determinate?
A measurement of a part of a system at one location can instantaneously change the physical situation of far-distant parts of that system.
It is inconsistent in that on the one hand it makes assertions about the nature of quantum-mechanical reality while, on the other hand, it denies that anything can be known about that reality.
One of the statements made in the Copenhagen interpretation is that an object does not have a definite value before being measured.
コペンハーゲン解釈でなされた声明の 1 つは、オブジェクトは測定される前に明確な値を持たないということです。
Elsewhere it mentions that states are probabilistic and therefore it is only possible to talk about probabilities before measurement.
This is very different from saying it has NO definitive value.
Let's just consider an unstable atom.
If we never observe its decay, does that mean it does not have a decay status?
It also says nothing about what counts as a measurement.
Does it have to be conscious?
A common assumption is that the measurement device must be outside the system.
At first, this makes perfect sense.
If we consider 1 particle, then we would expect to find a wave function of that one particle.
1 つの粒子を考えると、その 1 つの粒子の波動関数が見つかることが期待されます。
The wavefunction function essentially maps the energies, momenta and locations of the particle into another dimension, the axis of the wave function.
As we increase the particles in the system this wavefunction would hold the information of these multiple particles within it.
This essentially contains all possible configurations of a system.
In theory, it would be possible to create a wave function that contained every single particle in the universe.
In this case, if we wanted to measure it we would have to be outside the system, but in this case, that is the universe.
So in order for the wavefunction of the universe to collapse someone outside the universe would have to measure the universe.
How would you then measure the measurer in that case?
You would once more need someone outside that system.
This leads to an infinite regression.
Saying that what happens before we measure is not relevant as we are not measuring that is self-defeating.
Quantum mechanics talks about probabilities before measurement so we cannot simply ignore this.
The problems go deeper than this - down to a metaphysical level.
The idea that observation would create a different kind of reality than the one that existed before was something that Einstein found wholly unacceptable.
Reality somehow existed in a different way while under observation than it did in itself.
Is there an escape from the quantum realm?
Are there alternative theories of Quantum Mechanics that approach the problem in a different way and yet still provide the same results?
In the next part, this is exactly what we will examine.
3 Different Interpretations of Quantum Mechanics量子力学の3つの異なる解釈
The Copenhagen interpretation of Quantum Mechanics embraces the idea that there are no deterministic hidden variables that give rise to the probabilities of the quantum world.
This means that it is not generally possible to predict the outcome of any measurement with certainty and that there is no deeper reality hidden beneath quantum mechanics which could predict the outcome of each measurement with certainty.
But there are other theories that embrace determinism and that seek out these hidden variables.
In 1932 Hungarian-born polymath John von Neumann presented what he claimed to be proof that there could be no 'hidden parameters'.
The validity of his proof was questioned by Hans Reichenbach.
Albert Einstein argued persistently that quantum mechanics could not be a complete theory.
His preferred argument relied on the principle of locality.
He together with Boris Podolsky and Nathan Rosen proposed a thought experiment which is now referred to as the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Paradox.
The thought experiment involved a pair of particles in an entangled state.
If the position of the first particle were measured, the result of measuring the position of the second particle could be predicted.
1 番目の粒子の位置を測定できれば、2 番目の粒子の位置を測定した結果を予測できます。
If instead the momentum of the first particle was measured, then the results of the second particle's momentum could be predicted.
代わりに、最初の粒子の運動量が測定された場合、2 番目の粒子の運動量の結果を予測できます。
They argued that no action taken on the first particle could instantaneously affect the other, since this would involve information being transmitted faster than light, which is not allowed by the theory of relativity.
They argued that if without any way of distributing a system, we can predict with certainty the value of a psychical quantity, then there exists an element of reality corresponding to that quantity.
From this, they inferred that the second particle must have a definitive value of both position and momentum prior to either being measured.
このことから、彼らは、測定される前に、2 番目の粒子が位置と運動量の両方の決定的な値を持っている必要があると推測しました。
This contradicts quantum mechanics where two observables are not possible.
これは、2 つの可観測量が存在しないという量子力学と矛盾します。
They postulated that these elements of reality are local in the sense that each belongs to a certain point in spacetime.
Bohr's response to this was that he felt their reasoning was wrong due to the fact that the measurement of position and momentum are complementary, making the choice to measure one excludes the possibility of measuring the other.
For Einstein, the most important problem he saw was that of non-locality.
The choice of measurement done on particle A would lead to two different quantum states for particle B.
粒子 A で行われる測定の選択は、粒子 B の 2 つの異なる量子状態につながります。
He argued that, because of locality, the real state of particle B could not depend on which kind of measurement was done on A and that the quantum states therefore cannot be related with real states.
