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ザ・サンダーボルツ勝手連 The Dust of Creeds Outworn 打ちのめされた信条の塵

いわゆる超新星残骸 G54.1+0.3 を X 線(青)、短波長赤外線(緑)で、

Mar 15, 2011
Collapsed stars, exploding stars, windy stars, and dusty stars call for the missing element: electricity. 

A recent press release from the Chandra X-ray Observatory describes the image at the top of the page as, "...made up of gas and dust that condensed out of debris from the supernova." 
チャンドラ X 線天文台からの最近のプレスリリースでは、ページ上部の画像について「...超新星からの破片が凝縮したガスと塵で構成されている」と説明されています。

The glowing clouds are "...energized and heated by a shock wave from the supernova."

Material blown away by the supernova explosion is said to be streaming at enormous speed past the other stars that were close by when the giant stellar mass collapsed and then rebounded, throwing its outer layers into space. 

Does that explanation correspond to observations? 

How is it that explosions inside clouds of hot gas create X-rays?
高温ガスの雲の中での爆発ではどのようにして X 線が発生するのでしょうか?

As has been pointed out many times in previous Picture of the Day articles, stars are not simplistic globes of hot gas under pressure, they are composed of plasma. 

Plasma is ionized and is therefore an electrically charged substance

Since it is ionized, it does not behave like a pressurized gas, so shock waves and gravitational instabilities are insufficient when it comes to explaining the birth and death of stars.

In the laboratory, plasma forms cells separated by thin walls of opposite charge called double layers. 

Could charge separation also take place in the short circuit discharges known as supernova remnants? 

That question might require centuries to answer, since the only way to detect a double layer in space is by flying a probe through one. 

However, everywhere in our own Solar System cellular structures separated by double layers abound: 
the Sun's heliosphere, comet tails, and magnetospheres are all examples of charge separation in plasma.

As Electric Universe theory states, a supernova is an exploding star, but not in the conventional sense. 

Rather, it constitutes the explosion of a double layer in plasma. 

Star power comes from external electric currents flowing through vast circuits in space, so the radiation and “wind” from stars are due to arc discharges that vary in strength. 

It is those electric arcs that make up the stellar corona, chromosphere and photosphere of our Sun, for instance.

Supernovae are the result of a star effectively “throwing a switch” in the galactic circuit. 

The result is the same as an unintended circuit break in an earthly power grid where the stored electromagnetic energy in the entire circuit is suddenly focused at one point.

In an exploding double layer, the energy of an entire circuit might flow into the explosion, increasing its expansion far from the surface of the star. 

Radiation from the double layer is pushed into ultraviolet or X-ray wavelengths, emitting bursts of high-energy light. 
二重層からの放射線は紫外線または X 線の波長に押し込まれ、高エネルギー光のバーストを放出します。

Shock waves and heat (infrared) are not the principle evidence for such an occurrence, they are the secondary manifestations of a primarily electrical event.
衝撃波と熱 (赤外線) はそのような現象の主な証拠ではなく、主に電気的な現象の二次的な症状です。

The roughly concentric and radial filaments of G54.1+0.3 suggest that the telescope is looking down into the cylindrical formation of an interstellar Birkeland filament that is pinching into an hourglass shape and powering the excessively bright central star.
G54.1+0.3 のほぼ同心円状で放射状のフィラメントは、望遠鏡が星間ビルケランド フィラメントの円筒形の形成を覗き込んでいることを示唆しています、バークランド・フィラメントは砂時計の形につまんで、過度に明るい中心恒星に電力を供給しています。

The Chandra team's analysis of the temperature is also most likely questionable. 

Thermal energy is created when atoms collide with each other. 

The various infrared wavelengths emitted from those atomic collisions correlate to their temperature. 

However, most radiant energy in space is synchrotron radiation produced by electrons as they travel through a magnetic field.

If electrons are moving they are called an electric current. 

An electric current in a magnetic field is defined as “field-aligned" and is known as a Birkeland current. 

Birkeland currents release synchrotron radiation, and synchrotron radiation provides no indication of temperature.

It is electric currents in plasma that make up what we observe. 

Rather than an expanding shock front of gases, the features shown in the Chandra image are lit by electricity passing through the dusty plasma. 

The X-ray radiation is typical of that given off by highly excited stars, indicating extremely strong electrical stress.

Stephen Smith