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ザ・サンダーボルツ勝手連 MRO's Fifth Year  MROの 5 年目

HiRise カメラからの火星の画像。



Mar 11, 2011
Cameras orbiting Mars continue to provide spectacular imagery that helps confirm Electric Universe theories.

On August 12, 2005 NASA launched the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) on a two year mission to map the surface of the Red Planet. 
2005 年 8 月 12 日、NASA は火星偵察探査機 (MRO) を打ち上げ、火星表面の地図を作成する 2 年間のミッションを実施しました。

After several months of flight, polar orbit insertion occurred on March 10, 2006. 
数か月の飛行の後、2006 年 3 月 10 日に極軌道への投入が行われました。

However, more months of aerobraking
—dipping in and out of the Martian atmosphere in order to reduce speed—
were required, as well as thruster burns needed to circularize its orbit. 

Final orbital parameters were achieved in September 2006.
最終的な軌道パラメータは 2006 年 9 月に達成されました。

Its other primary science goal was and continues to be a search for water in the barren wastelands of Mars, as well as to identify landing sites for future robotic explorers. 
そのもう 1 つの主要な科学目標は、火星の不毛の荒野で水を探索することであり、将来のロボット探査機の着陸地点を特定することであり、現在も継続しています。

After completion of its original mission, MRO was funded twice more, with another two years to go.
当初の使命を完了した後、MRO にはさらに 2 倍の資金が提供され、残り 2 年が残されました。

Several scientific instruments are onboard the spacecraft. 

Among them are a spectrometer, radar, and a gravity field detector, as well as several cameras assigned to various tasks. 

In particular, the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment camera (HiRise), a 0.5 meter telescope, able to resolve objects as small as 30 centimeters from 300 kilometers up, has provided Electric Universe advocates uncountable examples of past, intense electrical activity on Mars.
特に、高解像度画像科学実験カメラ (HiRise) は、上空 300 キロメートルから 30 センチメートルほどの物体を分解できる 0.5 メートルの望遠鏡であり、エレクトリック・ユニバースが提唱する火星の過去の激しい電気的活動の無数の例を提供してきました。

The equatorial diameter of Mars is approximately 6793 kilometers, about half that of Earth. 

Its average temperature is - 63 Celsius, compared to Earth at 13 Celsius. 
平均気温は摂氏マイナス 63 度ですが、地球の平均気温は摂氏 13 度です。

The atmospheric density on Mars is equivalent to standing on top of a mountain six times taller than Mount Everest, or 1/800 that of Earth at sea level.
火星の大気密度は、エベレストの 6 倍高い山の頂上に立つのに相当し、海面での地球の 1/800 に相当します。

Scientists speculate that four billion years ago, Mars lost most of its atmosphere. 

How is not known, but several theories have been put forward. 

An asteroid impact might have exploded with such force that it blew the atmosphere away. 

A torrent of charged particles blazing out from the Sun could have eaten away the atmosphere over millions of years, leaving Mars as it is today.

Martian areography tells a story of incredibly violent events. 

It appears from the many images sent to Earth by MRO's HiRise camera that it once experienced powerful plasma discharges on a massive scale. 
MRO の HiRise カメラによって地球に送信された多くの画像から、地球はかつて大規模な強力なプラズマ放電を経験したことがわかります。

As terrain mapping instruments indicate, the northern latitudes of Mars are six kilometers below the mean elevation of the planet.
地形図作成機器が示すように、火星の北緯は火星の平均高度より 6 キロメートル低くなります。

Burned and blasted craters, piles of scorched dust covering almost an entire hemisphere, and great trenches that wend across its scarred face lead to the conclusion that lightning thousands or millions of times more energetic than we know today devastated Mars. 

The existence of these formations constitutes a confirmation of the Electric Universe hypothesis.

On Mars, deep channels, ripples and other structures are thought to be the remains of water flowing on the surface, eroding it in the same way as water is believed to erode our planet. 

It has been proposed that there were oceans of water millions of years ago, so chemicals that form on Earth in the presence of water are presumed to have formed on Mars in the same fashion. 

Despite the contradictory evidence of mineral deposits that would be destroyed by water, such as olivine, the flowing water hypothesis continues to guide consensus theories.

It has been suggested many times in these pages that electric arcs could have sculpted what we see on Mars. 

Valles Marineris, Olympus Mons, the vast 900 kilometer crater in Argyre Planitia, the terraced mounds in Arabia Terra, as well as both Martian poles demonstrate strong support for the electric discharge theory.

NASA scientists often refer to what they find on Mars as "mysterious" or "puzzling" with long years of research and contemplation ahead of them. 
NASA の科学者は、火星で発見したものを「神秘的」または「不可解」とよく言いますが、その前に長年の研究と熟考が必要です。

We predict that the reason for the confusion is the problem of reverse application. 

Earth should not be used to explain the Solar System. 

The geological patterns found elsewhere deserve alternative viewpoints.

Stephen Smith