彼は、局所性のために、粒子 B の実際の状態は、A に対して行われた測定の種類に依存することができず、したがって、量子状態は実際の状態と関連付けることができないと主張しました。
In 1951 David Bohm proposed a variation on the Einstein-Podolsky-Rose thought experiment.
If we take a source that emits electron-positron pairs, where the electrons go to point A and positrons to point B.
電子と陽電子のペアを放出するソースを取り上げると、電子はポイント A に移動し、陽電子はポイント B に移動します。
At point A Alice will be our observer and at point B Bob.
ポイント A ではアリスがオブザーバーになり、ポイント B ではボブになります。
If we assume the pairs are entangled.
This can be viewed as a quantum superposition of two states.
これは、2 つの状態の量子重ね合わせと見なすことができます。
In the first, the electron has its spin pointing upwards and the positron pointing downwards, in the second the electron point down and the positron point up.
As the particles are in a superposition of states, it is not possible without measurement to know which state of spin either particle has.
Let's assume that Alice now measures the spin.
It can be either up or down.
If she measures an up spin this means the system collapsed into the first state.
If Bob were now to measure his spin we would be 100% confident that he would have a down spin.
ボブが自分のスピンを測定するとしたら、彼の観測がダウンスピンを見ることは 100% 確信できます。
Now it is equally possible that the spin is not up and down but instead along the X or Y axis.
スピンが上下ではなく、X 軸または Y 軸に沿っている可能性もあります。
Again here if Alice measures a +X spin Bob would subsequently measure a -X spin.
ここでも、アリスが +X スピンを測定すると、ボブは続いて -X スピンを測定します。
Whatever axis their spins are measured along, they are always found to be opposite.
In quantum mechanics, the x-spin and z-spin are 'incompatible observables'.
量子力学では、x スピンと z スピンは「互換性のない観測量」です。
This means that Heisenberg's uncertainty principle applies.
So if Alice measures z-spin and gets an +z measurement and that now Bob defies his order and instead measures the x-spin.
したがって、アリスが z スピンを測定して +z 測定値を取得すると、今度はボブが彼の命令に逆らい、代わりに x スピンを測定します。
In this case, Bob has a 50% chance of measuring a +x value.
この場合、ボブが +x 値を測定する確率は 50% です。
Bob's positron will have a definitive spin when measured along the same axis as Alice's electron, but when measured on a different axis its spin will be uniformly random.
This would seem to imply that information had propagated almost instantaneously from Alice's position to make Bob's positron assume a definitive spin.
In 1964 the Northern Irish physicist John Stewart Bell proved a seminal theorem that
many physicists today misinterpret as rendering hidden variables impossible.
He set out to investigate whether it was possible to solve the non-locality problem with hidden variables.
He showed that it was possible for both paradoxes to be explained with hidden variables.
He showed that when Bob and Alice make measurements on that same axis or on perpendicular axes, hidden variables could account for this but when any angle was allowed, local hidden-variable theories became unable to reproduce the quantum mechanical correlations.
This is what is known as Bell's inequalities.
Bell then showed that quantum physics predicts correlations that violate this inequality.
The only way hidden variables could explain the predictions would be if they were non-local.
This would mean two particles were able to interact instantaneously no matter how far apart the two particles are separated.
これは、2 つの粒子がどれほど離れていても、2つの粒子が瞬時に相互作用できることを意味します。
Is there only one way of looking at Bell's Theorem?
In the Copenhagen interpretation, the violation of Bell's inequalities is taken as grounds to reject the assumption often called counterfactual definiteness.
This means that it is not possible to speak meaningfully of the definiteness of the results that have not been performed or in other words unperformed experiments have no results.
There are other theories that take a very different approach.
The Many-world interpretation.
This is also known as the Everett interpretation.
Hugh Everett was an American physicist who first proposed the many-worlds interpretation of quantum physics.
Unlike the Copenhagen interpretation the wave function never collapses and it holds that all possibilities of a quantum superposition are objectively real.
It can generate correlations that violate a Bell inequality because it violates an implicit assumption by Bell that measurements have a single outcome.
ベルの不等式に違反する相関関係が生成される可能性があります、これは、測定結果が 1 つだけであるというベルによる暗黙の仮定に違反するためです。
In Everett's view, it was our concept of reality that was at fault.
We only think that there is a single outcome from a measurement when in fact all of them occur.
実際にはすべての結果が発生している場合、測定からの結果は 1 つだけであると考えます。
We are only able to see one of those realities.
The others have a separate physical existence.
So the entire universe can be thought of as a giant wave function within which are all the possible realities for the Universe.
It begins as a superposition of all possible states of all its particles.
