Detecting Double Layers二重層の検出
Detecting Double Layers二重層の検出
Oct 26, 2010
Something in this galaxy started sending out powerful radio waves a year ago and has been holding steady ever since.
この銀河の何かが 1 年前に強力な電波を発信し始め、それ以来ずっと安定しています。
Energy emissions in radio wavelengths are shining from a source in galaxy M82, otherwise known as the Cigar Galaxy.
電波波長のエネルギー放出は、葉巻銀河としても知られる銀河 M82 の源から輝いています。
The fact that nothing like it has ever been seen before has created something of a stir among astrophysicists, according to a recent press release.
Tom Muxlow of Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics believes that the radio source could be a large black hole pulling matter into an accretion disk, where it is being accelerated to high velocities.
ジョドレル銀行天体物理学センターの トム・マクスロウは、電波源は、物質が高速に加速されている降着円盤に物質を引き込む大きなブラック ホールである可能性があると考えています。
Perhaps the strangest aspect to the phenomenon is that it appears to be moving across the sky at four times the speed of light.
おそらく、この現象の最も奇妙な側面は、光速の 4 倍の速度で空を横切って移動しているように見えることです。
Astronomers do not think that the apparent motion really exceeds light speed, but that it is moving almost as fast as light at a particular angle creating an optical illusion.
Some "matter jets" shooting out of active galactic nuclei also seem to travel faster than light, so Muxlow thinks that effect could be happening in M82.
活動銀河核から噴出する「マター(物質)・ジェット」の一部も、光よりも速く移動しているように見えるため、マクスローはその効果が M82 で起こっている可能性があると考えています。
An electric current in plasma generates a magnetic field that will constrict the current flow.
As has been pointed out in previous Picture of the Day articles, the constricted channel is known as a Bennett pinch, or z-pinch.
以前の今日の写真の記事で指摘したように、収縮したチャネルはベネット ピンチまたは z ピンチとして知られています。
The "pinched" filaments of electric current remain coherent over large distances, spiraling around each other, forming helical structures that can transmit power through space.
Plasma physicists identify those threads of electricity in almost every body in the Universe.
The cometary "tail" of Venus is "stringy" as NASA scientists describe it.
NASA の科学者が説明するように、金星の彗星の「尾」は「糸のような」ものです。
The glow of planetary nebulae resolve into strings and intricate webs.
Herbig-Haro stars and some galaxies often reveal braided filaments.
These filaments are Birkeland currents, and they are only the visible portions of enormous electric circuits.
The remainder of the galactic circuit generates magnetic fields that can be mapped, as in the case of M82.
銀河回路の残りの部分は、M82 の場合のように、マッピング可能な磁場を生成します。
High-density currents flow out along the galactic spin axis and form double layers that can sometimes be seen as radio and X-ray lobes around active galaxies.
高密度電流は銀河のスピン軸に沿って流れ出し、活動銀河の周りに電波や X 線ローブとして時々見られる二重層を形成します。
The currents then spread out around the circumference, returning to the core along the spiral arms.
Every element in a galactic circuit radiates energy, indicating that they are powered through coupling with larger circuits.
Galaxies appear to occur in strings, so the extent of the larger circuits can be inferred.
Plasma's behavior is driven by conditions in those circuits.
Fluctuations can form double layers with large potential voltages between them.
The electric forces in double layers can be much stronger than gravitational and mechanical forces.
Double layers separate plasma into cells and filaments that can have different temperatures or densities.
Double layers emit radio waves over a broad band of frequencies.
They can sort galactic material into regions of like composition and condense it.
They can accelerate charged particles to cosmic ray energies.
Double layers can explode, releasing more energy than is locally present.
This effect can be seen in stellar flares or so-called "nova" outbursts.
This vision of the cosmos sees various components coupled to and driven by circuits at ever larger scales.
Electrons and other charged particles accelerating through intense electric fields radiate "shouts" of energy in many bandwidths.
Changing conditions within the Birkeland current generators of some galaxies means that the radiation patterns will change over time.
M82 is probably demonstrating those changing conditions.
M82 は、おそらくこれらの変化する状況を示しています。
Stephen Smith