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[The Thunderbolts Project,Japan Division] エレクトリックユニバース  電気的宇宙論、プラズマ宇宙物理学、 電気的観察物理学、解説、翻訳、 深津 孝明

Cosmic Capacitors 宇宙コンデンサ

May 13, 2010
Capacitors store and release electric current. Could phenomena at disparate scales conform to that principle?
コンデンサは電流を蓄えたり放出したりします。 異なるスケールの現象は、その原則に適合するでしょうか?
Previous Picture of the Day articles have discussed the electric field that builds up in and around thunderstorms. 
Since Earth is electrically charged, it maintains an electric field at its surface of between 50 and 200 volts per meter. 
地球は電気を帯びているため、その表面には 1 メートルあたり 50 ~ 200 ボルトの電界が維持されます。

In other words, for every meter of altitude the voltage increases by that measure.
つまり、高度が 1 メートル上がるごとに、電圧はその分だけ増加します。

Electromagnetic fields beneath thunderstorms increase to 10,000 volts per meter because the storms and the Earth act like the plates of a capacitor, storing electrical energy from the surrounding environment. 
雷雨嵐の下の電磁界は、1 メートルあたり 10,000 ボルトに増加します。これは、嵐と地球がコンデンサーのプレートのように機能し、周囲の環境から電気エネルギーを蓄えるためです。

A "wind" of charged particles blows toward the developing storm, which could be construed as an electric current flowing into the base of the clouds. 

The surrounding air is pulled along with the current flow, creating powerful updrafts that can occasionally rise into the stratosphere. 

Once the storm reaches a critical threshold, the stored energy is released as a lightning bolt.

According to a recent press release, thunderstorms act like "particle accelerators," launching massive discharges upward to space, as well as downward to ground. 

Known as red sprites and blue jets, they are not easy to detect since they last just a few milliseconds and are at high altitude.

Red sprites are massive, diffuse flashes above active thunderstorms, coinciding with normal lightning strokes. 

They can be single events, or multiple, with filaments above and below, often extending to altitudes close to 100 kilometers. 
それらは単一のイベントまたは複数のイベントであり、上下にフィラメントがあり、多くの場合 100 キロメートル近くの高度まで伸びています。

Some of the largest sprites contain dozens of individual smaller sprites, covering horizontal distances of 50 kilometers, with a volume of 10,000 cubic kilometers.
最大のスプライトの中には、10,000 立方キロメートルの体積で、50 キロメートルの水平距離をカバーする数十の個々の小さなスプライトが含まれています。

Blue jets are distinct from sprites, since they propagate upward in narrow cones that disappear at an altitude of about 50 kilometers. 
ブルー ジェットは、約 50 キロメートルの高度で消える狭い円錐形で上向きに伝播するため、スプライトとは異なります。

They are also more powerful because the electric discharges are confined within a smaller spatial volume. 

Geophysicists are beginning to realize that sprites and jets are part of every moderate to large storm system and are an essential component in Earth's electric circuit.

It has been proposed by Electric Universe theorists that what is observed on other planets, within galaxies, or in free space should be used as examples of what can occur on Earth, as opposed to using our planet to model the Universe
これは、エレクトリック ユニバース理論家によって提案されています、私たちの惑星を使って宇宙をモデル化するのではなく、他の惑星、銀河内、または自由空間で観察されることは、地球上で起こり得ることの例として使用されるべきです。

We are part of a cosmic "ecology" that maintains a coherent physical aspect, so that aspect ought to apply here. 

Therefore, what takes place in thunderstorms on Earth is most likely a smaller version of large scale phenomena.

The European Space Agency's (ESA) International Gamma-Ray Astrophysics Laboratory (INTEGRAL), was launched from the Baikanor Cosmodrome on October 17, 2002. 
欧州宇宙機関 (ESA) の国際ガンマ線天体物理学研究所 (INTEGRAL) は、2002 年 10 月 17 日にバイカノール宇宙基地から打ち上げられました。

It is the first space-based observatory that can be used to simultaneously study objects in gamma ray, X-ray, and visible light. 
これは、ガンマ線、X 線、および可視光で物体を同時に研究するために使用できる最初の宇宙ベースの天文台です。

One of INTEGRAL's major finds was the observation in 2008 of an extreme X-ray source from the center of the Ophiuchus galaxy cluster.
INTEGRAL の主要な発見の 1 つは、へびつかい座銀河団の中心からの極端な X 線源の 2008 年の観測でした。

As a press release from the period states, the X-ray emissions are far too intense to be generated from hot gas in the cluster, so "shockwaves must be rippling through the gas." 
この期間のプレス リリースでは、X 線放射はクラスター内の高温ガスから生成するには強度が高すぎるため、「衝撃波がガスを通り抜けているに違いない」と述べています。

ESA astrophysicists, faced with such an anomaly, suggested that the shockwaves had "turned the galaxy into a giant particle accelerator."
このような異常に直面した ESA の天体物理学者は、衝撃波が「銀河を巨大な粒子加速器に変えた」ことを示唆しました。

The temperature of gases in the cluster core has been measured at 100 million Kelvin. 

Researchers think that electrons accelerated by shockwaves traveling through the cluster gas generate the intense X-rays. 

The shockwaves are said to be created when two galaxy clusters "collide and merge."
衝撃波は、2 つの銀河団が「衝突して合体」するときに発生すると言われています。

By referring to material with a temperature of 100 million Kelvin as "hot gas," ESA scientists are highlighting their complete ignorance of plasma and its behavior. 
1 億ケルビンの温度を持つ物質を「高温ガス」と呼ぶことで、ESA の科学者はプラズマとその挙動について完全に無知であることを強調しています。

No atom can remain intact at such temperatures: 
electrons are stripped from the nuclei and powerful electric fields develop. 

The gaseous matter becomes plasma, capable of conducting electricity and forming double layers.

Nobel laureate Hannes Alfvén maintained that double layers are a unique celestial object, and that intense X-ray and gamma ray sources could be due to double layers "shorting out" and exploding. 

Double layers can accelerate charged particles up to enormous energies in a variety of frequencies, forming "plasma beams." 
二重層は、荷電粒子をさまざまな周波数で膨大なエネルギーまで加速し、「プラズマ ビーム」を形成します。

If the charge density becomes excessive, they explode, drawing electricity from the entire circuit and discharging more energy than was contained in the double layer.

Double layers dissipate when they accelerate particles and emit radiation, so they must be powered by external sources. 

Birkeland currents are theorized to transmit electric power over many light-years through space, perhaps over thousands of light-years, so they are most likely the power source for the extreme X-ray generator in Ophiuchus.
バークランド電流は、宇宙を何光年も、おそらく数千光年を超えて電力を伝送すると理論化されています、そのため、これらはへびつかい座の極端な X 線発生装置の電源である可能性が最も高いと考えられます。

In conclusion, so-called "particle accelerators" in thunderstorms and galaxy clusters are most likely manifestations of Birkeland currents pouring electricity into double layers. 

Sprites and jets exhibit filamentary structure, as does terrestrial lightning. 

Streamers of plasma can be seen flowing through galaxy clusters. 

In time, it may become evident that the scaleable nature of the plasma Universe reveals itself through electrical events both large and small.

Stephen Smith