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[The Thunderbolts Project,Japan Division] エレクトリックユニバース  電気的宇宙論、プラズマ宇宙物理学、 電気的観察物理学、解説、翻訳、 深津 孝明

ザ・サンダーボルツ勝手連 Worthy to be Admired 称賛に値する

Jan 04, 2010
What force deformed this small moon?

The gas giant planet Uranus is lying on its side, along with its moons and rings. 

Instead of Uranus orbiting the Sun with its equator in the plane of the ecliptic, its axis is offset from the vertical by 97°. 
天王星は、黄道面に赤道を置いて太陽を周回する代わりに、その軸は垂直線から 97° ずれています。

There are a few tiny moons that revolve around Uranus in the plane of the ecliptic, circling from pole to pole, but they are moving in a retrograde orbit. 

It is not known why this is so. 

Planetary scientists think it is because they were "captured" by Uranus. 

It is not an unreasonable hypothesis.

Recently, a current sheet was found connecting Uranus with its moon Miranda, revealing an electric circuit within the Uranian system. 

In fact, the magnetosphere of Uranus is wide enough to encompass its entire system of moons in an electric field.

Miranda is the most heavily contorted of all the moons in the Solar System. 

It is so damaged that many scientists once thought it had been virtually destroyed more than once in its history

Some speculations suggested that it had been blasted apart and gravitationally reassembled five times or more. 

A major problem with that theory, and the one that caused investigators to finally dismiss it, is how Miranda could remain in its circular orbit after being blown apart multiple times.

Another hypothesis proposed that Miranda's icy surface melted and refroze repeatedly, obliterating craters and forming the giant cliffs that rise more than 14 kilometers high in some places. 
別の仮説は、ミランダの氷の表面が繰り返し溶けて再凍結し、クレーターを消し去り、場所によっては 14 キロメートル以上の高さの巨大な崖を形成したというものです。

Since it is so cold on Miranda at -187 Celsius, one wonders where the energy came from that produced heat sufficient to melt megatons of ice.

A computer generated flyover of Miranda shows how deeply carved it is. 

Canyons and ridges dominate its surface, with several large craters. 

One such crater is almost 25 kilometers in diameter. 
そのようなクレーターの 1 つは、直径がほぼ 25 キロメートルです。

Miranda itself is only 472 kilometers in diameter, so the crater's large size is somewhat of an anomaly.
ミランダ自体は直径 472 キロメートルしかないため、クレーターの大きさはやや異常です。

In an Electric Universe, electric forces create planets and moons and circularize their orbits. 
エレクトリック ユニバースでは、電気力が惑星と月衛星を作成し、それらの軌道を円状にします。

One result of those creative forces is electric discharges that scar and gouge their surfaces with ridges and rilles. 
これらの創造的な力の結果の 1 つは放電であり、表面に隆起や溝が刻まれています。

The plasma arcs make craters in some areas and not in others, so there is no need for many events. 
プラズマ アークによってクレーターができる場所とできない場所があるため、多くのイベントが発生する必要はありません。

It is possible that all the features on Miranda were generated in a single episode.
ミランダのすべての特徴が 1 つのエピソードで生成された可能性があります。

There has only been one visit to Miranda, and that was more than 20 years ago. 
ミランダを訪れたのは 1 回だけで、それは 20 年以上前のことです。

The New Horizons spacecraft will cross the orbit of Uranus on March 18, 2011.
ニューホライズンズ宇宙船は、2011 年 3 月 18 日に天王星の軌道を横切ります。

Unfortunately, it will not have a view of any moons. 

Both consensus science and Electric Universe advocates will have to wait for quite some time before more in situ observations can be made.
コンセンサス科学とエレクトリック ユニバースの支持者は、その場での観察ができるようになるまで、かなりの時間を待たなければなりません。

Stephen Smith