As it then evolves, some of these superpositions break down, making certain realities distinct and isolated from one another.
So the act of measuring does not really create new realities just separates it from the rest.
This theory should not be confused with the multiverse hypothesis which envisions other universes, born independently, that have always been physically disconnected from our own.
The problem with this concept is that once you initiate a collapse it spawns a different reality where the opposite happened.
You avoid the complication of wave function collapse, but at the expense of making another universe.
In the 1970's and 80's this theory was given new life when a concept called decoherence was developed.
1970 年代と 80 年代に、デコヒーレンスと呼ばれる概念が開発されたとき、この理論に新しい命が吹き込まれました。
This would provide a clear rationale for why a quantum world would split.
Using this concept, the splitting of a world is not an abrupt event.
It evolves through the decoherence and is only complete when decoherence has removed all possibility of interference between worlds.
The main scientific attraction of this concept is that it requires no changes or additions to the standard mathematical representation of quantum mechanics.
There is no mysterious collapse of the wavefunction and it predicts experimental outcomes that are fully consistent with what we observe.
On big question is that of the interpretation of the probabilities.
If all outcomes occur with 100% probability, where does that leave the probabilistic character of quantum mechanics?
すべての結果が 100% の確率で発生する場合、量子力学の確率論的性質はどこに残るのでしょうか?
Attempts to explain this come down to the idea that the quantum probabilities we see are because our consciousness is restricted to only one world.
This then raises the question of how your consciousness or selfhood works in a universe that is constantly splitting you across new universes.
So the Many-Worlds Interpretations avoid the collapse of the quantum wave.
There is currently no experimental evidence that shows that a collapse actually occurs leaving the door open for this interpretation.
Although the MWI removes the most bothersome aspect of nonlocality, action at a distance, the other aspect of quantum nonlocality, the non-separability of remote objects manifested in entanglement, is still there.
MWI は、非局所性の最も厄介な側面である距離でのアクションを取り除きますが、量子非局所性のもう 1 つの側面である、もつれによって明らかになるリモート オブジェクトの非分離性は依然として存在します。
A world is a non-local concept and this explains why we observe nonlocal correlations in a particular world.
It also removes most of the quantum mechanics paradoxes, such as Schrodinger's cat.
Strong proponents of the MWI can be found among some cosmologists (like Tipler, Aguirre and Tegmark).
MWI の強力な支持者は、一部の宇宙学者 (Tipler、Aguirre、Tegmark など) の中に見られます。
Using it as a framework for quantum cosmology allows you to discuss the whole universe and avoids the difficulty in the standard interpretation of requiring an external observer.
Consideration of the framework of string theory also naturally leads to the many world interpretation.
Stochastic mechanics In 1966 Edward Nelson wrote a paper and opened it with the following statement:
"We shall attempt to show in this paper that the radical departure from classical physics
produced by the introduction of quantum mechanics forty years ago was unnecessary"
確率力学 1966 年に Edward Nelson は論文を書き、次のステートメントでそれを開きました:
At first glance, this might seem like a very bold statement but the results of the paper are impressive.
He derives the Schrodinger equation, by assuming that particles are subject to a rapidly fluctuating random force.
Microscopic particles such as electrons are therefore described as executing something similar to Brownian motion.
The field has steadily grown since his first paper attracting a large community of researchers.
Its successes include an explanation for quantized angular momentum, quantum statistics, and the famous double-slit experiment.
There are however some problems, for certain types of measurements it gives incorrect predictions and it still has an instantaneous action at a distance.
Pilot Wave Theory.
This theory stems back to the very beginning.
In 1927 de Broglie published a paper outlining his own theory called the pilot wave model.
1927 年にド・ブロイは、パイロット波モデルと呼ばれる彼自身の理論を概説する論文を発表しました。
In this model matter waves were seen as real physical objects that guided the motion of particles.
This predated the Copenhagen interpretation but few took notice of it until in the 1950s when David Bohm rediscovered it and developed it further.
これはコペンハーゲン解釈よりも前から存在していましたが、1950 年代にデビッド・ボームがそれを再発見してさらに発展させるまで、ほとんど注目されませんでした。
Bohm's modification still kept Schrodinger's equation to govern the wave function but added a guiding equation that directly influences the particle's motion.
Bohm の修正では、波動関数を支配する Schrodinger の方程式が維持されましたが、粒子の運動に直接影響を与えるガイド方程式が追加されました。
This concept is capable of reproducing the behaviour of the quantum world but at the same time is able to retain realism.
Rather than probability being an intrinsic part of nature as in the Copenhagen interpretation, here it is put back in its traditional place as a description of our incomplete knowledge.
David Bohm has been able to produce a hidden-variable theory which up and until recently has been ignored by physicists and philosophers.
