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[The Thunderbolts Project,Japan Division] エレクトリックユニバース  電気的宇宙論、プラズマ宇宙物理学、 電気的観察物理学、解説、翻訳、 深津 孝明

Magnetic Questions 磁気的疑問


Imagined mechanical magnetism (left) vs. lab electrical magnetism (right).
Credit (left): NASA/CXC/M.Weiss; (right) unknown.
想像上の機械的磁気 (左) と実験室の電気的磁気 (右)。
Oct 20, 2010
Astronomers recently discovered a star emitting bursts of X-ray and gamma-ray radiation: 
a magnetar. 
天文学者は最近、X 線とガンマ線放射のバーストを放出する星を発見しました:

However, it wasn’t slowing down: 
not a magnetar. 

It was another anomaly that would somehow have to be squeezed into the box of consensus science. 
Sporadic bursts of X-ray and gamma-ray radiation were superimposed on a regular X-ray oscillation of 9.1 seconds. 

After the bursts, the intensity decreased as expected, but the oscillation period did not. 

If the period is a reflection of the star’s rotation (and what else could it be.), a burst of radiation and particles will carry rotational energy away, causing the star to slow down.
周期が恒星の自転を反映している場合 (その他の可能性もあります)、放射と粒子のバーストが回転エネルギーを運び去り、この恒星の速度が低下します。

Since the star didn’t slow down, the magnetic field must be weaker than normal. 

But then, as the press release puzzles, “where does the energy come from to power bursts and the persistent X-ray emission”?

They’re asking the right questions. 

However, they’ve limited answers to the pocket lexicon that came with the gravity-in-a-box wind-up science toy from a couple of centuries ago. 

They propose a winding up of internal magnetic field lines that unwind at the surface and heat or accelerate particles.

Imaginary lines may, like iron filings, help in visualizing the magnetic field around a bar magnet. 

When used to visualize a fluctuating magnetic field, the metaphor sends all the wrong signals.

First in importance is that it obscures the origin of the field in an electric current. 

Adding “electricity” to the lexicon opens answers to the possibility of lab-testable explanations: 
X-ray oscillations can be generated with the electrical properties of inductance, capacitance, and resistance found in ordinary stellar plasma.

X-ray and gamma-ray bursts can be generated from exploding double layers in a plasma discharge. 
X 線バーストとガンマ線バーストは、プラズマ放電で二重層が爆発することで発生する可能性があります。

Recourse to “spooky neutronium” and mechanical over-twisting of reified field lines is unnecessary. 

The “particles” that are heated and accelerated can be understood simply as charge carriers in a star-sized Birkeland current.

Mel Acheson