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[The Thunderbolts Project,Japan Division] エレクトリックユニバース  電気的宇宙論、プラズマ宇宙物理学、 電気的観察物理学、解説、翻訳、 深津 孝明

ザ・サンダーボルツ勝手連   [Eye of the Storm, Part 2 嵐の目、パート2]

[Jupiter has an enormous electromagnetic field. 


 If we could see it with the naked eye, it would appear larger than the Moon. 


 [The Electric Winds of Jupiter 木星の電気的風 

By Andrew Hall ] 

 Jupiter is our largest neighbor and generates the largest electromagnetic field in the Solar System except for the Sun. 


 It has a thick, turbulent atmosphere with swirling storms producing winds of supersonic speed, and lightning arcs that dwarf the puny sparks we have on Earth. 


 Thus immediately, we see attributes of electrical processes like the processes we are exploring in Earth’s primordial past. 


 Nothing exemplifies the electrical nature of Jupiter more than its bands of counter-flowing winds and the giant swirl known as The Great Red Spot. 


Alternate bands of wind circulate the planet in opposite directions, producing amazing transient whirlwinds, and the inexplicably stationary Great Red Spot. 


[It’s just plain spooky. Notice the winds just above the oval eye split in two directions! 

 それは、ただ不気味です。 楕円形の目の真上にある風が2つの方向に分かれていることに注目してください!]

Electric winds occur when an electric field potential exists that motivates ionic species in the air to move. 

Positive ionic species are drawn in one direction, and negative ions and free electrons are drawn in the opposite direction, as dictated by the polarity of the electric field. 

 The ions may be only a small percentage of the bulk mass of air, but electrically they form a current 
 — moving charge 
 — that will drag neutral molecules with it. 
—移動する電荷 として
— それは中性分子をそれに引きずり込むでしょう。 

 These opposing motions produce uni-polar winds

 A positive wind from one direction and a negative wind from the other attracted to or pushed away from the “electrodes” in the circuit. 

If the wind occurs in the atmosphere surrounding a planet, the winds will circumnavigate the globe in alternating bands in a direction transverse to the magnetic polarity of the planet. 

This is the effect on display in Jupiter’s atmosphere as well as other planets in our Solar system with strong electric fields. 

The “electrodes” are nodal regions where current flows through the planet’s atmospheric sheath and crust. 

 That is why they appear at certain latitudes. 

Uni-polar winds mix in whirlwinds at these “electrodes.” 

 The mixing of ions results in a plasma, where, with much condensation, violent arcing, and swirling, they electrically adhere to form molecular bonds and precipitate. 

 This is what is known as a storm. 

 The primary electrodes in a planetary circuit are around the magnetic poles, and the evidence of the electric field strength is in the glow-mode currents called aurora. 

[Aurora provide visual evidence of electric currents coursing through Earth’s atmosphere. 

Another type of “electrode” is an accumulation of charge density from a volcanic eruption, where discharges internal to the crust expel huge volumes of charged pyroclastic dust into the atmosphere and spread hot magma across the land. 


Another “electrode” is produced where the planet’s electromagnetic field produces regions of high flux from cosmic rays, driven by stellar winds or perhaps some other motivating force. 

 Charged particles spiral down magnetic lines of flux and charge the crustal surface, creating electrode spots. 


In every case, discharge follows the geometry of a plasmoid Earth, where the “Blue Marble” we live on is just a bubble, or drop of matter encapsulated in an electric circuit. 

 The plasmoid circuit is what matters 
— what controls everything 
— and it flows through the atmosphere and crust to create the capacitance that motivates weather, earthquakes, and volcanoes. 

Uni-polar winds are drawn to the electrode spots like water flows to an open drain. 

Only a solid crustal surface provides no hole to sink into. 

The winds are constrained by the vacuum of space above and the solid crust (or ocean) below. 

They circulate in induced vortex currents to mix in a plasma storm, recombining charged species into neutral matter that rains to the surface

Storms are evidence of currents induced by capacitance in the layers of atmosphere and crust of the planet. 

It does not matter if it is Earth, Jupiter, or an exo-planet yet to be discovered. 

A planet with an active electromagnetic field will form a spherical layer of capacitance in its atmosphere and crust through which loops of magnetic flux will induce ring currents to flow transversely through the layers. 

[Earth’s currents have many loops passing through the atmosphere and crust producing ring currents. 地球の電流には、大気と地殻を通過する多くのループがあり、リング(環)電流を生成します。] 

 A ring current is the simplest form of circuit. 

In Nature, where there are no insulated wires to guide current flow, ring currents form naturally. 電流の流れを導く絶縁電線がない自然界では、リング電流が自然に形成されます。 

 Unlike a Birkeland current in space, where current flows from one body to another along the electric field between them, a ring current simply circulates on itself. 

