ザ・サンダーボルツ勝手連 Cosmic Accelerator コズミック・アクセラレーター
Mar 07, 2011
New observations suggest that cosmic rays are not produced by supernova explosions.
Cosmic rays are ionized particles, or fragmented atoms.
Electrons are stripped from atoms, leaving them free to move, with positively charged nuclei remaining.
The majority of cosmic rays are single protons (hydrogen ions), but uranium and other massive ions have also been detected.
As standard theory states, ions are accelerated to velocities approaching the speed of light by unknown forces, although published research in 2009 identified exploding stars as the best candidate.
標準理論が述べているように、イオンは未知の力によって光速に近い速度まで加速されますが、2009 年に発表された研究では、爆発する恒星が最良の候補であると特定されました。
Most cosmic rays are at energy levels below one billion electron volts, so when they hit atoms in Earth's atmosphere they initiate small secondary showers of particles and are absorbed before they reach the ground.
ほとんどの宇宙線は 10 億電子ボルト未満のエネルギー レベルにあるため、地球の大気中の原子に衝突すると、小さな二次粒子シャワーが発生し、地上に到達する前に吸収されます。
In June 2006, the Payload for Antimatter Matter Exploration and Light-nuclei Astrophysics (PAMELA) payload was launched onboard a Resurs-DK1 Russian satellite as part of the Russian-Italian Mission (RIM) research program.
2006 年 6 月、反物質探査および軽核天体物理学用ペイロード (PAMELA) ペイロードが、ロシア・イタリア・ミッション (RIM) 研究プログラムの一環として、ロシアの衛星 Resurs-DK1 に搭載されて打ち上げられました。
PAMELA's primary goal, in conjunction with the Astrorivelatore Gamma ad Immagini ultra LEggero (AGILE) and Fermi Gamma Ray Space Telescopes (formerly GLAST) is to study the properties of high energy signals from deep space.
PAMELA の主な目標は、アストロリヴェラトーレ・ガンマ・アド・イマジニ・ウルトラ・レジェーロ(AGILE) およびフェルミ・ガンマ線宇宙望遠鏡 (旧 GLAST) と連携して、深宇宙からの高エネルギー信号の特性を研究することです。
According to a recent press release, PAMELA has discovered radiant emissions that seem to contradict the conventional explanation for cosmic rays in deep space.
New observations by its cosmic ray detector prompted astronomer Piergiorgio Picozza of Italy's National Institute of Nuclear Physics and the University of Rome to state:
"Now we don’t know how cosmic rays are accelerated in space.
Before our data, it seems that the paradigm is supernova remnants.
Now we have to think of some refinement of this paradigm, or we need to find some other possibility."
Although exploding stars (supernovae) are misapprehended to be kinetic events involving shock waves and rebound phenomena, interpreting them as the points where cosmic Birkeland currents create "z-pinch" vortices brings everything into focus.
Magnetic fields have been detected in space.
Those fields are thought to be generated by electric currents flowing through and around galaxies along light-years long "transmission lines" called Birkeland current filaments.
Magnetic forces constrict the filaments, twisting them around each other and forming z-pinch compression zones.
磁力によってフィラメントが収縮し、フィラメントが互いにねじれ、Z ピンチ圧縮ゾーンが形成されます。
What are called "double layers" by plasma physicists form in the stellar circuit.
Nobel prize winner Hannes Alfvén described a double layer as,
"... a plasma formation by which a plasma
—in the physical meaning of this word—
protects itself from the environment.
It is analogous to a cell wall by which a plasma
—in the biological meaning of this word—
protects itself from the environment."
In an Electric Universe, there is another mechanism for cosmic ray acceleration and that is the "exploding" double layer, first described by Irving Langmuir in 1929.
電気宇宙には宇宙線加速の別のメカニズムがあり、それは 1929 年にアーヴィング ラングミュアによって最初に説明された「爆発する」電気二重層です。
A double layer forms in plasma when electric current flows through it.
At times, a double layer might interrupt current flow in the circuit, causing a catastrophic rise in voltage across it.
The powerful energy release of the exploding double layer is sometimes observed in power transmission switchyards when a circuit breaker is opened incorrectly.
Electric forces accelerate charged particles with energies of 10^20 electron volts or more.
電気力は、10^20 電子ボルト以上のエネルギーを持つ荷電粒子を加速します。
Laboratory experiments with particle accelerators confirm the observation.
For mechanical shock waves to achieve that power would mean explosive detonations exceeding the most powerful supernovae ever recorded.
Stephen Smith