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[The Thunderbolts Project,Japan Division] エレクトリックユニバース  電気的宇宙論、プラズマ宇宙物理学、 電気的観察物理学、解説、翻訳、 深津 孝明

ザ・サンダーボルツ勝手連 Galactic Thunderbolts ギャラクティック・サンダーボルト


タランチュラ星雲 (左と中央)。 星団 R136 (右)。

Jan 10, 2011
Consensus astronomers look at individual points of light and discover the most massive stars. Electric Universe observers look at the entire complex of filaments and discover the characteristic features of a galactic thunderbolt. 
コンセンサス天文学者は、個々の光点を見て、最も大きな恒星を発見します。 電気的宇宙の観測者は、フィラメントの複合体全体を見て、銀河の落雷の特徴を発見します。

“Mass” astronomy posits a relationship between mass and luminosity.

 By observing a double star system in the cluster shown at the top of the page, astronomers were able to calculate a baseline for the relationship and extrapolate the masses of brighter stars. 

They found some that were nearly twice as massive as they had thought possible. 

Although, since theories are often adjusted to explain any observation, failures of expectations cannot be equated with falsifications of theory.

Plasma astronomy posits a relationship between electrical stress and luminosity. 

Gravity, and consequently mass, is a weak manifestation of electrical stress. 

In regions that are relatively insulated from the primary effects of electricity (within stellar sheaths, such as the Sun’s heliosphere), gravity will largely determine orbital motions.
電気の主な影響から比較的隔離されている領域 (太陽の太陽圏などの恒星鞘内) では、重力が主に軌道運動を決定します。

However, the mass that is calculated from analysis of the orbits is a result of the charge contained, not of the quantity of matter as is commonly assumed. 

In an Electric Universe, there are no maximum or minimum sizes for stars.

The objects of interest to plasma astronomers are the helical filaments that give the regions around the clusters their characteristic electrical structure. 

In the far view (left), arcs of parallel filaments appear to wind around kinked tubes that converge on the cluster, evidence for large plasma discharge channels.
遠景 (左) では、平行なフィラメントの弧が、クラスターに収束するよじれたチューブの周りに巻き付いているように見えます、これは、大きなプラズマ放電チャネルの証拠です。

Where channels intersect (center view), the stress increases. 
チャネルが交差する場所 (中央の図) では、このストレス(応力)が増加します。

Bubbles form (exploding double layers, similar to coronal mass ejections), secondary discharges are induced, and instabilities pinch plasma into stars. 

The observed large outflow of material, mischaracterized as mass (and misnamed “wind”), is the electrical current flow coursing through the region like a galactic lightning bolt.
観測された物質の大規模な流出は、質量として誤って特徴付けられ (そして「風」と誤って名付けられました)、銀河の稲妻のような領域を流れる電流の流れです。

Instead of a random scattering of gravitationally collapsing clouds shaped by hot winds, these regions are unitary plasma discharge formations better called galactic thunderbolts.

Mel Acheson