 Ring currents rule the universe 
 — not gravity. 

 It’s because magnetic fields are closed fields 
— they form closed loops between poles, and magnetic flux induces current to flow along these loops 
— the induced current follows to form ring currents. 

 Nature can’t stop itself forming ring currents. 

 They exist at the atomic level, the molecular level, the planetary level, the stellar level, and the galactic level of our cosmos. 



「Model simulation of molecular level ring currents inside a benzene ring. ベンゼン環内の分子レベルの環電流のモデルシミュレーション。」


[Current is induced along magnetic field lines. 

 Because Earth’s ring currents have no end, they are infinitely long conductors that induce current from the Solar Wind. 

 Because they are infinitely long, there is no limit to the current they can induce. 

 The currents form a winding, that, like a transformer inside the Earth, raises potential in the circuit. 

 The result is an internal electric field in opposition to the ambient electric field of the Solar System. 

 Earth’s crust and atmosphere is the ‘almost’ neutral boundary 
 — the dielectric plates between the internal and external fields that seek a charge balance. 

 Any change in the external electric field causes a response internally, because the internal electric field acts like a mirror, reflecting a feedback response. 

 The mirroring effect is caused by capacitance because if charge builds on one plate of a capacitor, the other plate responds by building an equal and opposite charge. 

 So change takes place both internally and externally, and the neutral balance between 
 — where we live 
 — is disrupted, until the internal and external fields come back to equilibrium. 
—私たちが住んでいる場所の、 ニュートラルバランスは、 

 Of course, there is never an equilibrium. 

Because Earth is a sphere, each capacitor plate of the sphere has a bigger area, as a function of radius, so there can never be two layers with equal charge density across equal areas. 

 Layers of earth and atmosphere are always building charge and discharging. 
It is physically impossible not to. 

This is the wisdom of the ancients, which today we confuse with mysticism: 
 “As above, so below” has a simple, classical scientific meaning. 

 It refers to the capacitance in Earth’s circuit and the feedback (or reflection) inside the Earth caused by whatever is going on in the Solar System. 

 To see this in action, one need only look at the extremely intense current loops that form on the Sun. 

 These are called coronal loops and are produced by the same kind of capacitance in the circuitry that causes weather on Jupiter and Earth. 

 The difference isn’t in the circuitry, the difference is the plasma state the atmospheres are in. 

 The Sun is almost completely ionized, whereas Earth and Jupiter have partial plasma atmospheres. 

 The ionized atmosphere of the sun produces ray-gun like currents, whereas partial plasma atmospheres like Earth and Jupiter produce more diffuse hydrodynamic currents we see as wind and clouds. 


「Coronal Loops are current discharges along magnetic field lines. 

 The rings are currents of excess charge the solar circuit is shedding. 

 As in the Sun, the interior Earth layers have less area, so as charge accumulates by induction, it develops greater charge density in the ground and must shed current outward through the atmosphere. 

 In a storm on Earth, the ambient electric field reverses, from a 200 kV “clear weather” current flowing outward, to a 500 MV current aimed at the ground. 

 The Earth beneath a storm becomes positive to a negative sky, as accumulated charge finds a path to discharge. 

 Ring currents also produce a magnetic field inside them that is stronger than the magnetic field outside. 
 The geometry of a ring causes magnetic flux to disperse in a greater area outside of the ring than inside. 

 Therefore, there is a stronger magnetic flux inside the loop that induces a secondary current flow, perpendicular to the coronal loop. 

 Current flows through the atmosphere and crust both in the vertical columns of the loops and horizontally in current induced by the loops. 

 These currents travel through layers of atmosphere and Earth’s crust. 

 「Magnetic field of an induction coil. 

 Another property of ring currents is very strange and counter-intuitive. 

 When we look at a ring current generated in a looped wire with a battery 
 — generating, say, one amp, any two points in the loop will measure a current of one amp.

 But if we generate the same amount of current in the wire by induction, by passing a magnet through the ring, the current at any two points may be different, even though the sum of all current in the wire still adds to one amp. 

 The induced current may be different where the wire’s contact with the magnetic field is weaker, but elsewhere in the ring the magnetic field will be diametrically stronger and generate current that makes up the difference. 

 The result is that current density may form in one part of the ring and not in another, or one part of the ring may even flow backwards 
 — a current of opposite polarity. 

 Coronal loops on the Sun display this. 

 NASA imagery shows plasma bolides shooting through rings at varying speeds and sometimes reversing direction. 

 On Earth, current rings formed by the geomagnetic field also display this inductive behavior, developing a severe storm at one leg while doing nothing at the other. 

 It also allows direct current inputs from induction to become alternating currents, as currents in a ring will oscillate as charge stores and discharges in the capacitance of the system. 


