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ザ・サンダーボルツ勝手連 Where the Long Shadows Fall  長い影の落ちる場所

Nov 03, 2010
Wall-like formations in Saturn's rings could be due to electromagnetic effects. 
A recent press release argues that Saturn's rings could behave like spiral galaxies. 

The same forces that create galactic "arms" might be responsible for the unusual features that have been seen rising vertically from the gas giant's ring plane, as well as for the oscillations in the B ring.

According to Carolyn Porco of NASA's Cassini-Equinox mission team: 
"We have found what we hoped we'd find when we set out on this journey with Cassini nearly 13 years ago: 
visibility into the mechanisms that have sculpted not only Saturn's rings, but celestial disks of a far grander scale, from solar systems, like our own, all the way to the giant spiral galaxies."
NASAカッシーニ – エクイノックス(春分)・ミッション チームの キャロリン・ポルコによると:

Cassini has been in orbit around Saturn since July 1, 2004. 
カッシーニは、2004 年 7 月 1 日から土星を周回しています。

On August 11, 2009 the spacecraft was in position to observe the giant planet's equinox, when its rings turned edge-on to the Sun, something that happens every 15 years. 
2009 年 8 月 11 日、探査機は巨大惑星の分点を観測する位置にありました、そのとき、その輪は太陽に向かって真横に向きを変えました、これは 15 年ごとに起こる現象です。

During that phase, several complex configurations were seen within the rings: so-called "propellors," ridges, and waves rising up as high as four kilometers. 
その段階では、リング内にいくつかの複雑な構成が見られました。いわゆる「プロペラ」、尾根、高さ 4 km にも及ぶ波です。

Since the rings had been long thought to be about twenty meters thick, anomalous meta-stable shapes of such dimension were a complete surprise to mission specialists.
リングは長い間、厚さ約 20 メートルと考えられていたため、そのような寸法の異常な準安定形状は、ミッションの専門家にとって完全な驚きでした。

How do clumps, undulations, and ridges form? Researchers suggest collisions and shock waves initiate the resonant vibrations. 
塊、うねり、尾根はどのように形成されますか? 研究者は、衝突と衝撃波が共鳴振動を開始することを示唆しています。

Gravitational attraction from so-called "shepherd moons" is said to be an additional source of influence. 

Small moons, such as Daphnis, do move up and down through the ring plane, affecting the motion of ring particles.

However, a far stronger force than gravity is neglected in their speculations: Saturn's rings and moons are electrically charged objects moving within its vast plasmasphere. Instabilities inherent in that system probably contribute to the formation of the perpendicular features.

The effect of shepherd moons is not like a wind. 

Gravitational torque is not seen acting on a cloud of fine particles. 

Instead, sine waves, perpendicular "braids," and cylindrical arcs are seen. 

Some are multiply woven, like those in the remote F ring. 

In fact, NASA scientists now think that the observed oscillations in the B ring are not caused by moons or any other body. Instead, "unforced 'free' waves grow on their own and then reflect back again at the edge."
実際、NASA の科学者は現在、観測されたB環の振動は月や他の天体によって引き起こされたものではないと考えています。 代わりに、「強制されていない「自由な」波が自然に成長し、エッジで再び反射します。」

Those waveforms are also thought to exist within spiral galaxies. 

So-called "density wave theory" was designed to explain how mass variations within a galaxy, along with tidal forces from other galaxies, can induce ordered structure like spiral arms. 

Although those motions can never be observed on the galactic scale, only in computer simulations, it is assumed that a small-scale version is occurring in Saturn's rings.

Important factors are not considered in this theory. 

Bodies immersed in plasma are not isolated, they are connected by circuits. 

Most of the time they are not in equilibrium because they are in unstable conditions. 

The majority of them are moving across the plasma filaments that exist in the Solar System, in the plasmaspheres around planets, or in interstellar and intergalactic space. 

Currents in plasma contract into those filaments and the force between filaments is linear, so the electromagnetic fields created by them are the most powerful long-range attractors in the Universe, as well as short-range repulsors.

Those magnetic fields also trace out the spiral arms in galaxies because electric current flows through them, both from the intergalactic circuit feeding the galaxy and from the homopolar action of the galaxy itself. 

The magnetic fields exist because the spiral arms behave as large Birkeland current filaments.

Since, like a galaxy, Saturn's ring plane possesses a magnetic field, diocotron instabilities might occur in the same fashion as seen in NGC 3646, for example. 
銀河のように、土星の環面は磁場を持っているため、たとえば、NGC 3646で見られるのと同じようにジオコトロン不安定性が発生する可能性があります。

It is in this way that Saturn and galaxies relate.

Stephen Smith 