This is what Bell wrote when he read Bohm's paper:
"But in 1952 I saw the impossible done.
It was in papers by David Bohm.
Bohm showed explicitly how parameters could indeed be introduced into non-relativistic wave mechanics with the help of which the indeterministic description could be transformed into a deterministic one.
More importantly, in my opinion, the subjectivity of the orthodox version, the necessity of reference to the 'observer', could be eliminated.
Moreover, the essential idea was one that had already been advanced by de Broglie in 1927 in his 'pilot wave' picture.
But why then had Born NOT told me of this 'pilot wave'?
If only to point out what was wrong with it? ... Should it not be taught ... to show that vagueness, subjectivity, and indeterminism, are not forced on us by experimental facts, but by deliberate theoretical choice"
さらに、本質的なアイデアは、ド・ブロイが 1927 年に「パイロット ウェーブ」の絵ですでに進めていたものでした。
しかし、なぜボーンはこの「パイロット ウェーブ」について私に話さなかったのでしょうか?
何が問題だったかを指摘するだけなら? …曖昧さ、主観性、および不確定性が実験的事実によって強制されるのではなく、意図的な理論的選択によって私たちに強制されることを示すことを教えるべきではありません。」
While he didn't endorse Bohm's theory as the last word on interpreting quantum mechanics, he clearly thought it superior to the Copenhagen alternative and stated the following:
"conventional formulations of quantum theory, and of quantum field theory in particular, are unprofessionally vague and ambiguous.
Professional theoretical physicists ought to be able to do better.
Bohm has shown us a way."
Bohmian Quantum Mechanics makes the same predictions for usual quantum mechanical experiments but it is the way it accounts for the underlying mechanisms which is strikingly different.
Electrons and other elementary particles always possess definite positions and have determinate trajectories.
The evolution of the quantum state is governed by the Schrodinger equation and the evolution of particle positions by a guidance equation.
Both of which are deterministic.
Quantum mechanical probabilities enter the theory by way of a postulate to the effect that particle positions are distributed in conformity with the usual quantum mechanical probabilities.
These probabilities represent the ignorance of the precise values of the quantum state and the particle positions.
The variables that determine this exist on a lower level and in a sense are hidden.
This level is defined by a guiding wave.
This wave essentially pushes the particles around, in a way that makes it impossible to measure certain attributes accurately, hence the uncertainty principle.
And by comparison to the Copenhagen interpretation, these parameters are defined before measurement.
From an experimental point of view, Bohm's theory is indistinguishable from the Copenhagen interpretation.
When Bohm was formulating the mathematics for his theory, he discovered that the pilot wave, when changed even slightly in one place, could push a particle instantly in a distant location.
ボームが理論の数学を定式化していたとき、彼は、パイロット波が 1 か所でわずかに変化しただけでも、離れた場所で粒子を瞬時に押し出すことができることを発見しました。
The beauty of Bohm's theory is that it claims that the variables have real, defined values all the time.
No wave collapse is required as all particles possess determinate positions even when the quantum state fails to assign them determinate positions.
The main problems with this theory are that it introduces a new conceptual element the pilot wave which is unobservable.
It also keeps the electron as a point particle.
More recently experiments conducted showed that vibrating a silicon oil bath up and down at a particular frequency can induce a droplet to bounce along the surface.
They discovered that the droplet's path was guided by the slanted contours of the liquids surface generated from the droplet's own bounces.
A mutual wave-particle interaction which is analogous to de Broglie's and Bohm's pilot wave concept.
They then extended this experiment to examine what would happen with a single and double slit.
When the droplet bounced towards a pair of opening it would pass through only one slit but the pilot wave passed through both.
The experiment clearly showed that the pilot wave steered the droplets to certain places and never to locations in between.
It also showed that a disturbance of the pilot wave would destroy the interference pattern.
They also demonstrated that droplets could tunnel through barriers, orbit each other in stable 'bound states' and exhibit properties which are analogous to quantum spin and electromagnetic attraction.
They can annihilate with subsurface bubbles showing a similar concept to matter anti-matter annihilation.
When they introduce an external force like a magnet and used a magnetic ferrofluid droplet they were able to observe the droplets adopt a discrete set of stable orbits around the magnet, each characterised by a set of energy levels and angular moment, clearly showing a quantisation effect normally associated with the quantum realm like electron orbits.
Every bounce of the droplet causes ripples, these chaotically but deterministically influence the droplet's future bounces, guiding it.
Many fluid dynamicists who are familiar with the new research are starting to see that there is a classical, fluid explanation of quantum mechanics.
Quantum physicists tend to consider the findings less significant.
Could these experiments hold the key to understanding and uniting the world of the small with the world of the large?