「Ring currents form along Earth’s magnetic field lines. Secondary current is induced through and around loops where they pass through layers of the atmosphere. 
リングカレント(環電流)は、地球の磁力線に沿って形成されます。 二次電流は、ループを通過して大気の層を通過するループの周囲に誘導されます。」



「Currents in the atmosphere induce currents in the ground along magnetic field lines. 



「Induced current patterns Earth’s surface with regions of varying electric potential. 



[Ring currents – coronal loops – govern weather patterns across the globe. 

 Weather forms where currents pass through the atmosphere and crust. 

 A whirlpool of mixing plasma forms storms where current draws-up channels of air and positively charge ions. 

 Coronal loops generate winds as ionic matter follows electric fields, dragging bulk air mass with it. 

 Ultimately, the winds form jet-streams that must thread in three dimensions through the inflow/outflow, updraft/downdraft regions formed by coronal loops, like rope wound into a knot. 




If you look at the last image of an electromagnetic wave in a double layer, you can see, first, how a double layer of charge 
— a capacitor 
 — will produce waves of electromagnetic peak and trough, like a rogue wave on the ocean. 
電気二重層の電磁波の最後の画像を見ると、あなたは、最初に、見ることができます どのように電荷の二重層 

 If one also includes spherical geometry, as in the capacitance of planetary circuits, then it becomes simple deduction that the geometry results in higher charge concentration inside Earth than outside and will produce these kinds of waves

 It cannot “physics-wise” be otherwise. 

 So waves like this form naturally, consistently, and unavoidably. 

 And that results in ring currents 
 — coronal loops, magnetic field lines inducing current 
 — call it what you like. 

 It’s electric. 

 In Part 3 we’ll see how ring currents produce storms on Jupiter and Earth and how they progress in fractal elements from a common thunderstorm to The Great Red Spot on Jupiter. 

 Additional Resources by Andrew Hall: YouTube Playlists through 4-2022: Andrew Hall — EU Geology and Weather Andrew Hall — Eye of the Storm Episodes (13) Surface Conductive Faults | Thunderblog Arc Blast — Part One | Thunderblog Arc Blast — Part Two | Thunderblog Arc Blast — Part Three | Thunderblog The Monocline | Thunderblog The Maars of Pinacate, Part One | Thunderblog The Maars of Pinacate, Part Two | Thunderblog Nature’s Electrode | Thunderblog The Summer Thermopile | Thunderblog Tornado — The Electric Model | Thunderblog Lightning-Scarred Earth, Part 1 | Thunderblog Lightning-Scarred Earth, Part 2 | Thunderblog Sputtering Canyons, Part 1 | Thunderblog Sputtering Canyons, Part 2 | Thunderblog Sputtering Canyons, Part 3 | Thunderblog Eye of the Storm, Part 1 | Thunderblog


Andrew Hall is a natural philosopher, engineer, and writer. A graduate of the University of Arizona’s Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering College, he spent thirty years in the energy industry. He has designed, consulted, managed and directed the construction and operation of over two and a half gigawatts of power generation and transmission, including solar, gasification, and natural gas power systems. From his home in Arizona, he explores the mountains, canyons, volcanoes, and deserts of the American Southwest to understand and rewrite an interpretation of Earth’s form in its proper electrical context. Andrew was a speaker at the EU2016 and EU2017 conferences. He can be reached at hallad1257@gmail.com or thedailyplasma.blog 
アンドリュー・ホールは自然哲学者、エンジニア、作家です。アリゾナ大学の航空宇宙機械工学大学を卒業し、エネルギー業界で30年間過ごしました。彼は、太陽光、ガス化、天然ガス発電システムを含む2.5ギガワット以上の発電および送電の建設と運用を設計、コンサルティング、管理、および指揮してきました。アリゾナ州の自宅から、アメリカ南西部の山々、渓谷、火山、砂漠を探索し、地球の形の解釈を適切な電気的文脈で理解し、書き直します。アンドリューは、EU2016年およびEU2017年の会議で講演しました。 彼は hallad1257@gmail.com または thedailyplasma.blog で連絡を取ることができます 

 The proposed theories are the sole ideas of the author, as a result of observation, experience in shock and hydrodynamic effects, and deductive reasoning. The author makes no claims that this method is the only way mountains or other geological features are created. The ideas expressed in Thunderblogs do not necessarily express the views of T-Bolts Group Inc or The Thunderbolts ProjectTM. 

提案された理論は、観察、衝撃および流体力学的効果の経験、および演繹的推論の結果として、著者の唯一のアイデアである。著者は、この方法が山やその他の地質学的特徴が作られる唯一の方法であると主張していません。 Thunderblogsで表明されたアイデアは、必ずしもT-Bolts Group IncまたはThe Thunderbolts ProjectTMの見解を表現しているわけではありません。